Talbot's House

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TALBOT’S Living at

Talbot’s House


Above: Talbot’s Houseparents, Mr and Mrs Wise
Left: The house



Housemaster: Mr Ross Wise

T: 01234 362237

E: rwise@bedfordschool.org.uk

Assistant Housemaster (AHM)

Mr Ben Jones E: bjones@bedfordschool.org.uk

Visiting Tutors

Miss Danielle Boughey E: dboughey@bedfordschool.org.uk

Mr David Dodgson E: ddodgson@bedfordschool.org.uk


Mrs Amanda Andrews (Mon-Fri AM), Ms Vanessa Hakesely (Mon-Fri PM), Mrs Mary Garnham (Sat) and Mrs Jan Naylor (Sun).

T: 01234 362238 (between 08:15 and 18:30)

E: talbotsmatron@bedfordschool.org.uk


When the AHM is on duty, he is responsible for the boys between 22:50 and 08:15. Otherwise, the Housemaster has responsibility for the boys between 22:50 and 08:15. The Housemaster is on duty two out of every three weekends and the Assistant Housemaster is on duty one out of every three weekends.

Monday: Miss Boughey

Tuesday: Mr Jones

Wednesday: Mr Dodgson

Thursday: Mr Jones

Friday: Mr Wise

Weekend: Housemaster or AHM


The boys

House Ethos

“We Value Everyone”

This is the core of the culture in Talbot’s. Therefore, all members of the house team aim to deliver outstanding care for each boy in their ‘home away from home’. We expect all members of the house community to live in the same way by giving each other respect and helping to create a safe and happy environment to live in. An extension of this culture is that we want all boys to aspire to be all they can, grow in character and thrive. As such, we encourage all young men in Talbot’s to:

“Shoulder Responsibility, Pursue Challenge and Be an Inspiration”


Daily Routines


07:00 Wake-up.

07:45 Roll call and Housemaster’s Business. Go to breakfast, then return to house to prepare for the day

08:15 Surgery with Matron. Hand-over from Housemaster/AHM to Matron, passing on any relevant info regarding boys’ health issues.

08:30 Boys at school. Any boys who are unwell are taken care of in-house. Boys taken ill while at school are fielded by the medical centre first, before returning to Talbot’s.

11:00 Boys may return to the house during morning break (15mins).

13:00 - 13:45 Boys in the house to relax (if desired) at lunchtime.

14:00 - 16:15 Afternoon activities (lessons or sport). Some boys will be in the house during this time, cared for by Matron.

16:15 - 18:00 After school activities. Boys enjoy free time.

17:30 - 18:30 All boys go to dinner in the dining hall.

18:15 - 18:30 Official hand-over by Matron to Housemaster/AHM when issues from the day are covered. House covered by Housemaster/AHM. Boys have free time once they return from dinner.

18:30 Official handover by Housemaster to Tutor.

18:.45 House Roll call and meeting.

19:00 Prep. Prep and other activities are supervised by Tutor/Housemaster.

20:00 - 20:15 Break. Suppers are given out.

20:15 - 21:00 Prep.

21:.00 Free time.

21:45 - 22:30 Bedtimes are staggered as per house rules. All boys have fair access to bathrooms. Staff are responsible for ensuring boys go to bed on time.

22:30 Visiting tutors hand over to Housemaster / AHM who is responsible throughout the night.

22:30 - 07:15 Housemaster / AHM ensure the house is quiet and secure and that all is well before retiring.



07:00 Wake-up.

07:45 Roll call and Housemaster’s Business. Go to breakfast, then return to the House.

08:30 - 12.20 Boys at school for Saturday morning lessons. House manned by Matron.

12.20 - 13:00 Free time. Lunch at school.

13:00 - 18:00 Most boys are involved in sport.

17:30 - 18.00 Dinner in the dining hall. Boys in the house are cared for by Housemaster or AHM. There are two roll calls at 19:00 and 21:00. Boys going out for the evening return through the Housemaster’s/AHM’s front door. All are checked in and out carefully.

21:00 House meeting.

22:15 - 23:00 Bedtimes.

23:00 - 08:30 Boys asleep. Housemaster or AHM ensure the house is secure and that all is well before retiring. (If AHM is on duty, he is responsible for the boys throughout the night).


09:00 Wake-up.

09:00 -09.45 Breakfast.

09:45 Free time, subject to the requirements of compulsory attendance at chapel - either morning or evening service.

10:00 Chapel (if morning service).

