The Beefmaster Pay Weight: Fall 2016 Issue

Page 1



a publication dedicated to serving commercial cattlemen and produced by Beefmaster Breeders United FALL 2016

Vol. 2, No. 2

Developing Beef Bulls: Simplified

By Shane Gadberry, Ph.D. and Jeremy Powell, D.V.M. - University of Arkansas Developing beef bulls can be both challenging and rewarding. Sale of breeding age bulls is often a significant source of revenue for seedstock producers. A comprehensive bull development program addresses selection and breeding strategies that will target the type of bull that fits production and marketing conditions. Nutrition, health and management strategies are also important components of bull development programs. It is important from a profitability standpoint to keep development costs at acceptable levels while maintaining an effective development program. The product of a successful development program is healthy, well-grown bulls that are ready to serve as effective herd sires.

Goals for a Bull Development Program A good bull development program starts with good planning. Begin by evaluating resources (time, capital, land, labor, facilities, forages, etc.) required to develop a reasonable plan for developing young bulls. A proper bull development program involves cost management and a welldesigned nutrition and herd health program. Goals for a bull development program should include: • Design breeding programs to produce high-quality bulls. • Develop selection criteria for placing weaned bulls in a development program. • Keep costs to a reasonable level without cutting corners.

• Develop forage and feed programs that meet nutritional needs for target weight gains.

differ from one operation to the next depending on production and marketing conditions and personal preferences. Goals may also • Plan for bulls to be well-grown without ex- change over time. Regular cess condition as year- program evaluation can lings. reveal areas where goals may need to be modified to • Have bulls physically fit so they will be active enhance program direction. breeders. • Implement a well-designed herd health program. Goals for a bull development program may

Selection of Bulls for Development

Selection of bulls for a development program begins continued on page 4

8 steps to convert year-round calving to a controlled breeding season Requested in-home September 12-16, 2016

By Les Anderson, Ph.D. - University of Kentucky Maintaining a controlled breeding and calving season can be one of the most important management tools for cow-calf producers. A uniform, heavier, and more valuable calf crop is one key reason for keeping the breeding season short. Plus, more efficient cow supplementation and cow herd health programs are products of a short breeding season. However, converting from a year-long breeding season

to a shortened 2 to 3 month breeding season should not be done haphazardly. A system for converting from year-round to a 75-day controlled calving season over a period of two years would present less loss and fewer problems than to try to convert in one year. The following steps are suggested for getting on a controlled breeding system:

1. Determine the ideal

time of year and the length of your new calving season. For example, my cows will calve from February 15th to April 30th (74 days).

2. Determine the repro-

ductive status of each cow in your herd. First, go to your record book to determine the last date each cow calved. If you don’t keep records, try to match the cows and calves up continued on page 19


The Beefmaster Pay Weight

The Beefmaster Pay Weight

Letter From The Editor

Beefmasters will do more to improve your bottom line than any other decision you as a commercial cattleman will make. Choose wisely, buy Beefmasters.

By Bill Pendergrass This fall 2016 issue of The Beefmaster Pay Weight marks a milestone for the Beefmaster breed. One year ago Beefmaster Breeders United (BBU) conceived a new publication whose sole purpose was to reach the commercial cattleman and inform him of the benefits of Beefmasters in crossbreeding programs. Inside this issue, you will learn about the new selection technologies that Beefmasters have unveiled over the summer of 2016.

Beefmasters entered the DNA age with the release of genomic-enhanced EPDs (GE-EPDs) in June. This milestone was achieved thanks to the vision of the Beefmaster Education Endowment Fund (B.E.E.F.) and special thanks go Davin Vaughn, Roger Fuller and B.E.E.F.’s Board of Directors who worked tirelessly since 2010 to make GE-EPDs a reality for Beefmasters. In this issue you can read about the significance of GE-EPDs and how to use this amazing technology to propel your commercial cowherd into the future.

and Maternal Index ($M), the first targeted selection indices for the Beefmaster breed. With $T and $M ranchers can fine tune their genetic selections based upon their needs and simplify their search for herd sires. I want to thank the BBU Board of Directors and President Mackie Bounds for their vision and hard work in bringing these selection tools to the beef industry.

If you have any questions or comments please contact me at bpendergrass@ or 210-7323132.

Beefmasters are right for the times. No other breed can offer the heterosis impact and suite of maternal traits that Beefmasters do. As our markets return to In July 2016, BBU released normal, the performance our Terminal Index ($T) and maternal punch of

the BEEFMASTER Pay Weight

Bill Pendergrass

BBU Executive Vice President Editor, The Beefmaster Pay Weight

Beefmaster Breeders United

The Beefmaster Pay Weight is a publication produced by Beefmaster Breeders United and dedicated to serving commercial cattlemen. The Beefmaster Pay Weight Team

Beefmaster Breeders United Staff Members

Editor: Bill Pendergrass Managing Editor: Jeralyn Novak Contributing Writers: Dr. Les Anderson, Beth Brian, Jared E. Decker, Dr. Shane Gadberry, Bill Pendergrass, Dr. Jeremy Powell, Erin Worrell Advertising Coordinators: Lance Bauer, Bill Pendergrass, Matt Woolfolk Graphic Designer: Jeralyn Novak

Bill Pendergrass: Executive Vice President Collin Osbourn: Chief Financial Officer Kelsey Crenshaw: Member Service Data Entry Sarah Davis: Membership Coordinator, Member Services & Transfers Donna Henderson: Office Manager Jeralyn Novak: Communications Coordinator Matt Woolfolk: Field Representative & Commercial Marketing Director Lance Bauer : Western Field Representative

For advertisement sales: Contact Matt Woolfolk at 210-464-0923 or Lance Bauer at 210-464-1309

Contact BBU: 6800 Park Ten Blvd., Suite 290 West, San Antonio, TX 78213 - (210) 732-3132 - Beefmaster Breeders United reserves the right to refuse advertising in any publications. © 2016 Beefmaster Breeders United. All rights reserved. The contents of this magazine may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or part, without prior written consent of Beefmaster Breeders United.

Performance Tested Black & Red Beefmaster Bulls & Females FOR SALE McKenzie’s Beefmasters Kendall & Vivian McKenzie 57426 Hilltop Church Road Angie, LA 70426 985-848-5468 985-335-7123 5M Beefmasters Geary & Ann McKenzie 54081 Hwy 62 Franklinton, LA 70438 985-848-5800 985-515-2306 Herd Bulls Also Include: Exodus - a CHRK Genesis son

Triple Threat BW















Milk 0.57 99

TM 18.22






16.40 39.00





































































CJ’s Lead On - a CF Adrenaline son

1.19 5




Dedicated to Producing Quality Cattle with Outstanding Genetics!




























The Beefmaster Pay Weight

continued from page 1

Observe nursing bull calves for problems that before the calves are born. may necessitate culling. Start with careful selection Early identification of of sires that complement the these culls facilitates the cow herd and are expected to implementation of costproduce a desired type of bull effective management calf. Not all bulls are suitable practices such as early as herd sires, and likewise, castration and implanting not all young bulls are worth with growth promoters developing into breeding that would not otherwise bulls. Bulls being considered be performed on bulls for a development program developed for breeding should be physically sound, purposes. This can help free from genetic defects and capture added value from exhibit an acceptable level of animals not making the reproductive potential. The cut in a bull development genetic potential of a bull program. Weaning is a good will also impact his value as time to cull low performing, a herd sire and the price that unthrifty, structurally he can command. unsound or genetically inferior bull calves and select

those bull calves that will continue into a postweaning development program. Bulls also should be evaluated during selection and throughout the development program for their disposition (temperament). Bulls that exhibit a poor disposition should be culled. Expected progeny differences (EPDs) are available on many seedstock animals. They provide predictions of genetic merit for specific traits and serve as a valuable selection and marketing tool. Accuracy (ACC) values give an indication of the reliability of EPDs. The closer the ACC is to “1,” the more reliable


KRUSE FARMS Keith & Arlis Kruse Loganville, Wisconsin 608/434-6661 KEITH 608/727-2697 ARLIS

26 months

Total Addiction: C1043908

Only bull in the breed with OVER 18.5 REA & 3.78 IMF (adj 365 days) BW -1.04 25%

WW 63.75 1%

YW 104.47 1%

M 10.74 25%

IMF .06 2%

REA .37 1%

SC 1.91 1%

$T 180.55 1%

$M 38.74 1%

Selling Semen, Bulls, bred heifers & heifers Year Round! Upcoming Sales: November 05

CSBBA Performance Bull Sale: Joplin, MO

December 02 Arcadia, FL

7 years

Gusto: C985910

BW WW YW M IMF -2.71 54.05 80.88 10.11 .14 2% 1% 1% 35% 1%

Herd Average:

BW WW YW M IMF -.36 47.85 76.86 9.53 .03 45% 1% 1% 45% 4%

REA .16 2%

REA .42 1%

SC 1.25 1%

SC $T $M 1.46 141.20 40.93 1% 1% 1%

$T $M 132.79 30.39 1% 1%

the EPD becomes. Typically, ACC values increase as a bull sires more calves with reported performance records. Heavily used artificial insemination sires often have high ACC values, while young bulls often have low ACC values and are generally termed “unproven.” If EPDs are unavailable for use in the selection process, then contemporary group performance ratios can be used and are often more dependable than actual or adjusted individual performance information.

Bull Nutrition Postweaning development of beef bulls is important for future effectiveness as herd sires. Different management strategies are needed for bulls of different ages. Bulls should be separated and managed according to age groups (weanling bull calves, yearling bulls, highly fitted or gain tested bulls, twoyear-old bulls, mature bulls). Separating younger and older bulls may be particularly important in preventing injuries. Dividing bulls into management groups also allows for the development of diets that complement the nutritional requirements of each group. As bulls mature, their nutritional requirements change (Table 1, page 6). Younger bulls require less quantity but higher quality diets. While daily dry matter intake generally increases with increasing body weight, crude protein (CP) requirement as a percentage of dry matter intake declines. Younger bulls require higher protein percentages for the rapid lean muscle growth that is occurring during early development. continued on page 6

The Beefmaster Pay Weight




POWER & PERFORMANCE - Awarded 2014, 2015, 2016 National Beefmaster Bull Performance Grand Champion.

Top of the Beefmaster breed in EPDs, Weights & Measures and Ultrasound Data.

QUALITY & EYE APPEAL - Topping the shows and futurities we have participated in:

2016 National Beefmaster Bull Reserve Grand Champion * 2016 Ozark Empire Fair Brahman Influenced Grand Champion Female * 2016 Ozark Empire Fair Brahman Influenced Res. Grand Champion Female * 2016 OHOA Heifer Futurity Champion * 2016 Houston Livestock Show Champion Heifer * 2016 & 2015 Houston STBBA Grand Champion Bulls * 2015 Mid-America CSBBA Beefmaster Bull Grand Champion * 2015 Houston Livestock Show Reserve Grand Champion Bull * 2014 Houston Livestock Show Reserve Grand Champion Bull * 2014 Houston Livestock Show Champion Bull Calf * 2013 Houston Livestock Show Grand Champion Bull * 2013 Houston Livestock Show Get-of-Sire Grand Champion * 2013 National Beefmaster Convention Grand Champion Bull * 2013 Houston STBBA Reserve Grand Champion Bull

WPR’S THE TOTAL PACKAGE C954388 * U 1/2 * DOB 8/7/2007 TRAIT LEADER IN 5 CATEGORIES EPDs: BW -3.9, WW 79, YW, 135, Milk 11, TM 51, SC 2.2, REA 0.26, $T 211.68

#1 Bull in the breed for EPDs, weaning weight and yearling weight #1 Bull in the breed for largest EPD spread from BW to YW #1 Bull in the breed for $T

Top 1% to 5% in BW, WW, YW, SC, REA, $T, $M Top 10% in Milk

WPR’S Primetime C1021784 * U 1/2 * DOB 9/2/2012 EPDs: BW 1.1, WW 63, YW 111, Milk 13, TM 45, SC 1.6, REA 0.33 Adjusted 365 day REA 18.30 & IMF% 2.99 BW 64, WW 797, YW 1336

Top 1% to 5% in WW, YW, Milk, SC, REA, $T, $M

WPR’S Chick Magnet C1043912 * U 1/2 * DOB 5/28/2014 EPDs: BW -2.1, WW 59, YW 101, Milk 9, TM 38, SC 1.1, REA 0.22 Adjusted 365 day REA 17.04 & IMF% 2.69 BW 65, WW 910, YW 1321

Top 1% to 5% in WW, YW, REA, SC, $T, $M Top 15% in BW

BULLS & FEMALES FOR SALE YEAR ROUND PRIVATE TREATY * SEMEN FOR SALE Watch for our animals in the upcoming sales: Beef on Forage * CSBBA Performance Bull Sale * Live Oak Bull Sale * Houston Sales* Texoma Bull Sale * OHOA Sales

THANKS to all our past, present and future customers for your business! Paul & Rhonda Wallen * 997 N Dade 91, Lockwood, MO 65682 * Paul 417/808-0296 * Rhonda 417/276-9843


disposition (temperament). Bulls that exhibit a poor disposition should be culled.

older bulls may be particularly important in preventing injuries. Dividing bulls into management groups also allows for the development of diets that compleExpected progeny differences (EPDs) are availment the nutritional requirements of each group. The Beefmaster Pay Weight able on many seedstock animals. They provide predictions of genetic merit for specific traits and As bulls mature, their nutritional requirements serve as a valuable selection and marketing tool. change (Table 1). Younger require less growing quantity continued from page 4 supplemental feed. Hay gainbulls early in the Accuracy (ACC) values give an indication of the but higher quality diets. While daily dry matter generally contain season; however,body in mid- to of EPDs. The closer the ACC is to “1,” does not intake generally increases with increasing Tablereliability 1. Nutrient the more reliable the EPD becomes.enough Typically, ACC weight, crude protein late (CP) requirement as a percentnutrients to provide summer, quality will requirements of as bull calves values increase a bull sires more calves with age of dry matter intake declines. Younger bulls more 1.5 pounds per proteingenerally berapid adequate usedthan artificial reported records. require higher percentagesnot for the less than 12performance months of age Heavily insemination sires often have high ACC whilegrowing lean muscle growth that occurringsufficient during dayvalues, gain for bulls. to isprovide gains. with an expected mature young bulls often have low ACC values and are early development.


