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Advertise here, this size for ONLY £22 a month for six months Delivered to 7500 homes Call Grapevine 0115 8373030


We have a brand new, updated website,, so log on and view the latest community news and updates. Anyone is welcome to contact me to place any event on there, especially if the Grapevine magazine has already gone to print, and at least it can be viewed straight away! Businesses can be placed on there too, but at a very competitive cost. Tere’s a facility on the website to send your artwork direct to us. All the information is on there, so take a look. Our email inbox gets full very quickly, as some of you have already found out, so this should ease the pressure. Our phone lines are working as normal, and answer phones are now in place to cope when the phones are busy, again to ease the pressure! 0115 8373030 and 07854990608. Finally we have a Face book page, which you can join and “like”, another way to keep up to date with information in the community, Grapevine online, Until next month,

񡑁񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑈񡑉 Christine Gough Editor 2



*Terms and conditions apply: offers end March 2014, only one offer can be used per household Not available in conjunction with any other offer, Subject to availability.

3 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁

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Keep fit n e d r a g e h t n i

By Hannah Stephenson


Balancing on one foot while gardening, whether you are trimming a hedge or sowing seeds in the greenhouse, also promotes strength and confidence and keeps the nervous system in good condition, he says. Set yourself a 30-second time limit to start and, as you progress, increase that and maybe even close your eyes, which makes balancing harder, he suggests. Gardening can help the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and other medical conditions as well as burning calories, according to US research.

Raking and forking helps strengthen arms and shoulders and tones the abdominal muscles, while digging and bending (from the knees, keeping the back straight) to move or lift plants or pots can help tone thighs and buttocks. "The thing to keep in mind is always to try to do things to your maximum range of movements," says Colin Holding, head coach of Wildfitness (, a company which runs transformative fitness holidays. He says sitting down is the worst position for the human body, adversely affecting posture and the digestive system and that our natural sitting 񡑁 Half an hour's digging can use up 250 calories, position is in fact a full squat. weeding will burn 105 calories, raking 100 calories Weeding beds and borders gives the legs, hips and buttocks a good workout if and mowing the lawn 195, so those garden chores you squat while you weed. Heavier work you've been putting off may help you squeeze into such as clearing brush and stacking those jeans which have been on the tight side. wood can give you the equivalent workout to a light aerobics class. "Changing the type of garden tools you use can also "Get down as low as you can so that your bottom is as influence the number of calories burned and will also close to your heels as it can be. From that position you have cardiovascular benefits," says award-winning can do gardening rather than getting down on your garden designer David Domoney, who offers tips on knees," he advises. how to get fit gardening on his website "When you stand up you will be using your joints to their maximum range of movements." "For example, use a rake instead of a leaf blower, take From a squat position you can weed or plant and each extra long strides while raking or use short, quick time you move along a border you stand up and then motions, and keep the rake close to your body, squat again. switching sides every two to three minutes." "With deep squats, you use the biggest muscles in your Go for a push mower if you want a more strenuous body - leg, thigh and hip muscles - and will aid lymphatic workout, rather than a power mower which will make the drainage, pumping out toxins as you completely rely on job easier. muscular movement for this." Gardening will not only help you physically, but He also recommends just 'hanging'. In-between other psychologically too. Working in the fresh air and being tasks, take time to find a high branch of a tree and just among trees and plants reduces stress and relieves hang from it to take your body weight. "It's great for muscle tension, studies have shown. 񡑁񡑂񡑃񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑂񡑅񡑆񡑇񡑈񡑉񡑅񡑆 posture and is good for shoulder strength." 񡑐񡑑񡑃񡑑񡑒񡑓񡑒񡑑񡑈񡑔񡑕񡑖񡑆񡑒񡑗񡑈񡑉񡑘񡑗񡑙񡑁


GARDENING Many gardeners worry that too much lifting in the garden will damage their backs. Obviously, if you are attempting to move a really heavy object, ask for help.


Tasty Thyme

"You need to keep an 'S'-shaped spine position when lifting, sweeping or raking, changing sides regularly. Stand with your back against a wall, with your head, shoulder blades, heels and the base of your back (coccyx) also touching the wall. That will give you an idea of the 'S' spine position.

Thyme is one of those herbs that is enjoyed as much for its ornamental value as it is for its intense flavour - but there are a lot of different varieties, some of which aren't for eating, so make sure you choose the right type for you. Thyme likes dry, poor, well-drained soil and lots of sun. If you have heavy soil you'll have to add a good amount of grit to have success. Plant in late spring or early summer, after the last frosts have passed as it needs time to settle in before enduring its first winter outside. Upright varieties should be spaced around 9in (23cm) apart, while spreading types need to be 12in (30cm) apart. They need watering in dry spells while they are becoming established but after that no watering is necessary. The best known type is Thymus vulgaris, garden thyme, which produces deep mauve-pink flowers in June and July. Lemon thyme (Thymus x citriodorus) is good for pots, while T. x citriodorus 'Bertram Anderson', a spreading variety, has gold-variegated leaves and mauve-pink flowers and can be used as both an ornamental and edible plant. Young shoots can be cut off from the tip of the stems for cooking.

