Carr and Others Sale Catalog 2022

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Plus immediately following the sale of the seedstock cattle we will sell in small groups approximately 32 E6 (type) bred and open heifers from us, the above named guest consignors and Nolan Ryan and Rancho Dos Vidas

Cordially, y


Dr. Jim & Pam Colvin

Our objective in conducting this sale event is not only to provide the opportunity to buy quality, func tional cattle from nine long standing programs that have earned numerous awards over the years, but to educate, entertain, provide some good meals and an opportunity to socialize in a very comfortable envi ronment.

Tyler & Wesley Gwosdz

Live bidding will be available through DV Auction for those not able to join us at the sale facility and free hauling for foreign buyers will be provided to Texas departure points See the catalog for further de tails or contact the sale managers, me or Jon Garza, Director of International Programs for BBU (512/517 5163) or Noe Lopez (956/639 3929) for assistance.

Billy & Marie Welkener


With the current status of national and international issues I think our Friday afternoon educational pro gram this year will be very beneficial to any cattle raiser. You are encouraged to review the topics and speakers to be in this program as well as other details of this event on the agenda page contained in this catalog just on the inside of its front cover.

We will do everything reasonably possible to satisfy you with your purchases.

Our sale cattle are developed on grass pastures and should be so evaluated The recent year long excep tional drought on our operations adversely impacted our weights and sonogram carcass evaluations, but not our genetic advantages.

Dear Beefmaster Breeders,

Our seedstock guest consignors this year will be:

Hans & Mary Ann Wittenburg

You are all cordially invited to our Carr and Others Fall Program Friday afternoon 10/7/22 and sale on Saturday morning 10/8/22 at our Wilson County Division eight miles West of Floresville, Texas, on High way 97 in our comfortable cattle sale facility.

P O Box 2947, Laredo, Texas 78044 2947, (361) 586 5067 or (361) 215 3600

Bob & Bonnie Siddons

Tony & Karen Psencik

- ID

(A Bentley son, being a Summit and Destiny grandson) Pictured at 17 1/2 months old Classified U 1/2 Inspiration is the only Beefmaster bull that we currently know of that at official yearling scanning had BOTH an REA over 15 and an IMF over 5. Bred to lots 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18 and 19. 4C Impact 14/15 The Legend 30/1 X 4C 980/7 (Classic Cotton x Miss Dusty 45/7) - $T Index: 121.40 (Top 3%); $M Index: 24.47 (Top 10%) Sire of lots 15, 20, 30, 31 and 41.

Semen available from each bull SALE DAY for $50.00 per straw - collected and stored at Elgin Breeding Service. JT Prince 58 Vision X Madam Secretary Sire of lot 40. SWB

Three of our young herd sires that are bred to and/or the sire of some of our sale heifers are pictured on this page. We believe that their unique combination of phenotype, genetics and performance will make meritorious contributions to the breed.

We own and operate ranches in Webb, Wilson and Kendall Counties, Texas, aggregating approximately 14,500 acres In ad dition to our purebred Beefmaster cattle we maintain 300 to 400 females used as recipients at our Webb and Kendall County ranches Those recipients on the Webb County ranch are mainly F1 Brafords and those on the Kendall County ranch are mainly Black Baldies. The F1 Brafords see Angus bulls and the Black Baldies see Beefmaster bulls after receiv ing embryos or failing to qualify for embryos The resulting natural service calves from BOTH the Webb and Kendall County recipients are 3/4 Bos Taurus and 1/4 Bos Indicus making a very desirable feeder calf after grown to an appropriate feedlot weight on our winter pastures Inspiration #121/20







HEADQUARTER S DIVISION (WEBB COUNT Y, T X) Home, Offices, Buffel Grass, Purebred Herds, Recip. Herds, A.I., Flushing Donors and Transferring Embryos WILSON COUNT Y T X DIVISION Development Of Young Cattle On Irrigated Bermuda And Oats Pastures, Hay Baling And Production Sales 4C DIVISION (KENDALL COUNT Y, T X) Recips On Their Way To Fresh Pastures Miles Of Clear Water Creeks PAGE 5

This year’s donation lots are by renowned artists Jim Rey and Kenneth Wyatt

This year as done for many years, we are offering two donation lots with all of the proceeds of one going to the Beefmaster Educational Endowment Foundation (B.E.E.F.) for Beefmaster re search and with all of the proceets of the other going to the Beefmaster Cattlewomen to provide scholarships for our J.B.B.A. members.

All proceeds to Beefmaster Educational Endowment Foundation

GIRLS AND THE GOSPEL by Kenneth Wyatt 24” x

As these three cowhands work together to rope the calves, they know timing is the key to their success in capturing their wild charges. Years of experience in working a herd come naturally to these cowhands, who are about to bring in their maruading calf

“In so many of my paintings of the West, I have al ways shown fellowship that exists between father and son; however, knowing that our heavenly Father’s word needs to be taught by our earthly fathers to their children, I decided that this painting would show that moment between fathers and daughters. I am honored that the original of this painting, THE GIRLS AND THE GOSPEL, is owned by former President George W Bush ” Kenneth Wyatt

Kenneth Wyatt was a Methodist minister and artist of over 8,000 paintings hanging all over the world re cently died in his eighties


All proceeds to Beefmaster Cattlewomen for J.B.B.A. Scholarships



Jim Rey paints the everyday life of the working cow boy This new image brings a cattle round up to life

WHEN IT’S ALL WORKIN’ by Jim Rey 24” x 36”

Both pictures are framed and ready to hang.

8 Bred & Calving Heifers

Guest consignors:

The Wittenburgs, Psenciks, Siddons, Welkeners, Tyler and Wesley Gwosdz and this year we welcome Dr Jim Colvin all come from the top of their herds.

6 Herd Sire Prospects

2 Fall Calving Heifers

Welcome to Bill and Dusty Carr’s Beefmaster Production Sale Over the past years, breeders have come to expect the best in quality seedstock Beefmaster cattle, and true South Texas hospitality

3 Red Angus/Beefmasters. Bred to Red Angus

While reviewing this catalog, note that Bill Carr and the others have provided us so much meaningful, factual, and useful data to aid in your selections. All performance weights, sonograms, pelvic area measurements, classifications, and EPD’s are up to date and included


Dear Beefmaster Breeders and Others,

Email: aj1mihalski@aol com • www anthonymihalski com


Guest Consignors: 4 Three In Ones & Pairs

6 Registered Spring Calving E6 Type Bred Heifers (3 are bred to Red Angus bulls and 3 are bred to Beefmaster bulls)

Over the past several decades there have been several individuals who have truly made a difference in the Beefmas ter breed. I would argue that none have been more important to the association, or to the breed of cattle, than Bill and Dusty Carr. The Carr’s have been awarded every prestigious award this association has, including “Breeder of the Year,” and “Hall of Fame,” they have been deserving of all as they have given so much of themselves

20 Red/Black Angus x Beefmaster Bred to Red Angus bulls

13 Yearling Open Heifers

9 Registered heifers. Bred to Red Angus & Beefmaster bulls

Bill Carr: 20 Spring Calving Heifers

1 Pick Of Open Heifers

This includes the strongest group of three in ones and pairs, with big, stout weaning size calves at side. The bred heifers are extremely well bred to the newest exciting sires. The open heifers are fancy and carrying the newest and best genetics available

The information provided on these cattle will be as complete as you will find anywhere Please call for questions or information. I look forward to seeing you.

The 2022 sale offering, bigger than ever 104 total lots: •67 lots of true seedstock cattle Lots 1 through 41 are bred and produced by Bill Carr These cattle are measured, tested, and measured again using proven genetics such as Classic Cotton and Cornerstone (both Pacesetter and Typesetter sires), Painted Tiger, Miss Dusty and many other elite bloodlines from across the breed. These cattle are loaded with pedigree and performance, the best of the best!

7 Open Heifers

This year at the conclusion of the seedstock sale, we will sell 32 head of bred heifers in groups of 2’s and 3’s Please see the catalog and video for complete information These heifers are from Bill Carr, Bob Siddons, Rancho Dos Vidas and Nolan Ryan.

7320 N. Triple Elm St. • San Antonio, Texas 78263 • 210/648 5475 Office • 210/648 5150 Fax

See you in Floresville! Bruce Robbins


19202 San Antonio, 78258 (210) 545 6106 fax (210) 545 5275


Bill and Dusty have established a tradition of selling only 4C branded cattle. These are the individuals that have passed all of the objective observations and evaluations applied by Bill. These individuals are selected for the sale because they are of the quality demanded by Bill to stay in his herd so they definitely will work in yours.

All the contact numbers are listed, the sale DVD is available, the sale will be broadcast live on DV Auc tions and you can reach me sale day in my “soundproof box” to help you with purchases or selections So, remember if myself, Anthony or Mike can be of any assistance in making selections or purchases do not hesitate to contact us.

Heather Creek •

Bill and Dusty Carr along with Others have assembled a tremendous opportunity for you at the Carr and Others Fall Sale to be held at the Wilson County Division of 4C Beefmasters. Make plans now to join us Friday to evaluate the sale offering, be supremely informed at the afternoon program and for the festivi ties in the “social room” including supper, mariachis and a live western band and then Saturday October 8th for the Carr and Others Fall Sale.

Dear Beefmaster Breeders,

So, all in all this sale offering consists of the individuals that will help you produce a better Beefmaster product and the breeders offering them have earned reputations that are second to none. These breeders have been planning this sale since last year and they are all serious about your future Beefmaster success

Youth, Visual Quality, Consistent Performance, Predictable Genetics are all being offered not only by 4C but also every “Other” consignor. The 4C sale offering includes Herdsire Prospects that are ready for heavy service and exhibit the desired combination of proven consistent performance and predictable ge netics that are proven to be superior producers Fall Calving Heifers that are heavy bred and ready to show you what they can do immediately. This group represents the quickest opportunity to your next payday and makes them a favorite to everyone every year. Spring Calving Heifers that have it all, pre dictable genetics, proven performance, exquisite visual quality and a great calf building in the belly from either AI service or high quality clean up bulls. Open Heifers that have been specially selected for this sale offering because they carry the same assets and are ready to go home and breed. Add in the quality of the “Other” consignments and this sale offering will impress any Beefmaster breeder and confirms your reasons for making sure you join us and take home your own selection! New to this year will be 32 E6 type bred and open heifers that will be the kind you want to own!

Sales & Service



Dear Beefmaster Breeders,

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the Carr & Others Fall Program and Sale, Octo ber 7'th and 8'th, 2022 at the Carr Sale Facility in Floresville, Texas.

If you have never been to the Carr facility and Sale, I assure that you will be comfortable, fed, entertained and surrounded by some of the best people in our Breed. Don't miss a great time with an abundance of opportunity thru the cattle being offered.

P.O. Box 304


• Franklin, GA 30217 229 6563 threeg1990@yahoo com

Friday night after the seminar starting at 5:45 Mariachi music, refreshments, supper and live music by Darrell McCall and Justin Trevino will entertain us all.

See you soon in Floresville, TX!

As always the cattle will be represented by top individuals that are bringing top seedstock lots for you to choose from Cattle with youth, correct phenotype, popular genotype and marketability will become offered to you that will only enhance your breeding operation. Each of these selling individuals make it a priority to breed cattle that will perform, enhance and assure proper mar ketability going forward.

Mike Green

If myself, Anthony or Bruce can help you in any way just let us know. If you can't make the Sale, it will be available live and online at DVauction.

The anticipated weekend will start on Friday with cattle viewing at noon. The educational pro gram will run from 1:30 to 5:30 PM. Seven speakers will discuss important topics for cattle pro ducers and land owners

Saturday the Sale will begin at 10:00 AM with cattle consigned by Bill and Dusty Carr, Hans and Mary Ann Wittenburg, Billy and Marie Welkener, Bob and Bonnie Siddons, Tony and Karen Psencik, Tyler and Wesley Gwosdz and Jim and Pam Colvin. Following the seedstock sale, E6 consignments from Nolan Ryan and Rancho Dos Vidas will sell.

3G Cattle Sales and Consultation

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 8 NA 103 97 NA 108 104 92 113 NA 17 14 NA 14 14 14 14 NA 522 706 NA 7 96 2 85 0 11 0 17 77 95 11 29 13 03 2 4 26 2 44 7 6 7 19 8 3 1 0 1 5 9 1 4 0 3 0 02 0 028 0 3 0 44 0 57 0 57 0 34 0 42 0 19 0 42 0 25 0 13 0 57 0 61 0 55 Safe in calf 5 months to CF Bravado (C1073659) DNA: US400567326 PV Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 187 sq cm ECD: 2 18 23 **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **Black Magic 120/97 Miss Scarlet USA 8 1 Onyx 415 1 **Sensual Appeal 403 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 **Black Jack 21 Sensational Appeal 38/4 **CF Sugar Britches 040 DNA US400355365 Sepcial Appeal 38/6 DNA 42916249976 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter

4C 841/1 - Sugar Britches x Special Appeal

This heifer is extremely correct with well proven genetics She is safe to CF Bravado from conception on first A.I. to calve on or about 2/18/23.

To get a maximum lifetime production out of our cows they need to begin calving around two years of age. To calve as two year olds, adequate pelvic size is critical and is one of the objective evaluations we take and utilize before breeding our yearling heifers. All 20 of our heifers in this section were bred as yearlings and are scheduled to calve close to two years of age. They will start calving mid February to early March We have a vet do sonogram pregnancy determinations on our A.I.’d and natural service exposed females to determine with certainty whether females we sell as bred are pregnant to the A.I. bull or to the clean up bull, and in so doing at the appropriate time, the sex of some of the carried calves can be determined.

Lo t 1 PAGE 10

BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 841 1 Bill Carr C1151892 1 2 21 Red NAME: 4C 841 1

While BBU has only recently established an age at first calf EPD our program has for many years involved breeding our heifers to calve at approximately two years of age. Not all Beefmaster or Brahman influence heifers can or should be bred as a yearling to calve as two year olds. Some are not yet cycling and some do not have adequate pelvic size. However, those that so qualify and do we consider among our most valuable females.


