A very warm welcome to Bedford School. We look forward to working in partnership with you as your son moves through his years at Bedford.
We actively encourage both boys and parents to embrace life at the school and become part of what is a vibrant community. You are always welcome at all school events (whatever efforts your son may make to imply the contrary!).
This booklet is designed to provide you with an introduction to life at Bedford School, and contains a great deal of useful information. Please do get in touch if there is anything we have not covered or of which you are unsure. Of course, the same principle applies throughout your son’s time at Bedford School. We are always happy to have a conversation; we are here to help - in whatever way we can.
Finally, may I take this opportunity to wish you a pleasant and relaxing summer and I look forward to getting to know you and your son in the year ahead.
With best regards
James Hodgson Head Master
Schedule for the Beginning of Term
New Boys’ Day
We look forward to welcoming all boys, both those who are new to the school and those moving up from Bedford Prep School, together with their parents or guardians, on Tuesday 3 September for New Boys’ Day.
During the day, you will meet other new boys and their parents, as well as your son’s Tutor. Pre-lunch drinks will be followed by a buffet lunch, a service in the school Chapel and then afternoon tea. Day boys will visit their day house, and boarders, together with their parents, will go to their boarding house. Your son will be welcomed to the school by his Housemaster and the Head Master.
Your son will receive a welcome booklet on this day, which includes helpful information, such as his timetable, school estate and classroom maps.
Tuesday 3 September 2024
Please note: All boys should be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and be in their school uniform.
Day Boys
12:45 Day boys and their parents to arrive at the foyer in the Main Building. (Please do not arrive before 12:45)
13:00 Parents and boys will be welcomed by their Housemaster and then escorted to pre-lunch drinks, followed by a buffet lunch.
Full, Weekly and Flexi Boarders
11:00 New boarders and their parents to arrive at their boarding house. (Please do not arrive before 11:00)
11:30 Induction and Q&A Session with Housemaster / Matrons
12:45 Buffet lunch in the boarding house.
All Boys
14:00 All boys and their parents to the Great Hall. ‘Welcome to Bedford School’ presentation from the Head Master.
14:45 Chapel Service for new boys and their parents.
15:30 Tea on the Music School lawn.
16:15 Day boys depart and boarders return to their boarding house.
Start of Term
Wednesday 4 September 2024
08:40 Term starts with Joint House Assemblies followed by Full School Assembly.
Pre-Season Rugby Training
Autumn term is our rugby term. Please do not worry if this is not your son’s favourite sport, or if he has not played before; we work to make it enjoyable, as well as competitive, for all.
We are offering the following rugby pre-season training this summer.
Fourth Form (U14), Remove Form (U15), Fifth Form (U16) and Sixth Form (U18) - Tuesday 27 to Thursday 29 August 2024
All boys are very welcome, as the sessions are open to all playing levels. For consistency, please make every effort to attend each session. However, please be aware that non-attendance to these sessions will not influence selection at the start of the year, as players are selected on merit. There is no cost for the sessions.
Pre-Season Timings
Langham Pavilion changing rooms opened
10:00 – 11:30
Session 1
11:30 – 12:30
Lunch - will not be provided and boys can leave the school site in small groups, if required. Please be aware that we cannot take responsibility for the boys unless they remain on the school site.
12:30 – 14:00
Session 2
Boys will require:
y Training kit appropriate for the weather (does not need to be Bedford School kit), including boots, mouthguard and any other protective equipment.
y Water bottle with water
y Lunch (or money, if buying lunch in town)
There will be medical provision for the sessions but please let us know of any necessary medical information upon arrival.
Please complete the pre-season rugby training form below by Friday 23 August.
y https://bit.ly/us-pre-rugby-2024
Other Fixtures/Training in the Holidays
These are all to be confirmed, but please save the date.
U18 and U16:
1st XV and U16 A fixture (TBC) - Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 October 2024
Training - Friday 1 November, 10:00-23:30
U15A - Langley School Festival (residential tournament) on the first weekend of the October half term, Saturday 19 to Sunday 20 October 2024. There will be a cost for accommodation (bed and breakfast) of approximately £100.
Please do not hesitate to contact Mr Hinkins, Director of Rugby, if you have any queries at jhinkins@bedfordschool.org.uk
Combined Rugby and Hockey Tour to South Africa, August 2025
Bedford School is running an 11-day rugby and hockey tour to South Africa in August 2025 for boys of all playing abilities. Dates are yet to be confirmed, but it is likely to be the end of August, after A-Level results day. Boys can choose either hockey or rugby, but are not able to do both sports.
The tour is open to boys joining the Lower Sixth Form (Y12) in September 2024.
Around training and fixtures, the tour will be packed with wonderful cultural experiences and excursions. The tour will cost £3,050.00 (subject to change depending on the numbers travelling, tour alterations and flights).
If your son is joining the Lower Sixth Form (Y12) and interested in joining the tour, please contact Mr Hinkins at jhinkins@ bedfordschool.org.uk before the end of August 2024 for further details and to register your interest.
School Routines
Weekly Timetable
TUTOR PERIOD 08:35 - 08:55PERIOD 1 08:55 - 09:35
- 09:20 PERIOD 2 09:35 - 10.:15
ASSEMBLY 13:50 - 14:10
PERIOD 6 14:15 - 14:55
PERIOD 7 14:55 - 15:35
PERIOD 8 15:35 - 16:15
PERIOD 9 16:30 - 17:10
PERIOD 10 17:10 - 17:50
There is a standard weekly timetable for lessons. Lessons last for 40 minutes and start at 08:55 each day with the exception of Saturdays when they start 15 minutes earlier at 08:40.
On Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, boys take part in games and activities. Sports fixtures against other schools are usually played on Saturdays. Please note: All boys are expected to attend all Saturday afternoon training sessions and/or fixtures during term time. If, for any reason, your son is unable to attend a Saturday training session or fixture, a leave of absence request must be submitted as for any other school absence (see page 17 for further details).
The main sports are rugby in the autumn term, hockey and rowing in the spring term, and cricket and rowing in the summer term.
Saturday Morning Timetable
Occasionally, the school will operate a Saturday morning timetable on one day during the week. This typically occurs ahead of an Exeat weekend, when there are no Saturday classes, but also as required during the term. This ensures that boys do not miss out on the lessons studied on a Saturday.
When the Saturday morning timetable is in effect, boys attend the lessons that they would have on a Saturday morning instead of that morning’s usual lessons. After lunch they revert to their normal timetable for that day.
Each half term there is one Exeat weekend (with the exception of the second half of the summer term), which provides both boys and staff with a wellearned break from their busy timetables. On Exeat weekends school finishes at 16:15 on Friday and resumes at 08:35 on Monday. Flexi and weekly boarders are expected to leave their houses by 18:00 on that Friday and return between 18:00 and 21:00 on the Sunday or before school on Monday. Full boarders can stay in the boarding house during Exeat, if they wish.
Dates of the Exeat weekends for the next academic year can be found in the term dates section of this booklet
After School
Clubs and Societies
The school offers an extensive and diverse range of clubs and societies. We actively encourage boys (though most need little encouragement!) to participate in a new activity each term when they join, as well as trying out things that they would not normally consider. It is an ideal way to discover new interests or unsuspected talents!
Clubs and societies typically run at lunchtimes and between 16:30 and 18:00 during the week. There are a wealth of academic extension opportunities available to boys in all year groups each week in the form of academic societies.
Most clubs are open to all boys but a few are specific to the Sixth Form. Your son’s Tutor will provide your son with details of the clubs available, how to find out more and join during his first few weeks. There is no charge for most of these activities.
Below is a list of the clubs and societies that are typically available:
Adrian Boult Society Advanced Theory
Chamber Orchestra Chamber Groups
Clarinet Ensemble
Brass Ensemble
Chapel Choir
Composition & Music Tech Concert Band
Festival Band Funk Band
Lunchtime Concerts Music Tech Club
Cello Ensemble
Choral Society
Consort Choir
Horn Ensemble Jazz Orchestra
New Jazz Collective Orchestra of the Ouse
Percussion Ensemble Rock Band Symphony Orchestra The Segovia Guitar Ensemble
Advanced Theory Thunderbrass!
Sport (outside of main games time)
Archery Athletics
Badminton Basketball
Circuits Climbing Core Fitness Cricket
Crossfit Ergo Fencing Fives
Football Functional Strength Hockey Golf
Rowing Rugby Running Strength & Conditioning
Squash Swimming Table Tennis Tennis
Volleyball Water Polo Yoga & Fitness
Boys will be emailed a weekly timetable and further information about all the school’s clubs and societies in the first few weeks of term. Boys in the Fourth Form (Year 9) will also have an opportunity to sign up to try a number of co-curricular sessions during the first half of the autumn term.