"Keep your shoulders back and look at the horizon, not downwards, when you squat, to hold the position," says Domoney. Work at a steady, constant speed to keep heart rate up at a set level and don't do too much of one thing three hours' digging is likely to result in a lot of aches and pains. Change positions regularly to move from pruning to weeding or try to alternate which hands you use. Do the less strenuous gardening chores such as tidying up or a little light pruning to warm up and get the muscles moving and the same when you cool down, he advises. If you tire halfway through, take a break. "Listen to your body. Don't wear yourself out because that's mainly when you'll injure yourself," he adds. 񡑁񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑅񡑇񡑂񡑃񡑃񡑇񡑈񡑅񡑈񡑉񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑃񡑅 񡑃񡑒񡑐񡑅񡑐񡑑񡑅񡑃񡑄񡑑񡑈񡑈񡑅񡑃񡑂񡑓񡑈񡑔񡑅 񡑆񡑅񡑒񡑈񡑈񡑕񡑅񡑂񡑖񡑅񡑃񡑄񡑈񡑅 񡑗񡑆񡑑񡑘񡑈񡑖񡑙񡑅񡑠񡑐񡑡񡑢񡑇񡑇񡑅񡑔񡑐񡑐񡑖񡑅 񡑉񡑈񡑈񡑇񡑅񡑉񡑂񡑃񡑃񡑈񡑑񡑅񡑆񡑖񡑘񡑅񡑄񡑆񡑣񡑈񡑅 񡑆񡑅񡑗񡑆񡑑񡑘񡑈񡑖񡑅񡑃񡑐񡑅񡑤񡑈񡑅 񡑥񡑑񡑐񡑡񡑘񡑅񡑐񡑉񡑦񡑅



Control earwigs 1. Fill upturned flowerpots with straw or shredded paper and place them on top of canes close to vulnerable plants. These will trap them. Check the pots daily.

2. Check out dark places where they may hide during the day and dispose of those you see.


3. Set beer traps, digging a shallow depression in the soil for a small saucer so that the edge of the saucer is level with the soil surface. Pour in about half an inch of beer and empty the saucer daily, re-filling it with fresh beer.


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No job too small Over 20 years experience Re-wiring & new sockets Lighting / power points Consumer units


Do one room, even one area of one room, at a time to avoid unfinished jobs. The satisfaction of seeing one room sparkle will make the hard work feel like it's worth the effort. When tidying, reduce trips around the house by temporarily depositing items in one spot en route to but not at their final destination.

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For further information please call Giles : 0115 882 0552 17 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁


񡑁񡑁񡑒񡑄񡑓񡑐񡑑񡑁񡑔񡑅񡑂񡑁񡑅񡑓񡑅񡑐񡑄񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑃񡑑񡑓񡑅񡑆񡑇񡑑񡑄񡑁񡑐񡑒񡑕񡑅񡑖񡑂񡑈񡑈񡑗񡑁񡑑񡑃񡑕񡑅񡑅񡑁񡑁 “IN NOTTINGHAMSHIRE it is

fear of going out to the shops, not being

estimated that more than 9,000 people have part of the community. These can be helped dementia and many of those with dementia

by an awareness and understanding within

feel isolated and stigmatised. We are deter.

the community to see the person behind the

mined to break down this barrier so that our dementia. 5e report also highlighted ideas residents can ‘live well with dementia’ in

that can help make it possible to live well

Broxtowe Borough” said Councillor Janet

with dementia for carers and those facing

Patrick, Chair of the People and Places EIG, dementia. The report recognised that with Broxtowe Borough Council. A scrutiny re.

an ever increasing ageing population, more

port was welcomed by the Broxtowe Cabi.

and more people are affected by the disease

net last week following a presentation by

and it presents a signi,cant public health

Councillor Patrick of a 10 point plan aimed challenge for all local authorities. Research at achieving the ‘live well with dementia’

also indicates that it’s something we all fear,

sentiment. As well as a challenging

even more than cancer. The main focus of

‘Mission Statement,’ the recommendations

Broxtowe’s plan will be on helping people

include signing up to the Dementia Action

understand dementia and to challenge

Alliance pledge. Councillor Patrick de.

negative attitudes and the fear. The Council

scribed how important the review had been

has already made great strides towards en.

and how the stories the committee had been suring its own properties will be dementia told about dementia had been so moving

friendly. The Leader of the Council, Milan

that many of the group were moved both to Radulovic, recently met with local residents tears and moments of laughter as they

of Linwood Crescent,

listened to the witnesses and case studies. Case studies brought to life some of the issues that those with dementia have faced, loneliness, a feeling of being isolated, 񡑤񡑥񡑁 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁


Eastwood to discuss Broxtowe Council’s

wish to be dementia friends.

plans to build two specially design dementia 񡑁񡑁E.learning for employees friendly bungalows on Linwood Crescent.

񡑁񡑁Strengthen links with care homes to take

Councillor Radulovic said: “The Council

part in ‘Older Person’ week in 2015Encour.

gave a clear brief to the architects to design

age business to sign up to the Dementia

dementia friendly bungalows on Linwood

Action Alliance

Crescent as it is in a quiet residential loca. tion which would suit this use. The social and economic effects of dementia are key challenges for us all. The challenge is to help and support people with dementia to stay living at home.” Simon Henderson, Senior Architect for Pelham Architects, explained the dementia bungalows are designed in a more traditional style to help the residents

񡑁񡑁Encourage shops and businesses to display dementia friendly logo

񡑁񡑁Improve signage in Council buildings to be sympathetic toward people with dementia. For more information on the Dementia friendly report visit the website at http:// id=29526&p=0

associate with them as their home. The lay. out includes a central hall with glazed doors to the rooms to make their use


Kitchen units will have glazed doors so the tenant can see what is in them. Window sizes are increased. Other recommendations from the scrutiny report


