BAE 156

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Beer Around ’Ere


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Issue 156 | December - January 2011

New England’s Crown in Glory


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Chairman’s Corner | 3


Chairman’s Corner

s we approach the end of another year, I can reflect on what has happened around our branch area on the pubs and beer front. Despite the demise of several pubs due to closure or other causes, we have seen a few glimmers of positive results within our region. During the year we have seen the emergence of half a dozen or more new pubs opening their doors and, a few others that were closed before being refurbished and re-opened. With the forthcoming hike in VAT in January not going to make things easier for the licensed trade, I’m not suggesting these new outlets will all be a roaring success. Nevertheless it’s still an encouraging sign to have a greater choice of drinking venues. The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has finally published the findings of its follow-up investigation into the beer tie, after CAMRA had appealed against the body’s original decision not to take any action on the matter. The OFT has once again found the tie is good for competition and does not harm consumers. The chief executive of CAMRA, Mike Benner, slammed the decision as “blinkered” and accused the OFT of being “selective” in the evidence it took into account. Although the OFT recognised the concerns of tied pub licensees they failed to recognise the impact of these on consumers. They dismissed as irrelevant the treatment of tied pub licensees by the large pub companies. I very much doubt if there is a publican in the land with a tied agreement that will have welcomed the OFT’s findings. Word is about that the OFT is one of the ‘quangoes’ that are under threat of being dismantled, in the cuts announced recently. Very few licensees will be shedding any tears if that happens. We should not be at all surprised of these results considering the OFT is a part of a government determined to undermine the pub industry as a whole. If we could only get our rulers to adopt more sensible policies, and show more under-

standing of the publicans’ plight and, the social and economic importance of the pub in society. A fitting introduction therefore, to a mention of our visit to the very place where these decisions are made. A small party of our branch members made a visit to the Houses of Parliament in October, a report of which should be in this issue. All of our branch members will shortly be receiving our bi-annual letter containing our invitation to vote for our nominations for our 2012 Good Beer Guide selections and, also for our Pub of The Year award. Please make every effort to send in your selections, as they are important to us. On the letter there is also a form to apply for tickets to our Xmas party being held this year at the Peterborough Rugby Club. Tickets for this year’s event are very limited due to a smaller venue. I also still have a few 2011 Good Beer Guides left at a reduced price, should anyone be looking for a last minute Christmas present? Finally let me wish all our readers a very happy festive season and a healthy and positive New Year. Cheers! David Murray - Branch Chairman.

ARE YOU MISSING OUT? Only the beer-stained copy left?

Get Beer Around Ere delivered to your door! For a year (6 issues) send a £2.22 or £2.76 for 1st Class cheque/PO payable to “Peterborough CAMRA” and your address to:Daryl Ling 19 Lidgate Close, Orton Longueville Peterborough PE2 7ZA Peterborough Branch Website |

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Campaigning | 5

Falmouth Beer Festival through around 40 beers each. Tony Shilling (ex Landlord of the Green Man, Stamford) oozed maturity & experience when putting his mobile phone up to one of the dark ales and switching the light on his phone in order to see the clarity of the beer. Those less experienced seemed to follow with admiration.


fter bumping into Gerry and Jan Wills, organisers of the Falmouth Beer Festival, an invite to work at their festival was gladly accepted. John ‘Skinners’ Rice led a party of seven from Peterborough to the scenic town of Falmouth, and on our arrival put us straight to work. It was soon plain to see that the characters we have at our own festival seemed to have been transformed into Cornishmen, but one thing for certain is that their passion for real ale was as passionate as our own. The festival itself was divided into regional beers for example ‘Up North’, ‘Far North’ (ie. Scotland). ‘Near East’, ’Cornwall’ (of course) and ‘The Rest of the West’. Some of the Breweries representing our area were Tydd Steam, Springhead, Oakham, Digfield, Nobbys & Nottingham to name but a few. The festival offered a selection of around 200 beers, 50 Ciders & Perries, along with fruit wine and bottled beers. The festival opened on Thursday evening to the Sponsors and Supporters of Falmouth Beer Festival. This was the equivalent to our trade session. The Friday session was from 11 - 11 and was packed to the beams. Saturday was also 11 - 11 and by 10pm the festival had been drunk dry. Six of the Peterborough contingent somehow managed to get invited to assist on the beertasting panel, and managed to struggle their way