The Floreat: Programme of Academic Extension and Enrichment
This programme has been designed to enhance and consolidate the many super-curricular activities on offer at Bedford School, bringing together a fellowship of students to encourage their natural curiosities to flourish. Pupils are coached by subject specialists in key skills, such as public speaking, academic writing and critical thinking, whilst navigating time pressures parallel to competitive university courses.
Academic Clinics
The school has always provided support opportunities in academic subjects outside of timetabled lessons. These academic clinics take place either at lunchtimes or after school. Tutors will encourage boys to attend these clinics as appropriate, and help to design timetables for boys in particular need of support.
Prep (homework) is an essential and important part of your son’s education. All boys can expect to be set prep on a regular basis by their teachers in all their subjects. The teacher will make it clear at the start of each term on which day prep will be set and when they expect it to be completed and handed in.
The school’s prep policy will be outlined by tutors at the start of term, and is also available in the school policies section of the school website. Housemasters, Tutors and subject teachers are able to offer advice and guidance on homework.
Academic Year Heads run supervised prep sessions for each year group at least once a week from 16:30 – 17:30 in term time. In addition, the Library is open Monday to Friday in term time until 19:00 for boys to complete work. All boys are welcome to take advantage of these opportunities for prep and/or revision. Those boys whose academic progress gives us cause for concern may be required to attend these sessions, but the opportunity is available to all boys from all year groups; boys just need to turn up for the start of the session.
Boarders have two hours of scheduled prep time each evening in their houses during which either their Housemaster or a visiting Tutor is on hand to offer guidance and support.
Pastoral Care
The Houses
There are six day houses and six boarding houses in the Upper School.
Each day house is twinned with a boarding house to ensure that all boys interact in every area of school life. Your son will remain in the same house throughout his time at Bedford School.
Day House Boarding House
Ashburnham » Sanderson’s
Bromham » Burnaby
Crescent » Pemberley
Paulo Pontine » Redburn
St Cuthbert’s » Phillpotts
St Peter’s » Talbot’s
The twinned houses regularly take part in activities together, such as House Singing, House Debating, House Tug-of-War, House Charity Run and numerous inter-house sports competitions, to compete to win the coveted House Cup.
Your son’s Tutor will normally remain the same throughout his time at the school, which allows them to get to know each other well and build a high degree of trust. His Tutor will follow his academic progress closely and, in partnership with you, provide direct and individual support and guidance.
Fourth Form day boys, however, will be guided through the first few weeks of school by their Housemaster, who will take them through an induction programme and spend time with them in the day house during some of their tutor periods in the first few weeks.
This induction programme will provide all the boys in the house with a chance to establish friendships, ask questions and generally help one another find their feet.
Of course, we want all the boys to enjoy the benefits of our wonderful tutoring system, and the Fourth Form day boys will be with their vertical tutor group during other tutor periods in the first weeks before joining their tutor group ‘full-time’.
Together with your son’s Housemaster, his Tutor will work to ensure that he settles in quickly and successfully. We encourage parents to contact Tutors by email if they have any concerns about their son that they wish to share with us.
In addition to his daily Tutor periods, your son will also receive formal academic tutorials at specific points in the school year. Your son will be asked to attend a one-to-one appointment with his Tutor to discuss his academic progress, and will be asked to set aspirational targets in all subjects. In instances where we believe a boy is under-performing, the school will be in touch with parents, either via the school reporting system, or directly. Likewise, when boys are doing especially well we are keen to recognise this and will be in contact with you.
Tutor Groups
The school operates a vertical tutor group system, which allows new and younger boys to grow and develop alongside older boys, inspiring them to achieve similar levels of success. Boys meet with their Tutor every weekday at 08:35 before lessons.
At the start of the year, boarders will join their vertical tutor groups from the outset, having plenty of time for informal induction during the evenings as they get to know their Housemaster, Tutor and other boys in the boarding house. New boys in all year groups apart from the Fourth Form will also be welcomed into their vertical tutor group from the start of term.
Concerns or Worries
At Bedford School we encourage boys to talk about any worries or concerns that they might have. Parents, too, should be assured any worries or concerns they have will be taken seriously by the school. Normally, boys and parents are encouraged to speak to their Tutor or Housemaster as a first port of call about anything that is on their mind.
Some teachers have special training in dealing with safeguarding, child protection and difficult issues including: Mrs Mellor, Mr Everitt, Mr Marriott, Miss Swallow, Mr Baldock and Mr Hodgson. You can email them directly or ask the Vice Master’s PA to make an appointment.
Boys can make an appointment to see one of the school’s counsellors. The counsellors are available to both boarders and day boys. Boys can also speak to the Chaplain or any of the school nurses in the Medical Centre, which is open every day.
Buddy System
When boys start in the Fourth Form they are assigned a ‘buddy’ partner who will be one of the older boys in their tutor group. This is someone to whom they can turn at any point in those early days whenever they have a question about where to be, who to speak to or how something works.
During the second half of the autumn term every Fourth Form boy is given a peer-mentor - a Lower Sixth pupil from his own house who has been trained in mentoring, listening skills and safeguarding.
Each of these Lower Sixth boys knows, from his own experience, how valuable it is to have an older boy looking out for him. In practice this might consist of an informal, occasional chat about hobbies or fixtures, or a prearranged regular meeting to talk through issues surrounding friendships or school work.
Mentors also play a valuable role as the boys progress through the years, giving support and guidance to those going through public exams, for example.
Boys are also always welcome to come and share their successes and challenges with members of the house staff who are on duty in and around the houses throughout the day.
The Chapel
The school welcomes all faiths. Its foundation is nevertheless rooted in the Christian tradition and the Chapel plays an important part in the life of the school community, symbolising Bedfordians past and present, and providing a daily reminder of life’s spiritual dimension.
Families are always welcome to join us for Sunday Services in the Chapel. Details of services can be found on the Chapel page on the website.
The school Chaplain is available throughout the school term and during some of the holidays, and provides pastoral counselling and support to any member of the school community.
Medical Centre
The school has a professionally staffed and equipped medical centre which offers all boys a kind, confidential and professional service. They deliver a high standard of nursing care, aiming to treat every pupil holistically, looking at his social, psychological and physical needs.
Medical Questionnaires
Medical questionnaires are completed before admission to the school. The school nurse will check these and identify any health issues. If necessary, a care plan is written in consultation with you and your son.
It is essential that your son’s medical questionnaire is completed by Monday 10 June. We may be unable to allow your son to start with us if this form has not been completed in full and returned to the school.
You will also be asked to regularly update your son’s medical information during his time at the school to ensure that his medical record remains accurate.
EU Medical Cards
Boys from within the European Union (EU) should bring their medical card with them at the start of each term.
Staff at the Medical Centre
y Jill Turner-Webb, Lead Nurse
y Trish Comerford, School Nurse
y Karen Henry, School Nurse
y Holly Clifton, School Nurse
y Claire Collins, School Nurse
y Kerry Spearing, Administrator
The nursing team are available during term time from 08:15 to 17:30, Monday to Saturday.
The school Medical Officers are local GPs from the De Parys Group. They are available in school each Tuesday and Thursday between 10:30 and 11:30.
All full boarders are registered as NHS patients at the De Parys Medical Centre upon joining Bedford School.
The school has a long-established counselling service. All boys are free to visit and talk to a school counsellor in complete confidence for help and support during difficult times. Boys can seek help and advice on a wide range of issues.
Counsellors are available at school during term time:
Monday 12:00 - 15:00
Tuesday 12:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 14:00
Thursday 12:00 - 17:00
Friday 12:00 - 14:00
Appointments can be made by emailing counsellor@bedfordschool. org.uk, by calling +44 (0)1234 362248 or through the school medical centre: +44 (0)1234 362261.
You can read more about the school’s counselling service at www. bedfordschool.org.uk/portals/parents/counselling
School Rules
Copies of all school policy statements, including the school rules, can be found in the parents’ section of the school website. www.bedfordschool.org.uk/portals/parents/school-policies
Money and Valuables
We encourage all boys to take responsibility for their belongings and request that boys do NOT bring expensive or desirable belongings to school unless it is absolutely necessary. Valuables are not covered by school insurance and under no circumstances will the school accept any liability for their loss or damage.
We recommend that:
y Boys make sure that their belongings are marked clearly and permanently. The marking should be distinct, so as to make it easy to return lost property. Name and postcode are among the most useful details to record on valuable items such as laptops.
y Boys keep valuable items out of sight and out of reach.
y Bicycles should always be securely locked with a strong chain and left only in the bike sheds.
y Musical instruments should be kept safely in the Music School or kept with boys. Valuable belongings should not be left in bags, lockers or in clothes hanging in houses. Mobile phones can be handed in to the Bell Room for safekeeping.
y Valuables may be left in the secure lockers in the recreation centre or in lockers in the day house.
y Bags should either be carried or left in an authorised place such as a common room.
y Losses should be reported immediately, in all cases, to a member of staff together with any helpful details. The best chance of recovering property is to report the loss immediately. We ask that boys also do let us know when their property has been found.