We were in an exceptional drought at our Webb County ranch from August 2021 to mid August of this year and almost as bad at our other two ranches. I am particularily proud that these first 20 heifers conceived under these drought and extreme heat conditions to be in a position to calve near two years of age


BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 870 1 Bill Carr C1151874 2 4 21 Light Red NAME: 4C 870 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 0 7 NA 112 110 NA 124 71 100 93 NA 17 14 NA 14 14 14 14 NA 572 804 NA 9 16 1 94 0 12 0 14 82 44 6 89 21 77 2 4 22 5 50 6 10 4 21 7 2 2 0 6 2 7 0 3 0 16 0 54 0 053 0 29 0 47 0 57 0 57 0 35 0 42 0 18 0 42 0 26 0 17 0 56 0 61 0 55 Safe in calf 3 1/2 months to SWB Inspiration (C1130071) DNA: NE2302546 PV See information on Inspiration on page 2 Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 204 sq cm ECD: 4 4 23 Foundation Beefmasters Hargrave 88 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1 126 EMS Smoothconnection 698 EMS Jackie 5 1 * **Levi 369 * **McGrede 5/39 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 EMS Body By Smooth 0 31 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 DNA 42916249960 BLD 3640A *Emmons Ranch 985 DNA 42916251070 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 3 -- SPRING CALVING HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 863 1 Bill Carr C1151882 2 4 21 Red NAME: 4C 863 1 M a n y o f C l a s s i c C o t t o n ’s n u m e r o u s P a c e s e t t e r daughters are out of Painted Tiger daughters. Lo t 2 Lo t 3 PAGE 11

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 0 2 NA 96 97 NA 102 90 100 107 NA 17 14 NA 14 14 14 14 NA 488 704 NA 7 48 2 46 0 12 0 16 77 24 4 23 2 3 19 2 46 8 10 6 20 2 2 2 0 4 2 5 0 2 0 07 0 42 0 049 0 29 0 47 0 57 0 57 0 35 0 42 0 18 0 42 0 26 0 17 0 56 0 61 0 55 Safe in calf 5 months to CF Bravado (C1073659) DNA: US400567326 PV Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 184 sq cm ECD: 2 18 23 Foundation Beefmasters Hargrave 88 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1 126 EMS Smoothconnection 698 EMS Jackie 5 1 * **Levi 369 * **McGrede 5/39 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 EMS Body By Smooth 0 31 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 DNA 42916249960 BLD 3640A *Emmons Ranch 985 DNA 42916251070 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter


EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 6 NA 97 96 NA 103 108 83 80 NA 17 14 NA 14 14 14 14 NA 494 695 NA 7 6 2 98 0 1 0 12 56 09 3 96 15 92 0 7 11 6 34 5 11 6 17 3 2 2 0 1 1 3 0 6 0 1 0 39 0 042 0 29 0 43 0 55 0 54 0 24 0 34 0 18 0 33 0 21 0 1 0 54 0 59 0 52 Safe in calf 4 1/4 months to McAlester (C 1052714) DNA: 31815095100 Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 228 sq cm ECD: 3 8 23 *Black Bayou 1071/3 *EMS Amazing Ace 630 **Cavalier 19/5 Wilmoth & Sons 33/9 * **Levi 369 * **McGrede 5/39 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 **Lady Jacqueline 16/9 Bonfire 8038 **Legends Lady 99/1 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Miss Dusty 45/7 The Legend 30 1 DNA US400133201 PV Hilltop Ranch 993 3 DNA US9001329327 ZHD50KPV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 4 -- SPRING CALVING HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 842 1 Bill Carr C1151891 1 2 21 Red NAME: 4C 842 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 2 1 NA 103 97 NA 101 108 88 117 NA 8 5 NA 5 5 5 5 NA 540 684 NA 7 41 3 14 0 15 0 21 68 21 17 09 10 34 1 3 25 3 40 9 9 3 22 2 2 0 4 1 6 0 8 0 01 0 31 0 045 0 08 0 36 0 50 0 49 0 21 0 31 0 03 0 25 0 1 0 06 0 49 0 54 0 47 Safe in calf 3 1/2 months to 4C 48/20 (Lot 40) (C 1133352) DNA: Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 189 sq cm ECD: 3 30 23 V Seven 501 V Seven 1673 * **Logan 62M27 **Seven C Anderson 450 * **Levi 369 * **McGrede 5/39 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 Dunkin Farms 0 23 New Dimension 805 CF Logan’s Love 617/1 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Dunkin Farms 9 057 CF Galveston 414/5 DNA 42916250868 PV Hilltop Ranch 959 7 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 5 -- SPRING CALVING HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 843 1 Bill Carr C1149290 1 15 21 Red NAME: 4C 843 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 NA 100 103 NA 99 103 77 56 NA 8 5 NA 5 5 5 5 NA 526 722 NA 7 3 3 02 0 13 0 1 76 2 10 24 16 39 2 8 25 5 45 3 7 1 19 8 2 6 0 3 3 2 1 4 0 05 0 25 0 038 0 1 0 37 0 50 0 50 0 3 0 37 0 06 0 29 0 17 0 09 0 49 0 54 0 47 Safe in calf 3 3/4 months to SWB Inspiration (C 1130071) DNA: NE02302546 PV See information on Inspiration on page 2 Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 221 sq cm ECD: 3 25 23 **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 * **Ranger’s Pride 815/9 **Miss Scarlett 81 8 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Miss Dusty 45/7 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 **Scarlet’s Pride 4101 Hilltop Ranch 427/2 CF Sugar Bear 933 DNA 42916251063 PV Hilltop Ranch 755 1 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 6 -- SPRING CALVING HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 844 1 Bill Carr C1149291 1 8 21 Red Mottle Underline NAME: 4C 844 1 Lo t 4 PAGE 12

* **Cornerstone 357/4

*Hilltop Ranch 972 7

*Hilltop Ranch 904/0

Hilltop Ranch 36 17 NE01800137

BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 848 1 Bill Carr C1149294

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 0 7 NA 99 98 NA 88 106 112 122 NA 8 5 NA 5 5 5 5 NA 522 690 NA 6 43 3 08 0 19 0 22 73 83 11 28 17 33 2 2 23 8 44 1 8 7 20 6 2 0 5 0 3 0 4 0 24 0 25 0 037 0 07 0 29 0 47 0 47 0 23 0 31 0 03 0 26 0 1 0 07 0 47 0 53 0 45 Safe in calf 3 1/2 months to SWB Inspiration (C 1130071) DNA: NE02302546 PV See information on Inspiration on page 2 Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 216 sq cm ECD: 3 29 23 Quasar 991 Jezabelle 62J8 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Miss Dusty 45/7 * **Levi 369 * **McGrede 5/39 Bradley’s Circle J 5/1 Hilltop Ranch 980/1 * **Logan 62M27 * **Dusty Cotton 977/1 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Hilltop Ranch 611 4 CF 748/4 DNA US400301925 GLD Hilltop Ranch 763 1 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 7 -- SPRING CALVING HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 847 1 Bill Carr C1149978 1 21 21 Red NAME: 4C 847 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 8 NA 116 110 NA 124 88 124 106 NA 8 5 NA 5 5 5 5 NA 612 771 NA 9 1 2 58 0 21 0 19 93 57 22 64 17 11 2 4 34 54 9 12 2 29 3 2 5 0 8 1 7 2 5 0 39 0 18 0 031 0 05 0 25 0 46 0 44 0 21 0 29 0 03 0 21 0 1 0 06 0 45 0 51 0 43 Safe in calf 3 3/4 months to SWB Inspiration (C1130071) DNA: NE02302546 PV See information on Inspiration on page 2 Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 257 sq cm ECD: 3 27 23 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Miss Dusty 45/7

**Miss Scarlet 81 8

**=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter

LOT 8 -- SPRING CALVING HEIFER 1 29 21 Red 4C 848 1


*Hilltop Ranch 563 9

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 8 NA 92 91 NA 82 79 75 73 NA 17 14 NA 14 14 14 14 NA 469 665 NA 6 02 2 17 0 09 0 11 104 27 17 24 22 8 2 1 33 6 62 1 12 28 8 2 4 0 7 4 5 1 9 0 03 0 35 0 048 0 29 0 43 0 57 0 56 0 31 0 40 0 17 0 39 0 23 0 12 0 55 0 6 0 54 Safe in calf 5 months to Teton (C 1097778) DNA: NE000888918 PV Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 234 sq cm ECD: 2 18 23 **Natural Selection 10 1 **Phannie Marie 171/1 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 **Zipperer 240 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 **Tribal Princess 291/3 **Sir Kiffer 6/3 **Betsy Ross 7635/2 * **Cornerstone 357/4 *Hilltop Ranch 543/6 **The Postman 465/6 H R C 38H Benchmark 32/98 DNA 303A BLD 8354A Miss CJ 226 DNA 391A BLD 8472A **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 9 -- SPRING CALVING HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 850 1 Bill Carr C1151889 1 2 21 Red NAME: 4C 850 1 Lo t 8 PAGE 13

* **Ranger’s Pride 815/9

* **Hilltop Ranch 334/8

CF Sugar Bear 933



**Scarlet’s Pride 4101


EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 6 NA 79 92 NA 101 52 83 87 NA 17 14 NA 14 14 14 14 NA 403 672 NA 7 43 1 43 0 1 0 13 101 29 17 93 22 27 2 33 7 61 4 12 28 8 2 3 0 7 5 2 1 7 0 05 0 5 0 049 0 29 0 43 0 57 0 56 0 31 0 40 0 17 0 39 0 23 0 12 0 55 0 6 0 54 Safe in calf 5 months to Teton (C 1097778) DNA: NE000888918 PV Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 222 sq cm ECD: 2 18 23 **Natural Selection 10 1 **Phannie Marie 171/1 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 **Zipperer 240 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 **Tribal Princess 291/3 **Sir Kiffer 6/3 **Betsy Ross 7635/2 * **Cornerstone 357/4 *Hilltop Ranch 543/6 **The Postman 465/6 H R C 38H Benchmark 32/98 DNA 303A BLD 8354A Miss CJ 226 DNA 391A BLD 8472A **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 12 -- SPRING CALVING HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 854 1 Bill Carr C 1151886 1 2 21 Red NAME: 4C 854 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 2 9 NA 108 110 NA 110 107 142 140 NA 17 14 NA 14 14 14 14 NA 547 799 NA 8 08 2 94 0 17 0 21 61 37 6 09 16 69 0 3 13 6 37 5 11 9 18 7 2 4 0 2 2 2 1 0 14 0 36 0 033 0 29 0 43 0 55 0 54 0 24 0 34 0 18 0 33 0 21 0 1 0 54 0 59 0 52 Safe in calf 3 1/2 months to 4C 48/20 (Lot 40) (C 1133352) DNA: Yarling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 221 sq cm ECD: 4 1 23 *Black Bayou 1071/3 EMS Amazing Ace 630 **Cavalier 19/5 Wilmoth & Sons 33/9 * **Levi 369 * **McGrede 5/39 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 **Lady Jacqueline 16/9 Bonfire 8038 **Legend’s Lady 99/1 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Miss Dusty 45/7 The Legend 30 1 DNA US400133201PV Hilltop Ranch 993 3 DNA US9001329327 ZHD50K PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter



Sexsation 400 * **Levi 369 * **McGrede 5/39 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 **Infinitely

*Emmons Ranch 985 DNA 42916251070

1 126 **Infinity


Hargrave 88 **Painted



months to SWB Inspiration (C1130071) DNA NE02302546 PV Yearling

Impact 14 15 DNA US9001881270PV

**=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 10 -- SPRING CALVING HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 851 1 Bill Carr C1151888 1 2 21 Red NAME: 4C 851 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 0 2 NA 115 118 NA 105 98 117 87 NA 17 14 NA 14 14 14 14 NA 587 857 NA 7 7 2 68 0 14 0 13 88 78 7 09 23 13 2 7 22 4 53 4 13 3 24 5 2 1 0 5 4 3 0 1 0 06 0 38 0 042 0 29 0 39 0 54 0 53 0 2 0 31 0 17 0 33 0 2 0 08 0 54 0 59 0 52 Safe

Sylvin M Mersiovsky 747 42916251080 in 5 (4 6

**=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter


46/03 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 DNA 42916249960 BLD 3640A

* **Classic


* **Painted Tiger 3 390 EMS Body By Smooth 0 31




**Painted Warrior 0026 Farms 1 126 Smoothconnection 698 Jackie 5 Legend 30 1 Hilltop Ranch 980

BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 853 1 Bill Carr C1151887 1 2 21 Red 4C 853 1

BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 6 NA 106 95 NA 90 102 75 73 NA 17 14 NA 14 14 14 14 NA 538 690 NA 6 65 2 8 0 09 0 11 73 99 10 25 18 43 1 6 21 8 44 3 10 4 21 3 2 3 0 3 3 5 0 7 0 1 0 28 0 037 0 29 0 44 0 54 0 53 0 31 0 39 0 18 0 4 0 24 0 17 0 53 0 58 0 51 Safe in calf 4 months to SWB Inspiration (C 1130071) DNA: NE02302546 PV Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 192 sq cm ECD: 3 17 23

1 The



Bonfire 8038 Lady 99/1 Cotton 89/135 Dusty


Foundation Beefmasters Warrior 0026 Farms 120/96Sexy

22) Pelvic: 213 sq cm ECD: 2 18 23

BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 861 1 Bill Carr C 1151884 1 2 21 Light Red NAME: 4C 861 1 PAGE 14



EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 4 NA 96 99 NA 88 111 117 140 NA 17 14 NA 14 14 14 14 NA 486 717 NA 6 45 3 05 0 14 0 21 65 95 15 9 13 31 0 2 23 3 38 9 7 1 18 7 2 7 0 5 5 0 5 0 22 0 16 0 035 0 3 0 42 0 55 0 54 0 24 0 34 0 17 0 37 0 2 0 1 0 54 0 59 0 52 Safe in calf 3 1/2 months to SWB Inspiration (C 1130071) DNA NE02302546 PV Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 206 sq cm ECD: 3 29 23 * **Logan 62M27 **Pendlope 293J11 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 Red Anna 2/04


PV Hilltop



* **Painted Tiger 3 390 Sexy Sugar 847 14 15 DNA US9001881270


**L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Sex Life 388



ZHD50K PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter

**VIsion 905 Red Essence 129/07 *


BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 864 1 Bill Carr C 1151881 2 4 21 Red NAME: 4C 864 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 3 NA 99 99 NA 106 107 113 90 NA 3 3 NA 3 3 3 3 NA 554 740 NA 7 42 3 63 0 17 0 18 52 93 16 06 7 81 1 2 23 6 30 1 3 2 15 3 2 0 3 2 0 9 0 16 0 01 0 039 0 31 0 50 0 56 0 56 0 38 0 44 0 2 0 43 0 26 0 15 0 55 0 6 0 54 Safe in calf 3 1/2 months to 4C 48/20 (Lot 40) (C 1133352) DNA: Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 196 sq cm ECD: 4 3 23 **Cavalier 19/5 Marilyn 19/5 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Miss Judy 6/91 Apollo 224 Br yan Ranch 72/3 Adair 0984/9 Diamond W 3/1 Quasar 991 Jezabelle 62J8 Br yan Ranch 126/6 Diamond W 34/3 * **Logan 62M27 DNA 322220A BLD 7960A * **Bettys Last 45/1 DNA US400106838 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 16 -- SPRING CALVING HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 877 1 Bill Carr C 1151871 3 5 21 Red NAME: 4C 877 1 Lo t 15 PAGE 15