Setting and working towards a dementia standard for employees

Photograph above: Councillor Milan Radulovic with Joan Wright 񡑁񡑁Identifying Dementia Champions who are and Simon Henderson, Senior Architect, Pelham Architects, at the Linwood Crescent able to train employees and councillors who consultation event. 񡑤񡑦񡑁 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁


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As winter gives way to spring, and with the onset of longer and warmer days, thoughts often turn to outdoor activi. ties. Camping, walking, cycling, picnics, barbecues…it’s enough to raise the spirits and shake o/ the dark, old, coat of winter. But here is another option, and it’s on your doorstep! In the local wildlife gem of Attenborough Nature Reserve, you have the opportunity to experience the out. doors in a beautiful 񡑁 setting, learn a new skill, have some fun whilst exercising, and be part of a friendly and sociable club. Welcome to Attenborough Sailing Club! You can get a real buzz from skimming across the water on a warm, breezy, summer’s day, and although most people enjoy the sensation of being on a boat, many also imagine the sport is restricted to the wealthy. However, dinghy sailing is much more accessible than people would think. Here at ASC we pride ourselves on providing a range of opportunities to be out on the water. For those that are competitive, there are several race series throughout the year. Races take place every Sunday, and also Wednesday evening during spring, summer and

autumn. There is also the opportunity to take part in racing with other local sailing clubs. If you don’t want to compete, you can also take a boat out for relaxing cruising, and this is supported on Friday evening (between April and October), Saturday and Sunday. Everyone is welcome, from complete beginners, to ultra.competitive experts, from juniors to the more ma. ture. If you have never sailed before, ASC o/ers training courses to RYA level 2 standard, so you would be com. petent to sail in reasonable condi. tions. But of course, the best way to learn is to spend time out on the water, have fun, and discuss sailing with other members. You would be o/ered plenty of help and support, in. cluding advice on sailing techniques, how to choose your ,rst dinghy, and how to make the most of the club facili. ties. A wide range of dinghy classes are sailed at the club, for both racing and cruising, and we have club boats available to suit all age groups that can be used by new members.

񡑰񡑰񡑁 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁


The club enjoys the use of the ‘Conneries Lagoon’ on the edge of the nature reserve, and is ideally placed if you live in the Nottingham.Derby area. Please visit the website at for lots of information about us, including details about RYA courses, upcoming events, location and membership fees. If you have any other questions, you can also ,nd out more by contacting in. Sailing is a wonderful blend of art and science, skill and feel, fun and challenge. In working with the natural elements, every outing is a di/erent experience. If you have been tempted to try dinghy sailing in the past, but have been con.

cerned about taking that ,rst step, then come along to Attenborough Sailing Club – it’s a fantastic way to enjoy the great outdoors.

23 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁

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Advertise here, this size for ONLY £22 a month Delivered to7,500 homes Call Grapevine 0115 8373030

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Margaret Thurs 6pm

St Leonards Community Centre, Bramcote Lane Wollaton T:07877615284

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to treat 񡑃 your mother...


񡑃 񡑃 񡑇 񡑆 񡑅 񡑄 񡑃 񡑂 񡑁

From a mini-break to a date, showing your mother you love her is easy this year with this guide to the perfect gift. Mother’s day is all about showing your mother just how much you love and appreciate her and thanking her as best you can for the many years she has spent nurturing and looking after you. The origins of the day are not certain, in Britain we celebrate it on the Christian date of Mothering Sunday, the worship of the ‘Mother’ church and of the Virgin Mary. There are also suggestions that the day has roots in the Ancient Greek festival in honour of Cybele, a mother of Greeks gods. The Romans also had a celebration called Matronalia that was dedicated to Juno but mothers were also presented with gifts on the day. Wherever the tradition stems from it’s a great excuse to give your mother a well-deserved treat so read on to discover 15 ways to treat your mum. Pampering What better way for your mother to truly relax this mother’s day than a day at a spa? Why not go with her, treat yourself too and make a day of indulging in heavenly massages, treatments and steam rooms. Day out Does your mother enjoy bracing walks in the countryside? Get some friends and family together, park up in a country pub and plot a circular walk. End your walk with a hearty meal in front of a roaring log fire. Meal Give your mum a break from cooking for a night and book a restaurant meal for all the family. She will love having her children around her, especially if it doesn’t involve slaving over a hot stove all day in preparation.

Mini-break If you really want to show your mother how special she is, book a weekend getaway. Take her for a cultural tour of Paris, or warming weekend in Barcelona and get some shopping in while you’re there. Cleaning service What is your mother’s least favourite activity? Ironing? Cleaning? Vacuuming the carpets? Why not get some hired help in for her one day, or more if you can afford it, as an extra special mother’s day surprise. Theatre/musical Is your mother mad about musicals or a theatre buff? You could make a day of it and book tickets to see her favourite show then take her out to supper. Chocolates Chocolates are a sure way to win your mother’s heart – get her a luxury selection she can enjoy with a bottle of wine and a good film. Accessories A pair of earrings or a string of pearls; mothers can’t have enough jewels and they provide the perfect way to create a new look without the need for a whole new wardrobe. Flowers A bouquet may seem like an obvious choice but if you choose her favourite flowers, or an elegant pot plant for the house she will be delighted. Afternoon tea The English preserve of taking tea is a delightfully civilised way to enjoy a good old chinwag – so take her to a tea house and spend a peaceful afternoon catching up.