11:00 - 12.00 Roll call. Free time in the house.

12:30 - 13.15 All boys go to lunch in the dining hall.

13:15 - 17:30 Free time. Boys may sign out to visit friends, watch a film, etc.

17:30 - 18:00 Dinner in the dining hall followed by free time.

18:00 Boys assemble for Chapel (if evening service).

19:00 - 21:00 Free time.

21:00 House meeting. Suppers are given out. All returning weekly boarders to be back in the House, unless returning on Monday morning.

21:45 - 22:45 Bedtimes, as per weekdays.

22:45 Upper Sixth lights out. Housemaster / AHM retire once house is quiet.

23:00 - 07:30 Housemaster or AHM ensure the house is secure and that all is well before retiring. (If AHM is on duty, he is responsible for the boys throughout the night).

Talbot’s A to Z

Bed Linen

We provide mattress protectors, fitted sheets, pillows, pillowcases and duvets. The boys need to bring two duvet covers, which should be named. If a boy does not bring two duvet covers at the beginning of the year, we will provide them. Boys are encouraged to make their own beds every morning and strip their bedding for cleaning once a week.


These should be named, in good working order and boys must bring a good bicycle lock with them. All bicycles should be kept locked away in the house bike shed and not left unattended. We strongly advise boys to wear cycle helmets. The school bike policy must be read before bringing a bike to school.


All full boarders and any weekly or flexi boarders staying in the house at weekends attend chapel.


At the beginning of each term, please ensure that ALL property is clearly and permanently marked including: casual clothes, shoes and all clothes. All new clothes purchased during school holidays should be named before the boys return at the start of each term. If this is not possible, we may be able to do this back in the house but it would be very kind of you to do so as it would reduce the workload. Please provide name tapes although we can provide additional name tapes throughout the term, for which parents will be blue-billed. We hold ‘name and claim’ sessions periodically and any unclaimed property is given to charity.

The boys wear ‘casual/home clothes (jeans, sweaters and t-shirts, etc.) in the evenings and at weekends. Please ensure that all items can be washed on a normal 40° wash cycle and dried in tumble dryers. We can send blazers to the dry cleaners during holidays and the costs are blue-billed.


Common Room

The common rooms are available to all boys. There is a TV with Sky, Amazon Prime, Netflix, Disney+, Apple TV and BT Sport, and a DVD player is available for general use. All boys are encouraged to relax and enjoy the company of others.


The house provides several computers and printers to which everyone has access and these are linked to the school network. All boys are expected to use ICT facilities appropriately for school work and are bound by the school’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).

Boys can connect their own devices (laptops, tablets) to the school network via WiFi connection. Unfortunately, desktop PCs are not allowed in the house due to limitations on the electrical supply.

Days Out

If boys are invited out by local parents of day boys, we will confirm the arrangements with whoever has invited them out and we require written confirmation from both boys’ parents/guardians. We also need to

be advised of the times and modes of transport, and the addresses of where the boys will be staying at least two days in advance. Unless we have these written consents and details, the boys will not be allowed to leave the house. Full boarders who stay out on a Saturday night must return in time for chapel on Sunday.

Dress and Personal Hygiene

Boys are expected to follow the school rules applying to uniform and general appearance. Boys should not leave the house in home clothes before 16:15 on any weekdays, even during exam leave. Boys are expected to pay attention to their personal hygiene and shower or bathe daily.


All boys are given various responsibilities in helping the house to run efficiently. These are organised on a rota created by the Houseparents at the beginning of each term.

Electrical Items

All electrical products must conform to UK safety standards. Parents are asked to ensure that all electrical equipment is safe. The house has an annual electrical safety check and any


items that do not meet these standards are removed. Two pin and three pin adapters are not allowed, owing to the danger of overloading: only strip style adapters with two plugs can be used. We provide one of these for each boy with four sockets on it.

Owing to limitations on the electrical supply, boys are not allowed to bring items such as PCs, televisions, videos, DVD players, fridges and cooking appliances (including kettles), etc. The house provides these items for communal use.

End of Term

The house is closed during the school holidays. Boys should leave the house before 18:00 on the last day of term.

Boys have to take their belongings home at the end of each term. With the permission of the Housemaster, they may leave small quantities of personal belongings here if they are boxed up and named. International students may leave one case only.

Exeats and Half Terms

Houses will remain open over Exeat weekends for full boarders. Weekly and flexi boarders can board over Exeat weekends and an additional charge

will be made for this. There is of course no compulsion for full boarders to stay at school over Exeat weekends – they may return home to parents or stay with guardians.