* **Classic

**Natural Selection Marie 171/1 Cotton 89/135 Dusty 45/7 **Cornerstone 357/4

*Hilltop Ranch 986/1

10 1 **Phannie

CF Brock 450/3 US400134255 Ranch 914 7 US9001329330

ZHD50K Cotton 89/135 Dusty 45/7 Warriior 0026 Farms 1 126


PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 14 -- SPRING CALVING HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 862 1 Bill Carr C 1151883 2 4 21 Red NAME: 4C 862 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 NA 91 95 NA 92 96 108 80 NA 17 14 NA 14 14 14 14 NA 462 689 NA 6 79 2 65 0 13 0 12 63 45 3 23 19 27 1 5 12 2 38 5 14 20 1 2 3 0 5 8 0 8 0 23 0 33 0 04 0 29 0 37 0 53 0 52 0 18 0 30 0 17 0 32 0 19 0 09 0 53 0 59 0 51 Safe in calf 3 1/2 months to SWB Inspiration (C 1130071) DNA: NE02302546 PV Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 188 sq cm ECD: 4 3 23 Bonfire 8038 **Legend’s Lady 99/1 * **Classic

The Legend 30 1 Hilltop Ranch 980 7


**BF 1149 US9001329326



EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 8 NA 112 109 NA 109 81 107 112 NA 6 5 NA 5 5 5 5 NA 606 775 NA 8 06 2 49 0 15 0 19 96 21 20 77 15 64 2 8 37 4 57 3 7 7 26 4 2 2 0 7 5 1 0 06 0 29 0 033 0 3 0 44 0 56 0 54 0 33 0 41 0 19 0 38 0 25 0 13 0 54 0 59 0 52 Safe in calf 5 months to CF Bravado (C1073659) DNA: US400567326 PV With a heifer calf Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 188 sq cm ECD: 2 18 23 **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 * **Levi 369 * **McGrede 5/39 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 **Lady Jacqueline 16/9 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Miss Dusty 45/7

Hilltop Ranch 687 5 DNA US9001329331

**=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter


CF Sugar Bear 933 DNA 42916251063 PV


BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 887 1 Bill Carr C 1151859 3 10 21 Red Mottle Underline NAME: 4C 887 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 3 NA 112 105 NA 92 100 63 86 NA 14 11 NA 11 11 11 11 NA 656 785 NA 7 35 2 91 0 1 0 18 100 61 18 89 20 63 2 7 34 9 59 7 10 4 27 9 2 5 0 9 1 2 0 8 0 15 0 3 0 046 0 06 0 27 0 47 0 46 0 2 0 29 0 03 0 25 0 09 0 06 0 47 0 53 0 45 Safe in calf 3 2/3 months to SWB Inspiration (C1130071) DNA: NE02302546 PV Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 221 sq cm ECD: 4 5 23 Quasar 991 Jezabelle 62J8 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Miss Dusty 45/7 * **Cornerstone 357/4 *Hilltop Ranch 543/6 Long Distance 60/0 Hilltop Ranch 990/1 * **Logan 62M27 * **Dusty Cotton 977/1 Benchmark 32/98 Hilltop Ranch 303 7 CF 748/4 DNA US400301925 GLD Hilltop Ranch 887 2 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 18 -- SPRING CALVING HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 893 1 Bill Carr C 1149374 3 4 21 Red NAME: 4C 893 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 5 NA 93 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 500 NA NA NA NA NA NA 54 64 8 85 9 12 2 1 17 7 30 6 7 1 15 9 2 9 0 5 8 1 9 0 15 0 1 0 025 0 09 0 34 0 48 0 39 0 24 0 32 0 05 0 26 0 13 0 07 0 35 0 35 0 33 Safe in calf 3 1/3 months to SWB Inspiration (C 1130071) DNA: NE02302546 PV Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 180 sq cm ECD: 4 6 22 **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **CF Sugar Britches 040 Knockout Anna 52/11 **Scarlet’s Pride 4101 Calendar Girl 101/1 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 Knockout 88/13 *Hilltop Ranch 814 4 CF Sugar Bear 933 DNA 42916251063 PV Hilltop Ranch 674 8 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 19 -- SPRING CALVING HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 837 0 Bill Carr C 1149286 11 9 20 Red Mottle Underline NAME: 4C 837 0 Lo t 17 PAGE 16


EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 1 5 NA 110 107 NA 108 103 108 92 NA 4 2 NA 2 2 2 2 NA 590 766 NA 8 3 29 0 14 0 12 98 15 16 38 19 64 2 3 31 4 57 7 11 9 27 6 2 1 0 6 3 4 0 7 0 16 0 21 0 038 0 05 0 26 0 46 0 45 0 15 0 25 0 03 0 19 0 08 0 04 0 46 0 51 0 44 Safe in calf 3 months to 4C 48/20 (lot 40) (C 1133352) DNA: Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 208 sq cm ECD: 4 13 22 Bonfire 8038 **Legend’s Lady 99/1 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Miss Dusty 45/7 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Hilltop Ranch 440/2 The Legend 30 1 Hilltop Ranch 980 7 CF Sugar Bear 933 Hilltop Ranch 830 6 Impact 14 15 DNA US9001881270 PV Hilltop Ranch 560 7 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 20 -- SPRING CALVING HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 839 0 Bill Carr C 1149288 12 29 20 Red NAME: 4C 839 0 4C 801/0 - (Knockout x Special Appeal) One of our young donors IMF: 5.4 PAGE 17

YEARLING OPEN HEIFERS of these heifers were in the Spring of 2021 only on forages. A variety of genetics in these heifers. All of them were intentionally kept open to enable to offer open virgin heifers this time of year. All of these are ready to breed as soon as it fits your program. All have recently been cycling.



are offered

and grown


EPD ACC Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: R b Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index $FE Index ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 3 2 NA 95 93 NA 89 96 94 89 NA 8 5 NA 5 5 5 5 NA 500 653 NA 6 52 2 79 0 16 0 16 46 73 13 32 8 84 0 5 16 9 28 8 8 7 17 2 2 3 0 2 6 2 0 7 0 15 0 32 0 037 0 04 0 23 0 45 0 43 0 16 0 26 0 03 0 19 0 08 0 04 0 45 0 51 0 43 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Miss Dusty 45/7 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 Hensley Farms 3021 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Dunkin Farms 9 057 CF Sugar Bear 933 *Hilltop Ranch 972 7 Precision 025 Hilltop Ranch 971 7 Hilltop Ranch 36 17 DNA NE01800137PV Hilltop Ranch 462 5 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 21 -- YEARLING OPEN HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO : BIRTH: COLOR: 846 1 Bill Carr C 1149292 1 26 21 Red NAME: 4C 846 1 EPD ACC Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 3 5 NA 106 98 NA 100 174 83 100 NA 17 14 NA 14 14 14 14 NA 537 715 NA 7 36 4 77 0 1 0 15 94 58 23 64 6 5 0 6 34 8 52 3 7 8 25 2 2 7 0 7 4 2 0 5 0 07 0 24 0 042 0 3 0 43 0 53 0 53 0 16 0 28 0 17 0 37 0 19 0 07 0 53 0 59 0 51 CJ’s Justice J100 Brindle Baby Of Soul 7222 CF Dream Catcher 914 *CJ’s Diamond Of Soul 509 CJ’s Bandelero 960 **Oasis 655 * **Logan 62M27 **Miss Geiger 2649/6 CJ’s Game Changer 1316 CJ’s Hope Diamond 5/13 Bullet Proof 864 Brown Eyed Girl JT69 CJ’s Revolution 1772 DNA NE01473460 PV SWB Sweet Annie 11217 DNA NE00888974PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 22 -- YEARLING OPEN HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO : BIRTH: COLOR: 865 1 Bill Carr C 1151880 2 4 21 Red NAME: 4C 865 1

Lo t 31 4C Impact x 4C 750/1 (Classic Cotton x Cornerstone daughter). PAGE 18

HIlltop Ranch 971 21 4C 869

463 DNA US400002630 PV


BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 880 1 Bill Carr C 1151867 2 20 21 Red NAME: 4C 880 1 PAGE 19




7 DNA US9001881266 ZHD 50K PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 24 -- YEARLING OPEN HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 869 1 Bill Carr C 1151875 2 4

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 4 7 NA 100 100 NA 100 100 100 100 NA 1 1 NA 1 1 1 1 NA 435 672 NA 5 97 3 69 0 14 0 19 39 72 8 28 11 53 0 6 11 5 23 6 9 12 6 2 9 0 1 6 8 0 3 0 5 0 06 0 033 0 29 0 40 0 50 0 50 0 16 0 27 0 17 0 34 0 17 0 07 0 49 0 56 0 48 * **Logan 62M27 **Penelope 293J11 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 Red Anna 2/04 CF Dr Love 414 CF Deja Vu 178 Super Duty 925 Little Horn 648 **VIsion 905 Red Essence 129/07 Cottage Farm 640 Super Girl 315 CF Brock 450/3 DNA US400134255 PV FR 822/18 DNA 42916251075 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 23 -- YEARLING OPEN HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 867 1 Bill Carr C 1152970 2 4 21 Red NAME: 4C 867 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 3 4 NA 85 99 NA 104 108 192 140 NA 17 14 NA 14 14 14 14 NA 430 720 NA 7 67 2 97 0 23 0 21 51 77 2 91 16 87 0 2 11 5 31 2 7 6 13 3 3 0 0 1 5 9 0 0 0 30 0 21 0 026 0 29 0 43 0 55 0 54 0 29 0 38 0 18 0 38 0 22 0 12 0 54 0 59 0 52 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Prissy Lady 117/93 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 * **Levi 369 * **McGrede 5/39 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 Dunkin Farms 0 23 **Synergy 84/95 **Oasis 655

* **Classic Cotton 89/135 Farms 9 057 N Sync

1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 2 9 NA 104 103 NA 113 102 100 94 NA 4 3 NA 3 3 3 3 NA 534 719 NA 7 42 3 05 0 15 0 16 70 99 24 18 10 72 0 3 26 2 40 6 13 5 26 6 2 5 0 5 2 6 0 4 0 11 0 04 0 041 0 29 0 45 0 52 0 52 0 2 0 31 0 18 0 34 0 17 0 07 0 51 0 57 0 49 V Seven 501 V Seven 1673 * **Logan 62M27 **Seven C Anderson 450 * **Logan 62M27 Collier Farms 282/2 W Five 565 W Five 612 New Dimension 805 CF Logan’s Love 617/1 Logan’s Leader 653/7 W Five 867 CF Galveston 414/5 DNA 42916250868 PV *Triple B 1 4 DNA 41817064092 PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 25 -- YEARLING OPEN HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 878 1 Bill Carr C 1151869 2 23 21 Red NAME: 4C 878 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 2 NA 93 94 NA 102 114 127 106 NA 4 3 NA 3 3 3 3 NA 477 656 NA 6 7 3 41 0 19 0 18 45 84 4 91 14 35 1 8 13 1 26 7 6 7 13 2 3 0 4 9 0 4 0 31 0 09 0 035 0 31 0 50 0 57 0 57 0 36 0 43 0 2 0 45 0 27 0 16 0 56 0 6 0 54 **Cavalier 19/5 Marilyn 19/5 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Miss Judy 6/91 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1 126 **Sir Kiffer 6/3 Bovanna 04/5 Quasar 991 Jezabelle 62J8 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 Kavanna 040 * **Logan 62M27 DNA 322220A BLD 7960A Tiger’s Destiny 602 DNA US 4019202 PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter


Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 2 7 NA 98 94 NA 96 114 113 125 NA 3 3 NA 3 3 3 3 NA 548 704 NA 6 72 3 87 0 17 0 25 42 61 14 26 6 81 1 2 18 6 23 9 4 8 14 1 3 0 2 1 2 1 0 23 0 01 0 042 0 31 0 50 0 56 0 56 0 38 0 44 0 2 0 43 0 26 0 15 0 55 0 6 0 54

Apollo 224 yan Ranch 72/3 0984/9 3/1 120/96

CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs




**Red Sugar 104/93 Judy 6/91


BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 892 1 Bill Carr C 1149373 3 15 21 Red NAME: 4C 892 1 PAGE 20

Diamond W




**Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1 126 **INfinity 120/96 **Oasis 655 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 **Painted Tiger 3 390 HIllar y 181 CF Sugar Bear 933 DNA 42916251063 PV JT 2412 DNA US9001881264 ZHD50K PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 28 -- YEARLING OPEN HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 888 1 Bill Carr C 1151858 3 16 21 Red NAME: 4C 888 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 9 NA 96 97 NA 102 108 100 118 NA 6 5 NA 5 5 5 5 NA 521 692 NA 7 52 3 32 0 14 0 2 41 43 2 23 11 33 1 2 7 24 4 10 9 14 4 3 0 1 8 7 0 9 0 39 0 1 0 03 0 3 0 43 0 54 0 53 0 21 0 32 0 18 0 35 0 2 0 09 0 53 0 58 0 51 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 L2 Captain Jack 43/07 Knock Out Sugar 6/09 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1 126 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Sex Lilfe 388 **CF Sugar Brithces 040 Knockout Anna 52/11 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 Sexy Sugar 847 Knockout 88/13 DNA 31815095095 GHD 150K *BF 1149 DNA US9001329326 ZHD50K PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 29 -- YEARLING OPEN HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 889 1 Bill Carr C 1151857 3 17 21 Red Mottle Underline NAME: 4C 889 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 2 NA 92 90 NA 87 96 81 91 NA 14 11 NA 11 11 11 11 NA 540 674 NA 6 95 2 78 0 13 0 19 68 43 6 77 19 17 0 8 16 2 40 7 11 5 19 6 2 4 0 3 4 0 4 0 14 0 23 0 036 0 05 0 25 0 46 0 45 0 14 0 25 0 02 0 19 0 07 0 03 0 47 0 52 0 45 Bonfire 8038 **Legend’s Lady 99/1 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Miss Dusty 45/7 **Synergy 84/95 **Oasis 655 Hilltop Ranch 36/99 Hilltop Ranch 399/2 The Legen 30 1 Hilltop Ranch 980 7 cf N Sync 463 *Hilltop Ranch 883 6 Impact 14 15 DNA US9001881270 PV Hilltop Ranch 601 7 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs

Quasar 991 Jezabelle 62J8 Br yan Ranch 126/6 Diamond W 34/3 * **Logan 62M27 DNA 322220A BLD 7960A * **Betty’s Last 45/1 DNA US 400106838 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 27 -- YEARLING OPEN HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 882 1 Bill Carr C 1151866 3 5 21 Red NAME: 4C 882 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 2 7 NA 96 94 NA 96 110 121 94 NA 6 5 NA 5 5 5 5 NA 520 668 NA 7 11 3 4 0 17 0 16 30 35 5 23 7 58 0 3 8 1 17 8 6 6 10 6 2 8 0 2 8 2 1 1 0 34 0 09 0 031 0 3 0 46 0 56 0 56 0 28 0 37 0 19 0 39 0 25 0 12 0 55 0 6 0 54 **Infinity