Helicopter or hot air balloon ride For a once in a lifetime experience, get mother a voucher for a helicopter tour of our regional countryside. It will allow her to take in the spectacular scenery in a way she has never seen it before. A bottle of her favourite tipple Sherry is my mother’s favourite but a good bottle of bubbly is sure to go down equally well. Makeover The years may have been kind to your mother but she’s so busy looking after other people she forgets to look after herself. Book her in for a makeover and remind her of how beautiful she still is. A new man If your mother is on the market why not set her up on a blind date. If you don’t know any adequate suitors, enlist the help of a dating agency and help her find love this year. Colour analysis Help her discover which colours suit her and revolutionise her current look. A colour analyst will test different colour fabrics against your skin to find out which colours suit your skin tone. You will fit into one of eight bands: cool or warm spring, summer, autumn or winter. As a ‘warm spring’, for example, you are best in colours with a warm honey base – avoiding ‘cool’ shades like bright red or black.

26 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁



THE HAIR COMPANY Traditional Hairdressing Established Family Business over 24 years 񡑁񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑇񡑃񡑅񡑈񡑉񡑃񡑐񡑆񡑑񡑒񡑈񡑉񡑓񡑔񡑃񡑄񡑒񡑓񡑕񡑖񡑇񡑒񡑃񡑗񡑖񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃 񡑖񡑘񡑆񡑃񡑈񡑒񡑄񡑃񡑅񡑈񡑉񡑃񡑒񡑙񡑑񡑠񡑗񡑑񡑈񡑡񡑃񡑕񡑓񡑑񡑒񡑈񡑗񡑠񡑢񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃񡑃 Closed Mon & Tues Open: 9am ~ 1pm Wed 9am ~ 5pm Thurs 8.30am ~ 6pm Fri 8.30am ~ 4pm Sat


0115 943 6902 Proprietor : Nicola Patsides

27 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁

񡑁 񡑁


years. Graham Elstone will teach visitors

children and young people are running

how to use techniques such as stop

at Attenborough Nature Centre on

motion, drawing, 2D cut outs and

Saturday 29th March as part of Broxtowe character design. No prior experience Borough Council’s Take Part Art.

necessary. Tickets cost £4 per person

Children who love being outdoors

and booking is essential. The workshops

collecting sticks and leaves can enjoy one are just some of the many activities on of two Family Art Workshops between

o/er throughout March during Take

9.30am and 12.00pm and 1.00pm and

Part Art, with a packed programme of

3.30pm in the Education Room at the

events for people of all ages and abili.

Nature Centre. Artist Charlotte Ashman ties. A wide range of workshops will will lead families around the nature

take place across Broxtowe, giving local

reserve, foraging in the natural

residents the opportunity to learn new

environment before returning to the

creative skills, including silk painting,

Centre to make fun prints and inks from willow weaving, stop.frame animation their ,nds. Suitable for children aged 7

and bookmaking. For more

– 11 years and their parents or guardi.

information or to book your place,

ans. Tickets cost £4 per person and

please contact Broxtowe Borough

booking is essential. The Stop Frame

Council on 0115 917 3695 or

Animation workshop between 10.00am e: and 4.00pm will provide a unique op. portunity to create an animated short ,lm for older children aged 12 – 16 񡑰񡑥񡑁 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁



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29 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁


񡑁񡑁 񡑁 񡑁Grapevine can deliver your leaflets call :


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32 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁

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Time to Love Lamb

For fans of tradition, now is the time to order your spring lamb for Easter. At this time of year, lamb meat is succulent and subtle in flavour, making it the perfect centrepiece for a celebration. So put your wintry roast recipes away and adopt an understated, gentle approach to Sunday lunch. Here are three Easter recipes that will make the most of your spring lamb, and dazzle friends and family.

Noisettes of lamb with anchovy, mint and lime marinade (Serves 2)

Top tip:

This recipe works well with lamb chops or cutlets too.

4 lean lamb noisettes 2tbsp oil For the marinade: Salt and freshly milled black pepper 2tbsp freshly chopped mint 1tbsp sherry vinegar 2 anchovy fillets, drained and finely chopped 1tbsp Dijon or wholegrain mustard 2tbsp olive oil Juice of half a lime 1-2tbsp runny honey, optional For the pan-fried asparagus: 1tbsp olive oil 400g asparagus, trimmed and lightly steamed For the sherry dressing: 50ml sherry vinegar 1tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1tsp caster sugar Salt and freshly milled black pepper

To prepare the marinade, place all the ingredients into a large shallow dish and mix well. Place the noisettes in the marinade mixture and coat on both sides. Cover and refrigerate for up to two hours. To prepare the pan-fried asparagus, heat a large non-stick griddle or frying pan, coat the asparagus in the olive oil and cook for five to eight minutes, turning occasionally until tender, drain, transfer to a large


serving plate and keep warm. Heat the oil for the noisettes in a clean nonstick griddle or frying pan until hot. Add the lamb and cook for four to six minutes on each side over a moderate heat until cooked. To make the dressing, place all the ingredients into a small bowl, whisk until combined and spoon over the asparagus. Serve the noisettes with creamy mash potatoes and the asparagus.