Cool-season, small grain

weight of 2,000 pounds.

Supplementation will be

Table 1. Nutrient requirements of bull calves less than 12 months of age with an expected mature weight of 2,000 pounds. Average daily gain, lbs

Total digestible nutrients, % dry matter

Crude protein, % dry matter*


1.0 2.0 3.0

Daily dry matter intake, lbs


1.0 2.0 3.0

12.2 12.6 12.6

58 65 72

9.8* 12.9 16.3


1.0 2.0 3.0

15.6 16.3 16.3

58 65 72

9.1* 11.4 13.9


1.0 2.0 3.0

18.9 19.6 19.6

58 65 72

8.3* 9.9* 11.9*











Body weight, lbs

8.3 8.6 8.6

58 65 72

11.4 16.3 21.3

*Balancing rations based on these crude protein levels will likely result in inadequate rumen degradable protein for optimal rumen function and diet digestibility. Minimal protein levels for mature bulls are recommended to be no less than 8 percent.

Two basic nutritional programs are available for developing young bulls. The first program is developing bulls at a moderate rate of gain, and the second program is developing bulls on a ration that is capable of supporting high rates of gain so genetic differences can be measured for selection and marketing purposes. Developing bulls at a moderate rate of gain can be achieved with good quality pasture or hay and

pastures such as wheat, rye and annual ryegrass can support rates of gain in excess of 2 pounds per day. Warm-season grass pasture may support good rates of

necessary when using summer forages.

through the winter on hay should begin with an analysis of the hay for nutrient composition. The correct amount of a commercially available supplement or the composition and feeding rate of a custom-blended supplement can be more accurately determined with a hay analysis. The following are examples of customblended supplements for calves fed good quality hay [12% CP and 58% Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN), dry matter basis] with a desired rate of gain of 2 pounds per day (Table 2, page 9). These supplements are based on feed ingredients commonly available in Arkansas feed mills; however, supplement options are not limited to these ingredients but may also include other feeds such as hominy, soybean hulls, wheat midds and rice bran.

Either a commercially available supplement can be purchased at a local feed supply store or a When possible, supplements should be custom supplement formulated to keep starchy grain (ex., corn, When possible, milo) intake at no more than 0.5% of body can be blended at a supplements weight to complement forage digestion. should local mill or on the be formulated to keep farm with locally Table 2. Example feed supplements for agrain bull developstarchy (ex., corn, ment program targeting 2 pounds of gain per day. available feedstuffs. milo) intake at no more Example supplements , Developing a than 0.5% of body weight % as-fed supplement for Cracked corn 87 60 forage to complement fall-weaned bulls digestion. Soybean meal, 48% 13 — being fed for Corn gluten feed — 40 continued on page 9 moderate growth Group of bulls at completion of development program.

Two basic nutritional programs are available for developing young bulls. The first program is developing bulls at a moderate rate of gain, and the second program is developing bulls on a ration that is capable of supporting high rates of gain so genetic differences can be measured for selection and marketing purposes. Developing bulls at a moderate rate of gain can be achieved with good quality pasture or hay and supplemental feed. Hay generally does not contain enough nutrients to provide more than 11⁄2 pounds per day gain for growing bulls. Cool-season, small grain BREEDING FOR QUALITY & PERFORMANCE pastures such as wheat, rye and annual ryegrass can SINCEsupport 1989rates of gain in excess of 2 pounds per day. Warm-season grass pasture may support good rates of gain early in the growing season; however, in midto late summer, quality will generally not be adequate to provide sufficient gains. Supplementation will be necessary when using summer forages.



Feeding rate, % BW Minerals/vitamins2

1 2





Formulated based on hay containing 12% CP, 58% TDN, 0.45% calcium and 0.27% phosphorus, dry matter basis. A complete mineral containing 24% calcium and 4% to 6% phosphorus should be fed free-choice. Alternatively (with the exception of the corn plus corn gluten option), the local feed blender may add limestone, trace mineralized salt and a vitamin A, D and E premix.

Periodically weighing growing bulls will help determine if the level of supplementation is providing the desired rate of gain. Remember, as bulls grow, intake increases. As the bulls get bigger, the supplement will represent a smaller amount of their intake unless the level of supplementation is adjusted. Supplemental feeding should not be based on the weight of the bulls the day they are weighed but adjusted for the expected average weight over the feeding period (Table 3).

FMC 4302 - C1052359

Table 3. Calculation supplemental feeding rate. Either a commercially available can Texoma Beefmaster Performance Sale supplement Owned by John & SueofPierson and George Vinson be purchased at a local feed supply store or a custom Incorrect method Correct method March 18, 2017 - McAlester , OK BW WW Fat IMF REA SC $T $M supplement can be blended at a local mill or on the YW Milk TM Initial weight 550 lbs 550 lbs VALUE 73 754 a 0.25 3.03 14.96 35.00 102.97 27.01 farm with locally available feedstuffs. Developing Days in each 30 days (adjusting (adjusting supplement for fall-weaned bulls being fed for36.57 moderEPD -0.89 58.03 9.80 28.09 0.00 0.19 1.1130 days 0.98 feeding period intake monthly) intake monthly) ate growth through the winter ACC on hay 0.54 should 0.54 begin 0.42 0.19 0.48 0.56 0.50 0.49 with an analysis of the hay for nutrient composition. Rate of gain 2 lbs/day 2 lbs/day First calves30are this fall The correct amount of a commercially available Weight used to 550 lbs (initial days due ÷ 2 = 15 calculate feeding weight at start of days (halfway point) supplement or the composition and feeding rate of Semen available to commercial producers $15 per unit for 100+ rate feeding period) a custom-blended supplement can be more accurately 2 lbs/day x 15 days = determined with a hay analysis. The following are 30 lbs examples of custom-blended supplements for calves fed good quality hay [12% CP and 58% Total 550 lbs + 30 lbs =

JOHN & SUE PIERSON 707.718.4199

The Beefmaster Pay Weight

Bull Sale

Saturday, October 8th, 2016 at 1:00 P.M. at the Ranch in Pickens, Mississippi on 1479 Stockyard Road Join Us at the ranch Friday Evening 6:00 P.M. and Sale Day Lunch 11:30 A.M.

Selling 125 Bulls

Angus, Beefmaster, Brangus, & Charolais

Cain Cattle Company

Sale Hotels in Canton, MS

Hampton Inn 601.859.8700 Best Western 601.859.8600 Holiday Inn Express 601.859.8355 Gerald Bowie, Auctioneer

Contact Us For Your Personal Catalog or View Our Website - Bid and Buy Online,

Sale Consultant: Bruce Robbins Cell: 210.861.5136

General Manager Dr. Robert Williams, 816.519.1179

Beef is Our Business

Ted, Julie, Logan & Evan Cain, Owners

Relentless A top herd sire on the ranch that

carries a tremendous pedigree and super performance. Relentless is consistenly siring calves with EPD powerful structure, strong EPD’s, and outstanding phenotype. He’s a bull the Beefmaster breed has been waiting for.


Hands On Ranch Raised Efficient Productive Uniform

Registered Beefmaster Cattle - Frozen Embryos & Semen 2016 Ranch Bred AQHA Colts

V7 Beefmasters Melvin & Marilyn Scherer 1495 Moritz Road Meyersville, TX 77974

7C Anderson Cattle Co. Steve & Michelle Anderson PO Box 2549 Victoria, TX 77902 361-877-2577


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phosphorus should be fed free-choice. Alternatively (with the ble of supporting high rates of gain so genetic differexception of the corn plus corn gluten option), the local feed ences can be measured for selection and marketing blender may add limestone, trace mineralized salt and a purposes. Developing bulls at a moderate rate of gain vitamin A, D and E premix. can be achieved with good quality pasture or hay and www.beefmasters.orgsupplemental The Beefmaster Pay Weight feed. Hay generally does not contain Periodically weighing growing bulls will help enough nutrients to provide more than 11⁄2 pounds per determine if the level of supplementation is providing bulls. Cool-season, small grain thefounder. desired rateThe of gain. Remember, grow, step-up period for continued from pageday 6 gain for growing the level of supplementation or middle step as bulls The pastures such as wheat, rye and annual ryegrass can intake increases. As the bulls get bigger, the supplesupport rates ofis gain in excess Supplemental of 2 pounds per day. adjusted. is thewill period theabulls are ment represent smaller amount of adapting their intakebulls to a highTable 2. Example feed Warm-season grass pasture may support good rates When possible, supplements should be unless leveland of supplementation feeding should not be based on fullthefeed growing at is adjusted. grain diet should occur supplements for astarchy bull of gaingrain early (ex., in thecorn, growing season; however, in midformulated to keep Supplemental feeding should not be based on the thewill weight of the aweight highofrate of gain forthey 112are weighed overbuta three- to four-week to than late summer, quality generally not bulls be ademore 0.5% ofon body milo) intake at no the bulls the day development program to digestion. providethe sufficient gains.are Supplementation weight to complementquate forage adjusted the expected average over the depending if the bulls day they weighed but days or for more. The final stepweightperiod, targeting 2lbs gain will perbeday. necessary when using summer forages. feeding period (Table 3).


adjusted for the expected average be purchased at a local feed supply store or a custom Example can supplements , at aweight supplement be blended local millover or onthe the % as-fed farm with locally available feedstuffs. Developing feeding perioda supplement for fall-weaned bulls being fed for moder87 60 (Table 3). ate growth through the winter on hay should begin

Table 2. Example feed supplements for a bull developEither a commercially available supplement can ment program targeting 2 pounds of gain per day. 1

Cracked corn Soybean meal, 48%

13 analysis of the — hay for nutrient composition. with an Developing The correct amount of Corn gluten feed — 40a commercially available supplement or the composition and feeding of bulls on arate highFeeding rate, % BW 0.70 0.75 a custom-blended supplement can be more accurately grain diet for determined a hay analysis. The following are Minerals/vitamins2 Free-choice withFree-choice rapid weight examples of custom-blended supplements for calves 1 Formulated based on hay containing 12% CP, 58% TDN, fed good quality hay [12% CP and 58% Total gain, such as 0.45% calcium and 0.27% Digestible phosphorus,Nutrients dry matter basis. (TDN), dry matter basis] with a 2 A complete mineral containing 24% calcium and 4% to 6% used for2). desired rate of gain of 2 poundsdiets per day (Table phosphorus should be fed free-choice. Alternatively (with the

performance testing, requires however, supplement options are limited to these a not three-step Periodically weighingingredients growing bulls butwill mayhelp also include other feeds such as Periodically weighing approach to feeding. The determine if the level of supplementation is providing hominy, soybean hulls, wheat midds and rice bran. the desiredbulls rate ofwill Remember, as bulls growing firstgrow, step is designed to adapt intake increases. As the bulls get bigger, the suppledetermine if the alevel of amount ofthe ment will represent smaller theirbulls intaketo a high level of unless the level of supplementation supplementation is providingis adjusted. concentrate feeding without Supplemental feeding should not be based on the the desired ratethe of day gain. causing weight of the bulls they are weighed but metabolic mishaps adjusted for theas expected average weightduring over the the process. The Remember, bulls grow, feeding period (Table 3). intake increases. As the bulls goal is to get bulls that are Table 3. Calculation of supplemental feedingadapted rate. get bigger, the supplement to a forage-based Incorrect method Correct method will represent a smaller diet onto a high-grain diet Initial weight 550 lbs 550 lbs amount of their intake unless without inducing acidosis exception of the corn plus corn gluten option), the local feed These supplements blender may add limestone, trace mineralized salt and are a based on feed ingredivitamin A, D and E premix.ents commonly available in Arkansas feed mills;