Academic and conduct merits are awarded to boys for good effort, attainment and behaviour. Parents are informed via email when their son is awarded a merit.
Commendations are awarded for boys whose academic work or conduct exemplifies the school’s values in an outstanding way. Each term a handful of Head Master’s Commendations are also awarded for exceptional work or conduct.
Conduct Detentions
Conduct detentions are given for misbehaviour: when a boy breaks school rules or behaves in a way that is unacceptable to the school. They cover areas such as general misbehaviour, lateness, poor appearance, bad manners and non-attendance at games.
Conduct detentions are held on Monday evenings from 16:30 – 17:30 in Room A13 and are supervised by a member of staff. Parents, along with the boy’s Tutor and Housemaster, are routinely informed if their son receives a conduct detention.
Academic Detentions
Academic detentions are primarily for unsatisfactory work. They cover areas such as failure to hand in homework, poor effort in work, academic dishonesty, etc.
Academic detentions are held on Friday evenings from 16:30 - 17:30 in Room A13 and are supervised by a member of staff. Parents are routinely informed if their son receives an academic detention.
Concerns and Warnings
Conduct and academic concerns are recorded by your son’s Tutor. Any conduct or academic warnings boys receive are communicated to parents via an automatic email notification. Full details of these concerns and warnings can be accessed via My School Portal.
Additional information on detentions and other sanctions are detailed in the school’s Behaviour Policy.
Communication between parents, boys and staff, both formally and informally, is valued and is seen as integral to each boy’s success at the school.
We encourage you to develop strong relationships with your son’s Housemaster, Tutor and teaching staff, and to get in touch with any concerns, queries and, importantly, successes, both in and out of school.
Your Key Contacts
Your Son’s Tutor
Yours son’s Tutor is your first point of contact at the school. Your son’s Tutor will be in contact with you, by phone or email, at least once each half term to update you on your son’s progress and is happy to discuss any queries or concerns you may have.
Your Son’s Housemaster
Your son’s Housemaster is also a key contact within the school and is, likewise, happy to discuss your son’s progress and help with any queries or concerns you may have.
NB: Please make a note of their email addresses in the Housemaster letters that will follow.
Academic Year Heads
Your son’s Tutor and Housemaster are the first port of call, and they will be keeping a close eye on your son’s wellbeing through regular Tutorials and House Meetings. In addition, our Academic Year Heads provide an additional support for boys. These members of staff have particular responsibility for monitoring the academic progress of boys in each year group. They work closely with Tutors to offer interventions to enhance academic performance, to help address academic concerns if they arise, and to encourage and congratulate boys whose academic performance is worthy of particular recognition. They also lead year-group specific academic assemblies, revision workshops and supervised preps and work groups.
There are Academic Year Heads for the Fourth Form, Remove Form and Fifth Form. In the Sixth Form, the Academic Year Head has particular responsibility for the A-Level boys, with the Director of IB undertaking this responsibility for those boys studying IB.
Academic Staff
A full list of all academic staff in the Upper School can be found on the school website.
How We Stay in Touch
My School Portal
Through My School Portal, which you can find on the parent pages on the website, you can access a wide range of useful information that is tailored to your son. Each day you can view his day planner, which shows his timetable, sports fixtures and any exams that day.
The following information and items are also available through My School Portal:
y Your son’s timetable
y Tasks / homework
y Reports and gradecards
y Exam timetables and results
y Rewards and sanctions
y Co-curriculuar activities list
y Access our dedicated sports website (SOCS)
y Music lessons
y Update your contact details
y Complete school forms
y View fee invoices
y View, filter and export the school calendar
y View newsletters
y Report and request absences
y Access Classlist
y Book appointments for Parents’ Evenings
y Book online events
y Book onto trips
y Make payments for trips and events (Wisepay)
We will write to you before the start of term with details of how to register for My School Portal.
Sports Website
You can also view all sports fixtures and results as well as team sheets and useful directions for away fixtures directly on our dedicated sports website: www.bedfordschoolsport.org.uk
To access the team sheets, please use the password: deparysav
A web app is also available for the sports website. Instructions on how to add the web app to a mobile phone can be found on the school website at www.bedfordschool.org.uk/portals/parents/sports-fixturesresults
Bulletins and Emails
We send regular emails and newsletters, to ensure that you have all the information that you need for your son as well as news about the wider school community.
Each week during term time we send a newsletter called The Week, which provides a round-up of the week’s top stories and the Upper Bulletin, which contains all the key information for the week ahead.
Both newsletters can also be viewed in My School Portal.
Social Media
Regular news stories and updates are posted on the school’s Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter) and LinkedIn pages, as well as the school website. We also post regularly on WeChat for parents in China and Hong Kong.
Towards the end of the summer you will be invited by the Parents’ Guild to join Classlist, which is a private social networking site specifically for parents and guardians of Bedford School to keep in touch with each other.
Once you have received the invitation from school, all you have to do is download the Classlist app on your phone or visit the website www.classlist.com and search for Bedford School. Then it is just a case of following the very straightforward joining instructions.
Once you have signed up, you can use Classlist to talk to other parents, find out about the Parents’ Guild and the activities they’ve got planned, join (or even set up) special interest groups, discuss arrangements for parties and lift-shares, and even find a home for an old bicycle. It’s simple to use and we hope will help to introduce you to even more of our fantastic parent community.
If you do have any queries about Classlist, please contact the Parents Guild at parentsguild@bedfordschool.org.uk
Key Academic Dates
Each year we publish a schedule for parents which highlights the key academic events and dates throughout the year, such as parents’ evenings, academic information evenings and exam periods. This also contains a link to the annual reporting cycle. We hope that this helps you to track your son’s progress throughout each academic year and assists you in guiding your son through key academic decisions.
The key academic dates listing can be found in the parents’ section of the school website and My School Portal.
Parents’ Evenings
Parents’ evenings are held once or twice a year for each year group, and provide parents with an opportunity to discuss their son’s progress with his various subject teachers. In addition, subject option evenings are held, as appropriate, for specific year groups. The dates of all parents’ evenings, as well as subject option evenings, can be found in the parents’ section of the school website under key academic dates.
Leave of Absence
We ask parents to make any leave of absence requests by completing the relevant form on My School Portal.
All forms should be submitted at least three days before the date of the appointment.
Leave of Absence
Requests for leave of absence should be made using the ‘Application for Leave of Absence’ form. This form is received by your son’s Tutor and Housemaster. If return to school is delayed for any reason, boarders should immediately telephone their Housemaster.
We expect all pupils (including international boarders) to keep full terms and not leave early for Exeat or holidays, since significant amounts of valuable lesson time can be lost to a boy’s education as a result of any early departures.
Medical Leave of Absence
Any requests for leave of absence for doctor, dentist, hospital appointments, etc., should be made using the ‘Medical Leave of Absence’ form. This form will automatically inform the Bell Room (Upper School Reception) and your son’s Tutor of the appointment. Again, if return to school is delayed for any reason, boarders should immediately telephone their Housemaster.
University Open Days / Interviews
Parents should complete a ‘Request for Leave of Absence for University Open Days/ Interviews’ form.
Reporting Illness
If your son is unable to attend school due to illness or injury, we ask that you report your son’s absence through My School Portal. It is very helpful if you can let us know before 08:45 so that all necessary staff are aware of your son’s absence.
School Meals
The school catering team offers boys a wide variety of wholesome, delicious food choices and encourages good nutritional habits and a healthy lifestyle. Boarders and day boys from across the school eat together each day in the Dining Hall and enjoy a wide range of tempting options. The weekly menus can be viewed in the parents’ section of the school website and on My School Portal.