**Cavalier 19/5 19/5

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 6 NA 91 106 NA 109 70 81 119 NA 14 11 NA 11 11 11 11 NA 534 793 NA 8 7 2 04 0 13 0 25 103 35 12 26 24 83 2 1 29 6 62 3 13 2 28 2 1 0 6 0 3 0 7 0 27 0 47 0 045 0 05 0 26 0 47 0 46 0 18 0 28 0 02 0 2 0 08 0 05 0 47 0 53 0 45 Bonfire 8038 **Legend’s Lady 99/1 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Miss Dusty 45/7 * **Levi 369 * **McGrede 5/39 * **Cornerstone 357/4 Hilltop Ranch 193/6 The Legend 30 1 Hilltop Ranch 980 7 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Hilltop Ranch 854/9 Impact 14 15 DNA US9001881270 PV *Hilltop Ranch 750 1 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 31 -- YEARLING OPEN HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 897 1 Bill Carr C 1149378 4 11 21 Red NAME: 4C 897 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 3 2 NA 101 99 NA 87 119 106 105 NA 14 11 NA 11 11 11 11 NA 590 745 NA 6 95 3 44 0 17 0 22 71 93 15 61 12 1 0 8 24 1 41 2 9 4 21 5 3 1 0 2 2 3 0 7 0 28 0 01 0 029 0 08 0 28 0 45 0 45 0 18 0 27 0 03 0 24 0 09 0 05 0 46 0 52 0 44 * **Tabasco 3018K10 **Phantom’s Diamond 119/9 King Pin BF950 Jacklin 94/10 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Hilltop Ranch 611 4 * **Fusion 578/3 Princess Jack 1325 CF Sugar Bear 933 Hilltop Ranch 763 1 CF 449/7 DNA 41817063902 Hilltop Ranch 379 4 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 32 -- YEARLING OPEN HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 898 1 Bill Carr C 1149379 4 10 21 Red NAME: 4C 898 1 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 4 6 NA 99 99 NA 103 114 106 86 NA 14 11 NA 11 11 11 11 NA 582 740 NA 8 16 3 3 0 17 0 18 71 73 14 39 11 65 0 3 23 4 40 4 8 19 7 3 7 0 2 5 4 0 4 0 27 0 1 0 033 0 08 0 27 0 44 0 44 0 14 0 24 0 03 0 23 0 08 0 03 0 46 0 52 0 43 * **Tabasco 3018K10 **Phantom’s Diamond 119/9 King Pin BF 950 Jacklin 94/10 CF Dr Love 414 **Oasis 655 Smith & Wesson 43 09 EMS Infinitely Buff 116 * **Fusion 578/3 Princess Jackie 1325 CJ’s Medicine Man 477 Lost & Found 123/3 CF 449/7 DNA 41817063902 Miss CJ 1556 DNA US400481231 ZHD 50K **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 33 -- YEARLING OPEN HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 900 1 Bill Carr C 1149381 4 17 21 Red NAME: 4C 900 1 4C Division PAGE 21


**Sex Life 388

7 CF

our cattle are bred


sales. Lo t 34 PAGE 22

3 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT






* **Classic

Safe in calf 8 1/2 months to Walker Red (C1008373) 9001055224 10 30

**Infinity 120/96 Ann 45/6 19/5

PV Hilltop



While nearly all of to calve in the spring, breed a few heifers each year to calve in the fall to enable to offer some fall calvers in our October



EPD ACC Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: R b Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index $FE Index ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 7 NA 103 103 NA 101 107 128 128 NA 19 16 NA 16 16 16 16 NA 612 772 NA 8 4 37 0 23 0 32 89 03 9 82 17 69 3 28 3 50 3 6 6 20 7 3 0 2 4 8 0 8 0 11 0 12 0 025 0 09 0 36 0 53 0 52 0 21 0 32 0 04 0 27 0 09 0 05 0 52 0 57 0 51 Safe in calf 8 1/2 months to Galveston (C 1079420) DNA: 42916250868) PV ECD: 10 30 22 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 L2 Captain Jack 43/07 Knock Out Sugar 6/09 **Black Magic 120/97 Miss Scarlet USA 8 1 Onyx 415 1 **Sensual Appeal 403 **CF Sugar Britches 040 Knockout Anna 52/11 **Black Jack 21 Sensational Appeal 38/4 Knockout 88/13 DNA 31815095095 GHD 150K Special Appeal 38/6 DNA 42916249976 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 34 -- FALL 2022 CALVING HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO : BIRTH: COLOR: 806 0 Bill Carr C 1133316 2 10 20 Red NAME: 4C 806 0 EPD ACC Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 3 NA 99 87 NA 100 142 112 95 NA 8 7 NA 7 7 7 7 NA 540 612 NA 8 08 3 95 0 19 0 19 49 77 14 13 8 22 0 7 16 8 28 5 10 2 18 6 2 8 0 1 4 4 1 3 0 03 0 03 0 029 0 3 0 42 0 53 0 53 0 31 0 38 0 19 0 37 0 24 0 11 0 53 0 58 0 51



**L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 Kiss 397 Cotton 89/135 Ranch 904/0 Captain Sugar 12/02 655 French Connection 142 Ranch 973 Sugar Bear 933 42916251063 Ranch 983 35 -- FALL 2022 CALVING HEIFER



BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO : BIRTH: COLOR: 829 0 Bill Carr C 1133214 4 2 20 Red Star Face Mottle Face NAME: 4C 829 0

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 3 NA 87 103 NA 97 102 100 128 NA 20 8 NA 8 8 8 8 NA 550 871 NA 8 34 3 47 0 16 0 23 54 31 5 58 11 03 0 2 12 8 32 3 9 2 15 7 3 0 7 9 0 0 61 0 17 0 036 0 1 0 40 0 52 0 51 0 2 0 31 0 05 0 29 0 14 0 06 0 49 0 53 0 48 L2 Captain Lucey 116/01 **Farrah Anna 42/9 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1 126 **Infinity 120/96 **Oasis 655 L2 Captain Jack 43/07 **Oasis 655 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 Hillar y 181 CF Masterpiece 685 DNA US 400200113 PV JT 2412 DNA US9001881264 ZHD50K PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 36 -- HERD SIRE PROSPECT BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO : BIRTH: COLOR: 9 20 Bill Carr C 1133339 1 10 20 Red NAME: 4C 9 20 HERD SIRE PROSPECTS This year we are offering six two y e a r o l d h e r d s i r e p r o s p e c t s . We feel that in growing these bulls to t h i s a g e w e c a n o f f e r t h e m w i t h greater confidence of their potential meritorious contributions. Lo t 36 PAGE 23

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 2 NA 97 95 NA 95 104 106 94 NA 20 8 NA 8 8 8 8 NA 613 806 NA 8 12 3 53 0 17 0 17 42 62 0 64 11 61 0 8 7 6 24 3 7 6 11 5 2 7 0 1 9 0 8 0 35 0 0 03 0 1 0 39 0 53 0 52 0 18 0 30 0 04 0 27 0 1 0 06 0 51 0 56 0 5 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 L2 Captain Jack 43/07 Knock Out Sugar 6/09 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1 126 **Infinity 120/96 **Oasis 655 **CF Sugar Britches 040 Knockout Anna 52/11 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 Hillar y 181 Knockout 88/13 DNA 31815095095 GHD150K JT 2412 DNA US 9001881264 ZHD50KPV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 37 -- HERD SIRE PROSPECT BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 27 20 Bill Carr C 1133357 1 10 20 Red NAME: 4C 27 20 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 7 NA 100 100 NA 100 100 100 100 NA 2 1 NA 1 1 1 1 NA 595 892 NA 9 44 4 4 0 19 0 2 91 78 12 09 16 93 3 1 30 4 51 6 6 6 21 8 3 0 3 4 8 0 8 0 14 0 16 0 029 0 09 0 36 0 52 0 50 0 21 0 31 0 04 0 27 0 09 0 05 0 49 0 53 0 47 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 L2 Captain Jack 43/07 Knock Out Sugar 6/09 **Black Magic 120/97 Miss Scarlet USA 8 1 Onyx 415 1 **Sensual Appeal 403 **CF Sugar Britches 040 Knockout Anna 52/11 **Black Jack 21 Sensational Appeal 38/4 Knockout 88/13 DNA 31815095095 GHD150K Special Appeal 38/6 DNA 42916249976 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 38 -- HERD SIRE PROSPECT BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 31 20 Bill Carr C 1133338 2 10 20 Red NAME: 4C 31 20 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 0 5 NA 105 100 NA 99 90 61 77 NA 13 5 NA 5 5 5 5 NA 650 844 NA 9 7 2 1 0 11 0 13 24 59 1 02 9 91 1 1 5 14 3 5 7 8 3 2 4 0 2 5 0 3 0 29 0 12 0 047 0 12 0 39 0 51 0 51 0 29 0 36 0 06 0 33 0 17 0 12 0 5 0 55 0 49 **Cavalier 19/5 Marilyn 19/5 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Miss Judy 6/91 * **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Miss Dusty 45/7 Quasar 991 Jezabelle 62J8 CF Sugar Bear 933 Hilltop Ranch 980 7 * **Logan 62M27 DNA 322220A BLD 7960A Hilltop Ranch 977 3 DNA 41817023236 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 39 -- HERD SIRE PROSPECT BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 39 20 Bill Carr C 1133348 2 25 20 Red NAME: 4C 39 20 Lo t 37 PAGE 24

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 2 1 NA 105 107 NA 115 126 139 112 NA 13 5 NA 5 5 5 5 NA 651 899 NA 11 26 2 95 0 25 0 19 42 98 2 06 16 54 0 1 4 24 8 9 1 11 1 3 0 5 4 0 0 12 0 05 0 029 0 09 0 34 0 48 0 47 0 2 0 29 0 04 0 28 0 11 0 05 0 48 0 53 0 46 Bred to lots 5, 13, 16, 20 & 73 * **Logan 62M27 **Penelope 293J11 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1 126 EMS Smoothconnection 698 EMS Jackie 5 1 **Vision 905 *JT Madam Secretar y 659 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 EMS Body By Smooth 0 31 JT Prince 58 DNA 42916251077 PV *Emmons Ranch 985 DNA 42916251070 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 40 -- HERD SIRE PROSPECT BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 48 20 Bill Carr C 1133352 3 10 20 Red NAME: 4C 48 20 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 2 NA 93 94 NA 102 91 116 90 NA 16 2 NA 2 2 2 2 NA 628 887 NA 9 89 2 39 0 22 0 17 74 74 5 85 21 27 1 17 5 44 6 11 5 20 2 2 4 0 3 4 0 4 0 04 0 24 0 03 0 05 0 24 0 45 0 41 0 14 0 24 0 02 0 18 0 07 0 03 0 41 0 45 0 39 Bonfire 8038 **Legend’s Lady 99/1 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Miss Dusty 45/7 **Synergy 84/95 **Oasis 655 Hilltop Ranch 36/99 Hilltop Ranch 399/2 The Legend 30 1 Hilltop Ranch 980 7 cf N Sync 463 *Hilltop Ranch 883 6 Impact 14 15 DNA US9001881270 PV Hilltop Ranch 601 7 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 41 -- HERD SIRE PROSPECT BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 70 20 Bill Carr C 1133292 4 28 20 Light Red NAME: 4C 70 20 Lo t 41 PAGE 25

His first purebred progeny as yearlings had the following ribeye sonogram average evaluations: 8 Bulls: 15 18 sq in 1.35 sq. in./cwt. 16 in fat cover

10 Heifers: 1 29 sq in /cwt .12 in. fat cover

In a Texas A&M progeny evaluation project involving its test herd of Angus cows, semen from 15 prominent BBU sires was used While doing well in all categories, the Classic Cotton progeny were number one in each yearling weight, ribeye area and tenderness substantiating their growth rate, muscularity and eating quality

Enough of his female progeny have been in breeding programs long enough to prove their reproductive merit. They constantly rise to the top in our program including 27 Pacesetter daughters as of 9/21/20 and many more granddaughters

It is our belief that confidence in selling and buying cattle grows with the extent of existing evaluations of the genetics involved. It is with this philosophy and the meritorious nature of the numerous evaluations of Classic Cotton, out of the time tested parentage of Levi and the Cotton Cow, that we have built a significant part of our program and the offering in this production sale around him.


By one year of age, his evaluations included:

A pen of 36 of our purebred Beefmaster steers including 26 Classic Cotton steers fed in the Nolan Ryan T A B Program were harvested in August of 2001 and every one had a qualifying tenderness score and this entire group had one of the highest, if not the highest, percentage of overall qualifiers of any group within the approximately 70,000 head, at that time, fed in the Nolan Ryan T A B Program

365 day actual wt : 1,285 lbs

I was so impressed with Classic Cotton as a young bull that I was determined to comprehensively evaluate him While EPD’s are widely accepted by the beef industry in evaluating cattle I don’t believe there are any more meaningful evaluations than through progeny testing Accordingly I went out and bought 50 very average F1 Braford cows, 25 very average Hereford cows, 25 very average Angus cows and 25 very average Limousin cows to use in progeny testing Classic Cotton These breeds were selected because, other than the F1 Brafords, they had the largest registries in the industry at the time. All 125 of these cows were synchronized and bred A.I. to Classic Cotton and his purebred sons put on them after A I Progeny out of these matings were evaluated for several years in the Texas Ranch to Rail Program Other tests of Classic Cotton purebred and crossbred progeny in tests conducted by Texas Tech and Texas A&M confirmed they grow rapidly and effi ciently and have very acceptable carcasses. A randon sampling of 50 Classic Cotton steers out of F1 Brafords and commercial Hereford, Angus and Limousin dams fed and evaluated in the 1995 1996 and the 1996 1997 Texas Ranch to Rail Program had average Warner Bratzler shear force evaluation scores of 5.7 lbs. and 5.2 lbs. respectively. Readings of 10 and under are considered acceptably tender for most retail over the counter trade and of 8 and under acceptably tender for consumption in better restaurants

Classic Cotton is one of the breed’s earliest and few Typesetter/Pacesetter bulls

205 day adj wt : 673 lbs


Raising cattle involves numerous risks you cannot control. Use of proven superior genetics is a means of reducing these risks. Classic Cotton is one of the most comprehensively evaluated bulls in the breed His meritorious contributions to the breed have been established and are growing. Let him take much of the risk out of your breeding program.