Days in each feeding period

30 days (adjusting 30 days (adjusting intake monthly) intake monthly)

Rate of gain Weight used to calculate feeding rate

2 lbs/day 550 lbs (initial weight at start of feeding period)

were already Table 3. Calculation of supplemental feeding rate. adapted to grain Incorrect method Correct method supplementation, Initial weight 550 lbs 550 lbs such as creep Days in each 30 days (adjusting 30 days (adjusting feeding, prior feeding period intake monthly) intake monthly) to weaning. An Rate of gain 2 lbs/day 2 lbs/day Weight used to 550 lbs (initial 30 days ÷ 2 = 15 easy method of calculate feeding weight at start of days (halfway point) rate feeding period) stepping bulls up 2 lbs/day x 15 days = to a high-grain 30 lbs diet is to limit 550 lbs + 30 lbs = 580 lbs (average feed the highweight over feeding grain ration and period) provide freeSupplement intake 1% of body weight 1% of body weight choice access 550 x 0.01 = 5.5 580 lbs x 0.01 = 5.8 Feed amount to good quality, lbs/hd/day lbs/hd/day long-stemmed is working the bulls off a hay. Initial grain feeding high-grain diet and back to a should start at about 1% of a predominately forage-based bull’s body weight, if the bull ration. One of the biggest is not adapted to grain and complaints from bull buyers the final ration being limit is grain-fed bulls falling fed contains some roughage apart after being put onto such as chopped hay or pasture. continued on page 10

2 lbs/day 30 days ÷ 2 = 15 days (halfway point)

Colvin Beefmasters 2 lbs/day x 15 days = 30 lbs

National Champion Open Heifers - 2004 E6 Sale 2015 Miss South Texas Grand Champion 550 lbs + 30 lbs = 580 lbs (average weight over feeding period)

Supplement intake 1% of body weight 1% of body weight Feed amount

550 x 0.01 = 5.5 lbs/hd/day

580 lbs x 0.01 = 5.8 lbs/hd/day

Building From The Best Dr. Jim and Pam Colvin Colvin Beefmasters 1555 Still Meadow

Seguin, TX 78155

Home: 830-372-2624 Cell: 830-401-1647


The Beefmaster Pay Weight

continued from page 9 cottonseed hulls. The feeding rate of the grain ration can be increased 15 percentage units each week until on full feed starting week 5, or increased 0.5 lbs per head daily until bulls reach full feed. Starting bulls too quickly on a high-grain diet will result in a fluctuating eating pattern and poor overall performance. Rations for growing bulls fed to achieve a high rate of gain are often fed as a complete ration (includes both grains and some roughage). Complete high-grain rations should contain at least 30% roughage (examples include coarsely chopped hay or cottonseed hulls) to keep bulls ruminating to moderate rumen pH, prevent acidosis from occurring, keep the rumen healthy and avoid founder. By-product feeds

such as soybean hulls, corn gluten feed and beet pulp allow for lower roughage from hay or cottonseed hulls. If the roughage is not mixed with the grain portion of the diet, care must be taken to limit the grain intake so the bulls will consume at least 0.5% body weight as roughage. Feeding in this manner will also require the grain portion of the ration to be fed in at least two meals per day (morning and evening) to reduce the chances of metabolic problems. In addition to including roughage in a complete ration, liquid molasses may be added at 5% of the ration to help stimulate intake and reduce the dustiness of the ration. Usage of co-product feeds such as soybean hulls and corn gluten feed can help reduce the cost of the ration. Using a high percentage of

these feeds in the diet will limit energy intake and, therefore, bulls will likely gain at a reduced rate as compared to a high-starch diet. Feed cost of gain must be considered in evaluating the economics of developing bulls. Table 4 illustrates two examples of feed rations for bulls. The options are not limited to these examples, and feed ingredients from local feed dealers will determine the final ration. In addition, most commercial feed manufacturers also have feed rations for growing bulls.

feed. Feed intake is correlated with water intake, and feed intake could be reduced if the water trough is not kept clean.

The final step in developing bulls on a highgrain diet is stepping the bulls down prior to market or turning out to pasture. The last thing a buyer wants is to see a bull lose condition rapidly after being turned out to pasture. A step-down approach could be taken in an opposite manner as the step-up approach; decrease ration intake by 15% to 20% each week over several If bulls are not performing weeks until the bulls are as expected and the consuming forage alone or temperature has not been forage plus a supplement. at either extreme, feed Moving the bulls to a larger bunk and water trough lot and increasing the management should be distance between feed and evaluated because water water resources will increase and feed intake may be the activity and help recondition culprit. Feed bunks must be the bulls for pasture. kept clean of stale or moldy continued on page 11

SCHNEIDER 0481 - THE CARCASS KING Black, red, and polled bulls for sale! All with performance and carcass data Bwt EPD -2.3 ACC .84 Percent 3

Wwt +37 .82 1

Ywt +65 .75 1

Mlk +7 .27

TM +25

Scr +.6 .66 4

REA IMF +.45 +.5 .72 .77 1 1

$T - 118 (1%) $M - 21 (4%) Performance Adj. Trait Ratio Contemp

Bwt Wwt Ywt REA Rea/cwt IMF 75 635 848 12.17 1.3 3.01 106 102 110 114 171 12 12 6 6 6


You don’t have to sacrifice quality and eye appeal to achieve new performance heights in your herd. Schneider 0481 is the bull that will get you there with one generation. He is the Beefmaster bull to lead us into a successful future! Hood’s Hidden Hollow Tom & Deidra Hood Tahlequah, OK 918.456.1199 918.316.6710



**High Quality Semen $40/straw** visit us at

Diamond Hollow Dr. Wes & Carlinda Hood Siloam Springs, AR 479.549.3161 479.228.8264

Corn gluten feed


Soybean hulls

20 Molasses




continued from page 10 Observation of bulls during the breeding season is an essential part of proper bull management. Besides identifying bulls that do not display adequate libido or bulls that become injured during the breeding season, close observation is important for recognizing when bulls become too thin. During the breeding season, hand feeding may be necessary to ensure that bulls maintain adequate condition for active breeding.

The Beefmaster Pay Weight —



and should be managed target is for a0.5two-year-old aborted fetuses/plaTrace mineralized salt 0.5 centas. This shedding differently than older bulls. bull to weigh0.5approximately Vitamin premix 0.5 allows herd mates to The extra activity of bulls 75% of his expected mature Nutrients % Dry matter % Dry matter become infected, reduring the breeding season weight. sulting CP 15 14 in decreased may result in some body production and reproBull Health TDN 74 77 condition loss. It may be ductive performance in Calcium to supplement 0.59 0.76 difficult When considering the the herd. Phosphorus 0.30 0.52 bulls separately from the proper vaccination protocol • IBR (Infectious Bovine remainder of the herd, so for breeding bulls, it is good Rhinotracheitis) Yearling bulls and Yearling bulls can lose significant amounts of can bulls should be still fedhave to goa lot of growth to know whichweight diseases lead season. to several during their first breeding They forms must development ahead of them and should be managed into the breeding season in can lead to reproductive to grow before differently than older bulls. The extra activity of bulls gain this weight back and continue of clinical disease. the next breeding season. It is important to observe at leastthe good bodyseason condition during breeding may result problems. in some bodyHigh reproductive Syndromes caused by growing bulls closely for changes in body condition. condition loss. It may be difficult to supplement bulls (body condition score = 6) efficiency is theAdjustments most the IBRcan virus to the feeding programs thencan be be separately from the remainder of the herd, so bulls but not be excessively fat. grouped respiratory economically important made in a timely manner. A good target as is for should be fed to go into the breeding season in at a two-year-old 75% ofeye tract infections, least good body condition (body condition score for = 6)success factor in a cow-bull to weigh approximately Yearling bulls can lose his expected mature weight. but not be excessively fat. infections, abortions, calf enterprise. genital infections, neuDiseases that Bull Health rological infections and can result a generalized infection Development When considering the proper vaccination protocol inforabortion, breeding bulls, it is good to which diseases ofknow newborn calves. Considerations for infertility and can lead to reproductive problems. High reproductive • BVDimportant (Bovinefactor Viral efficiency is the most economically Yearling Bulls reproductive for success in a cow-calf enterprise. Diseases that can Diarrhea) virus can performance result in abortion, infertility and reproductive perforMany seedstock producers have several possible mance in the cow herd include leptospirosis, IBR, in the cow disease outcomes in opt to market bulls as BVD, vibriosis and trichomoniasis. Consider vaccinatherd include infected cattle. Bovine ing breeding bulls for these diseases. yearlings instead of holding leptospirosis, Viral Diarrhea causes them to two years of age ❚ Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that can cause IBR, BVD, a wide variety of cliniYoung bull in ideal body condition for the start of the and incurring additional late-term abortions in pregnant cows. Once the breeding season. cal syndromes in cattle vibriosis and development costs and risks. including infertility, trichomoniasis. Using bulls first as yearlings congenital abnormaliConsider vaccinating rather than as older sires also significant amounts of ties (eye defects, brain breeding bulls for these has the advantage of lowering weight during their first defects), abortion and diseases. the generation interval. This breeding season. They must stillbirths in calves. • Leptospirosis is a gain this weight back and If a calf is infected in is important from a genetic bacterial disease that the uterus during a continue to grow before improvement standpoint can cause late-term particular period of the next breeding season. as it speeds progress for abortions in pregnant gestation, it can develIt is important to observe genetic improvement in cows. Once the uriop what is known as economically relevant traits. growing bulls closely for nary and reproductive a persistent infection changes in body condition. tracts become infector PI. These calves are Yearling bulls still Adjustments to the feeding ed, the bacteria can be immunotolerant of the have a lot of growth and programs can then be made shed in urine, uterine disease carrying the development ahead of them in a timely manner. A good discharge, semen and disease without noticeable clinical signs, Table 4. Example feed rations containing co-product feeds. and they become perHigh corn ration High co-product ration Feed ingredients sistently infected shed% as-fed % as-fed ders of BVD virus for Cottonseed hulls or coarse hay 30 15.0 the rest of their lives. A Corn 38 22.5 PI calf can also develop Soybean meal, 48% 15 — a syndrome known as Oats 10 — mucosal disease, which can produce high morWheat middlings — 20 tality in calves and Corn gluten feed — 20 yearling cattle. Severe Soybean hulls — 20 signs are noted with Molasses 5.0 — mucosal disease such as high fever, poor Limestone 1 1.5 appetite, dehydration, Trace mineralized salt 0.5 0.5 diarrhea and erosive leVitamin premix 0.5 0.5 sions in the gut (mouth Nutrients % Dry matter % Dry matter to anus). Bovine Viral CP












Yearling bulls still have a lot of growth and development ahead of them and should be managed

Yearling bulls can lose significant amounts of weight during their first breeding season. They must

continued on page 12


The Beefmaster Pay Weight

continued from page 11 Diarrhea infections have also been linked to respiratory disease (pneumonia), as well as a hemorrhagic syndrome (failure of blood to clot normally) in cattle. The description of the clinical syndromes noted above is oversimplified from what is known to occur in nature. However, it does point out the exceptionally complicated nature of this disease. • Vibriosis (Campylobacteriosis) typically causes most of the performance loss during the breeding season leading to infertility

and loss of early pregnancies. Characteristic clinical signs of this disease would include a high percentage of cows in the herd returning to heat during the breeding season. They may also show prolonged or irregular estrus periods. As a result, many cows will calve later due to repeated breeding caused by infection. Infrequently, cows may abort between four and eight months of a Campylobacter infection. • Trichomoniasis is a venereal disease of cattle caused by a protozoan parasite, Tr-

itrichomonas foetus. Like most venereal diseases of domestic animals, trichomoniasis has few adverse effects in the bull. The cows and heifers tend to suffer the consequences of the infection. The disease causes virtually no outward signs of illness. Therefore, it can often be present in a herd for a considerable time before it is suspected and diagnosed. Trichomoniasis can lead to infertility and early embryonic death causing the cow to return to heat and subsequently extending the breeding season. This causes devastating production losses due

Silver State Beefmasters FALLON, NEVADA


Johnny Cash X Bayoubelle Semen at $15 per straw. Certificate $30 extra. Discounts on orders of 100 straws. Free freight on orders of 200. Call Dalton Lowery if interested in purchasing a Semen Share on this PROVEN BULL






to poor calf crops and prolonged calving seasons. In bulls, the organism lives on the tissue lining of the penis and prepuce (sheath). Bulls less than four years of age tend to clear themselves of the infection, while those four years and older are often infected for life. A local veterinarian can make specific recommendations for developing a proper vaccination protocol for the herd. He or she has the most complete information on disease problems in the area and knows the circumstances on a particular farm or ranch. An individualized approach to disease risk and management is the most effective. Performing a breeding soundness evaluation (BSE) prior to marketing or the breeding season is one tool that helps ensure that only bulls with a high likelihood of successful breeding will be sold or used. Breeding soundness is very important in herds of all sizes, regardless of the number of bulls used. Very few bulls are completely sterile, but most have a fertility level that ranges from very high to very low. A BSE simply tries to determine which bulls will not perform satisfactorily for potential culling from the herd. Approximately one in five bulls will not pass a BSE. A breeding soundness evaluation performed by a veterinarian one or two months prior to the breeding season is an important management procedure. This involves a complete physical examination, a scrotal circumference measurement and a semen evaluation of the bull. Scrotal size is directly correlated with actual volume of sperm continued on page 22

The Beefmaster Pay Weight


How to Use Beefmaster Indices for Selection Decisions By Beefmaster Breeders United Cattlemen utilizing Beefmaster bulls now have two new indices to assist them in making crucial selection decisions. First off, here’s a quick lesson on what indices are. Selection indices, the plural of index, are formulas composed of existing expected progeny differences (EPDs) combined with an economic component to reflect the real world financial impact of a selection decision. While this may sound complex, indices are actually very easy to use. With so much performance data and EPD information being generated today, sorting through all of the information and understanding how it can impact your selection decisions can be daunting.