Typical Lunch Menu
Main Course Chicken and Vegetable Pie with a Puff Pastry Topping
Vegetarian Creamy Mushroom Pie
Sides Butter Glazed New Potatoes, Glazed Green Beans, Steamed Carrots, Gravy
Light Lunch
Chef's Choice
Baked Croutons and Homemade Bread
Honey Baked Gammon, Roasted Chicken Thigh
Butter Chicken Curry Italian Style Beef Meatballs in Classic Tomato and Fresh Herb Sauce
Battered Fish, Battered Sausage, Pepperoni Pizza
Stuffed Mixed Peppers Chickpea and Potato Curry Vegetable Lasagne Cheese and Tomato Pizza, Battered Halloumi
Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Potatoes, Cauliflower Cheese, Roast Carrots, Gravy
Steamed Rice, Vegetable Samosas, Mint Yoghurt, Mango Chutney, Curry Roasted Cauliflower
Garlic and Herb Green Beans, Garlic Bread
Garden Peas, Baked Beans, Chips, Lemon Wedges, Gravy
Baked jackets or sweet potatoes served with toppings of baked beans, grated cheese, and a daily chef special Pasta bar with tomato sauce and one other
Salad Market Pesto Pasta, New Potato Salad, House Coleslaw
Classic Greek Salad with Olives and Feta, Tomato, Red Onion and Green Lentil Salad
Beetroot, Spinach and Soya Bean Salad, Crunchy Red Pepper and Sunflower Seed Slaw
Chicken Caesar Salad, Classic Coleslaw
Chicken and Bacon Pasta Salad, Moroccan Cous Cous
Salad Bar Basic Salad Bar - Tomato, cucumber, peppers, lettuce, sweetcorn, beetroot, grated carrot, radish, mixed olives
Boost your salad: Oven baked croutons, flavoured oils, balsamic dressing, other dressing, protein (changes daily)
Hot Dessert Syrup Sponge and Custard
Dessert Pots Yoghurt Bar, Fruit Mousse
Apple Crumble and Custard Rice Pudding with Mixed Berry Compote
Fruit Jelly, Yoghurt Bar
Yoghurt Bar, Fruit Mousse
Jam Sponge and Custard
Fruit Jelly, Yoghurt Bar
Bread and Butter
Pudding with Chocolate Sauce
Yoghurt Bar, Fruit Mousse
Meal Arrangements
The following meals are included in your son’s fees:
Day boys: lunches during term time - Monday to Saturday
Flexi Boarders: If boarding two nights, first day: lunch and dinner, second day: breakfast, lunch and dinner, third day: breakfast and lunch during term time. If boarding three nights, first day: lunch and dinner, second day: breakfast, lunch and dinner, third day: breakfast, lunch and dinner, fourth day: breakfast and lunch during term time
Weekly boarders: all meals from Monday breakfast to Saturday lunch during term time
Full boarders: all meals during term time
Special Dietary Requirements
If your son has special dietary needs for medical reasons, religious or personal beliefs, these will be catered for by our chefs. To help us ensure the right food is available for him, we ask that parents complete the Food Allergies and Special Diets form.
Any query you have on the catering arrangements should be raised with the Catering Manager in the first instance by emailing cateringmanager@ bedfordschool.org.uk, and thereafter with the Director of Finance and Operations, if necessary.
Parents of boys who have a special reason for not taking lunch in school should write to the Head Master explaining the situation. If, in exceptional circumstances, permission to take lunch at home is given, there will be no reduction in fees.
Food Allergies
Bedford School provides all its catering through Chartwells, a leading contract catering company. In conjunction with Chartwells, the school seeks to ensure that suitable procedures are in place to manage all potential pupil allergy issues and obviously we are keen that all new pupils enjoy a positive dining experience from day one.
If your son has been diagnosed with a food allergy, please ensure you complete the Food Allergies and Special Diets form by Monday 10 June.
The details of the allergy should be supported by a doctor’s or dietician’s diagnosis/assessment of his condition in writing. The correct medical
information will ensure that Chartwells’ staff are able to identify specific allergens in ingredients which your son is allergic to, so that an appropriate diet can be provided.
Returning this form by the due date will allow Chartwells to evaluate and clarify this information where necessary, enabling them to make any specific arrangements or adjustments to ensure the most appropriate provision of school meals for your son.
Please ensure that you also inform us whenever there is a change to your son’s medical condition which may affect his food requirement, or if there is an update from the doctor regarding his food allergy.
We hope that you are able to assist the school through providing all necessary information required to enable the safe provision of school meals for your son. If you require any further information about Chartwells’ ‘Allergy in Schools Procedures’, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
We would ask that you do not send your son to school with treats for his classmates/friends, to avoid the risk of a boy being inadvertently given something that may cause an allergic reaction. Please also note that nuts are not permitted on the school estate.
Tuck Shop
The tuck shop in the Dining Hall’s Café Bar sells a wide selection of snacks and drinks including hot snacks such as baps, sausage rolls and pizza slices as well as cookies, cereal bars and fruit. Boys are able to purchase snacks from the tuck shop during morning break.
School Uniform
Our school uniform and sportswear is supplied by No Limitz.
Their store is located at:
25 Shuttleworth Road
Bedford MK41 0HS
Tel: 01234 350720
Email: schoolwear@nolimitz.co.uk
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 10:00 to 18:00 Saturday: 09:00 to 17:30
Day Boys and UK Boarders
We kindly ask that all day boys and UK boarders make every effort to book an appointment between 14 June and 27 August. Appointments from 28 August are reserved for overseas boarders.
All customers requiring more than three different items will need to make an appointment via the online booking system.
There are a range of different appointment lengths to cater for individual needs, and it is advisable to book as soon as possible.
We ask that all appointments are booked by 29 June to enable No Limitz to allocate and provide adequate resource.
To make an appointment, please visit: www.nolimitz.co.uk/schoolwear/bedford-school
Overseas Boarders
We will be offering uniform appointments at the No Limitz store specifically for overseas boarders from 28 August onwards.
We ask that parents and guardians check the school shop website regularly for updates.
Key Measurements
Staff will not always be able to measure your son in store, so please prepare by taking your son’s measurements before coming in. This will help to reduce unnecessary trying on of clothes, save time and make the process safer and more efficient. The key measurements are:
y Waist
y Inside leg
y Collar/Neck
y Chest
y Shoe Size
All measurements should be in inches, and a guide on sizes can be viewed here: www.nolimitz.co.uk/service/sizechart
Online Ordering
Online ordering is strongly encouraged for small top-up orders, where customers are confident with sizing. Orders placed online can either be delivered to your home or for click and collect in store.
More Than Uniform
No Limitz can also help with all your sports requirements, including trainers, rugby boots, hockey shoes, sticks etc. as well as school shoes, bags, labels and stationery.
Returns and Exchanges
Customers have up to 14 days to make returns. Exchanges must be prearranged with No Limitz by emailing schoolwear@nolimitz.co.uk or calling 01234 350720.
Exchanges will be processed via the click and collect entrance. Please ask for further details in store at the time of your appointment.
It is essential that all clothes, including non-uniform items and bags are clearly marked with the owner’s name and initials. No Limitz have partnered
with The Zip Yard in Bedford to offer a discounted service for customers of No Limitz, and will process all labelling orders should you wish to use them. Orders must be dropped off at The Zip Yard but can be collected from either The Zip Yard or No Limitz, whichever is most convenient.
Tel: 01234 217771
Email: info@bedford.thezipyard.co.uk
For the purposes of identifying lost property, it would be helpful if the initials of your son’s house could be incorporated.
The house initials are:
Nearly New Shop
If the idea of kitting out your son for the new term fills you with dread, do not worry. A warm welcome awaits you at our nearly new shop.
The Parents’ Guild operates a nearly new shop selling pre-owned uniform and sports kit. The shop holds a large stock of items, all of good quality and sold at half the price of their equivalent when new.
The shop is run by volunteers who are keen to help you equip your son with the clothing and kit he needs for the term ahead.
Proceeds from sales are used by the Guild to support projects in the school, and selling used uniform prevents items from being thrown away and so helps the environment.
During term time (excluding Exeats and bank holidays), the shop is open every Monday from 08:30 to 10:30 and Saturday from 08:15 to 12:00.
For a full kit-out, we ask that you make an appointment with the shop’s team so they can have someone on hand to help you find what you need. Please email guildshop@bedfordschool.org.uk, and one of the team will be in touch to organise an appointment.
School Uniform
All boys are expected to wear the school uniform, of which all major items are available from No Limitz. Variations from the agreed uniform list are not permitted and boys must ensure that the correct footwear, overcoats and regulation jackets and jerseys are worn.
Basic School Uniform List
single breasted navy blue jacket (brass buttons and patch pocket not acceptable). The regulation jacket is only available from No Limitz
All boys are expected to have at least one item of protective clothing from the following list:
Overcoat/Raincoat - Navy blue, dark grey, or black, of conventional design with plain collar (without fur) and facings and of a length that takes them below the line of the school jacket. Bench coats and other items of sports kit are not permitted.
Wind-proof/Waterproof Jacket - These should be plain navy blue and of a length that takes them below the line of the school jacket.
No other styles may be worn as part of school uniform.
Games and Sportswear
1 School tracksuit
1 Pair of white socks
1 School t-shirt (navy with eagle)
1 Pair of swim shorts or trunks (navy with eagle)
1 Pair or indoor non-marking trainers
1 Pair of school PE shorts (white with eagle)
1 Kit bag (various styles)
1 School hoodie or midlayer (optional)
Depending on which sport your son chooses, he will need the following for the major sports:
A and B team players will also require a red/white hooped shirt and white shorts for matches.