Warm lamb and noodle salad (Serves 4)

For the salad:

1 x 100g bag mixed salad leaves 4 lean lamb leg or rump steaks 175g fresh radishes, sliced Salt and freshly milled black pepper 1 small red onion, peeled, halved 2tsp Chinese five-spice powder and thinly sliced 2tbsp sunflower oil 3tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1tbsp sesame seeds 4tbsp sweet chilli sauce 2tbsp plum or damson jam, softened with a little hot water 300g cooked egg or rice noodles, to serve

Place the steaks on a chopping board and season on both sides with the salt, pepper and Chinese fivespice powder. Place the salad ingredients into a large bowl, season and drizzle with the olive oil. In a small bowl, mix together the sweet chilli sauce and plum or damson jam. Heat the sunflower oil in a large, nonstick wok or frying pan. Add the lamb and cook for four

to six minutes on each side until cooked. Halfway through cooking, add the sesame seeds. Remove the lamb from the pan, transfer to a plate to rest for two to three minutes, then slice into strips. Arrange the warmed noodles on a serving plate and add the salad, then arrange the lamb on top. Spoon over the sweet chilli dressing and serve immediately.

Paprika and Parmesan lamb with spring salsa (Serves 4) 2 lamb rump mini joints (weighing 225-250g) or 4 boneless leg steaks Salt and freshly milled black pepper 2tsp smoked paprika 50g butter 1tbsp oil 50g fresh breadcrumbs (not dried) 1tsp dried chilli flakes 1tbsp Parmesan or Pecorino cheese, grated 1-2tsp Dijon mustard For the spring salsa: ¼ cucumber, peeled and diced 1 small red pepper, cored, deseeded and finely chopped 2 spring onions, finely chopped 1 stick celery, finely chopped 2tbsp freshly chopped flat-leaf parsley 2-3tbsp extra virgin rapeseed or olive oil 2tsp lemon juice Preheat the oven to 220C/Gas mark 7. On a large plate, mix the salt, pepper and smoked paprika. Dust the lamb on both sides with the seasoning mix. Melt half the butter with the oil in a non -stick frying pan and sear the lamb for two minutes, turning once. Transfer to a plate and leave to cool slightly. Melt the remaining butter and set aside. On

a large plate, mix together the breadcrumbs, chilli flakes and cheese. Brush the mustard over the top of each lamb portion, then top with the breadcrumb mixture, pressing down firmly. Brush the melted butter over the breadcrumbs. Transfer to a small roasting tray and open roast for up to 10 minutes (for medium) until the


breadcrumbs are crispy. If using the mini joints, leave to rest for up to 10 minutes as well. Meanwhile, prepare the spring salsa by mixing all the ingredients together in a medium-sized bowl and seasoning. Serve the lamb (sliced if using mini joints) with new potatoes and the spring salsa. for more lamb recipes



Nottingham library opens private garden

and dementia information stand.

to raise awareness of dementia

Assistant Librarian Geraldine Gray said:

A Nottingham subscription library is

“Our walled garden is a place of calm and

opening up its private walled garden to the

tranquility in the city centre and it will be

public on Saturday 24th May to support

looking at its best in May. Bromley House’s

Alzheimer’s Society during

gardener will be on hand to answer any queries

Dementia Awareness Week.

and Carol Barstow will be able to answer any

5e Bromley House Library

queries about the

library. We are de.

Open Garden Event will take place on Saturday lighted to be working in 24th May from 1pm- 4pm. The

support of the Alzheimer’s Society


Library, which was founded in

particularly during

1816 and is home to over

Dementia Awareness

40,000 books, is situated in the

Week” Danielle Hin.

centre of

dle, Community Fund.


in a Grade II* listed Georgian

raiser for Alzheimer's

town house and is home to one

Society in the East

of the few remaining city centre

Midlands said: “It’s fan.

walled gardens.

tastic that Bromley

Alzheimer’s Society is the leading support and

House Library is opening up the private garden

research charity for people with dementia and

to help raise vital awareness and funds to support

their families and carers. Dementia a/ects over


800,000 people in the UK and Dementia

and will be a great afternoon out for the whole

Awareness Week, which runs from 18th.24th

family. It is local organisations like them that

May, aims to raise awareness of all types of

enable us to support more people living with

dementia and to show how to get the right sup.

dementia and their families and carers. We

port and to live well with the condition. There

greatly appreciate their support and generosity.”

Society. It’s a wonderful venue

are around 3000 people living with dementia in Nottingham. The garden will be open from 1pm to 4pm and entrance is £2 per person. Cake and refreshments will be available as well as a raSe 36 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁



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38 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁




All Aspects of Plumbing and Electrical Work Undertaken

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񡑁Boiler Replacement & Repair 񡑁Heating Systems 񡑁񡑂 񡑁Bathrooms & Showers 񡑁񡑂 񡑁Inspection & testing 񡑁񡑂 񡑁Fuse Box Upgrades & Rewires

Making the weather work for you

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Landline 0115 946 1392

Sockets & Lighting Solar Panel & Renewable Heating Solutions

For 24/7 Emergencies call 07961 447227

No job too large or small. 񡑁

39 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁


Book Review by Claire Lyons Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

As the month of romance comes and goes, it’s always nice to read an old favourite and rekindle a love of reading and you can’t go too wrong with the classics – my pick would be Jane Eyre. It’s a darkly brooding book with complex characters and although ultimately has a happy (ish) ending, there are many sad and perilous events right from the beginning. The book follows the life of Jane, an orphan put into a children’s home by her unpleas. ant Aunt – it really never gets much better until she is ,nally able to secure a position as a Governess – and then the disastrous romance begins. The strong elegance of Mr Rochester is hard to resist, but nothing is simple and there are many twists and turns before true love can conquer all. The book isn’t too sickly sweet and the characters are Uawed and human, the storyline moves quickly and the outcomes are not too obvious. There are many ,lm and tv adaptations, but the original story is still well worth a read. For those who may be intrigued by the wider story you might enjoy The Wide Sargasso Sea, which is a prequel looking at the young life of Mr Rochester and how he becomes embroiled with the ‘other woman’ in the story.

