Portfolio - Mohamed Badis Chaabouni

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Architecture Portfolio

Mohamed Badis Chaabouni

2010-2016 Examples


Mohamed Badis Chaabouni E-mail: Chbedis@gmail.com Phone number: (+216) 22 918 950 Age: 28 City/Country: Tunis/Tunisia

Education 2007: Baccalaureate with honors. 2007-2013: Architecture studies at the National School of Architecture and Urbanism of Tunis, Tunisia. 2013: End of studies thesis obtained with the best honors. 2015: Diploma of architecture obtained with the best honors.

Professional experience 2009 - 8 weeks: Internship at (Fachdienst: Hochbau) Marburg am Lahn, Germany 2014 - 3 months: Internship at «Studio KA&3A», Tunis, Tunisia. 2014-2015 - 8 months: Professional internship/Architectural assisstant at «Tomohiro Hata Architect and Associates», Kobe, Japan. January 2016 - September 2016: Architect/Project manager at «Tomohiro Hata Architect ans Associates», Kobe, Japan. December 2016 - May 2017: Architect at «Atelier WS», Tunis, Tunisia.

Last projects/Tasks in office 2014-2015: Tomohiro Hata Architect and Associates: Projects: Individual housing projects

(Kobe, Osaka), Chibik Kobe Pavilion (Kobe), Hiking complex (Kobe), Shop (Osaka). Tasks: Design, construction, Drawings, Detail drawings, 3d modelings and renderings, Models construction, participation to the conceptual meetings and client meetings, building process supervision. Additional tasks: Article co-writing with the german publisher «EA- Edition Architektur», students coaching during an international competition.

2016: Tomohiro Hata Architect and Associates: Projects: Individual housing projects

(Kobe, Osaka), Hotel Facade (Osaka), Ferry terminal competition (inujima) Tasks: Design, Project management, drawings and detail drawings, 3d modeling and rendering, Models construction, Participation to office meetings and client meetings, building process supervision. Additional tasks: Intern coaching.

Other activities

1998-2005: Classic and Arabic music studies at the Music Academy of Sfax, Tunisia (Oud, Cello, Piano). 2008-2011: German classes at the Volkshochschule of Marburg, Düsseldorf and Dortmund, Germany. 2017: Participation to the summer school «Energy efficient and sustainable building design» organized by TU München.


Mastered: Autodesk autocad Autodesk 3ds max Chaos Group V-ray Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Vectorworks Experience on: Graphisoft Archicad B.Fry and K.Reas Processing Grasshopper+Rhinoceros

Spoken languages

Arabic (Mother Tongue) French (Studies language/second language) English (Spoken and written) German (Spoken and written/basics) Japanese (Notions)

House: M. Yano House: Inarijaya House: Bloom of Floors Hybrid Bank Branch MoirĂŠ: Retirement House Opera House Kenzo Showroom



2015 2013

2014 2013 2010

Tomohiro Hata Architect And associates August 2016 Kobe, Japan

House: M. Yano

Personal tasks Project management Concept Design and study Participation to office meetings and client meeting Modeling and rendering Final model construction

Difficult site and laws, high neighbour constructions and a client’s will to build a big house. M. Yano’s House have been a challenging design because of the site’s nature and client’s demand. In fact, the site is a slope of 5 meters with no flat parts while the neighbours are houses of 3 to 4 levels hight and the client demande is to get a large space that has a good sight on mountains (road side) while being completly protected from neighbours houses’ eyes.

The project is made out of 3 stories with an inversed disposition, meaning that the largest floor is the most high one while the 1st and the second floor are smaller. This choise is due to the intention of avoiding site excavation knowing its high cost. The 3rd floor is organized around a courtyard with a very specific spatiality as it is an in slope courtyard. . 1st floor plan

View from tatami room

View from bedroom 3rd floor plan

View from living/dining room

A-A section

2nd floor plan Road side perspective

Model photo

The house is projected to be a steel and concrete structure with a floating 3rd floor. We designed a complex round circulation using a central outside strairs allowing a better fluidity and proximity between spaces . As a result of the spacial manipulation we were able to get very bright and inward open spaces while protecting the house from neighbours’ eye sight.