Pair of
1 Pair of
Navy or black base layers - top and bottoms (optional)
A and B team players will also require a red/navy hockey shirt and white shorts for matches.
school is able to provide
* Note: team players will be expected to wear spikes when playing cricket
Required for Rowing
Several layers are important especially for those starting in January. Any school sports kit in school colours (red, white or blue) is acceptable. Trainers. No special purchases required until boys are selected to race.
Once selected into crews for racing, boys of all ages will need:
Navy or Black leggings
Navy blue thermal (winter racing)
White t-shirt (summer racing)
All-in-one (as appropriate)
Rowing cap
Rowing waterproof
Swim shorts/jammers
Bathing towel
Essential kit for other sports
Football - shin pads
Tennis - racquet
Other sports will provide a kit list when boys opt for them.
Boys who become members of teams/crews will probably need more than the basic kit above. Team members who have major or minor Colours wear Colours blazers and ties. Purchase of these should be delayed until Colours are awarded.
The governing bodies of rugby and hockey strongly recommend the wearing of custom fitted mouthguards during training and competition. The school policy is also to adhere to these guidelines. We are working with No Limitz to bring you the opportunity to purchase the recommended mouthguard supplied by OPRO, who are continuing to supply their revolutionary Instant Custom-Fit mouthguard which is a dentist level mouthguard that can be fitted at home (which has replaced the need for a fitting at school).
Benefits of the Instant Custom-Fit mouthguard:
y OPRO’s revolutionary fitting mechanism allows the pupil to take an instant impression of their teeth whilst moulding their Custom-Fit mouthguard
y Made in OPRO’s manufacturing facility in Hertfordshire, the Instant Custom-Fit offers the highest level or protection as worn by professionals
y Normal price £34.99 but you will receive 10% off if you use the code Bedford10 before 30 June 2024.
To order an Instant Custom-Fit mouthguard for your son, please follow the steps below:
1. Visit nolimitz.co.uk and search Bedford School Mouth Guard
2. Choose the mouthguard size you wish to purchase.
3. Enter the discount code Bedford10 at checkout, to receive 10% off before 30 June.
4. Your order will then be sent to the delivery address provided or will be available for collection in store.
5. Upon receipt of the mouthguard, please follow the fitting instructions included within the packaging.
If you have any questions, please contact No Limitz on 01234 350720 or email shop@nolimitz.co.uk
Water Bottles
In order to support the school’s aim to reduce plastic waste, we ask that all boys carry a refillable water bottle with them in school. Bedford School branded bottles are available for purchase at No Limitz, although any refillable bottle is acceptable.
Bottles of water are no longer provided within packed lunches and boys are expected to ensure their refillable bottles are full in advance of any away fixtures, long journeys or trips. We ask that boys do not bring single-use plastic bottles to school as an alternative.
We complement our traditional teaching and learning with innovative use of digital technologies in the classroom. As such, each boy is required to have a device for use in lessons - a laptop or laptop/tablet hybrid is preferable to a tablet.
As part of our digital roll out, new boys joining the Fourth Form (Year 9) and Remove Form (Year 10) will be issued with a Microsoft Surface as part of Bedford School’s digital device programme. The termly device charge of £130 will be added to fee invoices.
Digital Device Requirements for Fourth Form and Remove Form
USB C Headphones (must be USB C wired, not bluetooth)
School branded neoprene protective case (available from No Limitz)
Boys joining in all other year groups will be required to have their own device for use in lessons. We recognise that many pupils already have a device and provided it meets the following minimum functional specifications, it will be suitable.
y Intel Core i5 (11th-13th Generation)
y 16GB RAM
y 256GB SSD
y 1920x1080 Touch Screen (either finger or pen)
Devices should meet the requirements of the Digital Pencil Case criteria:
y Wi-Fi connectivity*
y Web browser access to school email accounts
y Calculator application
y Camera and picture storage
y Video and audio recording
y App for taking notes
y Devices should have a keyboard attached
y Protective case
y Wired headphones to use in Modern Languages
y A digital pen to use with their device is also recommended.
*To guarantee the best digital learning experience, Wi-Fi capability is an important consideration. A pupil’s personal device should be capable of 2.4GHz or 5 GHz dual-band Wi-Fi connectivity. This means that the device should have 802.11 a/n or ac as the Wi-Fi standard. Also, be aware that if your child’s device is equipped with wireless standard 802.11 b/g/n, then it is unlikely to be 5 GHz compatible.
If you are getting your son a new device, then selecting a Microsoft Surface may aid their learning experience. Teachers will be more familiar with such a device, and digital training will be focusing on the Microsoft Office 365 Suite.
Boys are expected to have their device charged ready for the day with sufficient charge to last three to four hours.
Further information, including a series of FAQs, is available within the parent pages on the school website.
Additional Equipment
Boys joining in the Fourth Form, Remove or Fifth Form (Year 9, 10 and 11) will also require a Casio fx-85GTX Classwiz calculator.
Boys joining the Sixth Form (Year 12) require a Casio fx-CG50 calculator if they are studying Mathematics or Physics.
Additional Requirements for Boarders
1 duvet (optional) and 2 duvet covers and pillow cases
3 bath towels (not exceeding 1x1.5m with loop for hanging)
Toiletries in bag
Dressing gown
2 pairs of pyjamas
Home clothes (casual jeans, sweaters and t-shirts, etc.)
2 dozen spare name tapes
Shoe cleaning kit
All items of clothing (except for suits and jackets) should be machine washable. Items requiring delicate hand washing are not acceptable e.g. Indian cotton, heavy all-wool sweaters requiring flat-drying. It is expected that all items sent should have at least three months’ wear in them, and should be in a good state of repair.
If any replacement is necessary during term time this will be done through the Housemaster, if parents are unable to see to it themselves directly.
Games and Sports
All items must be clearly named and, where appropriate, have loops for hanging.
Respectable Home Clothes
Some school events permit the wearing of ‘respectable home clothes’, i.e. jacket, shirt and trousers (not jeans) provided boys do not have to be in uniform for school activities. However, school uniform is always an acceptable alternative which parents of younger boys might wish to bear in mind during a period when their sons are growing quickly.
Boys may wear home clothes on Sundays (except for Chapel) and on other days after their last engagement. On Saturdays, home clothes may be worn immediately after lunch.
Useful Information
Term Dates
Autumn Term 2024
New Boys’ Day: Tuesday 3 Sept
Term starts: Wednesday 4 Sept (08:40)
Exeat: Sat/Sun 28/29 Sept
Half Term: Friday 18 Oct (16:15) to Monday 4 Nov (08:40)
Exeat: Sat/Sun 23/24 Nov
Term finishes: Friday 13 Dec (12:15)
Spring Term 2025
Term starts : Tuesday 7 Jan (08:40)
Exeat: Sat/Sun 25/26 Jan
Half Term: Friday 14 Feb (16:15) to Monday 24 Feb (08:40)
Exeat: Sat/Sun 15/16 Mar
Term finishes: Friday 28 Mar (12.15)
Summer Term 2025
Term starts: Tuesday 22 Apr (08:40)
Exeat: Sat/Sun/Mon 3/4/5 May
Half Term: Friday 23 May (16:15) to Monday 2 Jun (08:40)
Term finishes: Saturday 5 Jul (following Speech Day)
At the beginning of each term, boarders return by 18:00 the previous evening and, after half term, by 21:00 the previous evening.
Lost Property
Any misplaced uniform, sports kit or school equipment that is found around the school is collected and taken to the Bell Room.
It is essential that all items of school uniform and kit are named so that boys can be emailed when they are handed in. Boys can also go to the Bell Room to check for lost items that may not be named, such as mobile phones.
School Fees
Details of fees are sent to parents each year and are also available throughout the year on the school website.
Guidance from The Harpur Trust
Fees and Invoices: Frequently Asked Questions
Please find below frequently asked questions regarding invoices and payments, which we hope will be helpful to you as your son embarks on his journey with us.
How often do I receive an invoice?
Invoices are sent termly and will be provided at least 10 days before the start of each term as follows.
y Autumn Term invoice – Issued in August
y Spring Term invoice – Issued in December
y Summer Term Invoice – Issued in March/April
How will I receive my invoice?
Invoices will be available for viewing on My School Portal, you will be sent an email inviting you to set up your account. Please also add fees@ harpurtrust.org.uk to your trusted contacts to ensure the email notification is not diverted to your junk mail folder or caught in any spam filters.
When do I pay my invoices?
If you opt to pay by direct debit, your payment schedule (date and amount of collection) will be displayed at the bottom of your termly invoice. Alternatively, if you have not opted to pay by direct debit, invoices are due to be paid in full before the start of the term to which they relate.