Category Winners Milds ALLGATE - ALLBLACK Bitters YATES - BITTER Best Bitters SHARPES - OWN Golden Ales OAKHAM – BISHOP’S FAREWELL Strong Ales TRYST - RAJ IPA Old Ales Stouts & Porters CAIRNGORM - BLACK GOLD Speciality Beers COASTAL – WINNIE’S HONEY HEAVEN Champion Cornish Beer SHARPES - OWN Champion Beer of the Festival TRYST - RAJ IPA The festival was well run by local members who made us feel very welcome and comfortable in their home county, ensuring we found a few local gems in the pubs in and around Falmouth. The Peterborough contingent worked well as a team on the ‘Near East’ bar captained by John Rice with Stuart Symonds (from the Ploughman) and his brother Chris, Kevin & Jackie Fordham, Tony Shilling and Andy Stone all making sure that Peterborough was well represented. Once again our thanks go to Gerry & Jan and all the team on the Falmouth Beer Festival Committee.

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Editor’s Rant | 7

The Big Squeeze…


ello again readers. Look, I know I’m beginning to sound a bit like Victor Meldrew, going on about all of the injustices of life etc, but in his own words, “I don’t believe it!”

But there you have it! The ‘Final Decision’ by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), in response to CAMRA’s super complaint regarding the overrestrictive abuse of the beer ties by certain pub companies, is that the ‘tie’ is not in their findings, in any way ‘anti-competitive’. OK, so it can be a bitter pill to swallow when decisions don’t go your way, but when those decisions seem to lack any common sense or reasoning at all, then the blood does tend to get a tad overheated. I’m not for one minute suggesting that the members of the OFT are all blind ignoramuses, but how they have failed yet again to recognize the problems in the industry that are staring everybody else in the face is a mystery to me? The OFT chose to concentrate their investigations on competition within the on-trade, rather than make comparisons with the off-trade, and how the buying power of the supermarkets creates a huge gulf in the retail prices charged by both sectors. The latest predictions from Coors indicate that the off-trade will account for a massive 70% of all beer sales by 2018, which represents a huge leap from the 46% share the take-home sector of the market currently holds. And it is not just beer sales that threaten the future of pubs, currently closing at the rate of 8 a day! As we approach the festive season, the big four supermarket chains are offering huge discounts on spirits. Asda for instance, has been selling one-litre bottles of Bell’s, Gordon’s or

Smirnoff for just £15. This works out at just 37.5 pence per unit of alcohol (a single 25ml measure) that would cost 3 or 4 times as much in even the cheapest of pubs! Because of my ‘tie’, then inclusive of VAT, I’m currently obliged to pay slightly more than double the price I could pay for my brand leading spirits in Asda. If this is not ‘anti-competitive’ then I’m sorry, but I don’t know what is. But then again, with the country financially on the ropes, and the likes of Tesco happy to keep the government afloat by paying millions of pounds in duty on an almost daily basis… Then is it any wonder why nobody is prepared to clip their wings? Latest figures suggest that around 55% of our nation’s pubs are tied to a brewery or pubcompany, and even many of those that aren’t are struggling due to the recession. With many people losing their jobs or on shorter working hours as a result of Westminster induced cutbacks, people just don’t have the disposable income to afford more than the occasional night down the pub. For those licensees that are tied, then the ‘big squeeze’ will continue until at least June 2011, the date set by parliament for the pubcos to regulate themselves before they do it for them! At the current rate of closure, that’s around 1,500 pubs fewer than we have now, before any decision will be made in regard to safeguarding those precious few that are left. Anyway, I think my rant has gone on long enough, although I do appreciate that many of you support my campaign for common sense within the industry. On behalf of everyone within the branch involved with the publication of this newsletter, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Prosperous New Year. Cheers


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8 | Pub News


Pub News

o it’s all going according to plan then? Pubs reopening and good pubs being recognised for their continued dedication towards a decent pint. What more could we ask for? The end of world poverty, war and pestilence eradicated perhaps? Unfortunately all these are beyond CAMRA’s grasp so you’ll have to be contented with me telling you all about the good things that are happening on the local pub scene. Pubs Opening A pub that has been through the grinding, dispiriting process of opening and closing is the Boy’s Head in Oundle Rd. Will it open, will it stay closed, will we hear ageing Lotharios murder well known ballads through the karaoke machine ever again or will it get bulldozed and made into housing? All these questions have surfaced at some point or other in its recent

