29 Joining Booklet BEDFORD SCHOOL
Useful Information Term Dates
school finishes at 16:10 on Friday and resumes at 08:35 on Monday.
Autumn Term 2021 New Boys’ Day: Friday 3 Sept
Boarders are expected to leave their house by 18:00 on the Exeat Friday and return between 18:00 and 20:00 on the Sunday evening.
Term starts: Monday 6 Sept (08:40) Exeat: Sat/Sun 25/26 Sept
Lost Property
Half Term: Friday 15 Oct (16:15) to Monday 1 Nov (08:40)
Any misplaced uniform, sports kit or school equipment that is found around the school is collected and taken to the Bell Room.
Exeat: Sat/Sun 20/21 Nov Term finishes: Friday 10 Dec (12:15) Spring Term 2022 Term starts : Wednesday 5 Jan (08:40)
It is essential that all items of school uniform and kit are named so that boys can be emailed when they are handed in. Boys can also go to the Bell Room to check for lost items that may not be named, such as mobile phones.
Exeat: Sat/Sun 22/23 Jan Half Term: Friday 11 Feb (16:15) to Monday 21 Feb (08:40) Exeat: Sat/Sun 12/13 Mar Term finishes: Friday 25 Mar (12.15) Summer Term 2022 Term starts: Wednesday 20 Apr (08:40) Exeat: Sat/Sun/Mon 30 Apr/1/2 May Half Term: Friday 27 May (16:15) to Monday 6 Jun (08:40) Term finishes: Saturday 8 Jul (following Speech Day) At the beginning of each term, boarders return by 18:00 the previous evening and, after half term, by 21:00 the previous evening.
Exeats Each half term there is one Exeat weekend (with the exception of the second half of the summer term), which provides boys and staff with a well-earned break from their busy timetables. On Exeat weekends
School Fees Details of fees are sent to parents each year and are also available throughout the year on the school website. Fees for the forthcoming year are announced each summer term.
Payment of Fees Termly Payments Termly fee invoices are uploaded to the secure parent portal before the start of each term. Payment should be made by direct debit, bank transfer, debit or credit card before the term commences. Monthly Payments Fees can also be paid, by direct debit only, in nine equal instalments on predetermined dates (usually the first working day of the month or the first day of term if later).