How do I pay my invoices?
Payments are usually made by direct debit - you will have been asked to complete and return a direct debit mandate when you completed your acceptance paperwork. Termly payments can be made by card payment or bank transfer, details of which can be found on our website (www. harpurtrust.org.uk).
What direct debit options are there?
Direct debits can be paid by three monthly instalments.
y Autumn term - September, October and November (no payment in December)
y Spring term - January, February and March (no payment in April)
y Summer term - May, June and July (no payment in August).
Payments are usually taken on the first day of term and then the first working day of each subsequent month. There is also an option to pay termly by direct debit and in this instance full payment is collected on the first day of each term.
Please note that direct debit payments in instalments is concessionary and we reserve the right to withdraw this option should payments fail when collected by this method.
Can I change my payment method?
We are unable to make any changes to the payment method such as changing the frequency of a direct debit, the account this is collected from or to put a new mandate in place once an invoice has been issued. This includes direct debits that have been cancelled. New instructions will be put in place ready for the following term, i.e. mandates received after the Autumn term invoice (September) has been issued will not be collected until the Spring term (January).
What happens if my direct debit is unsuccessful?
We will contact you by email a few days after the collection has been attempted if your direct debit is not successful. If your direct debit is cancelled with the bank, payment of the full term’s invoice will become due. Should the payment fail for any other reason you will be advised of the amount due, and you will need to make a manual payment. A £20.00 administration fee will also be applied to your account.
What happens if my child starts in the middle of the term?
Depending on your start date, an invoice will be provided mid-term or both terms’ fees will be included in the next term’s invoice. You may be contacted by the fees team to confirm the amount payable for that term prior to the invoice being made available. Mid-term invoices cannot be collected via direct debit, and you will need to make manual payments via online card payment or bank transfer for that term only. The fees team will provide you with a payment schedule and the details required to make a manual payment.
What happens to my deposit?
Your deposit is held in the general school funds until your child leaves and is then repaid as a credit to the final invoice. The final invoice is usually issued in the August following your child’s final academic year. There maybe some final extra charges, which are also charged to this invoice. Your bank account will then be credited with the remaining balance, usually in September.
Who do I contact if I have a question regarding my extra charges?
If you have a query regarding an extra charge on your invoice, please contact your school accounts team directly.
y Bedford School Accounts Team
Email: accounts@bedfordschool.org.uk
How can I contact you?
Our email address is fees@harpurtrust.org.uk. The telephone number for the fees team is 01234 369510. General information about The Harpur Trust can be found on our website: www.harpurtrust.org.uk
Fees Invoice - Disbursements (Blue Bills)
Any additional costs not covered by the main tuition fee will be added to the following term’s fees invoice and itemised accordingly, as these are charged for in arrears. These may cover the cost of public examinations, additional text books, additional excursions or trips, private music tuition, EAL lessons, subscriptions or any day or boarding house expenses, etc. In their first term, all Fourth Form boys go on an after school trip as a twinned house, which includes a team-building activity off-site followed by supper in the boarding house. The cost of this trip is added to the Blue Bill.
Full details of fees and additional costs can be viewed on the website. www.bedfordschool.org.uk/admissions/fees/
Transport - School Buses
There is an extensive network of buses to all Harpur Trust schools. This transport system is run by voluntary parent associations and commercial suppliers, a list of which can be found on the school website. www.bedfordschool.org.uk/admissions/transport/bus-services
Whilst the school does not endorse the transport suppliers, these companies have been used for many years by Bedford School and other independent schools in Bedford. It is the responsibility of parents to organise transport to and from school and to make their own checks as they deem necessary. For further information on routes, times and costs, please contact the providers directly.
Visa Requirements
All non-British passport holders are required to have a visa to study in the UK. We have a Home Office Licence which enables us to take international students and to issue a CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies) for boys applying for a Child Student Visa.
To enable us to hold the Home Office Licence we have to follow certain procedures and are regularly checked by the Home Office to ensure we are working within the guidelines. We would, therefore, be grateful if you could assist us with any request in regard to this matter.
Families whose sons require a Child Student Visa should have received a communication from us, but if not, please contact us as soon as possible.
Non EU Applications
When your visa application has been approved, your son will be issued with a vignette in his passport which is valid for 90 days and will allow him into the UK. Please advise us and send a copy of both the confirmation letter and vignette as soon as you receive them. Your son’s visa in the form of a BRP (Biometric Resident Permit) card will be sent to the school.
On your son’s first day at the school he must bring his passport with him so we may physically see the passport and vignette before he can sign and receive his BRP.
EU Applications
Successful EU visa applications will receive a letter with a link where you are able to generate a Share Code which needs to be sent to our Admissions team straight away.
Your son will also need to bring his passport to the Admissions Office for checking upon arrival.
If your son has a British National Overseas passport or a Tier 1 Investor or Entrepreneur Visa or Tier 2 Visa, we would like notification of this before starting and will ask to see both the passport and visa when he arrives at the school.
We recommend that your son keeps his passport and BRP (if applicable) in the boarding house safe.
Boys whose families are resident outside of the UK must have an AEGIS or BSA accredited guardian and we must have their guardian’s full contact details.
Please complete and return the Parent Nomination of a Guardian Form.
Before each Exeat weekend, if your son is not staying in his boarding house, and the start of each holiday, you will be asked by your son’s Housemaster for the following details:
y Where he is staying during his time away from the school
y How he is travelling from the school and who is collecting him
y If flights are involved, the flight numbers and dates/times of the flights
Cash Management Procedures for Boarders
All boarders should have access to cash (for pocket money and travel expenses), preferably via a personal bank debit card or through a pre-loaded cash card.
y Boarding Housemasters will NOT give cash funds to pupils except in extreme emergency situations.
y Boys will be responsible for the security of their own cards and cash, and should ensure that they are locked away appropriately. All boys have a lockable cupboard where valuables should be stored.
y The school discourages boys from keeping a large amount of cash in their boarding houses as this will not be insured against loss. Boys must not return with large sums of cash, as again we cannot guarantee its safety, and if large sums are brought to school for particular reasons then the cash should be placed in the pupil’s bank account or handed in to the Housemaster as soon as is practicably possible.
y Payments for all residential trips must be made directly by parents and will not be added to the disbursements. The bank account details for such trip payments will be included on parental letters.
The school will endeavour to assist overseas pupils to open a bank account in the UK but equally most overseas pupils should be able to withdraw cash from an account in their home country. (A list of local banks in Bedford is available on request.)
Please do contact your son’s Housemaster or our Accounts Team (accounts@bedfordschool.org.uk), if you wish to clarify any of the above.
The school automatically provides pupils’ personal accident insurance for all boys. A summary of the policy is available on request from the Bursary (bursary@bedfordschool.org.uk). Your son will be automatically covered by this policy when he starts at the school.
Boarders also receive personal effects insurance which covers their personal property in the boarding houses. The total sum insured is £5,000, with a single item limit of £2,000. Bicycles are covered up to £250 if they are kept securely in the bicycle shed. Items are replaced on a new for old basis if they are less than one year old. Please note this policy does not cover cash, mobile phones or mobile phone accessories. The policy excess is £25. A summary of the policy is available on request from the Bursary.
Academic Support
The school provides a range of academic support to pupils with specific learning difficulties. Specific classroom support strategies are devised for these pupils which teachers use in the classroom to help them. Specialist teachers are available to support students in supervised prep sessions, and there are a range of academic clinics in different subjects available to students weekly. Some boys may also be entitled to access arrangements, such as extra time and/or word processors in exams.
Please contact Mrs Rachel Mellor, Head of Academic Support, at rachelmellor@bedfordschool.org.uk, if you think your son may need additional support of this kind.
Extra Tuition
Extra tuition is rarely necessary but may be justified in exceptional circumstances. Extra tuition should normally be confined to:
y Boys in the Fourth Form (Year 9) who come to the school with a weakness in some branch of our curriculum
y Boys who have been allowed, for an exceptional reason, to change to an alternative subject
y Boys retaking GCSE subjects for whom no alternative is available
In all such cases the following rules are to be observed:
y Application will normally be made to the appropriate subject teachers. Parents should consult with their son’s Tutor before discussing it with the Head of Department, who will then sanction and arrange it or refuse it, if necessary consulting with the Head Master.
y A consent form (available from the Deputy Head Academic) must be completed by either the parents or Housemaster.
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Boys for whom English is not their first language often need additional support (and acceptance of this is usually a condition of entry to Bedford School). For these boys, the Academic Support Department provides specialised help in English for academic purposes which includes:
y reading and listening skills
y improving grammatical accuracy and lexical range
y developing the academic writing process
y planning and proof reading techniques for coursework across all subjects
y preparing and delivering presentations
The number of lessons per week depends on your son’s ability in English in terms of his reading, writing, listening and speaking, and also according to his academic progress in his subjects. Boys receive up to four weekly lessons, depending on their individual needs. This is reviewed on a half-termly basis by the Academic Support Department and in consultation with their subject teachers. Lessons take place in dedicated classrooms, are taught by experienced EAL teachers, and the boys have access to a range of resources and multimedia to help them progress.