Boys Head - Oundle Rd

chequered past, but no more. The Boy’s Head is open for business and I am fairly confident that it will stay that way. A bold statement perhaps, but I’ll stake my reputation that we’re on to a winner. So why so definite then Mr. Pubs Officer? Well, it’s like this. First of all we have Scottish Porridge, the well-known brewer

& pub company willing to spend a fortune on it if the pub is successful, secondly we have a great crew running it. Landlord John ‘CJ’ Howard has been in the trade for a number of years, and he and his business partner Frank Bedford agree that the pub is here to stay. The preliminary facelift has already been completed, more importantly the restaurant is now open. The menu is still being tweaked, but Brian and Matt who run the kitchen seem to be able to cope with most things thrown at them! When they’re not cooking steaks or very very large pork chops (go on I dare you to order one) then they’re serving up drinks. Multi-tasking is the way of the modern pub staff it seems. The team is complimented by Pam from the Dragonfly in Orton who fancied a change of scenery. I should mention the beer I suppose. Although the pub has three hand-pumps, only one is in use on a regular basis until the trade warrants bringing the rest into play. On my visits the beer has usually been a well-known brand such as Pedigree, Bombardier or Speckled Hen, but the quality has been excellent, and I never ever say that about a Greene King beer! CJ likes to run a bit of a disco occasionally and themed nights have already started and as I type away at this humble missive their Halloween weekend is in full flow. Things may be a bit slow to begin with but I would urge everybody to stick their head around the door and say hi to the new Boy’s Head. I think it’s destined for bigger things and I don’t just mean the pork chops. The Crown in New England has reopened its doors to a big, bright, brave new world. Now owned by local builders Baxter and King, the pub is a superb example of what can be done when you get the right people to do the job. The bar is bright and welcoming with three hand-pumps raring to go. At present the beers are from Oakham Ales plus a national brand,

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Pub News | 9

which was London Pride on my visit, and all very drinkable it turned out to be. The other bar is being used as a music room as you might call it that can be used for discos and other similar events. The landlord Brian Gascoyne has been running pubs for quite a few years and he knows a thing or two about the trade. He is also a primary mover and shaker in the Millfield and New England Regeneration Partnership so he has a passion for the area and this shows in the way he runs the pub. The opening of the Crown is a landmark in local history as it was the legendary pub-crawl the ‘Crown to Town’ that had effectively been deleted from the drinking scene by its closure. Now the pub is open again you could restart the crawl, not that there are too many of the original venues left to visit especially around the Triangle area. Alternatively you could stay in the Crown, enjoy the atmosphere, the beer and the music.

Exeter Arms - Easton on the Hill

The Mick Thurlby empire expands with the refurbishment and reopening of the Exeter Arms in Easton on the Hill. Not having visited I think we can all assume that the job will be a superb one. Ufford Ales are obviously on tap so we’d like you all to pop in when you’ve got 5 minutes and then tell us all about it. The Hole In The Wall in Cheyne Lane in Stamford is set to re-open at the end of November after months of renovation. Although we’re not sure who by or what they’ ll sell but its good news all the same.

Ploughman - Werrington

An Award? Quite right too I know I’ve been banging on about the Ploughman for ages now and you’re all probably a bit tired and bored of it all but just stick with me for a bit longer. In early October the usual suspects from CAMRA ventured into deepest Werrington to present Andy and Stuart Simmonds with their Gold Award, which as you know is not something we give away too often. It was our LocAle man John Rice who nominated the pub, no doubt swayed by my profusion of praise piled upon the Simmonds brothers for their sterling work in putting this pub firmly on the real ale map. The improvements in the pub have been quite outstanding especially on the ales front. Not content with just having a couple of ales on tap they decided they should go for all or nothing and stick in a few more pumps. The pub now has five, which are nearly all in use, all of the time. The award is also for the quality of the beers that the pub serves. Never a bad pint shall pass over the bar if you please. The pub has also raised a skip load of cash for notable good causes and the pub is now a thriving beacon of excellence in the village. Andy and Stuart are always keen to keep the pub busy and their Poker nights on Thursday are extremely popular, whether this is because of the gambling element or the fact that they lay on a fairly decent spread of food to keep people occupied. We wish the guys continued success with the pub, the beer, the bands, the poker and the lasagne and we hope they’ll keep us fed and watered for some time yet. Continued Overleaf

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Pub News continued | 11

Well done, a much deserved award. The Ploughman, as a Gold Award recipient will now be entered into the competition for Pub of the Year. The competition is fairly stiff out there and they have to pit their beer keeping abilities against the Hand & Heart, The Cherry Tree and the Golden Pheasant in Etton. The voting won’t be on the scale of Strictly Come Dancing but I’m sure we'll have the same sort of dramatic gesturing and posturing!

job of keeping the Bateman’s beers on song. I’m glad to say that Tom & Julie are continuing in a similar vein. The Bateman’s XB was worthy of a second pint (should have stayed for three really). The Sunday lunches are recommended says my Stamford pub spy.