Children’s Choice The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

We shouldn’t forget that many of the children’s classics are also available in a range of age appropriate formats, Usborne are best known for creating ‘retold’ versions of the classics for di/erent ages and they are often on o/er with the online book shops, we are currently reading The Secret Garden, retold for toddlers by Susanna Davidson. The illustrations are like watercolours, and quite di/erent from other children’s books, but this goes with the story which is a little dated. It raises lots of questions about illness, family and even death which have been useful to tackle in this small way. It’s a great happy ending, and hopefully we will read it again in its next reincarnation and again in the original form, creating a lifelong love of great literature… at least that’s the plan.

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񡑁񡑂񡑃񡑃񡑂񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑃񡑇񡑆񡑃񡑈񡑂񡑆񡑉񡑄񡑐񡑑񡑂񡑒񡑓񡑔񡑂񡑆񡑆 Your readers have between now and May 11th to propose entries in the prestigious Harry Johnson award - organised every two years by the Nottinghamshire branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England and the Nottinghamshire Building Preservation Trust. The Award aims to encourage recognition of enlightened restoration of vernacular architecture using traditional materials and craftspeople, or of new building which blends sympathetically into an existing area of heritage value. It was initiated as a memorial to Harry Johnson, one of the county's outstanding architects, a passionate advocate for Nottinghamshire's built heritage, and an energetic supporter of CPRE and the NBPT. The Award certi,cates are highly prized. We hope your readers may wish to commend buildings of which, quite possibly, very few people are aware. To avoid embarrassment, it is essential to obtain the support of the building's owners before proposing the project, which must have been completed within the three years prior to the entry deadline. A very modest entry fee of £15 helps to defray the cost of administration. Nomination forms are available from the NBPT office, and can be requested by telephone, e.mail or post (see details below). They are also available on the NBPT website . In the past, domestic buildings have dominated the Awards list, but in 2012, winners of the two categories were The Old Pumphouse, The Ropewalk, Nottingham and Healy's Wharf in Newark. Highly commended was The Bramcote Old Church Tower. For more details please contact: Nottinghamshire Building Preservation Trust, 5e Minster Chambers, Church Street, Southwell, Nottinghamshire NG25 0HD Phone: 01636 819555 (Wednesdays)

0115 9392459 (otherwise)

e.mail: website:

42 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁


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CROSSWORD Clues Across 1. Notch (4) 3. Raider (8) 8. Spoken (4) 9. Resounding (8) 11. Dissembling (12) 13. Muddy (6) 14. Spruce (6) 17. Potency (12) 20. Flying (8) 21. Scoff (4) 22. Determined (8) 23. Brink (4) Down 1. Beginner (8) 2. Bell-tongue (7) 4. Vinegary (6) 5. Hateful (10) 6. Play (5) 7. Chide (4) 10. Fortuitous (10) 12. Jam (8) 15. Feign (7) 16. Endeavour (6) 18. Skips (5) 19. Den (4)

SUDOKU Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Rating: Fiendish

9 3




4 6 5

1 5 9 3

8 7

5 1



6 7 9 2 4 9

44 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁




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COMMUNITY ARCADE PLAYERS PRESENTS A MYSTERY ! Theatre goers are in for a treat when the Arcade Players perform their next play, “Take Away the Lady”, a superb murder mystery by Jimmie Chinn. When Mother comes to her untimely death after she ‘falls’ through a window, her son Matthew, is sent to prison for her murder. But now he is back, and deter. mined to prove his innocence, much to the concern of his sisters, father and wife. Did Mother fall or was she pushed? . . . if she was, who did it, and more to the point why ? Family secrets, hidden motives and the suspicious activities of this dysfunctional family are the key ingredients in this classic mystery thriller. With such a superb plot and the skills of the Arcade Players telling the story, “Take Away the Lady” is guaranteed to provide a great evening’s entertainment that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the last minute. Do not delay in getting your tickets ! “Take way the Lady” will be performed at The Duchess 5eatre, Long Eaton on April 30th, May 1st, 2nd and 3rd at 7.30 pm. Tickets still priced at £6 (concessions on Wed. and 5urs.) are available by : e.mail: phone : 07503329277 pick up tickets: from the Theatres Saturday co/ee morning by mail: complete a Uyer and send to David Hollingsworth

WOLLATON HISTORICAL & CONSERVATION SOCIETY Wednesday March 26th, 7.30pm, St Leonard’s Community Centre, Bramcote Lane, Wollaton. Guest speaker Mo Cooper. “5e story of St Anns Allotments”. Free for members, £2 visitors, Free refreshments.

46 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁


47 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁



񡑁񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑃񡑅񡑆񡑇񡑈񡑉Delight That naughty substance has started filling the shelves again. Now that this lovely stuff is back in our lives in the run up to Easter, what's the best way to cook with it?

Here are some recipes that you can try

Chocolate puds

with warm chocolate sauce 100g golden caster sugar 2 eggs 125g softened butter 40g ground almonds 40g cocoa 85g self raising flour sifted together with & ½tsp baking powder 100g dark chocolate melted with 170ml double cream to make a sauce Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Mix the flour, cocoa and almonds. Cream the butter and sugar, then add the eggs and flour mix, plus 1 tbsp water. Fold everything together. Spoon into 6 150ml pudding moulds, put in a roasting tin with 1 cm boiling water, cover the lot with foil and bake for 25-30 minutes or until risen and cooked through. Serve with the warm sauce.