Boys who receive English Language support are required to pay additional fees, which are determined by the number of lessons per week. Details of the current fees can be found on the school website.
In addition to individual and small group EAL support as detailed above, we also provide the following:
y an alternative Language and Literature curriculum in the Fourth Form (Year 9), tailored to the needs of EAL boys whose academic language skills are still developing.
y preparation for IGCSE English as a Second Language in the Remove and Fifth Forms (Years 10 and 11).
y as part of the school’s IB curriculum, we offer English B at both Standard and Higher level in the EAL department. This course allows for both language skills development and exploration of the core IB themes that underpin the entire programme.
y preparation for IELTS (International English Language Testing System), usually required for UK university entrance, in the Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13).
Chinese Lessons
Bedford School offers Chinese (Mandarin) lessons as a co-curricular activity to all boys in the Upper School. They have been offered since 1999 and have proved increasingly popular each year. There are currently more than 50 pupils studying the language at various levels, from complete beginners through to International Baccalaureate and A-Level.
Some lessons take place during lunchtime and some after school, and are taught by well-qualified native speakers in the Upper School. Beginners cover all four skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing. As well as acquiring useful conversational Chinese, the study of the language gives the pupils an insight into a fascinating and ancient culture and society. Bedford School is linked with Qingdao Number 2 Middle School in Shandong Province and a group of beginners have participated in an exchange between the two schools. Previously, we have also participated in the British Council Mandarin Summer School in Beijing, so there are good opportunities for pupils to go to China and put their learning into practice.
GCSE (Remove Form/Year 10 and above) and A-Level classes are also available for native speakers to prepare boys for these exams and to encourage them to continue to study their own language and culture. Mandarin ab initio and Language A courses are offered within the IB Diploma programme.
Please complete the Chinese Lessons form at the back of this document, if you wish your son to take Chinese lessons. There is no commitment at this stage.
Music Lessons
If you wish your son to have instrumental music lessons, please complete the Instrumental Music Lessons form at the back of this document and keep these notes for reference. Applications must reach the school by Monday 10 June. Each form should relate to only one instrument (please submit the form as many times as required).
It is assumed that boys coming from Bedford Prep School will continue with music lessons they are already receiving and therefore need not re-apply.
1. All matters relating to instrumental lessons should be addressed to Mr Jonathan Sanders, Director of Music, jsanders@ bedfordschool.org.uk.
2. As part of their musical tuition, boys learning orchestral and band instruments will be expected to play in at least one of the school orchestras and bands at the discretion of the Director of Music. Please note that we are unable to process applications which request a fixed lesson time as a prerequisite condition for taking up lessons.
3. Termination of lessons. Notice in writing of the intention to discontinue lessons is required and should be sent to the Director of Music as soon as possible. The notice period is 11 term-time weeks from the receipt of the notice of termination of lessons.
4. Time of lessons. Boys in the Fourth to Fifth Form (Years 9-11) will normally be required to have lessons during normal school periods on rotation for one instrument but at the discretion of the Director of Music.
5. Absence from lessons. If a boy/parent gives at least 72 hours’ notice in writing (excluding Sundays and Bank Holidays), either directly to the Visiting Music Teacher (VMT) or to the Head of Instrumental Department (HoID), of being unable to attend an instrumental lesson due to a school-related activity, then the VMT/ HoID will endeavour, where possible, to find an alternative time for the missed lesson to be taught. If it is not possible to find an alternative time, the missed lesson will not be charged to the boy’s family. Notice by email will be accepted as long as it is copied to the relevant HoID. In all other situations, if a boy misses an instrumental lesson, then it will be charged to the boy’s account. Relevant schoolrelated activities which require boy/parental notice will include sports fixtures, academic visits, trips and unavoidable classroom commitments, but this list is not exhaustive.
6. Reports. Reports by instrumental teachers are made at the end of each autumn and summer term. An instrumental music parents’ evening is arranged at the end of the spring term each year.
7. Fees. Fees are reviewed annually and published by the Director of Finance and Operations. Reduced rates apply to those sharing lessons. Class tuition for theoretical examinations in Music is provided free for those having instrumental tuition but a charge is made for other boys.
8. Exhibitions. A small number of music exhibitions may be awarded annually to a few boys in the Upper School who show special aptitude and application. These exhibitions provide free instrumental tuition.
9. Examinations. Boys are entered for instrumental examinations at the discretion of the Director of Music and the cost charged to parents on Blue Bills.
10. Instruments. Instruments may be hired from the school, subject to availability, during the early stages of tuition. Parents are charged a termly hiring fee and are responsible for maintenance and repair costs and also for making good loss or damage, whether in or out of school. Parents are advised to take out insurance against loss or accidental damage. In most cases, boys will be expected to have their own instruments after the first year. Parents and boys are reminded
that instruments should not be left at school during holiday periods as the school cannot accept responsibility for their safety. Details of the current music fees can be found on the school website.
LAMDA Tuition
We offer LAMDA exams in Acting, Verse and Prose, Public Speaking, Reading for Performance and Shakespeare. In line with LAMDA’s guidelines on age restrictions on Medal Grades (6-8), the highest grade that boys can take in the Fourth Form is Grade 5, in order to deepen and extend their knowledge. In addition, boys can work on an acting piece for the Evening of Speech and Drama, if desired. The Evening of Speech and Drama is at the end of the spring term and performed in The Quarry Theatre. It is an opportunity for boys to perform and share their work with their families, friends and staff.
LAMDA grades 6 -8 count towards UCAS points, with a distinction at Grade 8 worth the same points as an A-Level. In the academic year 2022/2023, 100 % of boys were awarded merits or distinctions, with 95% of distinctions at Grade 7 or 8. LAMDA is a great support subject not only for Drama but also English Literature, with boys being taught how to analyse and interpret Shakespeare and Poetry. The new Public Speaking exam is ideal for boys with an interest in debating, public speaking and those who wish to develop their presentation skills. Along with preparing boys for their LAMDA exams, we are always happy to help boys with work from other areas of the school curriculum.
If you wish your son to have LAMDA lessons, please complete the LAMDA form at the back of this booklet. Applications must reach Miss Fowler by the first day of the term in which the pupil wishes to start lessons. Where possible the last day of the preceding term would be appreciated.
Boys can take up LAMDA at any stage during their time in the school. Boys may also study for more than one exam in a year. If doing so, they will receive a number of lessons each week, in line with the number of exams they are taking. It will be assumed that boys coming from Bedford Prep School will automatically continue with Speech and Drama lessons so parents do not need to re-apply to arrange LAMDA lessons in the Upper School. If your son does not wish to continue LAMDA in the Upper School, then notice of termination of lessons is required no later than the end of the Summer term of Year 8 - sent to Miss Fowler. New boys, or current boys wishing to take additional subjects, will need to register using the LAMDA form.
Lessons for boys in the Fourth Form (Year 9) are individual (1-2-1 with teacher and pupil). If boys wish to take duologue acting exams from Remove Form (Year 10) onwards, this can be arranged with the consent of all boys and parents.
All matters relating to LAMDA lessons should be addressed to Miss Fi Fowler, FFowler@bedfordschool.org.uk. If you have any questions about LAMDA, the exams, syllabuses or timetabling of LAMDA lessons, please do
also contact Miss Fowler. Information from LAMDA about their exams can be found at www.lamda.ac.uk/lamda-exams/our-exams
6. Termination of Lessons. Notice in writing of the intention to discontinue lessons is required and should be sent to Miss Fowler as soon as possible. A whole term’s notice is required for lessons to stop at the end of that term. A term’s fees in lieu of notice will be payable where the necessary notice is not given.
7. Time of Lessons. Sixth Form boys will have lessons during study periods, activity times, lunchtimes or after school. Boys in Fourth, Remove and Fifth Forms (Year 9-Year 11) will have lessons on rotation. The timings of lessons, both fixed and rotational, will be arranged by the LAMDA staff. If a boy or teacher needs to re-arrange a lesson time, this needs to be done with 48 hours’ notice.
8. Absence from lessons. If a boy/parent gives at least 48 hours’ notice in writing (excluding Sundays and Bank Holidays) to the LAMDA teacher of being unable to attend a lesson due to a school-related activity, then the teacher will endeavour, where possible, to find an alternative time for the missed lesson to be taught. If it is not possible to find an alternative time, the missed lesson will not be charged to the boy’s parents. In all other situations, if a boy misses a lesson, then it will be charged to the boy’s account. Relevant school-related activities which require boy/parental notice will include sports fixtures, academic visits, trips and unavoidable classroom commitments, but this list is not exhaustive. If the teacher is ill and the lesson is missed the parents will NOT be charged.