Birth weight: 70 lbs

342 day sonogram of ribeye: 17.1 sq. in. 1 46 sq in /cwt 24 in fat cover




BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 1259 Wittenburg C1141240 3 9 21 Red HW 1259

Our yearly rainfall is about 40 inches We purchase all our hay and graze the whole ranch The pastures are divided into 40 acre plots and are rotated as needed

Awards include: Legend Award Live Oak, 2011; President BBU from 1979 1981; South Texas Lifetime Director Emeritus, 1998 JBBA Booster Club; Inducted into the BBU Hall of Fame in 2003 and BBU Legend Award 50 Years of Active Mem bership

It is with great honor to be in this sale with Bill and Dusty


EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 2 5 NA 94 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 513 NA NA NA NA NA NA 66 09 11 04 12 16 1 2 19 8 38 4 10 19 9 2 9 0 2 0 4 1 6 0 27 0 08 0 033 0 06 0 20 0 42 0 24 0 15 0 24 0 02 0 16 0 09 0 03 0 17 0 15 0 14 This is one of the last Something Special heifers we have They were always consis tent producers and always milked good Her dam is a solid Dream Catcher grand daughter She is safe in calf to CF 741/0, C 1139822, our Riptide X Koala Bear son that is loaded with EPDs Lifetime Member * **Tabasco 3018K10 **Phantom’s Diamond 119/9 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Peggy Sue 20/06 CF Dream Catcher 914 Windy Hills 4032 Doctor Tiger 830 Wittenburg * **Fusion 578/3 Wittenburg 34 Nick 2049 Wittenburg 252 Something Special 52 DNA 951895397 Wittenburg 6114 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 42 -- BRED HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 0209 Wittenburg C1141151 11 13 20 Red NAME: HW 0209 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 2 8 0 07 NA 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 523 NA NA NA NA NA NA 97 NA NA NA NA NA NA 45 53 10 74 10 43 0 25 0 37 0 26 0 08 0 18 0 02 0 18 0 04 0 02 0 21 0 21 0 18 0 6 13 8 25 3 9 4 16 3 3 2 0 1 0 2 0 5 0 11 0 08 0 03 NA A ver y feminine polled heifer out of our Kingston X Fusion and Heavenly Hattie son This heifer has the length and quality to be bred to any of the up and coming herd sires out there Lifetime Member * **Logan 62M27 Circle C 91/5 * **Fusion 578/3 HS Heavenly Hattie 62T14 Red Bull 511 CF La Ventana 655/1 TR Copperhead 186/13 CF 674/4 CF Kingston 730/4 CF 106/4 Seven C Anderson 10/14 CF 837/6 Seven C Anderson 19/18 DNA 42816109281 PV Collier Farms 8552 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter

We still use Weights & Measures on our ranch


The ranch has a little over a thousand acres and we normally run 150 mother cows and retain 25 open heifers and 25 yearling bulls

Wittenburg Beefmasters became a member of BBU in 1968 and in two years we became a Lifetime Member


CF Raquel 933/9 19/5 Two Ranch 106/07


CF Secret Fusion 185/3 8275 Trail Boss US400566034 -- OPEN HEIFER

*Wittenburg 2332

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 3 3 NA 103 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 591 NA NA NA NA NA NA 67 05 11 48 14 15 0 7 22 9 38 8 5 16 4 2 9 0 2 2 5 0 8 0 19 0 07 0 038 0 29 0 33 0 49 0 36 0 20 0 30 0 17 0 31 0 18 0 07 0 31 0 34 0 28 This Brock’s Top Hand heifer is definitely made right She is long, deep and clean and definitely has the makings of a brood cow Lifetime Member **Vision 905 Red Essence 129/07 **Infinity 120/96 **Oasis 655 *Doc 2D 0C81 Cain 4161 Trinity 16 02 Wittenburg 5230 CF Brock 450/3 Endless Oasis 179 Doctor Tiger 830 Wittenburg 8242 CF Brock’s Top Hand 409/7 DNA 3181906739 Wittenburg 296 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 44 -- OPEN HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 1279 Wittenburg C 1141257 3 27 21 Red NAME: HW 1279 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 0 9 NA 112 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 611 NA NA NA NA NA NA 67 31 16 01 10 61 2 24 6 39 2 9 8 22 1 2 4 0 1 2 5 0 5 0 07 0 13 0 042 0 29 0 35 0 47 0 36 0 14 0 25 0 17 0 32 0 16 0 07 0 31 0 34 0 28 Take a look at this great Trail Boss daughter and then check out her EPDs You will like them! Lots of great ways to breed this fancy heifer Lifetime Member




BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 1263 Wittenburg C 1141244 3 12 21 Red NAME: HW 1263 PAGE 28

PV Jim Colvin 271 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 45

New Dimension 805


Rockin H Secret Tiger 1/11 19/5


757/6 DNA

CF Troubador 879/3 Lady 0634

NAME: HW 1298

* **Fusion 578/3

BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 1298 Wittenburg C 1141281 4 18 21 Red

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 3 6 NA 107 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 584 NA NA NA NA NA NA 59 65 14 43 11 44 1 23 4 35 1 5 4 17 1 3 0 2 2 9 0 1 0 42 0 14 0 035 0 07 0 27 0 46 0 32 0 20 0 29 0 03 0 24 0 09 0 05 0 24 0 24 0 22 Talk about a tough pick! Both of these Brock’s Top Hand heifers have the quality to be great producers Both of their dams have been in our herd for years The heifer HW 1286 is polled Lifetime Member **Vision 905 Red Essence 129/07 **Infinity 120/96 **Oasis 655 **Gladiator 8/36 **Dreamlady 2C 9 77 **Black Jack 21 Tiger Queen 200 CF Brock 450/3 Endless Oasis 179 **Spartacus 86/653 *Seeker 13/5 CF Brock’s Top Hand 409/7 DNA 3181906739 *Wittenburg 951 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 46A -- PICK OF OPEN HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 1286 Wittenburg C 1141271 4 9 21 Red NAME: HW 1286 POLLED EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 3 8 NA 96 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 549 NA NA NA NA NA NA 60 87 12 71 11 96 0 4 22 7 36 1 4 1 15 4 2 9 0 3 4 5 0 7 0 39 0 18 0 038 0 29 0 31 0 49 0 35 0 19 0 29 0 17 0 30 0 17 0 06 0 29 0 32 0 26 **Vision 905 Red Essence 129/07 **Infinity 120/96 **Oasis 655 Rod 693 **Circle C 7 80 Shalako 819 Rod 020 CF Brock 450/3 Endless Oasis 179 Rod 898 Rod 520 Cf Brock’s Top Hand 409/7 DNA 3181906739 Rod 134 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter

CJ’s Bandelero 960 **Oasis 655 L2 Captain Lucey 116/01 Tiger’s Black Jade 58/2



10 22 20 Red White Underline NAME:

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED BW WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 2 1 95 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 71 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 62 9 8 21 11 93 1 5 17 4 35 9 9 6 18 3 3 0 5 0 9 0 16 0 01 0 032 0 17 0 47 PE PE PE PE 0 04 PE 0 05 0 03 PE PE PE Strong heifer with lots of bone Bred to CF 146/9, C 1124462, New Dimension x

LOT 47 -- THREE-IN-ONE BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 7919 Siddons C1103961 9 14 17 Red Bred to Galveston, C 1079420 Good cow with a strong heifer calf at her side LOT 47A -- HEIFER CALF AT SIDE BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 235 Siddons C1157012 3 22 22 Red CJ’s Bandelero 960 **Oasis 655 L2 Captain Lucey 116/01 Tiger’s Black Jade 58/2 **Synergy 84/95 T5 334 0 Sugar 334 0 Mr Brown M743 Miss Oasis Lee 10 31 Bullet Proof 864 Judy Judy Judy 064 T5 Syzygy 611 4 TXS Lexy 311 Seeker 12/5 DNA US400501010 Siddons 7919 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter NAME: Siddons 7919 NAME: Siddons 235 EPD ACC Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: R b Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index $FE Index ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 2 9 93 111 NA NA NA NA NA NA 15 13 NA NA NA NA NA NA 71 510 NA NA NA NA NA NA 71 71 14 15 15 97 1 1 23 7 42 2 9 3 21 1 2 6 0 3 5 4 0 7 0 36 0 13 0 029 0 17 0 49 0 47 0 34 0 18 0 28 0 04 0 18 0 06 0 03 0 27 0 28 0 24 EPD ACC Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: R b Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index $FE Index ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 2 8 104 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 66 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 69 28 12 77 11 72 1 21 7 40 2 9 6 20 4 3 1 0 2 5 2 0 5 0 3 0 06 0 032 PE I PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE

**Synergy 84/95 T5 334 0 Sugar 334 Siddons 50/8 Siddons 71/4

Bullet Proof 864 Judy Judy Judy 064 T5 Syzygy 611 4 Siddons 222 Seeker 12/5 DNA US 400401010 Siddons 736

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Hattie, one of the top grading Spring bulls from Collier Farms’ 2020 bull sale with a REA of 12 43 An all time, top per forming bull

Siddons Beefmasters was established in 1979 We started with 24 open heifers, 1 Bull, one horse, one trap, one 1100 acre pasture, one helpful neighbor, one rudimentary set of pens and one scale. A lot has changed in our operation, but the scale has always been our guide. Our entire program for over 30 years has been based on performance We are the only participants in the annual McAllen Bull Gain test to have won in three consecutive years and this was accomplished with three entirely different pedigreed calves We have also been honored with the 2005 BBU Environmental Award for our Stewardship of the land

LOT 48 -- BRED HEIFER C1148698 Siddons

We have been honored with the STBBA Performance Breeder of the Year Award, First Place Graded Pair to the 2011 Fall Live Oak Sale, the Grand Champion Three In One in the Pair/Three In One Futurity, 2015, and most recently the first Galveston heifer to sell was at side of the Grand Champion in the 2019 Live Oak Beefmaster Breeders Association Perfect Pair/Three In One Futurity Our philosophy has been that it takes pedigree to get to the Arrowhead Ranch, but it takes preformance to remain at the Arrowhead Many thanks to Bill and Dusty for including us in their prestigious sale! Heavenly

0017 PAGE 29

BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 0022 Siddons C 1140680 10 25 20 Red



NAME: Siddons red heifer 146/9, 1124462,

Seeker 12/5 DNA US 400501010


BRAND: 0118




sale with a REA of 12 43 An all time, top per forming bull

CJ’s Bandelero 960 655 Captain Lucey 116/01 Black Jade 58/2

Siddons 591 =Typesetter,


Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 4 3 110 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 60 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 69 88 11 98 10 55 0 7 20 8 40 9 5 19 9 3 4 0 3 3 5 0 1 0 08 0 01 0 032 0 15 0 42 PE PE PE PE 0 04 PE 0 05 0 03 PE PE PE


Bullet Proof 864 Judy Judy Judy 064

Dream On 2013 3915 12/5 US 400501010


0118 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 3 6 102 132 NA NA NA NA NA NA 25 23 NA NA NA NA NA NA 66 465 NA NA NA NA NA NA 54 34 19 51 4 56 0 9 22 6 31 9 9 7 20 9 2 8 0 2 5 5 0 6 0 51 0 12 0 04 0 17 0 47 0 45 0 33 0 13 0 24 0 03 0 16 0 06 0 03 0 25 0 24 0 22 Solid


Tiger’s Black Jade 58/2



Siddons C1148696 11 20 20 Red

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs

NAME: Siddons 0022

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 0 7 93 104 NA NA NA NA NA NA 3 23 NA NA NA NA NA NA 71 366 NA NA NA NA NA NA 51 99 9 74 10 19 2 2 18 4 30 6 7 15 9 2 9 0 4 4 0 5 0 24 0 06 0 034 0 13 0 36 0 36 0 24 0 11 0 19 0 03 0 14 0 05 0 02 0 16 0 15 0 14 Bred to CF 146/9, C 1124462, New Dimension x Heavenly Hattie, one of the top grading Spring bulls from Collier Farms’ 2020 bull sale with a REA of 12 43 An all time, top per forming bull * **Logan 62M27 **Penelope 293J11 Blitz 6 053 R W G Twin Oaks 3 5 EMS Headliner 029 Miss Sugarbelle 62L12 Contraband 43/07 Simpley Lucey 42/06 **Vision 905 My Queen 4248 EMS Lead Gun 46 Ruby 39 Jar vis 342 CL April 26 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 51 -- BRED HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 007 Siddons C1148870 10 18 20 Red NAME: Siddons 007 PAGE 30



CF Adonis 647 SWB Starlette 13014

CF Dream Catcher 914 Red Prissy 0277NZ Emmons Ranch 677 Coulter K Seven 722

CJ’s Bandelero 960 655 Captain Lucey 116/01



CF Dr Love 414 Deja Vue 178 Adonis 647 Tily 160 Proof 864 Judy Judy 064

Siddons 7113 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter




*=Pacesetter LOT 49 -- BRED HEIFER

CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX



Bred to CF

New Dimension x Heavenly Hattie, one of the top grading Spring bulls from Collier Farms’ 2020 bull sale with a REA of 12 43 An all time, top per forming bull


Thick, red heifer with of bone Bred to CF 146/9, C 1124462, New Dimension x Heavenly Hattie, of the top Spring bulls from Collier Farms’ 2020 bull

Billy and Marie Welkener have been raising registered Beefmaster cattle since 1979 Their ranches consist of 626 acres lo cated in Bee and Karnes Counties Texas. Their BMW Beefmaster cattle operation consists of 90 head of open heifers, bred heifers, pairs and bulls.

LOT 52 -- BRED COW/DAM BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 1818 Tyler Gwosdz C 1133288 10 29 18 Red Mottle Underline Fusion’s Signature is a great looking female that we purchased from Gwosdz Beef masters She was 8 months bred t CF Bravado when we purchased her She calved on 4 16 21 She was A I ’d on 2 4 22 and palpated safe in calf on 5 20 22 to A I date LOT 52A -- OPEN HEIFER/DAUGHTER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 416/21 BMW Beefmasters C 1147073 4 16 21 Red **Vision 905 Red Essence 129/07 Br yan Ranch 126/6 Diamond W 34/3 * **Tabasco 3018K10 **Phantom’s Diamond 119/9 **CF Sugar Britches 040 Scarlet 227/0 CF Brock 450/3 * **Betty’s Last 45/1 * **Fusion 578/3 Southern Style 1716 CF Bravado 373/5 DNA 41318112972PV 2G Fusion’s Signature 1818 **=Typesetter *=Pacesetter NAME: 2G Fusion’s Signature NAME: BMW 416/21 EPD ACC Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: R b Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index $FE Index ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 4 4 102 100 100 NA NA NA NA NA 2 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA 67 612 869 NA NA NA NA NA 54 79 16 09 6 6 0 2 17 30 9 12 2 20 7 3 4 0 2 2 1 1 4 0 28 0 08 0 025 0 20 0 44 0 39 0 38 0 27 0 31 0 06 0 30 0 15 0 08 0 29 0 29 0 28 EPD ACC Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: R b Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index $FE Index ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 5 5 111 NA 102 NA 106 89 113 94 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 51 NA 835 NA 12 07 4 20 36 46 55 78 26 19 4 53 1 7 25 31 7 8 3 20 8 3 3 0 5 4 9 0 4 0 19 0 01 0 043 0 12 I PE PE PE PE 0 04 PE 0 08 0 04 PE PE PE EPD ACC Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 3 1 91 100 NA NA NA NA NA NA 3 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA 62 585 NA NA NA NA NA NA 63 24 6 06 14 77 1 4 16 8 37 8 7 17 1 3 2 0 1 6 2 0 7 0 14 0 08 0 018 PE I I PE PE I PE PE PE PE PE PE PE

**CF Sugar Britches 040 Collier Farms 711/1

We consigned the Grand Champion Bull at the 2012 South Texas Beefmaster Association’s Rose Classic Sale held during the San Antonio Livestock Show, and in the 2012 Live Oak Beefmaster Association Fall Sale we consigned the 2 highest selling female lots, a testimony to Billy’s breeding philosophies.

