In total, 62 responses were received via the consultation website ( wixam-park/), with the majority of responses supportive of the provision of education, sustainable transport options and biodiversity on site. Specifically, 71% of respondents stated their support for the provision of land for the delivery of a two-form entry primary school on site, whilst an impressive 76% of respondents supported the provision of dedicated walking and cycle routes to promote sustainable transport options. The provision of open space on the site was increased following feedback from the consultation to 26 hectares, with 85% of respondents agreeing that the consideration of biodiversity in new developments was important. The final proposals include plans to plant new trees, as well as retain the existing woodland and pond areas that are of high ecological value.
Wixam Park Planning Application Submitted to Central Bedfordshire Council following Public Consultation Following public consultation that ran from 27th October to 10th November 2020, O&H, the landowner and master developer, has submitted an outline planning application with all matters reserved except access, to Central Bedfordshire Council (CBC) for the development of Wixam Park. The planning application is for up to 1,200 dwellings of a mix a sizes, types, and tenures, including an elderly care facility and provision for affordable housing. As part of public consultation on the proposals, residents at Wixams and surrounding villages including Houghton Conquest and Ampthill were asked to submit their thoughts on the proposals for the Wixam Park development, which falls on land to the South of Wixams.
Tobin Rickets, O&H’s Director commented: “We were pleased with the positive response to our consultation from the local community and look forward to progressing through the planning application process with CBC. “Wixam Park would form a logical extension to the ongoing delivery of the Wixams community, helping to support housing need in the area. We have developed the proposals for Wixam Park over several years and are fully committed to consulting with all stakeholders as the proposals progress. We encourage residents to continue sending feedback via email, post, or phone. Any feedback received at this stage will inform the wider development process” Residents can access the application information via the CBC website, and we encourage residents to comment on the application via the planning portal. Any further comments can be sent directly to or call freephone 0800 368 7312. If you are unable to access these platforms, postal comments can also be received at: Wixam Park Project Team, Snapdragon at PLMR, Church House, 29 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BL.