The beauty of indices is that they combine much of that individual data into one, easy-to-use number. Perhaps even more importantly, indices help cattlemen avoid single trait selection that can lead to disastrous, unforeseen effects that can show up in later calf crops.

designed to help ranchers identify animals that will improve their herds in two very different areas: Maternal and Terminal. These new performance measures simplify seedstock selection.

“These two economic indices allow users of Beefmaster genetics to select Knowing what traits you seedstock based on their are trying to improve is vital genetic potential profit and to the effective use of indices. alleviate the cumbersome That is why understanding nature of sorting through your breeding goals and scores of individual EPDs. balancing them with the Producers should clearly correct index is crucial to define their production goals success. The Beefmaster and use the index that best breed recently released fits them. The use of the two new selection indices, incorrect index could lead to developed by Dr. Matt undesired responses given Spangler and his team of the two objectives (terminal graduate students from the vs. maternal) emphasize University of Nebraska at different traits,” says Dr. Matt Lincoln. These indices were Spangler.

The importance of a clearly defined production goal and sticking to it is crucial. Selecting for high growth, heavy muscled animals whose steer progeny will excel in the feedyard and on carcass pricing grids may possibly lead to heifer mates who are too large for their pasture environments, requiring supplemental feeding and rack up high cow maintenance costs. Indices can help ranchers target the right genetics for their needs. Beefmaster’s Maternal Index ($M) is described by Dr. Spangler as “the $ profit per cow exposed due to calf weaning weight accounting for costs associated with cow maintenance”. continued on page 14


The Beefmaster Pay Weight

continued from page 13 $M balances fertility, calf growth, milk and cow maintenance costs into one, easy-to-use $value. $M should be the main selection criteria if your objective is to produce replacement females. Below is an example of how to use $M when making selection decisions.

$M Example:

today is striking the balance between buyer demands for more steer performance and carcass quality with the necessity of building a highly maternal cowherd that is fertile, functional, efficient and cost effective,” says Beefmaster Breeders United Executive Vice President Bill Pendergrass. “$M is a great tool that will help ranchers identify Beefmaster

genetics that will add to the maternal worth of their herd. Using $M leads to the kind of Beefmaster influenced females that will keep you in business.”

Like EPDs, simply subtract the index values between the two animals you wish to compare. Sire A in this example has a $7.46 advantage in $M, meaning that we would expect daughters of Sire A to earn approximately $7.46 more profit per head than daughters of Sire B. “The biggest challenge facing commercial cattleman

Calculating maternal worth is rapidly becoming the most important task facing the beef industry. While growth and carcass indices have proven effective at identifying cattle that

, k c e b roes


Beefmaster truly excels in maternal traits. Developed to be fertile and productive in

the harshest environments; Beefmasters lead the way in the easy to ask for, but hard to quantify maternal traits. Beginning with fertility, a lowly heritable trait, Beefmasters have been adding value to cow herds for generations. Given the large genetic footprint of the Angus breed on the American cow herd, Beefmasters are the logical

choice to leverage heterosis and improve a wide variety of traits, especially fertility. $M factors in fertility by utilizing the scrotal circumference EPD to hone in on genetics that reach puberty earlier, thereby adding more to the bottom line for the commercial cattleman. No discussion about cow efficiency is complete without reviewing costs associated with cow maintenance. Feed intake, be it forage and/or supplement, is a major cost for every cow herd. Beefmasters have opened the eyes of bull development stations, which utilize Growsafe technology, because of their impressive feed intake and residual feed intake (RFI) statistics, as compared to other breeds. While everyone has been talking about efficiency, until recently quantifying and defining efficiency has been almost impossible. Beefmaster breeders are aggressively collecting feed intake, RFI and conversion data to prove the feed efficiency value of the breed. continued on page 17


r e t s a m f Bee Sale Bull y r a u n Ja 2017 , s 8 a x 2 e T


excel in the feedyard and on the rail, often times the heifer mates to these grid topping steers have issues in the pastures because maternal traits were not a consideration in the indices used to identify the bulls purchased by ranchers.

ters s a m f ee


mon w.em

Steve & Cindy Emmons Fairfield, TX (903) 879-4567

Producing clean, heavily muscled bulls with performance data

Where good looking cattle perform!

26th Annual

OHOA Beefmaster Fall Round Up Sale and

Graded Bred Heifer Contest October 8, 2016 12 NOON Sycamore Springs Ranch Locust Grove, Okla. Sale Catalog Contact: Show Me Cattle Services Craig Johnson 417-876-7285 Dave Loftin 417-827-9391 Hotel Accommodations * Best Western Inn 918-479-8082 * mention Beefmasters!

isa BeEfMASteRs

NUmberS 8250 4

by ThE










18 600 55BulL


L Bar Habanero–High-selling bull in the 2015 sale th



Owned by Bertrand, Fuller, Haymon, Lasater

october 1, 2016 10 a.m. • Producers Auction

140 bUlLs

Bull Sale Headquarters: Rodeway Inn—325.944.2578

Tough, athletic & ready to work • Full performance data Virgin, Trich & fertility-tested • Free delivery available

Lorenzo Lasater San Angelo, Texas 325.656.9126

BERACHIAH BEEFMASTERS Breeding Polled Beefmasters since 1982 Lawrence and Connie Shuey Dale and Karen Shuey Cassville, MO 65625 417/826-5881 417/773-0151

Gail & Ronnie Mouser

1521 Madison 320 Marquand, MO 63655 T: (573) 783 8168 E: Private treaty sales available year round!

Raising and promoting sound, efficient, quality cattle.

GOOGLE Hennegin’s Beefmasters

Hennegin’s Beefmasters OHOA Member



CF Oasis Lowell, Rick, Scott, Abe, Owen & Derrick Stonecipher 971 Old Bells Rd., Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 664-7400 Cottage Farm Genetics (731) 616-7702 Rick’s Mobile

Top 1% EPD for WW, YW & SC, with an EPD accuracy of .9, which is unheard of for a dam. “Big Spread” genetics very small BW EPD with huge WW & YW EPD. -1 BW EPD stacked against top 1% WW & 1% YW EPD. Gary & Rhonda Lindsey


4060 Kimbro Lane Madisonville, TX 77864 936.348.5127 Home 936.355.2253 Mobile 903.707.7975 Office Your Black Beefmaster Connection

Your Black Beefmaster Connection


Heritage Cattle Company E6 Commercial Beefmaster Females Beefmaster Bulls for the Commercial Cattleman Chris Kauffman 501-279-8505

continued from page 14 For those bull customers who have the perfectly tuned commercial cow herd, are looking for growth and carcass genetics to maximize returns from their retained ownership program or are selling all of their calves at weaning; Beefmaster’s Terminal Index ($T) will help you to target genetics to reach your goal rapidly. “$T is designed for a terminal crossbreeding program or a retained ownership customer who is looking to maximize growth, feedyard performance and carcass merit. $T is designed to complement Beefmaster’s strength’s for live performance and Yield Grade advantage, while also balancing the need for marbling. The terminal index emphasizes the profit drivers found in Beefmasters,” says

Pendergrass. Using $T is simple, below is an example of how to use $T when making selection decisions.

$T Example:

Like EPDs, simply subtract the index values between the two animals you wish to compare. Sire A in this example has a $38.24 advantage in $T, meaning that we would expect progeny of Sire A to earn approximately $38.24 more per head from growth and carcass merit for progeny marketed on value-added grids.

The Beefmaster Pay Weight

While the beef industry has been focusing on marbling or Quality Grade for the past several years, many cattle feeders are quietly rediscovering other

“$T is a powerful tool by itself, but when you factor in the Beefmaster advantages for performance, efficiency, product yield and animal health it opens up

profit driving areas that amount to big returns in their feeding operations. Lower death loss, fewer health related pulls, better dry matter conversion and better dressing percentages are all areas that add up to big cost savings, especially when the cattle in question perform well on grids. Beefmasters shore up these often overlooked profit driving areas.

serious profit potential for Beefmaster bull users,” says Pendergrass. “Beefmasters have long been recognized as great momma cows, but don’t overlook our steers. They stay healthy, perform and convert very well. They also yield and make money time after time: that’s what it’s all about.”

WH Tiger’s Dream WH Soul-A-Tiger X Priola’s DreamWorks Proven Pedigree! Top performance and marketability are already established and his progeny are perfect examples of his predictability.

Produces Excellent Bulls & Females!

ves ls

al Bul ls l! oawleC s && Buw hMEAT! S o m s N ! e e e F mailablMEAT! MEAT! eval ble Now FA la i Ava

2004 Beefmaster Breeder of the Year


1481 Hwy 26 West, Poplarville, MS 39470 Owner: Dr. Gerald Berenson - 504.723.6882 Ranch Manager: Tommy Odom - 601.569.9122 Herd Consultant: Bruce Robbins - 210.861.5136

Visit our website


The Beefmaster Pay Weight


Where Quality is a POWERFUL Thing CJ’s Love Maker Sire: CF Dr. Love Dam: CJ’s Diamond Reflection C1052229 DOB 10/1/2014


Ranks in Top 1% for all Growth Traits 1.24 REA • 3.49 IMF WW 38.94, YW 66.30, Milk 8, $T 111.10, $M 21.46

Mr. CJ 6/15

Sire: CF Adrenaline Dam: CJ’s Diamond Of Soul C1059628 DOB 4/1/2015


Ranks in Top 2% for both $T and $M 1.16 REA • 3.74 IMF WW 36.99, YW 62.29, Milk 12, $T 109.34, $M 27.27

CJ’s Diamond Of Soul

(granddam of 1420 and dam of 6/15) C917094 • DOB 1/20/2005 Jones Beefmasters – Clark Jones

PO Box 1060 • Savannah, TN • 731/926-1721 • Ranch Manager - Justin Williams 731/926-6459 Herd Consultant Bruce Robbins 210/861-5136 •

Ranks in Top 1% for WW, YW, $T and $M WW 49.19, YW 69.02, Milk 17, $T 122.48, $M 51.11

The Beefmaster Pay Weight

continued from page 1

a better economic decision to make these your fall-calvand estimate their age. For example, let’s assume we have ing cows and the ones that 30 cows. Calving dates from calve from January-June your fall 08 to spring 09 are as fol- spring-calving cows. lows: Last Aug 08 = 0 cows 4. Build a good strong calved, Sept = 2 calved, Oct = bull pen or well-fenced bull 2 calved, Nov = 1 calved, Dec pasture. An electric fence in = 0 calved, Jan = 0 calved, addition to the regular fence Feb = 3 calved, Mar = 9 may be needed. calved, Apr = 5 calved, May = 5 calved, June = 2 calved, July 5. Remove your bull(s) = 1 just calved. Keep in mind from the herd. Select the rethat the five cows that calved moval date to coincide with in the fall are likely pregnant. about a 120 day season for 3. Based upon the repro- your spring-calving cows. In our example, we would reductive status of your herd, move the bull(s) near the end determine if you would like of August. He would stay in one, controlled calving seathe bull pen until May 7th of son or two. In our example, next year. five cows calving in the fall are likely not worth the has6. Sixty days after resle so they will be held over moving the bulls from the and should not be exposed herd (or at a convenient time to a bull until next spring. If, near this date), pregnancy however, half of your herd check all cows and cull all calved July-December, it is non-pregnant dry, breed-

ing-age females that have been running with the bull and all non-pregnant cows with calves five months of age or older. Your fall-calving cows have likely either calved or are very close to calving.