Houses close at 18:00 on the last day of a half term and the end of term. Boys should return between 18:00 and 21:00 on the last day of a holiday.

In advance of the Exeat weekends, a half term and the end of a term, you will receive a request to complete an online Microsoft Form to confirm your son’s travel arrangements. It is essential that all overseas boys have a guardian who is based locally.

Fire Drill

We hold practice fire evacuations at least once a term, test the emergency lighting system monthly and fire detection system weekly.

Games Room

The games room offers facilities for pool and table tennis and a playstation. There are regular house competitions which everyone can enter.

House Activities

There are four very important dates near the end of each term in the Talbot’s House calendar; House Singing, Christmas Dinner, House Quiz and House BBQ. In House Singing, all boarding house members practise songs for an adrenaline-filled night where house pride is at stake. We can proudly declare that we have been winners of cups in recent years and hope to keep up the standard.

The House Quiz is another popular event at the end of Christmas term. Boys pit their brain power against each other in teams and the winning team is given a prize. Finally, House BBQ is during the Summer term when boys may relax after a hard year’s work. As well as the boys enjoying these events, we welcome parents to join us for House Singing, the Christmas carol service and the summer BBQ.

House Business

A member of staff is available for House Business between 07:45 and 08:15. Any paperwork (for example, signing leave of absence forms or town permission requests) can be done at this time.

House Inspection

We inspect the house regularly and it is expected that all rooms are kept tidy, clothes are put away neatly and beds are made. Weekly boarders are expected to tidy their areas before leaving the house on Saturday.

House Trips

The house organises trips from time to time. Possible activities include going to the theatre, go-karting and visiting local restaurants. Trip costs are added to the termly bill.

Internet Access

Internet activity is actively monitored and boys are expected to adhere to the school’s acceptable use policy.

Late Teas

If boys are away from school and miss school dinner due to a school fixture/ event and return late to the house, the Housemaster will provide a meal.

Leave of Absence

The Housemaster’s permission is required for the following:


• To be absent from any school meal

• To leave Bedford for any reason

• To be out of the house after 18:45 on any day. Boys must sign out at Housemaster’s Business each morning on the day, so that their absence is recorded in the day diary. This is especially important when boys are away for a sports fixture

• If boys are going to be late for whatever reason, they should phone the Housemaster or Matron on 01234 362238 to inform them. Boys are expected to know this telephone number and store it in their mobile phones

• Boys should sign out when they are to be out of the house between school activities and 18:45 and at any time on Saturdays and Sundays. A clear destination must be stated. If the Assistant Housemaster is on duty, boys must inform him when they leave and return. Boys require the permission of whoever is on duty to leave the house between 18:45 and bed time. Only Sixth Formers may leave the house after 21:00 and this is normally just for ten minute trips to the local shop. On Sundays all boys must return to the house by 21:00, except by prior agreement.

Lights Out

Year Group Upstairs Lights Out

Fourth Form 21:45 22:00

Remove Form 22:00 22:15

Fifth Form 22:15 22:30

Sixth Form 22:30 22:45

Boys in different year groups are expected to go upstairs to their room when it is time. They will have fifteen minutes to have a shower and brush their teeth so that they may be ready by ‘Lights Out’ time. Boys may work late for half an hour with permission from whoever is on duty. On Saturdays, ‘Lights Out’ is half an hour later.

Boys are expected to be asleep in bed after Lights Out and are not allowed to use torches, mobile phones, laptops, personal music players or any other device that may stop others from sleeping.

Meals and Kitchen

All boys should eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at school and they are expected to be on time for meals in the dining hall.


There are facilities for making tea, coffee and snacks in the house kitchen. Provisions such as bread, margarine, cheese, jam, chocolate spread, fruit, cordials and milk are available, and we provide a supper every evening at 21:00. Boys are required to wash up after themselves and keep their kitchen area clean and tidy. There is space in the boys’ fridge/freezer for storing food.

For health and safety reasons, all cooked food is to be prepared in the kitchen and eaten in the barn/kitchen. As well as this, all leftover food and packaging is to be disposed of in the kitchen bin. Out of date food is thrown away daily. We hold occasional barbecues and provide hot snacks on a weekly basis.

Medical Matters

Boys medical information must be kept up to date. If there are any changes, please ensure that the Housemaster is notified. The De Parys Medical Centre is the school’s medical practice and all boys are added to their patient list. All new boys are then given a medical examination during their first term. Matron should be notified of any allergies or medical conditions at the start of term.