Tomohiro Hata Architect And associates January 2016 Kobe, Japan

House: Inarijaya

Personal tasks Concept research Project mangement Design and study Office meetings participation 3d modeling and rendering

In the mountain, a house for four families. Inarijaya is a project on which I worked during the year and a half that I spent in Tomohiro Hata’s office. The client’s demand have evolved from a small hotel to a house for him, his wife and his children families projected to be a place where the family gathers few times a year.

Keeping in m to protect the the nature of and how to gi venting them into a big dou floor and fam floor. All the nally shaped

Suspending to humidity from outsid Useful space placed betwe space of 2m7 Exterior image

2nd floor plan

1st floor plan

A-A secti

mind two main questions which are: how e construction from humidity because of f site and the building’s frequency of use ive private spaces for families without prem from gathering, we organized the house uble height central main space in the 1st milie rooms partially suspended in the 2nd spaces are under the same big traditio- Central space View roofsupported by a double grid of pillars.

the rooms is a solution given y problem. It allows their drying de while kept closed from inside. es such as kitchen, shower and toilet are een the double grid of pillars enclosing a 70 by 0.9m and walls are used as bracings. 1st floor room view

Central space view

ion Corridor view

Tomohiro Hata Architect And associates From December 2014 to April 2015 Osaka, Japan

House: Bloom of Floors

Personal tasks: Concept research Pariticipation to the internal and client meetings and discussions 3d modeling and rendering Creation of the presentation closing images






The client only needs a house as important for the history of architecture as ÂŤVilla SavoyeÂť and able to stay at least for one hundred years, knowing the lack of housing building sites in Japan and that the average age for a house goes from 30 to 40 years.

First meeting with the client 1. Research process: Two internal meetings during which each member of the office developed one or multiple concepts and models. The concept research have been especially difficult due to the client demand. Different layers had to be worked on a theoritical level and a powerful concept had to be found.

Personal work

Personal work

More than a house, we had to find a flexible idea knowing that the client would add functional constraints if he approves the concept.


Master bedroom

1st floor

Half-underground floor

2. Choosen Concept: The choosen idea came by creating an evolved model of Le Corbusier’s Dom-ino. Each point of his five points have been improved following the new needs and technologies of our era: - Pilotis grid becomes Free positioned pillars. - The roof gardens become Free gardens on all the floors. - The free plan becomes Free Slab/Ground with different openings. - The horizontal window becomes horizontal openings. - The free Elevation becomes free section.

3.Spatial result The application of the model creates a double structure: the first is permanent (concrete) and defines the supporting structure and the spatial environment, the second is lighter and changing (wood and glass) and defines the interior spaces of the house.

After 100 years vision-Presentation closing image

Second meeting with the client 5. Update: The second meeting’s update turns around two main axes: - Added functional unities by the client: a 3 cars parking, a child room, a small shrine, an interior golf and a gym. - Changes on the primary structure system and definition of the secondary structure system.

Night exterior view-Presentati

Half-underground Floor

1st floor

Dining clo


2nd floor

3rd floor


6. Primary structure system changes The primary structural system proposed for this meeting has evolved from a total concrete structure to a mixed structure made out of concrete slabs and steel pipes. The slabs form has been adapted to the new functional constraints while the pipes system permits a gain of space as well as experimenting an uncommon and interesting structural system in Japan.

ion closing image

osed shoji

7. Secondary structure system definition: Replying to the demand of the client who likes penumbra, the secondary structure system have been decided to be made out of a double skin of glass doors and traditional paper doors in the interior(Shoji) .

Primary structure

ened shoji

pened shoji

1st floor exterior space

2nd floor exterior space

Master Thesis November 2013

Hybrid Bank Branch

Virtual in all its forms is gaining ground in the living space of contemporary humain beings. This observation led us to an idea of architecture in which virtual space and real space could be part of a single reflection when designing a building or a series of buildings. To do this, we realized a research on the nature of virtuality but also on the relationships between real and virtual on a theoretical level. The purpose of this study is to achieve a model of hybridization between real architectural space and virtual architectural space.