7. You may want to con-

sider starting the breeding season of your replacement heifers 20 to 30 days ahead of the final breeding date for your herd. Most extended calving seasons are the result of failure of young cows to rebreed in a timely fashion. The additional 20-30 days enhances the opportunity for these young cows to rebreed next season. So, your replacement heifer breeding season would start around April 10th and these females would begin calving around January 20th. I realize that this is a bit early for calving and you might experience 1-2% high-

The Legend (Polled, Scurred)

Bonfire X Legend’s Lady SEMEN - $45/Straw


er calf death loss. Financially, 1-2% death loss is easier to swallow than a 25% decrease in pregnancy rate the following year.

8. The second year,

follow the same system as outlined above, except remove the bull on the week of July 20th. If you have fall and spring calvers, then put the bull in for the fall cows around November 20th and remove him around January 20th.

Dr. Les Anderson Extension Beef Specialist University of Kentucky


The Legend is a thick, heavy-boned son of Bonfire out of Legend’s Lady. Pedigree and performance in one package.



JR Ramirez, General Manager Clay Howell, Cattle Foreman VFF New Horizon - Maverick X VFF Honey Girl

Semen - $40/straw Another Top Ten Bull from Live Oak. VFF New Horizon has it all – growth, performance and pedigree.





David & Beverly Staggs

5155 Hwy 13 Searcy, AR 72143 HOME: (501) 268-6222 or WORK: (501) 268-3232 David Cell: 501-278-1700


Margaritas Beefmasters •

Casey, Amy & Lexi Ballard


Cattle a nd emb ryo for sale at all tim s es! Raising quality, functional Beefmasters for the pasture and the show ring!

Raising quality, functional Beefmasters for the pasture and the show ring!

Casey and Amy Ballard 979-574-5372


The Beefmaster Pay Weight

Double L


Beef On Forage Sale October 15, 2016 Double L has Produced:

Seven 2015 Beef On Forage Sons Averaged Over $9,000

Pictured at 8 years old

C941847 • 2/13/2007 GE-EPDs: BW 0.75, WW 47.2, YW 74.94, TM 28.56, SC 1.44, REA 0.22, $T 127.63, $M 25.41 Trait leader for YW & SC

The PROVEN Bull Producer TANK - Record setting $42,500 bull at Beef on Forage Sale

Sired by Double L Owned by Ensor & Miller Beefmasters

Co-Owned by:

Larry Lairmore

903/278-7623 • Foreman, Arkansas •

Junior Beefmaster Breeders Association Convention & National Show It’s a Family Affair Join us in 2017 Wichita Falls, Texas July 16-22, 2017

y r t n u o C s i th g Rockin

18X (C997656) ranks in the top 5% of the breed for the following traits: WW, YW, IMF, REA, SC, $T, $M EPD












73.86 11.13






Semen for sale – $35/straw Skelton Farms James & Mary Ann Skelton Springdale, AR 479-751-0095

Beefmasters The Best of Both Worlds


The Beefmaster Pay Weight

continued from page 12 production. In addition to a BSE, observing the bull during service is necessary for monitoring cow cycling activity and ensuring that cows are being serviced timely and properly. Deworm and delouse bulls before the development period and before they are turned into the pasture for the breeding season. Internal parasites can negatively affect growth and performance. Approximately 40 products can be used to treat cattle for parasites. Choices are usually made dependent on price and formulation. Cost is primarily a function of active ingredients (generally, the higher the price, the better the worm kill). Producers should try to treat bulls at least twice a year for internal parasites – once in the spring and once in the fall. If cattle are infected with liver flukes, choose a dewormer that is labeled for flukes and deworm those animals in the fall of the year. Always remember to use all products as specified on the label. If the dose is cut or the product is given in a manner not indicated on the label, the presence of the active continued on page 23




• Performance testing for over 35 years • Producing thick, heavy muscled, easy fleshing cattle with breed leading EPDs and carcass traits • No nonsense, grass based genetics • 30 year consignor to the Beef “On” Forage Bull Test and Sale • Performance bulls for sale private treaty • Keeping the “BEEF” in Beefmasters

Frenzel Beefmasters 7163 FM 3117 Temple, Texas 76501 Call Gary Frenzel at 254-721-2214 Email :

KREGER RANCH Beefmasters Since 1977

SUPPLYING CATTLEMEN WITH: Hardy, Performance, Range Bulls Fertile, Heavy Milking, Efficient Females Beefmaster/Angus Commercial Replacements

Contact us for you r range bull and replacement fem ale needs . KRE G E R R A N C H

Joe Kreger—405.340.0852 20515 W. Oakland Ave., Tonkawa, OK 74653 •

affects young animals; thus, young bulls being reared ❚ Maternal grandsire together in a drylot situation may be exposed to this disease. The disease causes a decrease in appetite, weight loss, diarrhea with or without blood, dehydra- ❚ Breed or breed composition tion, straining to defecate and death. Coccidiosis is Additional pedigree information, performance treatable with sulfa-antibiotics and amprolium. If results, carcass ultrasound scan results and EPDs for coccidiosis is a problem in a herd, prevention can continued from page 22 time. Table 5 shows the yearling other economically relevant traits should be provided be achieved through addition of amprolium, deconquinate or ionophores to the of water/feed source. if available. Results typical number cows that ingredient at the site of the • Sire of recent breeding soundness Producers may also work to control the amount of evaluations along with background information on bull can be expected to parasites will be diminished. amuddy/moist areas in the pasture. nutritional and herd health programs are frequently • Maternal grandsire serve based on his level of of interest to potential buyers as well. In other words, the product Producers should also consider the capacity of maturity. • Breed or breed compomay not work as well if Seedstock producers should assist potential their bull during a limited breeding season. Age of selection decisions by (1) considering the the bull will play a major role in the number of cows buyers withsition improperly handled and Table 5. Bull capacity in that he is expected to cover successfully during this production goals of the customer, (2) matching bulls administered. pedigree pasture andthepen time. Table 5 shows typical breeding number of cows that to theAdditional customer’s current cow herd, (3) recommending a bull can be expected to serve based on his level specific animals for purchase and (4) justifying the information, performance Coccidiosis is another systems. of maturity. recommendations in terms of genetic improvement. results, carcass ultrasound internal parasite that The seller may need to ask specific questions about Table 5. Bull capacity in pasture and pen breeding scan results and for can negatively affect the the customer’s herd and goals EPDs to make informed systems. purchasing recommendations. In some instances, it other economically relevant performance of bulls. This Number of cows to be served may be worthwhile to visit the customer’s operation. Age of bull Pasture breeding Pen breeding

parasite is transmitted orally though water troughs, feed bunks or hay/grain that is contaminated with infected feces. This pathogenic organism likes to live and propagate in moist areas; therefore, muddy areas around feed bunks or in shady areas of the pasture may bring about this disease. This parasite typically affects young animals; thus, young bulls being reared together in a drylot situation may be exposed to this disease. The disease causes a decrease in appetite, weight loss, diarrhea with or without blood, dehydration, straining to defecate and death. Coccidiosis is treatable with sulfa-antibiotics and amprolium. If coccidiosis is a problem in a herd, prevention can be achieved through addition of amprolium, deconquinate or ionophores to the water/feed source. Producers may also work to control the amount of muddy/moist areas in the pasture. Producers should also consider the capacity of their bull during a limited breeding season. Age of the bull will play a major role in the number of cows that he is expected to cover successfully during this

traits should be provided if Maintaining available. of service a highResults level of customer 24 months 20-25 25-35 after the salebreeding can be an effective customer satisfacrecent soundness Mature 25-35 35-50 tion tool for increasing in the number of repeat evaluations along with background information on Marketing Bulls nutritional and herd health At the conclusion of a bull programs are frequently of development program, bulls interest to potential buyers as well. are ready for use or sale as herd sires. There are several Seedstock producers options for marketing bulls should assist potential buyers including private treaty sales with selection decisions and production sales. Certain by (1) considering the factors should be considered production goals of the no matter what marketing customer, (2) matching bulls approach is used. Successful to the customer’s current marketing programs rely cow herd, (3) recommending upon breeder reputation, specific animals for purchase advertising effectiveness, and (4) justifying the amount and credibility of recommendations in terms information presented to of genetic improvement. prospective buyers, product The seller may need to ask value, degree to which the specific questions about the product fits the customer’s customer’s herd and goals to needs and level of customer make informed purchasing service offered. According recommendations. In to the Beef Improvement some instances, it may be Federation, seedstock worthwhile to visit the breeders should provide the customer’s operation. following information to Maintaining a high level prospective buyers: of customer service after • Adjusted birth weight, the sale can be an effective ratio and EPD/ACC customer satisfaction tool for increasing in the number • Adjusted 205-day weight, ratio and EPD/ of repeat buyers. Customer ACC service can involve delivering bulls to customers, answering • Adjusted yearling weight, ratio and EPD/ bull management questions, ACC providing breeding • Number of contempo- guarantees and offering calf buy-back programs. Breeders raries at weaning and 15 months



Charles B. Albright 5208 Mimosa Drive Bellaire, TX 77401


The Beefmaster Pay Weight


who are successful in establishing and maintaining a good reputation for producing quality seedstock and meeting the needs of their customers will have a significant advantage over breeders who do not.

Summary Bull development programs involve carefully planned animal selection, nutritional management and herd health programs. Properly managing bulls during the development phase will make the transition to the breeding pasture much smoother. Maintaining an acceptable balance between program quality and cost-effectiveness is important. Marketing programs should be designed to reap the rewards of a successful bull development program and develop a strong customer base.

Dr. Shane Gadberry Assistant Professor Livestock Nutrition University of Arkansas

Dr. Jeremy Powell Assistant Professor Veterinarian University of Arkansas

Arrowhead Ranch Siddons Beefmasters Ranch Located in Tilden, Texas

BOB & BONNIE SIDDONS 512/261-5327 Home 361/274-3700 Ranch 512/217-3400 Mobile


ironmen tal Award Winner 2005 Back to Bac Perform k McAllen ance Aw ard Winner 2007-08


The Beefmaster Pay Weight


The Beefmaster Pay Weight


Video Marketing Cattle: How the West was Won‌Again By Beth Brian, Superior Livestock Auction Just as railways and horses revolutionized the cattle industry, so has satellite video marketing. It has changed how the livestock industry views, buys and receives their cattle.

In the beginning, consigned cattle were presented through slide shows. Photographs have since given way to video technology and video clips of livestock were delivered to potential buyers at auction Growing out of a need, sites held often times in video marketing is a livestock hotels. Satellite broadcast merchandising method that technology and broadband has changed the way the west now allows buyers to operates. Building buyer participate while watching access was one of the main the livestock on television reasons that leaders like or their high speed Internet Buddy Jeffers and Jim Odle connection. introduced satellite video marketing back in 1987 Forever changing the with the birth of Superior way load-lots of cattle are Livestock Auction. Because offered, buyers now have the of these forward thinkers opportunity to view, evaluate who sought to get the best and make selections from possible price for livestock by cattle across the country getting them in front of the from the convenience of their biggest buyer base available, home, their car, their office the industry has been or where ever their Internet evolving ever since. connection takes them.

Marketing cattle via video marketing allows sellers to sell on contract for future delivery and take advantage of current market conditions, while also offering a price slide as a protection for buyers. If cattle come in heavier or lighter than the advertised delivery weight the price is adjusted. Buyers are also given the opportunity to select delivery dates giving them the added flexibility to best utilize their own resources. Video marketing also sets out to equip buyers with the tools and information, including current expected progeny differences (EPDs), necessary

to become educated and informed bidders. Likewise, sellers can show their cattle in their home environment, which is low stress and allows them to tell their own story. Video marketing allows seller’s

access to the largest number of potential buyers executing the truest form of price discovery. Cattle are shipped directly from seller’s continued on page 27

Rancho Tres Hijos

Raising Quality Beefmasters in the Brush of South Texas 713.898.8044

Our Beefmaster cattle are pasture raised in the toughest of conditions to adapt and thrive in any environment. Many years of using proven Beefmaster genetics and modern tools, including ultrasound and Whole Herd Reporting, allow us to deliver excellent performance in our bulls and replacement heifers. Come visit us and see our cattle at our ranch.


The Beefmaster Pay Weight



Total Impact

TOTAL IMPACT SONS FOR SALE Beef On Forage Performance Bull Sale

October 15, 2016

Private treaty bulls and heifers available year round!