Really easy

chocolate mousse 75g dark chocolate, chopped then melted (use a standard dark chocolate for this rather than a high cocoa one as it combines better) 2 eggs, separated 25g butter, melted 1tbsp Tia Maria (optional) 2tbsp golden caster sugar To melt chocolate put it in a heatproof bowl sitting over (not in) a pan of gently simmering water or in short 10-second blasts in the microwave. Mix the chocolate with the egg yolks and butter. Whisk the egg whites and then whisk in the sugar until the mixture is shiny and stiff. Fold the two mixtures together along with the Tia Maria, if using. Divide between 4 glasses and chill until set.

48 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁



񡑐񡑃񡑑񡑒񡑅񡑈񡑉񡑄񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑃񡑅񡑆񡑇񡑈񡑉 cheesecake

300g cream cheese mixed with 200g mascarpone 100g dark chocolate, melted 300g milk chocolate, melted 175g digestive biscuits, crushed and mixed with 50g melted butter

Press the biscuit mixture into the base of a 20cm springform tin. Fold the milk chocolate into the cream cheese mix and then stir in the dark chocolate so that it looks streaky. Spoon into the tin, level the top and chill for 2 hours or overnight.


Recipe’s supplied by Olive magazine.


񡑁 񡑁


Is Granny coming for Easter? Why not hire a wheelchair or scooter Open 10.30am till 3pm Beeston Shopmobility is a charity run by unpaid Volunteers at 10 Devonshire Avenue Beeston Telephone:

0115 9173077

DAILY LOAN a wheelchair or scooter £1.00 per 2 hours use.


A Scooter to fit in car boot £30.00 per week Plus returnable deposit. A Manual and folding Wheelchair £20.00 per week Plus returnable deposit. A Walking Frame £10.00 per week Plus returnable deposit 50 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁



Andrew Lloyd-Webber’s Jesus Christ Superstar coming to Long Eaton! Long Eaton Operatic Society is delighted to announce our Easter production of Jesus Christ Superstar, running from 8th.12th April. Jesus Christ Superstar is the original rock musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice telling the heart. wrenching story of the last days of Jesus in Jerusalem. First released as an album and iconic ,lm over 40 years ago, Jesus Christ Superstar has since enjoyed im. mense success on both Broadway and the West End. A recent arena tour revival and TV show have reawakened interest in this story, and Long Eaton Operatic Society are excited to be able to bring such a thrilling show to our audiences. Told entirely in music, with memorable songs such as ‘I Don’t Know How To Love Him’, ‘Heaven On Their Minds’, ‘Gethsemane’ and of course ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’, this spell.binding story of love and betrayal will stay with you long after the curtains close! See it from Tuesday 8th - Saturday 12th April at May Hall, Trent College, Long Eaton starting at 7.30pm, with a Saturday matinee at 2.30pm. Tickets are available from our Box OVce Manager on 01332 874352 or 07753 353417: £10 stalls and £12 balcony (£8 concessions matinee only) or book online at le. Don’t miss our special offer for Tuesday when you can see the show for only £8 in the stalls or £10 in the balcony! Tickets can also be purchased in person from mid.March for Heaps Stationers, 81 High Street, Long Eaton.

Sandiacre History Group 5e next meeting of the Sandiacre History Group will take place on Thursday 10th April 2014 at the Sandiacre Methodist Church Hall in Butt Street at 7.30pm. Joseph Wright of Derby an Illustrated talk by Nigel Brooks There is a £2 admission charge for visitors, who are most welcome. Sandiacre History Group meets six times per year and the annual membership is £7 per person or £11 for two people living at the same address. For more information please contact: Mrs Sheila Hickingbotham on 0115 939 8057. 񡑱񡑤񡑁 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁


񡑈񡑈In and around your Community. 񡑈 MAKE SOME MONEY

Unwanted gifts? Sell them here! Give us a call or mail us with your items before 10th of each month. Beech Publications: Office: Unit6 A, The Mayfair Walk, Oxford Street, Long Eaton Nottingham NG10 1JR— 0115 98373030.

Tomy/tomica road and rail track . huge amount . well over £400 worth lots of Road and rail track . tunnels.bridges . lots of risers . stations .7 trains inc bullet train, Hypercity & Percy . 6 cars inc dustcart, Bertie & Bulgy bus . Toll bridge . crossroad sections . Turntable with shed and more . £90.00 Tel: 07748 813315 Chilwell 񡑕

My cherished number plate is for sale J33OSY. Can be for Josy (Josie) Josephine or OsyIt is on retention certi,cate, fee paid, until 1st December 2014.The certi,cate states the assignment fee has been paid. The car will need to be taxed, tested (if required) and insured and the V5 (registration document) in the appli. cant's name. It can be assigned to any car registered after August 1991. £350 Chilwell Tel: 07748 813315 Digital Home/OVce Safe S.25e. 2 manual override Keys with covered key slot. Digital code entry or use the key. Can be bolted to the Uoor or wall. Dimensions (cm): 35W x 25D x 25H With instructions. As New. £20. Chilwell Tel: 07748 813315 Old charm style dark oak dresser with corner ends vgc £150 ono. Hexagonal gilt framed mirror, 22" diameter, £25 ono. Oval gilt framed mirror 28.5" x 17.5" £25 ono. Tel 0115 9392965

