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The Potting Shed

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What’s On



Hello everyone

I hope you had the Christmas you wanted. Come into the potting shed and get warm; you’re very welcome. I’ve still got some mince pies somewhere, and there’s plenty of hot co ee in my fl ask.

Well, December saw the fi rst serious frosts and the shortest day on the 21st. Spring is just around the corner, so bring some colour back to the garden by planting fragrant, fl owering shrubs such as witch-hazel and bright winter-fl owering pansies. Not wanting to wish time away, but something to set your sights on is the clocks going forward on Sunday 26th March.

The wise gardener is always looking ahead, and it’s always best to start as you mean to go on. Why not make it a new year resolution? Forward thinking certainly makes gardening easier and can bring better results. You never keep the resolution about losing weight anyway. If your lawn was not top dressed last autumn, weather permitting, you should do it now. Sweep it fi rst with a besom to scatter worm casts, leaves, and dead grass. Here’s your fi rst gardening lesson of the year: if you don’t know what a besom is, research it, and I’ll check it with you next month.

Now’s the time for prep work on your vegetable garden. Heavy clay soil, dug over this time of year, benefi ts from the frost and rain, which helps to break down any large clogs and makes it easier to get a fi ne tilth when spring arrives.

I hope, like me, you’re looking forward to the growing season in your garden. I fi nd no two seasons are ever the same.

I wish you the very best in your garden this year. Let’s make it the most successful one ever.

My kindest regards The Gentleman Gardener


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