Francesco Cingolani et Pierre Chassagne ; Architecture hybride: espaces sensibles et nouvelles conceptions

Jun Rekimoto et Katashi Nagao ; The World through the Computer: Computer Augmented Interaction with Real World Environments

Real Component

The chosen site for the implantation of the project is the urban area of the lac de Tunis. It is is a realtively new business and offices area where several banks and corporations are headquartered. The frequency and flow of financial exchanges are important. There is real need optimal banking services. In addition, the area is an important urban node in the city of Tunis, its infrastructure has followed its importance making it interesting for the implementation of a hybrid project.

site implantation, les berges du lac, Tunis


The projetct’s composition comes from a simple concept in which three parts are set in relation: an interactive wall facade, a parallelepipedic volume constituting the main project where is made all the real work and a suspended volume containing all mixed reality dispositives that allows the connection to virtual component in a kinesthesic manner. Real work volume contains dispositives of interactive and malleable architecture sach as an interactive service choice in the entry and a system of movable walls in the employees open space.Real work volume. contains dispositives of interactive and malleable architecture such as an interactive service choice in the entry and a system of movable walls in the employees open space.

Interactive service choice

Clients space Detail of the suspended volume strucuture

MIT Croma, interactive glass wall.

Employees space

Virtual and augmented rooms detail

Ground Floor

Hybrid meeting room detail

1st Floor

North faรงade

d reality East faรงade

A-A Section

B-B Section

Virtual Component Virtual project is the component that augments the possibilities of the bank branch . It fills all the tasks that cannot be performed by the real component . The main axes and services on which we based the intervention are: • The creation of the possibility of equivalent service given by all agencies without restrictions such as legal person / individual or « creation of account agency « / any agency. • Increasing the number of services that can be performed without travel by the client but also maximize their human nature (compared to services provided by a website). • Provide the ability to the work on place for some employees.

Mimic Automated

Depending on the model , the first architectural typology or host typology is mimetic . We therefore propose to mimic our own space, and reproduce identically the mixed reality space that will be the arrival point for users of the virtual project . A second volume surrounds the mimicry space, it is a space for automated interaction , for any service that does not require the intervention of a third party. It is a space that provides the services of a website, and various other services . The third space is organized in a logic of platforms . Each user (client or employee ) is assigned to a platform serving as his own personal space . Various platforms have the ability to assemble themselves ( according to the user’s request ) . The meetings also allows different platforms to have sealed space ( in terms of visibility and in terms of security and passing information) for the case of meetings for example .




How do plateforms function


1 1

M alleable virtual space according to the number of users


Automated space unfolding




Potential final branches of a web site

We propose as an implantation site for the virtual project, the creation of a specialized virtual world. This virtual world offers mainly three types of related actors: universities, financial institutions and companies ( industries ) . The virtual world is described throw three notions: the operating rules, objects and avatars. • The operating rules : for architecture and urbanism : the established buildings in this world will be self-created and self-directed . Each building will receive a piece of flat ground and a spherical volume of space expressing its actual trade weight . The position of each field vary depending on the relationships with other companies and universities in order to create space groups describing financial relations and mutual assistance among users of the world. Teleportation is possible in a timely manner and in specific areas. It is nevertheless possible to move between buildings without teleportation, through channels that define the exact relationship between buildings ( financial, support ... ) . The position of buildings on the Z axis will vary depending on the direction of transfer of money ( lender , borrower ) and the channel volume and the link between them is proportional to the amount of money transferred and its flow . No transfer of real money (buying or selling ) can be done in this virtual world . The idea is to create a nonprofit virtual world . • Objects : a system of private property and public property turns out to be interesting in this case. It is possible for any user to import objects into this world. However, in regards of the lack of buying and selling system, different objects can only be created, given or offered. The main objects are those that serve the functioning of buildings and businesses that choose to install themselves in this world. The system of interactive objects , like Second Life is interesting especially in the case of a point teleportation. • Avatars: Two types of « humanoid» avatars are defined ie, permanent users (civil servants, employees, creators ..) and passengers users (visitors, customers). For the first category , it will be imposed temporal and quantitative restrictions in changing the physical appearance of the avatar. This restriction is used to create a climate of stability in this virtual world . Changes in physical appearance can be made once a year and their scope is limited. For visitors, the avatars are assigned automatically from a database preconceived purpose. Visitors avatars can not be changed when they are connected or after a disconnection / reconnection .

Superposition schĂŠmatique des trois composantes du projet.

CNSA Innovation Competition February 2014 Work in collaboration with: Lamine Maaoui, Mabrouk Gragba and Soumaya Chaabane

MoirĂŠ: Retirement house

MoirÊ is a figure composed of light and dark lines resulting from the superposition of two gratings. This is actually a phenomenon of spatial interference between two networks. In this project we used the theorical model build previously to connect virtual and real, in architecture and in a single design. The competition’s theme is reinventing and finding new ideas to help elderly people, with different physical and mental troubles, live better in a retirement house. The idea of using virtual came as we were thinking about what could be missing in the life of these people.