Selling 52’s heifer calf She was sired by CF Bravado, born on 4 16 21 This great looking heifer has been in a feeding program at LandAir in Beeville, Texas since

This dark red heifer is sired by 7C 12/17 Picante, her dam, Que Sera 80, an E&E cow that Bill purchased several years ago has been a consistent producer for us She has great pedigrees in her background and sells ready for you to breed to the bull of your choice

BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 54/21 B M W Beefmasters C 1155630 5 4 21 Red NAME: BMW 54/21

**L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 * **Fusion 578/3


**Synergy 84/95

March 1, 2022

The Welkeners are Lifetime Members of BBU and participate in Whole Herd Reporting In 2011 Billy and Marie were hon ored to receive the “BBU Member of the Year” award. Billy and Marie are honored to be a part of the “Carr and Others Fall Sale” for the ninth year. Thanks to Bill and Dusty for including us in this sale.

*Collier Farms 479/9

* **Painted Tiger 3 390 Kavanna 040

**Oasis 655


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Que Sera 80 DNA US 400200185 PV

cf N Sync 463 Tiger Vanna 601 7C Picante 12/17 DNA 6315089990 PV

Knockout 88/13

**=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter

Hilltop Ranch 515 6

NAME: Hilltop Ranch 515 6


OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 3 86 118 NA NA NA NA NA 13 13 NA NA NA NA NA 91 628 NA NA NA NA NA 98 13 91 11 3 2 4 22 8 37 1 8 9 20 3 2 5 0 3 0 8 0 1 0 1 0 01 0 035 0 17 0 49 0 46 0 34 0 20 0 29 0 05 0 20 0 10 0 04 0 26 0 26 0 23

*Ink Spot 6/904

Collier Farms 101/2 Diamond W 19/1

**Phantom’s Diamond 119/9

Collier Farms 921/5


Hilltop Ranch 721 9

NAME: BWRico 77/22

**CF Sugar Britches 040 Knockout Anna 52/11


2 5 20 Red NAME: Skinner ’s Rafter 16/20 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 4 4 101 NA 98 NA NA 111 84 106 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 56 NA 805 NA NA 5 27 27 52 70 13 17 89 9 77 0 3 22 6 38 6 11 7 23 3 4 0 2 0 9 1 0 25 0 23 0 028 0 19 I PE PE PE PE 0 06 PE 0 15 0 08 PE PE PE This great heifer calf is the daughter of the Bill Carr top selling heifer we purchased for $23,000 00 at the 2020 Carr & Others Sale She h as been at the feeding program at LandAir since March 1, 2022 Selling open, breed her to the bull of your choice **Red Tiger 9075 Jungle Spice 786 Patillo’s Phantom 35/93 **JM

**Infinity Sexy 46/03

Collier Farms 586/9

CF Sugar Bear 933

LOT 54 -- PAIR

**Black Jack 21

**L2 Captain Sugar 12/02

Sensational Appeal 38/4

LOT 55 -- BRED HEIFER 16/20 Skinner ’s Rafter S C 1126456 639/3

NAME: BMW 3/2/21

Welkener Rico Beefmasters C1158248 7 7 22 Red White Underline


*Collier Farms 479/9

CF Dream Big 510/6 DNA US 400566655

Quasar 991 Jezabelle 62J8

BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 515 6 Hilltop Ranch C1075014 3 24 16 Red

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs


*Hilltop Ranch 989/1

NA 64

* **Fusion 578/3

Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: R b Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index $FE Index ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 NA 99 99 NA 103 99 153 133 NA 22 8 NA 8 8 8 8 NA 609 809 NA 9 47 2 5 0 23 0 32 88 3 14 43 17 85 2 3 30 3 52 7 8 23 2 2 1 0 6 5 3 1 2 0 01 0 24 0 016 0 07 0 29 0 47 0 45 0 21 0 30 0 03 0 21 0 17 0 06 0 46 0 52 0 44 EPD ACC Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: R b Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index $FE Index ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 2 2 100 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 59 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 77 3 12 74 14 23 1 6 24 6 45 5 9 6 21 9 2 6 0 3 5 1 1 4 0 01 0 11 0 01 PE I PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PAGE 32




* **Logan 62M27

**Oasis 655 Logan’s Leader 653/7

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**L2 Captain Sugar 12/02


Sexy Sugar 3152 Hilltop Ranch 318 7 7C Picante 12/17 DNA 6315089990 PV

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**CF Sugar Britches 040 Collier Farms 711/1

CF Dream Catcher 914 CF 289/0

515 6 is a Bill Carr cow purchased in 2018 She has been a consistent producer calv ing ever y year Her bull calf at side is 3 months old and is sired by 7C 12/17 Picante


Special Appeal 38/6

* **Fusion 578/3 US 3000510

This dark red heifer sired by CF Dream Big ranked in the top 30% in $M EPDs She was not with a bull prior to being A I ’d to Knockout, C 1030179 in Februar y, 2022 She was palpated safe in calf 3 to 4 months to the A I date on 5 20 22

* **Tabasco 3018K10

CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX


* **Cornerstone 357/4



**Oasis 655


BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 3/2/21 B M W Beefmasters C1146972 2 28 21 Red


What a great three in one package, both the dam and the heifer calf The cow has it all plenty of muscle, plenty of length, fantastic topline, a ver y nice extension of neck, plenty of bone with a ver y nice udder She has a ver y good REA of 9 61 and IMF of 4 69 Her $T and $M are also ver y good Look at the pedigree in this cow Plus, she is bred back to Earth Rocker, C 1037924, a New Dimendion out of Ferga licious Ask Mackie Bounds and Mike Green about this bull And for added bonus wait until you see the heifer calf on her side If you want them dark red with lots of length, muscle and ver y deep then here she is Look at her $T and $M She is going to be someone’s donor Plus, look at the pedigree in this heifer All I can say is some body better snatch this three in one package up! Lifetime Member

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrota : REA: %IMF: Rib Fat Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 2 6 98 98 123 NA 105 130 224 235 29 32 20 NA 20 20 20 20 76 502 930 NA 9 61 4 69 0 56 0 68 101 73 7 54 26 78 1 5 29 3 57 7 5 6 20 3 3 7 0 2 2 9 2 3 0 1 0 25 0 018 0 18 0 51 0 51 0 50 0 26 0 34 0 07 0 30 0 12 0 06 0 49 0 54 0 47 EPD ACC Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 4 5 100 100 NA NA NA NA NA NA 6 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA 68 664 NA NA NA NA NA NA 94 17 12 97 19 18 0 3 28 3 53 3 7 8 21 9 3 7 0 3 0 7 1 3 0 3 0 18 0 001 PE I I PE PE I PE PE PE PE PE PE PE


BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 904 Psencik C 1155918 2 14 22 Red

Rancho Tres Hijos LP 7/7

SWB Extra Tough 03118 DNA NE00888927 P

Summit 5306 Imagine That 603 4

LP 7/7



Rancho Tres Hijos LP C 1084327 12 25 16 Red


NAME: Rancho Tres Hijos

We would like to thank Bill and Dusty for inviting us back another year. Psencik Beefmasters was established in 1987 We bought our first Beefmaster when we started as a hobby but our love for the breed grew into a business and we have loved every minute of it. Getting to know so many wonderful people we call “Beefmaster Family”. In 2003 we entered two bred heifers in the San Antonio Rose Classic Sale and they both won Grand Champion and Reserve Champion That was the most exciting moment for us So much love and hard work had gone into it. We have won several awards since that day and we are working hard to do better every day

J&K 1001 M&M Cattle Company 0714 **Black Jack 21 T5 Oasis Too 779

We have been married 42 years and have two grown sons and two grandsons.

Fabulous Las Vegas 911 **Rancho Tres Hijos 89/0

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**L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 High Countr y 4238 RTH 51/7

NAME: Psencik 904

Since that time, we have steadily grown our herd to our current inventory of 50 head We do our best to stay at the forefront of the industry by extensively utilizing reproductive technologies such as IVF, ET, and AI in our program We also strive to purchase herd bulls that we feel will complement our cow herd as well as make a positive impact on the breed as a whole. Our active herd sire battery includes CF High Tide, CF Brenham’s Britches, and Knockout.


We are beyond honored and excited to be invited back by Mr and Mrs Carr to be a part of their premier sale event Last years’ sale was most definitely one that we will never forget Like last year, we are committed to bringing some of the absolute best we have ever produced


Throughout our years in the Beefmaster breed, we have met and become friends with countless remarkable people We also have been blessed with many honors and awards Some of our most notable awards include being named 2014 LOBBA New Member of the Year, 2014 STBBA New Member of the Year, and 2019 LOBBA Performance Breeder of the Year We are also very grateful to have produced and sold the Grand Champion Female in the 2018 LOBBA Spring Sale, the Reserve Grand Champion Female in the 2020 Miss South Texas Buccaneer Classic Pageant, and, most recently, the Reserve Grand Champion Female in the 2021 Houston Futurity and Sale None of these achievements would have been possible without the valuable lessons we have learned from our peers in this outstanding breed.

After being raised around their family’s farm and commercial cattle operation their entire life, brothers Tyler and Wesley Gwosdz very quickly discovered a love and passion for the same type of lifestyle Because of this, Gwosdz Beefmasters was established in 2008


EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 3 7 100 100 100 NA 100 100 100 100 1 1 1 NA 1 1 1 1 68 600 922 NA 9 27 4 13 0 6 0 82 51 47 9 41 9 13 1 2 16 6 29 5 7 1 15 4 2 9 0 1 7 6 0 7 0 13 0 01 0 018 0 17 I I I 0 28 I 0 07 0 32 0 16 0 10 I I I 2G Dreamin Bout Me is undoubtedly one of the most complete and highest quality females that we have produced to date She puts together a near per fect blend of style and femininity with the touch of added width and power that we absolutely love Combine this with being a direct daughter of Sugar Britches and Dream Girl, one of the top producing and grossing donors in our entire program, and you have a shot at an incredible donor prospect with the quality to build a breeding program around She has been left open to give you, the buyer, the opportunity to breed or flush her to the bull of your choice **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 Quasar 991 Jezabelle 62J8 **Synergy 84/95 Tiger’s Treasure 83/4 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 * **Logan 62M27 Synergy’s Tigress 114/9 **CF Sugar Britches 040 DNA US400355365 Dream Girl 112 DNA 31815095096 GHD150K **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 58 -- OPEN HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO : BIRTH: COLOR: 1721 Gwosdz C1158429 4 15 21 Red Mottle Underline NAME: 2G Dreamin Bout Me EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trai EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 1 5 100 100 100 NA 100 100 100 100 1 1 1 NA 1 1 1 1 76 633 965 NA 10 75 3 58 0 37 0 59 53 69 6 3 14 13 1 3 12 3 32 4 12 18 2 2 7 0 2 7 5 0 6 0 26 0 22 0 025 0 15 I I I 0 29 I 0 06 0 32 0 17 0 12 I I I 2G Knockout’s Tigress is the epitome of a true power female in the making This heifer combines outstanding bone, ideal muscle shape, and extra dimension in a very powerful yet still beautifully balanced design Add in being a direct daughter of the breed legend Painted Tiger and Knockout’s Oasis, an incredible young donor in our program whose first heifer was the $36,000 High Selling Bred Female in this exact sale last year now in JNC Cattle Co ’s ET program, and you have an op portunity at a true donor prospect to build around As icing on the cake, her exclusive pedigree will also unlock endless outcrossing opportunities for you Like the heifer before, she has been left open to give you the chance to breed or flush her to the bull of your choosing **Robert E Lee 8/092 **Bar field 8/123 Mc Cullars 116 **Volunteer 66 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 L2 Captain Jack 43/07 Knock Out Sugar 6/09 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1 126 **CF Sugar Britches 040 L Two Ranch 40/11 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 DNA US3000923 Knockouts Oasis 622 7 DNA NE01573958P **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 59 -- OPEN HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 1821 Gwosdz C1158430 4 19 21 Red Mottle Underline NAME: 2G Knockout’s Tigress

**CF Sugar Britches 040 Carmenett 15/00

**Red Sugar 104/93 **Vanna 5660

**L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 Sweet Synergy Lady 664

**Oasis 655

**Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 2 9 100 100 100 NA NA NA NA NA 1 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA 70 624 850 NA NA NA NA NA 72 01 14 42 11 32 1 6 23 3 42 2 11 4 23 1 4 1 0 2 6 2 0 4 0 28 0 08 0 019 0 10 I 0 40 0 39 0 26 0 31 0 06 0 30 0 14 0 06 0 33 0 34 0 32 From the day she was born, we knew that 2G Sweet Myster y was special This out standing female not only represents an absolutely beautiful blend of femininity, an gularity, and overall class but complements that with great length of body, extreme rib shape, and per fect color Couple this with being a daughter of Captain Jack and Chocolate Sugar, another phenomenal young donor in our program whose first nat ural heifer was the $32,000 High Selling Open Female from this same sale last year purchased by Cottage Farms, and you have another opportunity at a surefire donor prospect with the quality to build a breeding program around For even added value, she sells 8 months bred to CF High Tide, C 1124581, our newest herd sire whose first calves are blowing us away! Conceived 1st ser vice on 1 23 22 **Infinity 120/96 **Milk & Honey 45/98 **Synergy 84/95 **Tiger Anna 96/97 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 CLementine 293L23 L2 Captain Lucey 116/01 **Farrah Anna 42/9 **CF Sugar Britches 040 *CF Chocolate Tiger 480/9 L2 Captain Jack 43/07 DNA US4039456 PV CF Chocolate Sugar 427/7 DNA 41817064105 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 60 -- BRED HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 2020 Gwosdz C1158431 4 9 20 Red NAME: 2G Sweet Mystery EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 2 9 102 100 100 NA NA NA NA NA 3 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA 68 596 845 NA NA NA NA NA 59 62 6 54 13 52 0 9 17 6 35 1 6 14 7 3 0 1 8 6 1 1 0 35 0 12 0 03 0 15 I I I 0 16 I 0 04 0 18 0 08 0 05 0 20 0 20 0 19


Synful Sugar 1514

2G Tennessee Sugar combines the femininity, smoothness, style, and overall mater nal design that we love to see in our females Combine these attributes with being a daughter of Tennessee Whiskey and Synful Sugar, one of the most consistent pro ducing females on our ranch who previously produced the Overall Reser ve Grand Champion, $20,000 High Selling Bred Female in the 2021 Houston Futurity and Sale purchased by Steven Anderson and Cody Britten, and you have one more shot at that donor prospect to propel your program to the next level To top it off, this female is also a paternal sister to 2G Chocolate Oasis, the $32,000 High Selling Open Heifer from this exact sale last year mentioned in the previous lot If you are in search for an exclusive pedigree second to none, this is most definitely the lot for you! As icing on the cake, this surefire donor prospect sells just short of 8 months bred to future breed legend, CF High Tide, C 1124581 Conceived 1st ser vice on 2 14 22

**Infinity 120/96

Synsational Sugar 41/11 Tennessee Whiskey 886

Bushwacker 42/11

**=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 61 -- BRED HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 2820 Gwosdz C 1153775 5 29 20 Red NAME: 2G Tennessee Sugar PAGE 35