Brenham, Texas


Zipperer Beefmaster Bull & Replacement Heifer Sale

November 5, 2016 Clewiston, Florida Look for the N-Sync N-Sync (Synergy (Synergy XX Oasis) Oasis)

for built-in predictable performance and great producers. Choose Beefmaster and get these advantages... • Hybrid Vigor • Longevity • Weight Gain • Quality Replacement Heifers • Efficiency • Excels in Heat, Humid & Wet Climates

Sugar Dream (Sugar Britches X Piggy Too) Captain Jack II (L2 Captain Lucy X Farrah Anna)

Call us today; it will be a quality investment! P.O. Box 640, Fort Myers, Florida 33902 Ranch Location: Devil’s Garden in Clewiston, Fl GPS: State Rd 833

Consultant: Bruce Robbins Cell: 210.861.5136 Herdsman: Jose Santiago

Rachel Ann Zipperer & R. Douglas Zipperer 239.222.0257 Z Bonanza (Sugar Britches X Xcite X Oasis)

continued from page 25 operation to the buyer’s destination greatly reducing potential health risks and shipping cost, which helps to improve the bottom line. The seller gets to deal directly with their trusted representative. Upon delivery of cattle the seller is issued a check drawn on a bonded account.

cattle auctions. One good thing about the program is that it is really starting to see a premium for the commercial cattlemen but at the same time it is offering some really great national exposure for seedstock producers alike,” says Jason Barber, Superior Livestock Auction Purebred Division Manager. How It Works

Superior Livestock Auction is the oldest and largest national satellite video marketing company providing this service to ranchers all across the United States. Upon its conception in 1987, Superior began with 15 employees in six states; today there are more than 380 representatives nationwide that market over 1 million head of cattle annually. Because of its commitment to innovation and utilization of the best technology available, Superior has grown to become the largest livestock auction in the United States.

Marketing “The Superior Way” begins with a visit from your Superior representative. The key to a successful and beneficial transaction begins with a well-respected representative, who can accurately represent the cattle and help facilitate the sale. The representative views the cattle in their natural surroundings and completes a consignment contract that describes the livestock and the terms and conditions of the sale. The representative will also record a video of a fair representation of the cattle.

Not only has Superior Livestock Auction been instrumental in changing the way America buys their livestock, they have also worked to shape a national cattle market and were influential in the progressive movement to better cattle health and genetics through The Superior Value Added Program, which continues to deliver value for both buyer and sellers.

The consignment contract is submitted to the Brush, Colo., office where the information is entered into a computer database and a catalog is prepared. The video auction catalog can be viewed on the Internet one week prior to the auction and the listing can be viewed on the Internet at any time.

With value added premium programs, Superior has proven the ability and consistency to reward consignors with deserved premiums. Load-lots of cattle that are backed by established health protocols, buyer friendly trends and known genetics are creating premiums for Superior’s sellers. “Superior Progressive Genetics creates a premium to both seedstock producers and their bull-buying customers by branding the seedstock producer’s logo on-screen for qualified lots on Superior Livestock’s bi-monthly

The recorded video that was taken by a Superior Representative is then submitted to Superior Livestock’s office in Fort Worth, Texas where it is edited into a short segment to be aired on the Video Auction, Internet Auction or the Country Page. The video is also made available on the Internet for buyers to view the cattle prior to the auction. On auction day, buyers and sellers can either be present at the auction site or view the auction via a nationwide satellite broadcast on Dish Network channel 232 or the Internet from the comfort of wherever they are watching. The video and Internet auctions are conducted live, with an auctioneer, as cattle are sold to buyers bidding at the auction site, via telephone or on the continued on page 28

The Beefmaster Pay Weight



The Beefmaster Pay Weight

continued from page 27 Internet “Click to Bid” website. After the cattle are sold, a livestock contract stating the terms and conditions of the sale is prepared and sent to both the buyer and seller. Following the auction, the Superior representative contacts all parties to arrange the delivery.

A Multi-Faceted Video Marketing Company Superior originally was derived to market and sell load-lots of cattle, with an ever changing industry and Superior’s dedication to remain an industry leader, Superior had developed several other outlets to help market cattle via video.

Superior Livestock’s Country Page is an Internet On the day of delivery, trading video marketing the Superior representative is platform that offers cattle present to oversee the sorting 24/7. The Country Page is and loading of the cattle. At available throughout the delivery, the seller is issued country and is accessible a check drawn on Superior’s through online bidding. bonded custodial account The Country Page is and payment is due from the equipped with top notch buyer upon receipt of the customer service that can cattle. The cattle are shipped help you find the specific directly from the seller’s farm type of cattle to fit an or ranch to the buyer. individual’s needs. Superior From the time the Productions is a full service Superior representative video marketing endeavor completes the consignment of Superior Livestock; contract with the seller until hosting over 170 production the time the cattle are loaded sales yearly for top notch onto the buyer’s truck, producers from all over personal hands-on attention the country. The Superior is given to the make sure the Productions staff brings sales contract is followed the video marketing and completely. their established buyer base

to help increase exposure. Recently Superior Livestock Auction introduced their wholly owned subsidiary, Fed Cattle Exchange. The goal of the Fed Cattle Exchange is to provide the industry with more transactions to consider when determining the average cash price of market-ready fed cattle through a video market platform. Superior’s leadership in industry innovations and its goal to be the best, most complete livestock marketing service in the industry ensures that it is not only the oldest but also the largest video marketing company. “All the things we do, technology wise, are done for customer service. A big part of customer service is serve, so that’s what we do and what we have been about since 1987,” says Joe Lichtie, Vice President of Superior Livestock Auction. Video marketing grew out of a need and has quickly become one of the most sought after forms of

marketing livestock. Video marketing is a simple, cost effective and professional way to market cattle. For more information on marketing your cattle “The Superior Way” please visit or call us at 800-422-2117.

Beth Brian Superior Livestock Auction


$ M $ 4 3. 1 4

$ $ T 5 1 3 7.4

BW- 0.65 WW- 54.65 YW- 79.59 REA- 16.48 IMF- 3.48

CHRK First Class

Semen-$55/unit C1022061

Adding Profit to your Bottom Line! in these s ll u b r u o Look for sales: upcoming

Ranch Manager: Marty Potter Herdsman: Henry Mast

e Bull Sale c n a m r fo r e P • SEBBA cadia, FL r A 6 1 0 2 2, December le nch Bull Sa a R s n o m • Em sebeck, TX o r G 7 1 0 ,2 January 28

Cattle, Semen and Embryos for Sale Private Treaty - call Brian (270) 282-5102


The Beefmaster Pay Weight

Longest herd collecting feed efficiency data and feed intake data in the Beefmaster breed. Multi-trait selection for balance, meeting the demands of commercial and registered cattlemen. All sires being used rank in the top 5% of the breed for Weaning Weight, Yearling Weight, Scrotal Circumference, $T and $M Intake data averages on over 120 bulls tested sired by our herd sires: ADG 3.58 FCR 6.72 / 1 RFI 0.40 (silage based ration)




ADG 4.66 FCR 5.51 / 1 RFI -1.13 STO CKDALE, TEX AS



ADG 3.86 FCR 5.47 / 1 RFI 0.63 W W W. L Y S S Y B E E F M A S T E R S . C O M

What can Lyssy Beefmaster Bulls do for you?


ADG 3.80 FCR 6.00 / 1 RFI 1.37


ADG 3.79 FCR 6.06 / 1 RFI 0.07


ADG 4.32 FCR 6.7 /1 RFI 0.97



ADG 4.61 FCR 3.80 RFI -2.57

ADG 4.29 FCR 4.64 / 1 RFI -0.08


ADG 3.80 FCR 6.88 /1 RFI -0.91


Over 30 bulls available BEEFMASTER

GENOMICS + CONTACT: LAUREN LYSSY tel: 210.414.2119 - email:



W W W. L Y S S Y B E E F M A S T E R S . C O M


The Beefmaster Pay Weight


Unretouched range photographs by Watt M. Casey, Jr.

CSS Semen Bull Casey 5-48 Raised on Grass, not Feed or Grain

Casey Beefmasters appreciates each


who has contributed to our success Bulls Raised on Grass, Not Feed or Grain since 1948.

Bulls Raised on Grass, Not Feed or Grain

Customers in Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, ALL OVER TEXAS, Utah and several foreign countries. Some purchase bulls on an annual basis (44 years in 2016). Others have made multiple cattle purchases over many years and some just purchased their first CASEY BEEFMASTER BULLS.

Discover how CASEY BEEFMASTER genetics will improve your herd & what they will do when CROSSED with your Angus and Brangus females. 99% of our customers are commercial ranchers with herd numbers ranging from twenty-five to thousands of cattle. They don’t play games, they don’t like the games they see in the seedstock business and they sure aren’t interested in cattle that are FED, FED, FED before sale day then melt when the real world shows up. CSS SEMEN: $20 PER STRAW Working in African countries, Mexico, Columbia, Thailand and USA. Available: CSS Semen and an excellent selection of virgin, trich free, fertility tested bulls. Clean underline, fertile, gentle, muscular, sexually-aggressive bulls raised and selected for Tom Lasater’s SIX ESSENTIALS for 68 years.

WATT M. CASEY, DVM Office: (325) 762-2605 WATT, JR. Mobile: (325) 668-1373 Box 2469, Albany, TX 76430 • Since 1948 • Email:

The Beefmaster Pay Weight


Retaining Ownership of Beefmaster Feeder Cattle By Bill Pendergrass, Beefmaster Breeders United Beefmaster females have long been recognized as the industry gold standard for productivity and maternal excellence. However, many ranchers fail to recognize the feedyard and carcass attributes of Beefmaster sired steers. Roaring Springs Ranch of Frenchglen, Ore., has been utilizing Beefmaster bulls on their crossbred cow herd in the high desert country of eastern Oregon. The ranch’s main emphasis has been on replacement female production, but the steers they produce must also perform on the range and on the rail, as a part of their demanding Country Natural Beef Program. This beef program is one of the beef industry’s most respected branded beef product lines.

With the first harvest group of Roaring Springs Ranch Beefmaster sired steers, it became evident that Beefmasters were way more than just a maternal breed. This is not a surprise, since the early 2000s several Beefmaster breeders have been involved with nationally-known branded beef programs, where collecting data and improving carcass value are keys to their success. The first turn of Roaring Springs Ranch Beefmaster sired steers posted the following impressive statistics shared in table #1. Based on industry grid marketing standards, 45% of the Beefmaster sired carcasses earned premiums based on Quality Grade,

indicating their ability to marble. Additionally, another 40% earned Yield Grade premiums, which indicates the cattle were heavy muscled and lean in their body composition. By analyzing the average

component carcass traits for the group, it is evident that these cattle were very consistent in their muscularity and marbling. These are the kind of cattle that earn premiums for the retained ownership or investment feeder, and Table #1 satisfy the Avg. Hot Carcass Weight 780 lbs. consumer’s demand for Avg. Ribeye Area 13.48 in. Avg. REA/cwt 1.72 sq. in. high quality beef. Avg. Fat Thickness .44 in. The Avg. Calculated Yield Grade 2.71 Beefmaster Quality Grades breed is 3% Prime serious 42% Premium Choice about 82% Choice improving 15% Select performance and carcass Yield Grades merit. 40% YG 2 continued 43% YG 3 on page 34

October 15, 2016 Brenham, Texas

780 8 5 3.66 5.49

CF 320/4 C1045835

Outstanding Eye Appeal & Extraordinary EPDs $25 / Straw with AI Certificate


BW 80

WW 862



0.36 0.54

35.41 63.53 0.53 0.42



Fat 0.16

IMF 2.19

REA SC $T 12.99 35.00 110.39

7.80 0.20


0.00 0.51

0.09 0.59

-0.17 0.53

0.67 0.35

$M 17.26


Bulls For Sale at Central States

Number of Head Number of Feedyards Number of States Group Avg. Daily Gain Group Dry Matter Conversation

November 5, 2016 Joplin, Missouri

Bulls For Sale at Beef on Forage

Gattis Cattle Company, LLC


Top 1% YW & $T Top 2% WW & IMF Top 3% SC Top 10% $M Dan Gattis

1850 County Road 105, Hutto, TX 78634


Avg. Calculated Yield Grade 34

Quality Grades The Beefmaster Pay Weight

continued from page 33 In May 2016, Beefmaster Breeders United (BBU) released genomic-enhanced EPDs to allow bull buyers to confidently select younger animals with greater accuracy values, therefore significantly improving the rate of genetic improvement for a wide variety of traits. In July 2016, BBU released the Beefmaster breed’s first selection indices: Terminal Index ($T) and Maternal Index ($M). For the first time ever Beefmaster bull buyers have high accuracy selection tools to fold into their crossbreeding programs to maximize heterosis and profitability. While carcass traits and related carcass value is straight forward and easy to track, there is another area that is as important to profitability as carcass merit: feed efficiency. Beefmasters


3% Prime 42% Premium Choice have a great reputation hand. Given the number for being among the most of feedyards in different 82% Choice efficient converters in the environments and solid 15% Select beef industry.