Colonial city


Old city, Medina of Tunis

The competition terms stipulate that the participants have to choose a site where to set up the project. We choosed a field in the limit between the medina of Tunis and the colonial city. This position permits two types of accesses: the first is vehicular coming from the colonial city and needed for funitures and services and the second is pedestrian giving elderly people a safe urban space in the proximity of the house. The site offers also an urban void created by a german bombing in 1943 and used nowadays as a place.

We enhanced this already advantageous urban space by two main dispositives: the first is a system of augmented reality in the pedestrian part of the site. This system will work with google glasses and it will help the ederly to orientate better and to have more possibilities of interaction with this environment. The second dispositif is a system of filters in the immediate surroundings of the project used as a way to better its limits without isolating it. This way to do is an interpretation of the medina’s architecture partially based on private/public relations management. Augmented reality in urban space


Filters system

As we are in a particular urban environement, we have choosen to design an introverted building arranged around a covered courtyard where all social and virtual activities are placed. The idea is to make the rooms space as private as possible and to enhance both real and social activity in the house.

Suspended gardens in each floor are accessible throw walkways and are covered in the exterior by a translucid canvas wall. This wall provides the private aspect of the project but permits a view on the street from the interior.

1st to 4th floor

Ground floor

5th floor Virtual reality space

Augmented reality space

Coupe A-A

The virtual component is an urban project built around the scanned erderly house. It provides a secure space to communicate, to build relationships and to express oneself. It also builds a spatial proximity between the erderly house and the intervenants such as associations and organisms or other erderly houses. This is an architectural virtual network of proximity.

V i e w on the entire urban virtual c o m ponent with its four sections: scanned erderly house, installation cubes zo n e, urban zone and private zone.

View on virtual private zone .

9th semester January 2013

The Opera House of Tunis

What about exposing the backstage and opening each theatre on the other? Opera houses such as sydney’s, Copenhagen’s or Oslo ‘s ones are master projects that bring identity to capital cities. In that way we could see in the last years an non-announced competition between capital cities of the developed world trying to have the most extraordinary opera house. Alghout Tunisia is a developing country, we tried to imagine an opera house that could make part of this competition. Following the path of Koolhaas in hisTeipei perfoming arts center, the proposed project exposes the backstage of the two theatres in the program. The idea is to animate the main lobby with the movement that makes backstages live before the shows but also to position the two (large and small) theatres in a way they can be opened each on the other during a show giving new possibilities for creators.

Administration and artists zone

Small theatre Backstage



Large theatre

Mohamed V avenue

Habib bourguiba avenue Extern theatre

Replacing a cultural center in construction since five years that have been made to mark the glory of the ancient dictator, the opera house takes half the field reserved for it. Besides the idea that we could do something better, the site and the field are very promising: an acess from the most important highway of the country and another from the second arteries of Tunis: Mohamed V avenue, a relatively exposed and central position in the Capital city and a huge field in terms of surface. The first lines of the project came with a place, in a form of urbanism where there is no real functional voids, the need of such places is, if not urgent, vital for the city. It also marks a clear identity for walkers and helps bringing a monumental aspect.

South faรงade

West faรงade

A-A section

B-B section

Ground floor

1st floor

Basement floor

The backstage is exposed behind an intern glass façade and could be seen from the street. Its floor is made of plateforms attached to hydraulic jacks. The entrance axis ends on this view on prepration of the show.


The administration and artists space is arranged aroud two main courtyards. A graden is placed in each. For privacy, the artists courtyard’s floor is placed in the basement .

5th semester October 2010

Kenzo Showroom







Kenzo is a fashion designer. The brand, like the majority of fashion brands, has a huge product offer that goes from cloth to perfume passing by clothing. But Kenzo stands out with a form of flokloric coloured orientation. In this project, the choise was to use this feature and to let it be in the center of the work. A metallic structure , on which, in every new collection, all cloths, clothings and perfumed cloths will be hooked. The image of the project will then change according to the collections and the showroom will begin to show from the exterior and from an extended distance.

Metallic structure



Metallic structure



Kenzo showroom,

Ground Level

6m Level

9m Level

12m Level

Kenzo showroom, October 2010

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