Maximum 3 ads per person. Sell your items for FREE. Any item up to £500 free, any item over this amount a charge of Maximum 3 ads per person. Sell your items for FREE. £15 per entry up to £1,000 plus VAT and £20 up to £5,000 plus Ads will appear in the next available edition. VAT. Ads will appear in the next available edition. Re-call or email again for each edition. Re-call or email again for each edition. 񡑱񡑰񡑁 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁


COMMUNITY Ikea hall coat and shoe storage unit, dark wood and aluminium, £50.00. Ikea Kingsized sprung mattress with antique pine bed frame, £75.00. Please telephone 07721012718 Toton Child’s Nike England rugby shirt, age 10.12, (140.152cms).Predominantly white. Brand new with tags. £12. Tel: 0115 9284205. Wollaton Mayfair S Freerider mobility scooter. For sale due to owner going into a nursing home. Working order, will travel up to 6mph. Red with shopping basket on front. Buyer must collect from Chilwell. £200 ono. Tel 0115 9224901 Raleigh Classic Caprice Ladies bike never used, low stp over cost £306, sell £230. Attenborough. Tel: 0115 8774214 Old Charm oak side table two drawers, VGC cost £600 sell for £200. Attenborough Tel: 0115 8774214 Royal Wood Commode—wipe clean back and seat, never used, VGC cost £360 sell for £160 Attenborough Tel: 0115 8774214 2 Grey Emsmorn Bowling shirts size 14 £10 each 1 white Emsmorn Bowling skirt size 14 £10—White Emsmorn waterproof jacket and skirt med size £20 Chilwell Tel: 0115 9253072 BRITAX car seat (nearly new) 9.36 kg. Cost over £100 O/ers accepted. Tel: 0115 9229567

Maximum 3 ads per person. Sell your items for FREE. Any item up to £500 free, any item over this amount a charge of £15plus VAT per entry up to £1,000 and £20 plus VAT up to £5,000. Ads will appear in the next available edition. Re-call or email again for each edition. 53 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁

񡑁 񡑁Publication

and Distribution Information񡑁

Grapevine is published by Beech Publica#ons Office: Unit 6A, The Mayfair Walk, Oxford Street Grapevine in Long Eaton, No;ngham NG10 1JR. Wollaton & Chris#ne Gough, Editor Bramcote 7,500 Copies Office Tel : 0115 8373030 Editor: 07854990608 delivered FREE email: Distribu#on: 7,500 Adver sing costs: see our website or telephone / email for prices. Prices start as li le as £22 NO VAT per issue. A rac∃ve deals on offer for mul∃ple bookings, call for details. Non profit making community groups adver se for FREE. 񡑁

Beech Publica ons publish and distribute two glossy A5 Community magazines. Grapevine In NG9—covering parts of Chilwell, Beeston, A6enborough, Toton Stapleford and Trowell– Distribu on 12,000 copies Grapevine Wollaton and Bramcote - covering parts of these areas Distribu on 7,500 copies

Please save me or

񡑁񡑁We can deliver your leaflets Please call 0115 8373030񡑁

Disclaimer: BEECH PUBLICATIONS is an independent organisa on and is not connected to any other organisa on, publica ons or groups. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of material published in this magazine, Beech Publica ons takes no responsibility for accuracy of statements made by contributors or adver sers, for loss arising from non publica on of any adver sement. Beech Publica ons officially does not endorse any adver sing material published in this publica on. Copyright: This publica on may not be reproduced or transmi6ed in any form, in whole or in part, without the express wri6en permission of the Publisher. All artwork is accepted on the strict condi on that permission has been given for use in this publica on.

54 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁


Little Grapevine Tips Garden ID Tags Take old or unneeded Venetian blind slats and cut them into 8-inch strips. Cut a point on one end for pushing into the dirt. These are rigid, waterproof and great for writing the name of each particular flower or vegetables on. Tree Trimming in the Spring Don't trim trees in the budding season (late March or early April) because it adds additional trauma to the tree. Help Holding small nails—Ever find it near impossible to hold onto small nails when hanging items or tacking down a panel? Here's a quick tip that makes the job easy. Place the nail in the teeth of a comb. Position the comb where you want the nail to be and make the initial tap with your hammer. Once the nail is set you can slide the comb away and your nail is ready to be tapped into place.

Solutions Coffee Break Solutions


Crossword solutions Across: 1 Nick; 3 Marauder; 8 Oral; 9 Resonant; 11 Hypocritical; 13 Turbid; 14 Dapper; 17 Powerfulness; 20 Aviation; 21 Jeer; 22 Resolute; 23 Edge.

For April 2014— deadline for artwork is March 20th.

Down: 1 Neophyte; 2 Clapper; 4 Acetic; 5 Abominable; 6 Drama; 7 Rate; 10 Accidental; 12 Preserve; 15 Pretend; 16 Effort; 18 Omits; 19 Lair.

For artwork design to be processed in house, please call for additional details.

Sudoku solutions

Free artwork design if booking for a 3 month period.

0115 8373030 55 񡑂񡑃񡑄񡑅񡑆񡑄񡑁񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑐񡑑񡑈񡑁񡑒񡑓񡑅񡑔񡑄񡑕񡑐񡑈񡑄񡑁񡑖񡑗񡑄񡑈񡑁񡑓񡑄񡑆񡑔񡑑񡑈񡑘񡑐񡑈񡑙񡑁񡑉񡑑񡑁񡑅񡑘񡑕񡑄񡑓񡑉񡑐񡑆񡑄񡑇񡑄񡑈񡑉񡑆񡑁

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