Beefmaster breed has led to several advantages including a very strong immune system, which results in fewer feedyard deaths and health related pulls in the feedyard. These attributes result in stronger bids from buyers who regularly run purchase break-even calculations at lower death loss percentages when they know the calves are Beefmaster sired.

performance of Beefmaster genetics, it is obvious Over the years, several Yield Grades that Beefmasters excel in Beefmaster breeders have feed 40% YG 2 efficiency. Cost of retained ownership of their gain 43% YG 3 is the second largest genetics to track feedyard expense, behind purchase performance and carcass cost, for any cattle feeding merit. In reviewing feedyard enterprise. Feed efficient closeouts on a sample of the cattle significantly lower cost data submitted to BBU, the of gain, allowing more profit following observations were opportunity. made from standard feedyard close out data. Other profit drivers that Most cattle today are sold are seldom discussed include; on grids, where cattle can Table #2 earn premiums for higher quality and higher yielding Number of Head 780 carcasses. However, many Number of Feedyards 8 ranchers overlook the fact Number of States 5 that even grids are based on hot carcass weight. Cattle Group Avg. Daily Gain 3.66 that have higher dressing Group Dry Matter Conversation 5.49 percentages have a hot yield advantage in the plant As noted by the animal health, immune bringing more pounds of information in table #2, system, dressing percentage carcass to the scale. It is performance and feed and disposition. The unique not uncommon for higher efficiency can go hand in genetic makeup of the dressing cattle to gross more continued on page 35

The Beefmaster Pay Weight

continued from page 34 per carcass than higher quality grading cattle. Many feeders find Beefmasters an attractive grid marketing option due to hot yield advantages provided by the Beefmaster body composition. Cattle must be able to dress, grade and yield in order to maximize any grid, and Beefmaster sired steers check off all three.

Profitability comes in many packages and smart operators are quick to find alternate routes to a desirable end point. While the industry generalizes profitability with high marbling carcasses, the truth is there are other data points that affect profitability more than just marbling. In today’s marketplace, ranchers must consider all

of their options and chances are that efficiency and performance will impact the long term profitability of their operation more than marbling will. Beefmasters are a central part of a planned crossbreeding program that will help cattlemen balance carcass merit, efficiency, performance, fertility and maternal excellence.


Bill Pendergrass

BBU Executive Vice President

New Cut Farms Beefmaster 15368 Sod Road Athens, AL 35611

“Serving all of your bulk commodity needs” Doug Husfeld 830.998.2023

T5 Ranch


Cliff & Pam Christopher

JC and Teri Thompson Bedias, Texas 979-777-8859 Bulls with complete performance data for sale at ranch!

Producing Foundation Beefmasters for South Louisiana

I - O - C Beefmasters Dwight & Julie Bertrand Elton, Louisiana 337-368-9112

Rocking D Beefmasters Michael James Deville Opelousas, Louisiana 337-351-2938

Pine Tree Acres M. Gene Haymon Leesville, Louisiana 337-238-3788

Replacement Females & Bulls Available


The Beefmaster Pay Weight

The Beefmaster Pay Weight



The Beefmaster Pay Weight Lake Charles, Louisiana 337/526-5717

r o i r r a W m a Dre

Rock Star

Bulls selling at these upcoming sales:

LBBA Cowboy Classic - November 5, 2016 - Lake Charles, La. CSBBA Performance Bull Sale - November 5, 2016 - Joplin, Mo. Collier Farms Bull Sale - November 19, 2016 - Brenham, Texas Emmons Ranch Bull Sale - January 28, 2017 - Groesbeck, Texas

The Beefmaster Pay Weight


Ultrasound for Added Value By Erin Worrell

Cattlemen will agree that something cannot be improved if it is not first measured. In today’s beef market where every segment of the production chain is aiming for efficiency, quality and profitability, measuring carcass traits with ultrasound technology offers value from farm to fork. Beefmaster Breeders United (BBU) has incorporated ultrasound data in expected progeny differences (EPDs) for six years. Carcass EPDs like those for all traits are used for genetic comparison between animals, thus removing the effects of environment and nutrition.

carcass EPDs because they understand the value added to their calves.”

overall muscling, weight and the carcass performance in favorable dressing percentage the calves they purchase.” in terminal cattle.” For many commercial EPDs give an indication Worrell’s advice to cattlemen, utilizing high of the genetic potential registered and commercial carcass EPD bulls can rapidly of progeny and are the cattlemen is to keep up with advance the carcass genetics best carcass information the demand curve for quality in a calf crop, but that does registered breeders can not account provide bull buyers. for the genetics Furthermore, EPDs contributed include not just an animal’s from the female individual ultrasound data, side. Cattlemen but generational data as can further well. Consequently, more accelerate information leads to more carcass accurate predictions in improvements progeny. in their herd by ultrasounding Bill Pendergrass, executive carcass traits vice-president at BBU says, in replacement “Beefmasters, like all breeds, heifers. Research have specific populations Certified carcass shows the within the breed that excel in ultrasound technician, Casey beef. “If we continue to see ideal time to ultrasound is carcass merit. More breeders Worrell of Harper, Texas, a market trend of fat cattle at a year of age; therefore, are scanning cattle and says, “One of the main buyers paying on individual ultrasounding mature getting very serious about reasons registered breeders carcass merit rather than females would not accurately selecting for carcass merit.” tell me they do not collect the traditional method of reflect their genetics and is Trey Scherer, manager at carcass ultrasound data is live animal price per pound, not recommended. Worrell Collier Farms in Brenham, because their customers then cattlemen can’t afford states, “The benefit of Texas says, “Our buyers do not ask for it. Yet those to wait a day longer to start ultrasounding replacement understand the future of our improving their genetics. If breeders who do not collect females is not only necessary industry lies in meat quality the data seldom attract the cattlemen select for carcass to recognize the superior determining value more progressive buyer looking quality today they’ll be better ones, but to identify and for added value from carcass than other traits. Collecting positioned to take advantage remove the inferior heifers. ultrasound data and having traits.” He adds, “The most of quality based marketing This is especially important progressive cattlemen I work BBU translate that carcass opportunities. All segments to consider when producing of the supply chain have replacement heifers within opportunity to add value the herd to ensure the through carcass quality so inferior carcass genetics this does not just benefit the do not get passed to future producer selling fat cattle to generations.” the packer.” Worrell has seen growth While retained ownership in his business from may not fit all production progressive commercial models, there is tremendous cattlemen placing emphasis opportunity for commercial on the carcass quality in the cattlemen to add value female side of their herd. through ultrasound “I have a customer who technology. “There is real purchased high carcass value in the ultrasound EPD bulls but felt the rate EPDs shows our customers with don’t wait for their data even if it is on the of progress in the quality the improvements we are customers to dictate the parentage of the marketed grades of his calves could making as we meet their direction of their breeding calves,” says Worrell. “I’ve still be improved. When he demands for carcass quality decisions; they anticipate seen commercial customers started ultrasounding his in their own programs. Our them. Furthermore, most earn premiums by providing replacement heifers and used commercial cattlemen I work commercial customers tend buyers with carcass EPDs on that data in his culling with are willing to pay higher to look closer at ribeye area the sires of the calf crop. It because it translates into continued on page 40 prices for bulls with high gives buyers predictability of


The Beefmaster Pay Weight

continued from page 39

to increasing carcass quality.

decisions he saw significant improvement in percent prime carcasses.”

Carcass trait emphasis within registered and commercial beef herds benefits not just individual breeding programs but the entire Beefmaster breed as well. According to Pendergrass, “Beefmasters are uniquely positioned within the beef industry because of the overwhelming volume of Choice product our industry is producing. Thanks to the impressive amount of marbling genetics that have been infused into the nation’s cowherd, commercial cattlemen can buy Beefmaster bulls with confidence knowing that our carcass EPDs will keep them in the Quality Grade premium range they are accustomed to.”

It is important to note replacement heifers should be culled for phenotype and performance qualities such as weight, height, disposition, color, structure and other factors prior to collecting carcass ultrasound data. Worrell says, “Replacement heifers have to first fit your environment; ultrasound data should serve as the final selection criteria.” The combination of using high carcass bulls and females along with proper management should result in calves that offer carcass predictability for buyers at all production segments. “This is due to the high heritability of carcass traits,” says Worrell. He acknowledges cattlemen should not single trait select for carcass characteristics but at the same time suggests the sky is the limit when it comes

Consumers continue to demand quality beef at retail and food service outlets. This makes it imperative for cattlemen to understand the strong link between beef

Foundation 712

Hargis Ranch Chris Hargis

5710 E. 2030 Road, Waurika, OK 73573 Chris: 580.313.1356

Come buy our consignments! Beef On Forage Performance Bull Sale October 15, 2016 Brenham, Texas Texoma Beefmaster Sale March 18, 2017 McAlester, Okla.

continued on page 42

Sierra’s Love

Billy & Laura J. Richerzhagen Falkville, Alabama 256.990.5615 “We don’t sell what we don’t love”

Lasater 4248

Jim Deal 615-308-8128 778 Princeton Hills Drive, Brentwood, TN 37027

The Beefmaster Pay Weight


BULL SALE Arcadia Florida Stockyard Friday, December 2nd, 2016 at 1:00 P.M.


100 Performance Tested Bulls Bull Test

Brian Melloan, Manager 270/282-5102

Arcadia Stockyard

Carl McKettrick, Manager 2719 NE Earnest Street Arcadia, Florida 34266 863/494-1808 or 863/494-3737 Fax: 863/494-5933 ca

Sale Manager Mike Green 979/229-6563 Fax: 706/675-1797

Sales and Service

Find us on Facebook @ 3G Sales & Service



The Beefmaster Pay Weight

continued from page 40 consumption and production. Carcass EPDs offer cattlemen an opportunity to improve the carcass merit in their herd and thus provide a more valuable beef product consumers are consistently seeking. Worrell says, “Management costs are the same to produce an inferior carcass animal or a superior one; the main difference is what they are worth at marketing.”

Mark & Leesa Blau PO Box 906 Menard, TX 76859 325-656-2222

Look for our Beefmaster bulls


In terms of quality based marketing, Pendergrass adds “We have a Beefmaster sired prominent national branded beef program with cattle grading 3% Prime, 82% Choice, 46% Premium Choice and the balance of the cattle being Select. This type of carcass merit can only come from using ultrasound to first establish where a program is and secondly, select for improved carcass traits.” Ultrasound technology has been researched for over 60 years and breed associations such as BBU have monitored the accuracy and validity of it to advance their members’ progressive efforts. The evolution of genetic measurements includes genomics as a contributor to the next wave of carcass genetic improvements. Pendergrass says, “Beefmaster breeders are adopting the technology. We are seeing impressive jumps in ultrasound EPD accuracy on non-parent animals that have been HD Genotyped. We are

already seeing our breeders migrate toward these genotyped animals with outstanding EPDs to improve all traits but there remains a strong interest in ultrasound data.” “Today’s rancher has the opportunity to purchase Beefmaster bulls that will maintain the marbling level they have worked so hard to instill in their cow herds and add significant value to those cows by improving fertility, performance, efficiency, longevity and other profit drivers that come from heterosis,” says Pendergrass. “Ultrasound technology incorporated into genetic evaluations has helped create this awesome supply of Choice product our industry is enjoying. Commercial cattlemen can rest assured that Beefmasters will hold the line on carcass traits and significantly improve the commercial herd’s maternal and performance traits.”

Erin Worrell Freelance Writer & Photographer

Tips for bull buyers: • Ask registered breeders for carcass data

October 15, 2016 Brenham, Texas

Texoma Beefmaster Bull Sale

March 21, 2017 McAlester, Okla.

• Look at carcass EPDs rather than actual scan data; EPDs include an animal’s individual carcass ultrasound data along with generational data from the sire and dam • Understand ratios indicate performance within a contemporary group in the herd. Individual data does not show the full picture – an animal with 5% intramuscular fat (IMF) may seem average, but if the ratio was 120 (meaning 20% above average in a contemporary group) where 2% IMF was the average, that makes him a superior outlier.