9. Fees. Fees are reviewed at the start of the Autumn Term annually and published by the Director of Finance and Operations (DFO). They will be added to a parent’s bill at the end of each term and parents will be charged for the number of lessons the pupil received that term. Note that the amount on the Blue Bill will be for the term just gone, not the one to come.
10. Examinations. Boys are entered for graded examinations at the end of the Summer Term. The cost of the exams with LAMDA is available on their website and this cost will be charged to parents via Blue Bills.
11. Scripts/Note Cards/Books. Boys will need to purchase play scripts, note cards, visual aids, or books, as required for their exams. Copies of speeches, extracts, poems, etc. will be provided by their teacher.
Hotel Accommodation in Bedford
There is a wide range of hotel accommodation available in Bedford. The hotels listed below are just a few of the options available.
Hotels close to Bedford School
De Parys Avenue
Tel: +44 (0)1234 340248
Email: reservations@dparys.co.uk www.dparys.co.uk
Swan Hotel
The Embankment
Tel: +44 (0)1234 346565
Email: info@bedfordswanhotel.co.uk www.bedfordswanhotel.co.uk
Embankment Hotel
The Embankment
Tel: +44 (0)1234 261332
Email: reservations@peachpubs.com www.embankmentbedford.co.uk
Mercure Bedford Centre Hotel
St Mary’s Street
Tel: +44 (0)1234 799988
Email: HB541@accor.com www.accorhotels.com
Please note that these details are provided for information only. Their inclusion does not imply that the school endorses the services offered by the provider.
Travelling to Bedford from the Airports
Please note that the school does not provide transfers to and from the airports. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians.
It is possible to take a train to Bedford from Luton, Gatwick and Heathrow airports but not from Stansted. Information on routes, costs and timetables may be found at www.nationalrail.co.uk
Once you reach Bedford Railway Station, we advise that you take a taxi to Bedford School. To avoid confusion with other schools in the town it is best to give the taxi driver the school’s address (De Parys Avenue).
If you would like to arrange a taxi to collect you from any of the above airports, you will find it cheaper to pre-book a taxi from Bedford rather than getting a black cab from the airport.
The Wider Community
The Bedford School Association (BSA)
The aim of the BSA is to promote engagement across the widest possible alumni grouping in order to create a sense of attachment and an active network which positively supports Bedford School. The school takes an inclusive approach to make all elements of the community feel most welcome. With a joined up approach, we feel that more can be achieved. The BSA supports the work of the Bedford Prep Guild, Parents’ Guild in the Upper School, Past Parents’ Association, Old Bedfordians Club and the Foundation Trust, and helps all of these organisations to flourish. It also aims to build up strong relationships with friends of the school particularly within our local community. We are thrilled that more and more people want to be associated with Bedford School and join us at a variety of events and gatherings. Throughout its history, the school has meant a lot to many people, and, whatever their particular connection, we hope that they are all proud of their association, and that this will continue.
As well as through the Parents’ Guild, parents can also get involved in specific areas to support the boys and for their own enjoyment. Two examples of this are the Friends of Bedford School Boat Club (FOBSBC) who put on a number of events, and the Eagle Choir, which is a School Community Choir, made up of parents (current and past), Old Bedfordians, staff and friends of the school. We are pleased that most parents find their niche and enjoy the general camaraderie that the school offers.
Eagle Connect
Eagle Connect is the BSA’s online business and social networking platform. Membership is open to all constituents of the BSA who have a shared affection for the school and its community. The online platform provides a highly engaged and supportive community made up of those who are willing to help each other, both socially and professionally. From finding accommodation on a gap year trip to giving advice to someone who wants to change their career, Eagle Connect is a forum for people to support each other. Joining details can be found within the BSA section of the school website.
The Parents’ Guild
The Parents’ Guild is a group of parents and guardians of boys at the school. Founded in 1922, its purpose is to involve parents and guardians in the school community. With that in mind the Parents’ Guild organises social events and it is also responsible for the running of the nearly new shop, where pre-loved uniform pieces are available for purchase. Whilst the social events are great fun and a good opportunity to catch up with friends and make new ones, another aim of the Parents’ Guild is to raise funds to be used for projects that benefit the boys, as well as support the school’s chosen charities, arranging events such as
balls, dinners, fashion shows, coffee mornings and cricket teas, to name just a few. The Parents’ Guild is always keen to receive new ideas and welcomes anyone interested in getting involved. The Guild keeps in touch via Classlist and can also be contacted at parentsguild@bedfordschool.org.uk
The Old Bedfordians Club
Established in 1891, the Old Bedfordians Club was formed in order to help Old Bedfordians stay in touch with one another and the school. Over the years it has gone from strength to strength and is now a vibrant organisation across the globe. Although the phrase ‘networking’ was not used when the Club was formed, this has always been a key element at the heart of the Club.
Today, the OB Club is still an invaluable link between generations of Old Bedfordians worldwide and the school through a shared member database, regular communications and an annual programme of social, sporting and networking events and reunions.
In becoming a member of the OB Club, boys join the ranks of a 9,000 strong network of members who:
y enjoy a shared history of Bedford School,
y represent a vast range of professions, businesses, sporting and cultural interests and passions,
y have extensive knowledge and experience as well as links and connections that span the globe.
Importantly, Old Bedfordians have a natural inclination to help fellow OBs, irrespective of age, geography or status, and do so where they reasonably can. We are very pleased that more and more OBs return to the school each year to give lectures, talks or career advice.
The OB Club works closely with the school under the umbrella of the BSA and takes direction from the OB Club Council whose plans are endorsed by Old Bedfordians at the OB Club’s AGM in July each year. It is managed through the OB Club office based at Bedford School.
Boys automatically become members of the Old Bedfordians Club when they leave the school (subject to approval by the Head Master).
Bedford School Foundation Trust
Philanthropy has played a vital part in shaping Bedford School over the years. Generations of boys have benefited from the generosity of others, who have enhanced the school and provided the wonderful facilities we enjoy today.
Bedford School Foundation Trust is the school’s independent charitable partner. It was established to support the school by raising money for projects such as the proposed new academic building on Burnaby Road and the provision of bursaries for lower income families.
You can make a donation to the Foundation Trust, of any size and to almost any school initiative, on the school website or by following this link: bit.ly/BSFoundationTrust
If you want to know more about the work of the Foundation Trust, or you would like to learn more about the projects it enables the school to deliver, please get in touch with Vincent Gaten, Development Director, on +44 (0)1234 362256 or vgaten@bedfordschool.org.uk.
We would be grateful if you could ensure that all applicable forms for your son are submitted by Monday 10 June 2024.
All forms can be accessed via the page below and should be completed online. www.bedfordschool.org.uk/admissions/new-parent-information
Please use the password: USForms2024 to open the Upper School Forms link.
Mandatory Forms
Required for both new boys and current Bedford Prep School boys
y Medical information
y Food Allergies and Special Diets
y Emergency Contacts
y Bedford School Association
y Parent Nomination of a Guardian (for boys whose families reside outside the UK)
Optional Forms
y Instrumental Music Tuition
y LAMDA Tuition
y Chinese Lessons
y Combined Cadet Force
Key Contact Information
Key Telephone Numbers & Email Addresses
Bell Room (Reception) +44 (0)1234 362200 info@bedfordschool.org.uk
Absences +44 (0)1234 362274 absences@bedfordschool.org.uk
Harpur Trust Fees Office +44 (0)1234 369510 fees@harpurtrust.org.uk
Bursary +44 (0)1234 362244 bursary@bedfordschool.org.uk
Medical Centre
+44 (0)1234 362261 nurse@bedfordschool.org.uk
School Shop (No Limitz) +44 (0)1234 350720 schoolwear@nolimitz.co.uk
Parents’ Guild parentsguild@bedfordschool.org.uk
Useful Online Links
School Website www.bedfordschool.org.uk
Parents’ Section www.bedfordschool.org.uk/portals/parents/home
Sports Fixtures & Results www.bedfordschoolsport.org.uk
School Shop www.nolimitz.co.uk/schoolwear/bedford-school
School Facebook Bedford-School
School Instagram bedfordschool_uk
School X (Twitter) @bedfordschool
WeChat Bedford School Official
School LinkedIn bedfordschool
Emailing Staff
Please visit www.bedfordschool.org.uk/about-us/our-staff/upper-school-staff for a full list of our teaching staff.
Staff emails are generally formatted as follows: first initial followed by surname (without any spaces or full stops) then @bedfordschool.org.uk.