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 2 9 101 105 101 NA 99 126 138 120 15 15 14 NA 14 14 14 14 79 698 986 NA 11 77 2 68 0 33 0 36 85 35 26 31 10 53 1 2 35 5 49 7 9 7 27 4 3 7 0 4 1 6 0 3 0 13 0 09 0 023 0 33 0 57 0 55 0 55 0 22 0 33 0 19 0 40 0 21 0 09 0 55 0 60 0 53 Here is an exclusive opportunity at the first offering of sexed heifer semen out of our herd sire, CF High Tide With his first calf crop currently being weaned, we are ab solutely ecstatic with the quality of both bull and heifer progeny we are currently see ing out of this future breed great With that being said, this Spring, we decided to go ahead and have one collection sexed Due to that, we have ver y little of this semen in inventory and because of this, we might not offer any additional sexed semen until this same sale next year So don’t miss this opportunity to expedite your breeding program with CF High Tide! 3 straws with 1 cert/straw All semen is stored at Elgin Breeding Ser vice Red Tiger Jungle Spice Logan Jungle Whisper L2 Captain Sugar Oasis CJ’s Soul Man Maxine Tabasco CF Raquel CF Dream Catcher Miss CJ 530 CF Riptide Cain Day Dream **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 62 — 3 STRAWS OF SEXED HEIFER SEMEN BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 163/9 Mike & Rhonda Collier C1124581 3 12 19 Red Mottle Underline NAME: CF HIGH TIDE 163/9 PAGE 36 REFERENCE SIRE CF High Tide 163/9 CF Riptide x Cain Day Dream BBU #: C1124581 DOB: March 12, 2019 * POLLED * (Service Sire to Lot 60 and 61)


EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 4 1 93 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7 10 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 76 55 20 04 NA 0 6 27 7 44 2 9 8 23 6 3 2 0 5 0 0 1 3 0 28 0 08 0 035 PE I PE PE PE PE PE NA PE PE PE PE PE Safe in calf 2 1/2 months to our Solution son, CF 674/0, C 1133545 recently pur chased from the Collier Farms bull sale Big EPDs, top 2% milk, top 3% $M values He has a 14 32 REA and IMF of 3 36 V Seven 501 V Seven 1673 **Black Jack 21 Harmony 62K11 *Spear Ranchs 9020 **Miss Tabasco 929/4 Collier Farms 669/9 Pear 617 New Dimension 805 HS Heavenly Hattie 62T14 **Maverick 17/557 G4 1230 CF 400/5 DNA 41817022899 PV G4 705 DNA US 400486956 PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 63 -- BRED HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 379 JimColvin C1158137 11 3 20 Red NAME: Colvin 379 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 2 0 92 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 79 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 69 12 14 55 NA 2 0 24 0 39 9 9 5 21 5 3 1 0 1 2 1 1 5 0 24 0 08 0 036 PE I PE PE PE PE PE NA PE PE PE PE PE Safe in calf 2 months to our Solution son, CF 674/0, C 1133545 recently purchased from the Collier Farms bull sale Big EPDs, top 2% milk, top 3% $M values He has a 14 32 REA and IMF of 3 36 V Seven 501 V Seven 1673 **Black Jack 21 Harmony 62K11 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 Priola 85/06 Mhire Twelve Oaks 411/8 New Dimension 805 HS Heavenly Hattie 62T14 CF Sugar Bear 933 FR 821 CF 400/5 DNA 41817022899 PV Jim Colvin 210 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 64 -- BRED HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 380 Jim Colvin C 1158138 12 6 20 Red NAME: Colvin 380 Dr. Jim Colvin has been a member of BBU since 1993 and has served on numerous BBU committees since joing the association. He has also served on the BBU Board of Directors and the South Texas Beef master Breeders Association (STBBA) Board of Directors and served as STBBA president for numerous years Colvin Beefmasters has also been awarded the STBBA Conservation Award Overall, Colvin has been involved in various aspects of Beefmaster Breeders United, from sales to Whole Herd Reporting and from field days to satellite involvement. He also received the BBU Member of the Year award in 2021.



* **Fusion 578/3

65 --

* **Painted Tiger 3 390 I’ve Got A Secret 72/04

* **Tabasco 3018K10


BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 383 Jim Colvin C 1158142 2 8 21 Red

*Black Bayou 1071/3


OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Conformation: NUnderline: 99 91 5 5 NA NA 86 430 564 66 96 18 87 9 9


25 1 38 6 12 5 25 1 2 6 0 3 0 1 1 6 0 27 0 08 0 036 PE I I I PE I PE PE PE PE PE PE PE

EMS Angel Fire 40 2215065448 GHD150 =Typesetter, =Pacesetter

Safe in calf 2 1/2 months (sonogrammed on 9 1 22) to our Solution son, CF 674/0, C 1133545 recently purchased from the Collier Farms bull sale Big EPDs, top 2% milk, top 3% $M values has a 14 32 REA of 3 36

CF Secret Fusioin 185/3 DNA US 400106818




EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait

Safe in calf 50 days (sonogrammed on 9 1 22) to our Solution son, CF 674/0, C 1133545 recently purchased from the Collier Farms bull sale Big EPDs, top 2% milk, top 3% $M values He has a 14 32 REA and IMF of 3 36

**Black Jack 21 Harmony 62K11


CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND

EMS Stylish Jezzy 849

CF Secret Fusion 185/3 Wittenburg 6305 CF 400/5 DNA 41817022899PV


BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 378 Jim Colvin C1158135 3 4 21 Red




BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 2 1 100 105 117 NA NA NA NA NA 6 5 5 NA NA NA NA NA 75 454 719 NA NA NA NA NA 90 54 13 09 17 19 1 2 25 4 52 2 13 25 7 2 7 0 2 1 3 1 0 1 0 0 025 PE I I I PE I PE PE PE PE PE PE PE

P 1 8 87


Bonfire 8038

* **Fusion 578/3


**Phantom’s Diamond 119/9

NAME: Colvin 383

Rockin H Secret Tiger 1/11

*EMS Amazing Ace 630 Black Cavalier 19/4 Jezabelle 62J8

BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX


Colvin 384 =Typesetter, =Pacesetter

V Seven 501 V Seven 1673


Rockin H Secret Tiger 1/11 C C Express 101/1 Wittenburg 2327 New Dimension 805 HS Heavenly Hattie 62T14



EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 3 107 90 99 NA NA NA NA NA 6 5 5 NA NA NA NA NA 70 390 609 NA NA NA NA NA 72 44 11 84 16 49 0 7 21 1 41 4 9 7 20 2 3 2 0 3 3 1 1 4 0 32 0 03 0 037 PE I I I PE I PE PE PE PE PE PE PE Safe in calf 38 days (sonogrammed on 9 1 22) to our Solution son, CF 674/0, C 1133545 recently purchased from the Collier Farms bull sale Big EPDs, top 2% milk, top 3% $M values He has a 14 32 REA and IMF of 3 36 * **Tabasco 3018K10 **Phantom’s Diamond 119/9 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 I’ve Got A Secret 72/04 * **Logan 62M27 Harmony 62K11 Collier Farms 764/7 Little Horn 927 * **Fusion 578/3 Rockin H Secret Tiger 1/11 Logan’s Harmony 438/1 Jim Colvin 123 CF Secret Fusioin 185/3 DNA US 400106818 Wittenburg 4228 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT


BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 374 Jim Colvin C 1157454 3 13 21 Red NAME: Colvin 374 PAGE 38

75 2

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs

NAME: Colvin 378 67 BRED HEIFER


and IMF

BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 879 1 Bill Carr C 1151868 2 23 21 Red NAME: 4C 879 1 EPD ACC Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: R b Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index $FE Index ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 2 7 NA 103 99 NA 88 108 93 100 NA 6 5 NA 5 5 5 5 NA 557 704 NA 6 47 3 31 0 13 0 17 36 39 9 75 5 78 0 7 11 2 21 4 9 6 15 2 3 1 0 1 5 6 1 0 2 0 14 0 04 0 3 0 45 0 55 0 54 0 18 0 30 0 18 0 35 0 2 0 09 0 54 0 59 0 52 Safe in calf 2 2/3 months to Red Angus Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 186 sq cm ECD: 4 24 23 V Seven 501 V Seven 1673 * **Logan 62M27 **Seven C Anderson 450 **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 Clementine 293L23 New Dimension 805 CF Logan’s Love 617/1 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 *CF Chocolate Tiger 480/9 CF Galveston 414/5 DNA 42916250868 PV CF 380/2 DNA US9001881265 ZHD50K PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 69 -- E6 TYPE BRED HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 886 1 Bill Carr C 1151860 3 11 21 Red NAME: 4C 886 1 EPD ACC Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 3 3 NA 103 97 NA 125 128 81 100 NA 14 11 NA 11 11 11 11 NA 603 731 NA 9 95 3 71 0 13 0 21 100 49 22 06 13 67 0 2 33 6 57 2 10 8 27 6 2 2 0 7 0 4 0 9 0 47 0 02 0 042 0 09 0 36 0 50 0 48 0 19 0 29 0 03 0 3 0 09 0 05 0 48 0 53 0 46 Safe in calf 2 1/2 months to Red Angus Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 200 sq cm ECD: 5 3 23 CJ’s Justice J100 Brindle Baby Of Soul 7222 CF Dream Catcher 914 *CJ’s Diamond Of Soul 509 * **Levi 369 * **McGrede 5/39 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 Dunkin Farms 0 23 CJ’s Game Changer 1316 CJ’s Hope Diamond 5/13 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Dunkin Farms 9 057 CJ’s Revolution 1772 DNA NE01473460PV Hilltop Ranch 515 9 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 70 -- E6 TYPE BRED HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 901 1 Bill Carr C 1149382 4 1 21 Red Star Face NAME: 4C 901 1 E6 TYPE HEIFERS Bred and open heifers, lots 68 thru 103, will sell in small groups in an E6 Type portion of sale. Cattle listed as registered will have registration papers transferred to buyer. Lo t s 68, 69 & 70 PAGE 39

Four D 3548 DNA US9001055014 PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter


EPD ACC Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 6 NA 106 103 NA 86 83 80 106 NA 4 3 NA 3 3 3 3 NA 547 719 NA 5 63 2 47 0 12 0 18 68 82 11 7 14 97 1 3 22 3 41 2 8 6 19 7 2 6 0 3 2 5 0 1 0 38 0 26 0 042 0 29 0 43 0 54 0 53 0 33 0 40 0 18 0 39 0 24 0 15 0 53 0 58 0 51 Safe in calf 3 months to Red Angus Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 200 sq cm ECD: 4 18 23 **The Natural 138 1 **Miss Farrah 1/010 **Landmark 7006 **Phannie Mae 90/7 **Gladiator 8/36 **Dreamlady 2C 9 77 **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Baby 62/3 **Natural Selection 10 1 **Phannie Marie 171/1 **Spartacus 86/653 Baby Girl 804 * **Cornerstone 357/4 DNA US3000419 BLD 6823A



17 DNA


**=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter


EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 1 6 NA 93 95 NA 86 72 106 52 NA 19 16 NA 16 16 16 16 NA 557 711 NA 6 83 2 94 0 19 0 13 92 08 21 12 16 2 2 7 33 6 55 4 10 8 27 6 2 1 1 2 5 8 0 4 0 22 0 36 0 039 0 12 0 47 0 56 0 56 0 36 0 43 0 08 0 4 0 22 0 12 0 54 0 58 0 53 Safe in calf 6 1/2 months to CF 449/7 (C 01105839) DNA: 41817063902 Yearling ( ) Pelvic: sq cm ECD: 12 30 22 **Robert E Lee 8/092 **Bar field 8/123 McCullars 116 **Volunteer 66 Windy HIlls 320 Robbie 24/2 EMS Warrior IV 1 12 Carl Hoffstetter 77 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1 126 EMS Smoothconnection 698 EMS Jackie 5 1 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 DNA US3000923 BLD 3081B EMS Body By Smooth 0 31 DNA 4199925 BLD 7700A **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 71 -- E6 TYPE BRED HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 787 0 Bill Carr C 1136296 1 10 20 Light Red Mottle Underline NAME: 4C 787 0 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Ad Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 3 3 NA 101 96 NA 88 81 94 90 NA 8 7 NA 7 7 7 7 NA 546 675 NA 7 09 2 24 0 16 0 18 52 22 14 68 11 22 0 3 17 7 32 8 11 1 19 9 2 3 0 4 3 9 0 8 0 2 0 45 0 041 0 06 0 28 0 44 0 43 0 18 0 27 0 03 0 19 0 07 0 04 0 44 0 49 0 42 Safe in calf 6 1/2 months to CF 449/7 (C 01105839) DNA: 41817063902 Yearling ( ) Pelvic: sq cm ECD: 12 30 22 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Miss Dusty 45/7 **Mr Coffee 9006/8 Little Horn 55/8 * **Painted Tiger 3 390 **Lightning 800 CF Sugar Bear 933 *Hilltop Ranch 972 7

HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 835 0 Bill Carr C 1133218 5 6 20 Red NAME: 4C 835 0 EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: UUnderline: 2 4 NA 104 107 NA 98 79 80 80 NA 3 3 NA 3 3 3 3 NA 582 795 NA 6 85 2 69 0 12 0 16 69 89 10 7 15 93 1 1 21 7 41 7 8 4 19 3 2 5 0 3 3 6 0 4 0 31 0 26 0 042 0 29 0 43 0 54 0 53 0 33 0 40 0 18 0 39 0 24 0 15 0 53 0 58 0 51 Safe in calf 4 1/4 months to 4C 48/20 (lot 40) C 1133352) DNA: Yearling (4 6 22) Pelvic: 204 sq cm ECD: 3 10 23 **The Natural 138 7 **Miss Farrah 1/010 *Landmark 7006 **Phannie Mae 90/7 **Gladiator 8/36 **Dreamlady 2C 9 77 **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Baby 62/3 **Natural Selection 10 1 **Phannie Marie 171/1 **Spartacus 86/653 Baby Girl 804 * **Cornerstone 357/4 DNA US3000419 BLD 6823A Dunkin’s Four D 3548 DNA US9001055014 PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 73 -- E6 TYPE BRED HEIFER BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 876 1 Bill Carr C 1151872 2 23 21 Red Mottle Underline NAME: 4C 876 1 4C Division PAGE 40