Pupils must not bring medication or drugs into school for their personal use unless prescribed by a Doctor (and labelled in English) or with the knowledge of the medical centre. All medicines must be given to the house Matron who will discuss them with the medical centre and Housemaster. Pupils must not hold a supply of their own medication without an assessment of safety by the school Doctor or Senior Nurse.

The surgery is open between 08:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday, and can be opened on request at other times. Matrons are available throughout the day and boys are encouraged to visit surgery for a chat if they have any concerns at all. If a boy feels ill during school time, he must report to the medical centre in the first instance and should never simply return to the house.

If you do not wish your son to be given non-prescription medicines, please contact the Housemaster directly to discuss this with him.

Mobile Phones

Boys in the Fourth, Remove and Fifth Form hand their mobile phone and all other electronic devices in overnight,

every night of the week. These are returned to boys in the morning.


All boys with mobile phones need to register them with us at the start of year and inform us of any subsequent number changes. The payment scheme is between the boy and his parents.


Noise should be kept to a minimum, particularly in evenings when others will want to study. This applies especially to music.

Out of Bounds

The attic, boiler room, all roofs and the fire escapes (except during a fire practice and in an emergency) are all out of bounds.


who are away from home during term time

If parents/guardians intend to be away from home, either on holiday or business, during term time, we ask for a contact number and address for use in case of emergency.

Passports and Tickets

We ask all boys who have return air

tickets and passports to give them to us at the start of term and we safeguard these in the house safe. We return them to the boys at the end of term.

Pocket Money

Each boy should have a personal bank account. Parents and guardians can therefore pay any pocket money into this personal bank account so the boy can withdraw his money as required. Spending money is only available from the house in exceptional circumstances. There are local branches of HSBC, Santander, Barclays, Natwest, Nationwide, RBS, Lloyds and TSB in town.

All cash and debit cards must be locked away in the boy’s locker. Staff will remove any money left lying around in dorms and bedrooms, lock it away and make a note in the day book. The boy can then claim it later.

Rewards and Sanctions

Rewards in boarding houses

Houses have weekly meeting where positive behaviour and outcomes are awarded and recognised.

This may include:

• Helpfulness


• Kindness to others

• Community spirit

• Supporting others with their learning

• Assistance at House events

Boarding merits should be awarded in boarding houses to recognise good behaviour and conduct in boarding settings.

Boarding houses may operate additional and appropriate rewards to recognise good conduct by groups and/or individuals.

Sanctions in boarding houses

Sanctions will be imposed for misdemeanours within the boarding community. Misdemeanours may include:

• Being disrespectful of each other’s personal living space

• Failing to meet house timings and lateness to roll call/meetings.

• Inappropriate use of communication devices

• Failure to complete duties

• Inappropriate language

• Failing to sign in/out.

Sanctions may include

• Additional duties – similar to other house duties

• Confiscation of devices

• Loss of permission to go to town

• Early bedtime Boardings concerns do not automatically convert a Warning. Repeated poor behaviour or conduct will be escalated using the school rewards and sanctions system.

Roll Call

There are house meetings and roll calls at 07:45, 18:40 and 21:00 each weekday and at 19:00 and 21:00 on Saturdays and Sundays. All boys are expected to attend these house meetings unless they have permission from the Housemaster to be absent.

School Policies

Talbot’s House follows the school’s major policies which can be found on the school website.

Study Leave during Public Examinations

Boys register with the Housemaster


each morning at 08:00, regardless of whether or not they have exams. When they do not have exams, they are expected to study at their desks in the house. Boys must attend lunch in uniform.

Study Periods

Fourths, Removes and Fifth Formers may take their study periods in the school library. Sixth Form boys are allowed back in the house to study. They can of course study at school if they wish. Each time Sixth Formers return to the house, they are expected to inform the Matron on duty of their presence and should study quietly in their own room. Visitors are not allowed at the house during these study periods.


There is a variety of choice ranging from Chinese, Indian, Italian to Mongolian or Thai. Boys should ask the Housemaster’s/AHM’s permission before ordering food. Boys should give clear instructions for food to be delivered to a location agreed by the Housemaster or AHM, usually the house entrance on Burnaby Road, and wait nearby until it is delivered.


Boys’ mobile phones may not be used during prep. All boys will hand their phone in during evening prep.