Tips for purebred breeders to prepare for ultrasound: • Request ultrasound barn sheets from BBU

• Provide ultrasound technician the identification, certificate number, birth date, weight and contemporary group for every animal scanned • Have grounded 110 electrical outlets available • A squeeze chute provides proper restraint

• Collect data between 320 and 550 days of age

• Weigh cattle the day of ultrasound or within seven days • Use only a certified ultrasound technician

• For additional information visit:

The Beefmaster Pay Weight


Genomic Prediction: Run with the Big Dogs By Jared E. Decker, University of Missouri In the 1990s a popular T-shirt said, “If you can’t run with the Big Dogs, Stay on the Porch.” With Beefmaster Breeders United now using genomic-enhanced EPDs, Beefmaster breeders now have the opportunity to run with the Big Dogs. Are you ready? Genomic-Enhanced EPDs explained The development of genetic prediction, i.e. EPDs, is one of the most important developments in modern agriculture. Do you buy the environment or do you buy the genetics? When purchasing seedstock, you are buying the genetics. EPDs separate the influence of genetics from the influence of an animal’s environment. So, EPDs allow you to make purchasing and selection decisions based solely on the animal’s genetic merit. This allows us to make better decisions and make more rapid genetic progress. EPD calculations use the degree to which animals are related to separate the effects of the environment from the effects of genetics. Each animal inherits 50% of its chromosomes (strings of DNA, the molecule of inheritance) from its sire and 50% from its dam. On average, an animal shares 25% of its DNA with each of its four grandparents. On average, an animal shares 50% of its DNA with full siblings (both parents are the same) and 25% of its DNA with half siblings (one parent in common). With pedigree information, we can use these averages to estimate how all the animals in our data set are related. But, due to the random shuffle of chromosomes and genes between generations, the

actual degree of relationship between two animals can vary quite drastically from these averages. Genotype and DNA data allow us to actually measure the degree of relatedness between animals, rather than use the expected averages. When we more precisely estimate the relationships between animals in our data set, the EPDs become more reliable (the EPD accuracy increases). The EPDs produced using genotype information are call genomic-enhanced EPDs. Hypothetical Example Let’s consider a hypothetical example to better understand how genomic-enhanced EPDs work. I flush a dam, named JED Favorite Cow, to a sire, JED Chosen Bull, to produce a set of flush mates. The sire of Favorite Cow is an average

bull, but her dam is below average. The sire of Chosen Bull is an exceptional bull and his dam is average. On average, the flush mates share 25% of their DNA with these four grandparents. But, the degree of relationship will vary between these flush mates and their grandparents. For example, the poorest bull in the group could share 32% of its DNA with Favorite Cow’s underperforming dam. The best bull in the group could share 35% of its DNA with Chosen Bull’s exceptional sire. Thus, better understanding the relationships in our data can help us more precisely predict an animal’s EPDs.

predictions. Why has this technology been used so much? Simply, because it works! Genomic predictions and genomic-enhanced EPDs allow producers to make better selection decisions and make more rapid genetic progress for several reasons. First, genomic predictions increase the reliability (i.e. the EPD accuracy) of genetic predictions. Second, genomic predictions allow us to generate data for young animals, thus allowing us to use younger animals as parents. Using younger parents decreases the generation interval and increases the rate of genetic progress.

Genomic impact

Word of Caution

Over a million dairy cattle and over a quarter million beef cattle have been DNA tested to produce genomic-enhanced genetic

In the Age of Genomics, Phenotype is King. What does this mean? This means as we generate more and more genotype data, trait records become even more valuable. Genomic predictions allow us to get more information out of the phenotype records we have. But, the genomic data is not very valuable without the corresponding phenotypic data. Thus, when a breed association implements a genomic-enhanced EPD program, collecting and reporting data becomes even more important. Run with the Big Dogs How can you use genomic-enhanced EPDs in your herd? This is going to vary between herds, but I will outline a few ideas. First of all, it is wise to collect a DNA sample (typically a blood card or hair card) on every animal in your herd. You may never continued on page 45



DOB 10/24/2011 DNA US400097956

The IDEAL Bull Pedigree **L2 Captain Sugar CF Dream Catcher **Oasis Dream Maker

**Infinity **Sugar Ann **Cavalier **Sex Life

** Red Sugar **Vanna **Ranger’s Pride **6/2 **Spartacus ** 1-5/5 **Sandman **Sex Appeal

** Red Sugar **Vanna **L2 Captain Sugar **Ranger’s Pride **Sugar Ann **6/2 Cottage Farm 035 **King Cotton **Cherokee Phantom USA **Phannie Mae Vanilla Ice **Ranger’s Pride **Sugar Ann **6/2 **Infinity

DREAM MAKER out of Dream Catcher - a full brother to Sugar Britches and Sugar Bear. A grandson out of Captain Sugar (top & bottom) and Oasis. He goes back to the famous Lee Adair’s cow 6-2 and Ranger’s Pride. Semen Special: 200 straws @ $15/straw, 100 straws @ $20/straw, one straw = $25. Contact Elgin Breeding Service at (512) 285-2019 or Don Smith (806) 647-7257

Out of a Cavalier cow and Dream Maker He will sell at Live Oak Bull Sale in January 2017

Dream Man out of Infinity dam and Dream Maker He sells at Live Oak Bull Sale in Three Rivers, Texas

An Infinity Dream donor cow bred up from L2 Cattle

Donor Cow Cavalier daughter

Out of Infinity Dream donor cow Excellent Show Prospect

Painted Tiger daughter and Dream Maker Excellent Brood Cow or Show Heifer


D&S Sweetwater Ranch Don and Danny Smith PO Box 467, Hart, TX 79043

mobile (806) 647-7257

Breeding Beefmasters Since 1972

Look for our cattle in: Sulphur Springs, TX - Dec. 2016 Three Rivers, TX - Jan. 2017 Houston,TX - March 2017

continued from page 43 use these DNA samples, but if you do need them you will have them. Next, you will need to decide how many animals to test. A good starting point is to make sure all of your herd bulls have been tested, especially younger herd bulls. Genotyping potential donor dams is also a good starting point for using genomic-enhanced EPDs. Genotyping influential animals is helpful for at least two reasons. If the animal is young, the genomic predictions provide more information to make a more informed decision. If the animal is proven, a genomic prediction will not change their EPDs much, but having them genotyped provides better linkages to their progeny that will be genotyped. Next, many herds start to test their bull crops. Testing your young bulls helps you decide if there are any bulls, which you should retain ownership in. Further, it provides a more reliable product to your customers. When advertising a bull, having genomic data is like having the first calf crop back on that bull. Thus, you can be more confident that your bulls will meet your customers’ expectations. Some producers only DNA test the top of their bull crop, but this limits the amount of re-ranking that can occur. Some bulls that are below average before genomic testing could be above average after genomic testing. Other producers put an emphasis on DNA testing females in their herds. Often, mature females are not tested, unless they are the dam of a bull that is being considered as a retained herd bull. The logic behind not testing mature females is that the decision has already been made to retain that female and she will typically be kept in the herd to recover the investment in developing her. When genomic testing females, most breeders start with candidate replacement females. An initial selection is made to remove those heifers that will not be retained due to major faults, such as structure issues. All of the remaining heifers are then DNA tested in order to inform the selection of replacement heifers. Other operations choose to develop their heifers, and then DNA test those that were bred from their artificial insemination service. The previous suggestions are not to be considered a

recipe, but as ideas to start a planning process specific to your herd and operation. In conclusion, commercial cattlemen that purchase Beefmaster genetics should be very excited to now have access to this exciting new tool of genomic prediction. Keep in mind that genomic predictions are simply more data, no different than reporting additional weight or ultrasound data. What is exciting about genomic prediction is that it helps solve one of the main shortcomings of pedigree EPDs, namely that EPDs are not precise for young animals. Beefmaster breeders and commercial cow producers should be excited about the opportunity to use this new technology to improve their purebred and commercial herds. Enjoy running with the big dogs!

Jared E. Decker Assistant Professor Beef Genetics Extension and Computational Genomics University of Missouri

Beefmaster The Best of Both Worlds

The Beefmaster Pay Weight



The Beefmaster Pay Weight

BEEFMASTER BULL SALE 2017 Saturday, January 7, 2017 — Three Rivers, TX Lunch 11:00 a.m. — Sale Time 12:00 Noon Live Oak County Fairgrounds — Hwy. 281 South

“Where Cowmen Come To Buy” Majority of the bulls have performance and scan data! Bulls average 24 months of age. The Live Oak Bull Sale is the longest running, most dependable offering of high-quality Beefmaster bulls in the nation. A majority of the bulls have performance and scan data. All bulls sell with breeding soundness evaluations and all have been trich tested.

2015 Live Oak BBA Bull Champion Sale Headquarters (ask for Beefmaster rate): Don Moore’s Best Western Three Rivers, TX / 361-786-2000 Other Accommodations: Econo Lodge, Three Rivers, TX / 361-786-3563 The Staghorn Hotel, Three Rivers, TX / 361-786-3541 Holiday Inn Express, George West, TX 361-449-4333 Best Western, George West, TX / 361-449-3300 Sale Barn located on Highway 281 between Three Rivers and George West, TX Sale Day Phone: 210-415-0888

For additional information visit Auctioneer & Sale Manager:

Throughout history, this sale has offered not only the best commercial bulls, but the best herd sire prospects in the breed. This year’s sale offering will include a set of performance tested bulls from the Live Oak BBA Performance Bull Test. At 1 p.m. on Friday, each bull will be walked through the ring to be graded. This is an excellent opportunity 125 to preview the bulls. Send me a catalog on the Live Oak Beefmaster Bull Sale

Anthony J. Mihalski 7320 Triple Elm North San Antonio, TX 78263 210-648-5475 Fax 210-648-4939 Mobile 210-415-0888

Name: .............................................................. Address: .......................................................... City, State, Zip: ................................................ Phone: ............................................................. Clip and mail to: Anthony J. Mihalski 7320 Triple Elm North • San Antonio, Texas 78263


Sponsored by Live Oak Beefmaster Breeders Association Bob Siddons President 512-217-3400 Don Kasper Secretary/Treasurer 361-786-3056

The Beefmaster Pay Weight


Breeding soundness exams can prevent a financial wreck at the ranch News Release: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension The importance of a breeding soundness exam in herd bulls can prevent costly revenue losses, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service economist.

in. Bevers said pregnancy rates in 2003 dropped 50 percent.

expand the herd.

“The board of directors purchased an additional “The ranch wasn’t doing 15,000 acres and wanted to any breeding exams and it hit stock it with replacement them hard, very hard,” Bevers heifers,” Bevers said. “By Stan Bevers, AgriLife said. “The initial loss was missing out on the $62,000 in Extension economist in $62,000 in calf sales. It also calf sales, needless to say, this Vernon, shared the data from hurt their break-even costs.” set them back at least two a large New Mexico ranch years.” Bevers said break-even recently during the 62nd costs were calculated by Ultimately, Bevers said Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short taking the expenses divided six bulls out of the 26Course in College Station. by the total pounds of bull battery were sterile. A In his evaluation of the production. At the time breeding soundness exam past 25 years of income pregnancy rates decreased, would have cost the ranch and expenses on the ranch, break-even expenses $1,560 versus losing $61,677 veterinary services and increased from $1.19 per in calf sales. breeding per herd accounted hundredweight to $1.75 per “What this tells us for 3.1 percent of total hundredweight. is that it all begins with expenses, or $27.88 per The impact of the increase reproduction,” he said. breeding female. had significant repercussions Bevers said cattle But in 2003, disaster set later as the ranch looked to

producers should view the expense of breeding soundness exams as purchasing an insurance policy. “If she doesn’t get bred, nothing else matters. How much are you willing to assume, how much insurance can you afford to purchase?” After Bevers’ presentation, he thanked the audience and told attendees he would be retiring after 27 years with AgriLife Extension at the end of August. “It’s been a pleasure to serve you all of these years and provide you with information to help your operations become more profitable,” he said.

Advertise in e Beefmaster Pay Weight 210-732-3132


BW 70, WW 634, YW 997 Black Powder X Painted Tiger daughter

Adjusted Scan Data: REA: 12.13 REA/CWT: IMF: 2.31% Current EPDs Summer 2015 BW: 1.2 WW: 7 YW: 9 Milk: 1 TM: 4


$65 / UNIT

For semen sales contact 3G Sales & Service 979.229.6563

Randy Mason & Body Mason

Building Historic Beefmasters One Brick At A Time PO BOX 9 - 1500 East 2300 Ave. Brownstown, IL 62418 618-267-2339


The Beefmaster Pay Weight

BW: 1.18 WW: 24.18 YW: 47.85 Milk: 8.99 TM: 21.08 Fat: -0.01 IMF: -0.06 REA: -0.24 SC: 0.42 $T: $81.55 $M: $10.91

TOP 10%: WW, YW, SC, $T

TOP 25%: $M


Alvaro Restrepo (956) 330-2654

McAllen, Texas (956) 467-3050

yo u r s o u r c e f o r p e r f o r m a n c e B e e f m a s te r s i n t h e R i o G r a n d e Va l l ey

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