Deliverance 44 Tiger Joy 02 96 Ranch 36 NE01800137 623/1 42916249979

EPD ACC Rat o Contemp Adj Trait EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA %IMF Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 3 5 102 98 NA NA NA NA NA NA 25 23 NA NA NA NA NA NA 66 345 NA NA NA NA NA NA 50 92 8 24 8 73 0 4 13 2 29 4 10 16 6 3 2 0 3 5 0 7 0 13 0 06 0 032 0 17 0 46 0 43 0 29 0 10 0 21 0 02 0 14 0 04 0 02 0 21 0 20 0 18 Bred to CF 146/9, C 1124462, New Dimension x Heavenly Hattie, one of the top grad ing Spring bulls from Collier Farms’ 2020 bull sale with a REA of 12 43 An all time, top per forming bull CJ’s Bandelero 960 **Oasis 655 L2 Captain Lucey 116/01 Tiger’s Black Jack 58/2 Star fire 26 1 Rod 022 Bullet Proof 864 Judy Judy Judy 064 *Multiple Sire Siddons 4914 Seeker 12/5 DNA US400501010 Siddons 7108 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: NAME: SIDDONS BEEFMASTERS ARROWHEAD RANCH LOT 74 - REGISTERED E6 TYPE BEEFMASTER BRED HEIFER EPD ACC Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF R b Fat BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index: $FE Index: ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 3 2 102 103 NA NA NA NA NA NA 25 23 NA NA NA NA NA NA 66 362 NA NA NA NA NA NA 35 22 11 04 8 64 0 5 12 1 21 9 1 15 2 2 5 0 1 2 7 0 3 0 33 0 18 0 044 0 17 0 47 0 45 0 35 0 13 0 24 0 03 0 17 0 05 0 03 0 28 0 29 0 26 Bred to registered Beefmaster bulls * **Logan 62M27 **Penelope 29J11 Golden Tiger 942/5 N U Moon Gooddess 629 5 Fusion 578/3 CF 967/9 L2 Access 64/04 Farm And Ranch 207/3 **Vision 905 N U Firewater U 152 WB Coronado 99/3 FR 471 537 CF 538/6 DNA US40056634 GMR Ms 348 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 006 Siddons C1140667 10 18 20 Red Star Face White Underline NAME: Siddons 006 LOT 75 - REGISTERED E6 TYPE BEEFMASTER BRED HEIFER EPD ACC Ratio Contemp Adj Tra t EPDs INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE RECORDS CED: BW: WW: YW: MILK: MWWT: MCE: SC: STAY AFC REA %IMF Rib Fat BW WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: R b Fat: Rump Fat: $ T Index: $ M Index $FE Index ULTRASOUND EPDs INDEX OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: Conformation: NUnderline: P 4 2 105 105 105 NA 115 87 121 100 18 11 10 NA 10 10 10 10 65 517 783 NA 10 79 3 37 0 29 0 36 45 52 10 41 10 28 0 1 13 4 25 8 8 7 15 4 3 3 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 15 0 02 0 034 0 12 I I I 0 05 I 0 02 0 06 0 02 0 01 0 05 0 02 0 02 Roebuck 016/0 Miss Princess 20 9 Cherokee’s Appeal 366 Farley Farms 9743 Gold Tender 105/7 Farley Farms 007 *Multiple Sire B J Kohutek 115 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter BRAND: BREEDER: BBU NO.: BIRTH: COLOR: 126 Siddons C1147202 2 24 21 Red Mottle Underline NAME: Siddons 126 LOT 76 - REGISTERED E6 TYPE BEEFMASTER OPEN HEIFER PAGE 41

Bred 5-6 months to Red Angus bulls





Bred to Red Angus bulls. Due to start calving in February.


Bred 5 6 months to Red Angus bulls.


Bred to Red Angus bulls Due to start calving in February

LOTS 84 thru 104



Bred 5 6 months to Red Angus bulls.

2) Neither BBU nor any director, officer, employee or representative of BBU or any of its related entities shall be liable in any way with respect to a transaction conducted under these Suggested Sales Terms and Conditions; nor shall BBU, its directors, officers, employees or representatives be responsible in any way for enforcing the terms and conditions of any agreement between a buyer and a seller Each buyer and seller agree to hold BBU, its directors, officers, employees, representatives and related entities harmless from all damages, expenses, claims, losses and other liabilities associated with a transaction conducted under these Sales Terms and Conditions

10) Unless stated otherwise all transportation expenses incurred will be the responsibility of the buyer except that the seller will be responsible for transportation costs in excess of the distance between the buyer s farm and the location where the sale took place


1) With the exception of any applicable transportation expenses described herein, a seller shall never be liable to a buyer for an amount greater than the original selling price of any animal sold under these Sales Terms and Condi tions


EMBRYOS: Embryos being offered for sale will be sold “as is” unless the seller provides additional guarantees CLONES: Only BBU replication cell cloned animals shall be eligible for registration and eligible to sell Genetically modified animals shall not be eligible for registration and cannot sell Cloned animals shall be guaranteed by the seller to be breeders under the same terms of the agreement for females and bulls Any additional guarantees with respect to clones shall be by separate agreement between buyer and seller NO SEX GUARANTEES: There are no representations as to the sex of offspring unless the seller makes a specific guarantee that offspring will be of a particular sex DISCLOSURE OR RETENTION OF GENETIC MATERIALS: If seller retains any genetic materials of an animal being sold that can be used for cloning, the seller must disclose such fact to any potential buyers prior to the sale PRIVILEGES OF RETURN OR ADJUSTMENT OPTIONS:

FLUSHES AND TIME REQUIREMENTS: A flush consists of all viable embryos, transferred or frozen, received from a female as the result of the administration of any super ovulation drug The sale of a flush or resulting pregnancies must specify in the sale catalog the number of pregnancies guaranteed by seller and the disposition of any other pregnancies resulting from the flush, the disposition of any frozen embryos resulting from the flush and any additional charge for the recipient cows The maximum time for the delivery of the guaranteed results must be specified along with a payment schedule Non delivery or only partial delivery by the specified time by the seller will result in a pro rata refund of all monies paid by the buyer for such flush or pregnancies not delivered

2) Unless otherwise stated, all claims for adjustment or refund must be made in writing to the seller within 180 days following the sale of the animal in question 3) If an animal is claimed to be a non breeder, the animal may be returned to the seller if it is in good condition and complies with the health requirements of the seller’s state At the option of the buyer, the seller may issue a credit to the buyer for use in a future purchase or provide an animal of equal value subject to the approval of buyer If the buyer exercises either such option, the claim shall be deemed fully and satisfactorily resolved However, in the event that the buyer requests a refund of the purchase price, the seller may, at its option, either issue a refund of the full purchase price or, shall have 180 days from the date the animal is returned to the seller’s farm to conduct a trial to demonstrate the returned animal is a breeder Refund of the full purchase price or demonstrated proof that the animal is a breeder during the test trial shall be deemed full satisfaction and settlement of the claim Any expense incurred for transporting an animal claimed to be a non breeder will be the responsibility of the buyer, except that the seller will be responsible for transportation costs in excess of the distance between the buyer’s farm and the location where the sale took place If the seller proves the animal to be a breeder, it will be the obligation of the buyer to take delivery of the animal and pay all transportation expenses

4) If a female sold as “safe in calf” proves not to be in calf, the seller must make a satisfactory adjustment on the purchase price to the buyer or, at the buyer's option, refund the purchase price upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller Any claim for adjustment or refund under this paragraph must be in writing to the seller within 180 days of the sale of the animal in question

CONFORMANCE WITH REGISTRATION GUARANTEES: 1) The seller guarantees that all sold animals are registered in accordance with the rules of BBU and 2) The seller guarantees to the buyer that all sold animals conform to the registration certificate as entered in the Herd Book of BBU OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: All existing available official BBU information including calf source service sire and/or potential service sires (registration numbers) and performance data must be included in the final sales cata log

5) If a female represented as “safe in calf” to a certain bull at the time of sale proves to have been bred to a different bull, the seller must make a satisfactory adjustment on the purchase price to the buyer or, at the buyer’s option, refund the purchase price upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller Any claim for adjustment or refund under this paragraph must be made in writing to the seller within 180 days of the birth of the calf

1) In advance of any sales of an animal the seller shall have the affirmative duty to notify any potential buyer of any test results in which an animal for sale has tested positive (under a test and at a laboratory approved by BBU) as a carrier of any genetic defect or genetic factor recognized by BBU

BIDDING: Each animal will be sold to the highest bidder without reserve BIDDING DISPUTE: The Auctioneer in charge will settle any dispute as to bids, and his decision on such matters shall be final CASH SALE: All sales are for cash unless satisfactory credit arrangements, including any possible reservation of security interest by the seller, have been made with the seller prior to sale The failure of a member buyer to pay the appropriate party the sale amounts when due may constitute a cause for exclusion from BBU pursuant to Article I, Section 10 of the BBU Bylaws BUYER’S RISK AT THE TIME OF SALE: The risk of loss and injury of each animal passes to the buyer as soon as it is sold; however, it is the obligation of the seller to ensure that sold animals are fed and cared for free of charge to the buyer until loaded for shipment CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION: A transferred certificate of registration must be furnished by the seller free of charge to the buyer for each animal within 45 days following the later of either the date of sale or upon the receipt of full payment

1) The seller guarantees that all animals are breeders, with the exception of: (a) calves under 12 months of age at the time of the sale; (b) animals shown after the sale has occurred (in such cases, the breeding guarantees, if any, will be those guarantees as are agreed upon between the seller and the buyer); (c) animals who suffer injury or disease following the sale; (d) animals administered any super ovulation drug or growth hormone after purchase; and, (e) animals subjected to gross negligence by or willful misconduct on the part of the buyer

DISCLOSURE OF PRIOR PROCEDURES: The seller must disclose in the catalog or from the block any circumcision or other surgical alteration of any underline of any male or female known to the seller and of any single egg or super ovulation flush of any female known to the seller SEMEN: Unless otherwise agreed by the buyer and the seller (with respect to the sale of semen) the seller makes no guarantees with respect to the performance or characteristics of such semen and the buyer is purchasing such semen as is ”

Terms and Conditions


3) If within one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of sale, the bull has failed to pass a BSE certified by a licensed veterinarian, buyer must send seller written notification of the failure of the test within one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of sale and include the BSE test results Within sixty (60) days after sellers notification of the failed BSE test, buyer and seller shall identify a mutually agreeable licensed veterinarian or technician certified by a licensed veterinarian to perform another BSE on the bull at the buyer’s expense The results of the test shall be deemed final and conclusive of this matter and binding on buyer and seller If, in the opinion of said veterinarian or technician, the bull is unable to pass a BSE and be confirmed a satisfactory potential breeder, he shall so certify in writing to the seller and the buyer which shall include the official form used by the Society of Theriogenology or the official BBU BSE form In such event the buyer may return the bull to the farm of seller, provided the bull is in good condition and in compliance with the health requirements of the seller’s state, for a refund of the full purchase price The acceptance of the refund of the full purchase price shall in any case be deemed full satisfaction and settlement of the matter The seller and buyer shall bear equally all reasonable and necessary transportation expenses that are incurred in returning the animal to seller Unless otherwise agreed by the buyer and the seller, the seller makes no guarantees with respect to the ability to freeze semen

1) The above terms and conditions of sale constitute a contract between the buyer and the seller and are equally binding upon both parties Each sale or resale of an animal constitutes a separate transaction

2) The seller guarantees that a bred female will not produce a calf with an inherited deformity occurring in Bovine for a period of nine months following date of sale

6) A Donor female (unless otherwise agreed by the buyer and the seller) is a female: (a) that has been used in an embryo transfer program and shall not be guaranteed to be a breeder after the date of the sale, (b) that is not guaranteed to be a breeder after the date of the sale, when that female is to be used, or attempted to be used, in an embryo transfer program 7) The seller makes the following guarantees with respect to all “pregnant recipients”: (a) that the female is pregnant, (b) that the resulting calf is of the pedigree represented, and (c) that the resulting calf is of the sex represented (if so represented)

7) If an animal is sold and subsequently becomes ineligible for registration under the rules of BBU for reasons other than incorrect parentage, the seller must make a satisfactory adjustment on the purchase price to the buyer, or at the option of the buyer, refund the purchase price upon the return of the animal to the farm of the seller 8) If an animal (including the offspring of a pregnant recipient) is sold and through parentage verification is proven to have incorrect parentage, as represented by the animal’s certificate of registration, and for which correct parentage can be determined, the seller is obligated to make a satisfactory adjustment on the purchase price to the buyer or, at the buyer s option, refund the purchase price upon the return of the animal to the farm of the seller Any claim for adjustment or refund under this paragraph must be made in writing to the seller on or before the second anniversary of the date of the sale 9) If the resulting calf of a pregnancy is not of the sex represented at the time of the sale, the seller is obligated to make a satisfactory adjustment on the purchase price to the buyer or, at the buyer s option, refund the purchase price upon the return of the animal to the farm of the seller Any claim for adjustment or refund under this paragraph must be made in writing to the seller on or before the first anniversary date of the sale

3) No sponsor, sale manager, or other person connected with the management of a sale shall be liable in any way with respect to transactions conducted under these Sales Terms and Conditions

HEALTH GUARANTEES: Unless otherwise announced, the seller guarantees that all animals are eligible for interstate shipment as required by applicable federal and state regulations ANNOUNCEMENTS: If there is any inconsistency in information in terms of the sales materials (e g sale catalog, supplemental sheets, sale day announcements, 1) sale day announcements will control over both the supplement sheet and the sale catalog, and 2) the supplement sheet will control over the sale catalog IDENTIFICATION RESPONSIBILITIES: 1) Prior to the sale, the seller must ensure that each animal has a readable permanent identification mark (tattoo, hot iron brand or freeze brand) corresponding to its registration identification and 2) The buyer must check all permanent identification marks for accuracy upon possession and report any discrepancies to the seller immediately ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION (AI) CERTIFICATES AND EMBRYO TRANSFER (ET) BILLS OF SALE: AI certificates and ET bills of sale will be the responsibility of the seller


6) If a female sold as “open” proves to be with calf, the buyer may return the animal to the farm of the seller prior to calving for a refund of the full purchase price or for another animal of equal value, whichever is acceptable to the buyer Seller is responsible for all transportation expenses

PEDIGREE, PERFORMANCE AND GENETIC INFORMATION GUARANTEES: The seller guarantees to the buyer that: 1) the pedigree, performance data and genetic information, as represented in any sales materials (including sale catalog, supplemental sheet or sale day announcement), are accurate; and, 2) all information from the BBU database is accompanied by an accurately stated “as of” date The absence in any sales materials of a specific designation on the pedigree of an animal does not establish that the animal in question is not a carrier of such genetic defect BREEDING GUARANTEES:

2) Bulls eighteen (18) months or older are guaranteed by the seller to have passed a Bull Breeding Soundness Evaluation (BSE) and to have been certified a satisfactory potential breeder by a licensed veterinarian within forty five (45) days prior to sale date Results of the BSE must be reported on a fully completed official form and attached to the health papers required for the sale

4) Females younger than twenty four (24) months of age can be sold as open Females sold as open are guaranteed by seller to be open Any female is considered a breeder if she is certified to be pregnant by a licensed veterinarian at the time of sale and/or has a nursing calf at side with no further fertility guarantee Cows (including donor cows) with calves at side six (6) months or older must be certified to be pregnant by a licensed veterinarian 5) “Safe in calf” females are guaranteed by the seller to have been examined by a competent veterinarian or reproductive technician and determined to be safe in calf by examination or other proven method (e g , ultrasound, pregnancy blood tests, and rectal palpation) “Served” females are not guaranteed to be in calf “Exposed” females have been exposed but are not guaranteed to be in calf “Open” females are guaranteed by the seller to be without calf






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