All boys should have the house phone number, 01234 362238, and will have Mr Wise’s mobile in case of emergency. Parents and guardians may call the house, though the matron’s number is best to use during the day and in the evening if trying to get hold of their son.

If boys have a problem with their phone there are a number of repair shops in the town. They can use the House office phone, if they are not able to do so on their own phone. Parents and guardians should not call boys during prep time (18:40-20:50) or after lights out.


Apart from when they go to and from school, boys may not go out of the house without permission from the member of staff on duty. Fourths and Removes must not go out alone and must travel in pairs or groups.

Use of Rooms

All rooms should be kept tidy and clean at all times. Boys should respect


the space, feelings and belongings of fellow boarders. Boys may put up posters in their dorms and study areas. These should only be stuck onto walls with command strips. Drawing pins are allowed on notice boards only.

Dormitories and Sixth Form bedrooms are not extra common rooms and boys may only enter a dorm or Sixth Form bedroom at the invitation of the inhabitants. Boys may sleep, read or play music here individually. Food is not allowed in dorms/bedrooms. Belongings should not be left lying around and only bags and shoes will be allowed on the floor. Boots and trainers are to be kept downstairs in the boot room. Suitcases and trunks must be kept in the case room. All clothes should be kept in wardrobes or drawers. Boys are encouraged to make their beds and take their laundry baskets downstairs each morning.


Each boy has their own lockable area in their room. These should be used to store any valuable items such as wallets, mobile phones and money. Each boy is responsible for the care and safe storage of their personal effects. Perishable food should not be stored in the lockers. It is best for boys to bring a padlock when they arrive but these can also be purchased in the town.


Parents and guardians are obviously welcome to visit whenever they happen to be in Bedford. We would appreciate it if parents and guardians could let us know when they are coming to the house, and ask that they use the boys’ entrance and ring the bell for matron to let them in.

Boys are welcome to have their friends visit the house during their free time. All visitors (including parents) must sign in and out of the house and be introduced to the member of staff on duty. They are only allowed in the public areas on the ground floor.


Weekly boarders are expected to leave Talbot’s each weekend after Saturday school. Weekly and flexi boarders may stay in the house at weekends in exceptional circumstances, but their parents should contact the Housemaster in advance for permission.

We may encourage weekly and flexi boarders to join us for some Sunday activities and they may sometimes need to stay for certain school activities e.g. Duke of Edinburgh expeditions or play rehearsals.


Full boarders can go home or visit friends at weekends other than exeats from time to time if parental permission is given in writing by the Thursday evening. If the boy is going elsewhere other than home, we expect the host family to contact us in writing as well. Permission is rarely refused for any reasonable request.

We would be delighted if parents and guardians join the house for the Sunday service in chapel. They are very welcome to call in when they collect or return their son to the house, should time permit.



Accounts and Disbursements

Termly accounts are issued by the Harpur Trust. They include tuition and boarding fees plus the various disbursement amounts. Disbursements represent spending over and above the boarding fee and are placed on the termly accounts within various categories, including the following:

• School Shop - Boys and parents can order uniform items to be delivered to the boarding house via the No Limitz website. For free delivery, simply enter the following discount code: TALBOTSDELIVERY. Orders placed by 1.00pm will be delivered next day, sometimes even the same day.

• House Trips - We organise recreational trips from time to time for members of the house. The cost of these trips are added to the disbursements bill. Near the end of term, the disbursement total is given to the Harpur Trust Office and this figure is added in with the rest of the fees. If you are ever unsure about any item, please get in touch with us.


The school has a group insurance scheme covering boys’ personal property in the house. The total sum insured is £5,000, with a single item limit of £2,000. Bicycles are covered up to £250 if they are kept securely in the bicycle shed. Items are replaced on a new for old basis if they are less than one year old. The policy excess is £25.


Boarders’ Code of Conduct

The purpose of this code of conduct is to outline how we expect boarders to behave and how they can expect to be treated to promote an inclusive, happy and supportive boarding community.

It reflects the school values of responsibility, integrity, curiosity and endeavour –these are all underpinned by kindness.

It has been created based on pupil voice through feedback from the Boarding Council and input from boarding staff.

• Boys will be respectful of the views and beliefs of others

• Boys should challenge inappropriate behaviour and comments

• Boys will support other boys with their academic studies

• English should be spoken in communal settings to promote inclusivity

• Boys will participate in house events

• Boys will involve themselves in and support house competitions

• Boys will respect the personal area of dormitories, never interfere with another boy’s belongings and never take other boys belongings without their permission –this includes ‘borrowing’

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