Stamford Musings Stamford is always a nice place to spend a few hours in I find. Just a short bus or train ride from Peterborough and you can be enjoying a delightful beer in any number of choice establishments. A quick jaunt a few weeks ago took me to the Scotgate pub in Scotgate. For me this was a return after about 20 years having not bothered with the place during its many years under many different owners and quite frankly daft names. I never felt the need to spend any of my time in a pub called Dr. Thirsty’s so the pub has been off my radar ever since it changed from a Sam Smiths pub during my youth. Well, I can report that the pub is alive and well and functioning under its original name. It has greatly benefited from a very nice refurbishment and is modern and pleasing on the eye. It reminds me more of a hotel lounge or bar which gives it an air of respectability, which makes a nice change. There were two beers on during my visit, one of which was Wherry. I wouldn’ t normally rave about this as I find it a bit bland and not worth drinking, but here it was the best I’ve tasted in a long while. Food is served and there is a cellar bar available that is used for live music amongst other things. If you’ re in town and you fancy something of a change then I would recommend the Scotgate.

Pubs not reopening Many of you will have noticed by now that the Royal in Westgate is a pub no more. It’s had several names over the years and its last persona was as Bar Bloc. Now it will be Banyan Tree 2 to complement the original restaurant in Werrington.

The Hit or Miss and the Jolly Brewer are not too far from the Scotgate, so I decided that I should visit both. The Jolly Brewer continues to sell some really fabulous beers as usual and the food was a delight. Dean and Jill will be pleased to see you if you’ re in the area. Just up the hill from here you will find the Hit or Miss. Until recently run by Darren and Becky who did a magnificent

So, just a quick visit to Stamford this time but I’ ll pencil it in for a revisit before Christmas descends upon us.

Pub Curry. Smaller portions please In 2004 an ASDA store somewhere in Yorkshire broke the ‘largest naan bread in the world’ record. In September the Hampton pub (in Hampton) decided they could better that and broke that record with a whopper measuring 10ft by 4ft. This record-breaking feat was useful in promoting their curry nights (Thursdays with a choice of 7 curries). We assume that the curry will arrive with a smaller naan? Another conflagration I’ m sure it isn’t just Wisbech that suffers from spontaneous combustion, it just seems that way sometimes. Earlier this year we had the Phoenix on North Brink suffer fire damage and now we have the Blackfriars on Blackfriars Rd completely destroyed by fire. The building was derelict and boarded up at the time. A new bar? If planning permission is granted then there may be a new venue in town. An application has been submitted to convert the old Westgate Surgery (opposite the Wortley) into a bar. We watch with interest.

Continued Overleaf

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12 | Please support our advertisers

Pig n Falcon - St Neots BREWS TO DATE




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Pot Belly Best £2.00

Huntingdonshire CAMRA

Oakham Ales Inferno £2.40 Greene King IPA £2.20 Plus 5 Guest Ales at all times



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Tel 07951 785678 – New St, St Neots – PE19 1AE

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Pub News continued | 13

Pantomime season...behind…hiss For the last several months a pantomime to rival anything the Key Theatre can stage has been acted out in the small Fenland village of Coates. The principle characters are the Bank (boo hiss), the Leaseholder (not so loud boo hiss) and our pub landlord Malcolm Carter (hoorah). Malcom has been running the Carpenter’s Arms quite nicely for some time now and has built up a bit of a trade and a bit of a following. Enter Stage Left the Leaseholder who, having gone broke informs our landlord, who is on a temporary arrangement with said Leaseholder, that the pub is in the hands of the Bank. Enter Mr. Bank, twirling his thin moustache and swirling his black cape to the collective cry of boo. Mr. Bank has decided to board up the pub, sell it off and throw our pub landlord onto the streets into the bitterly cold snow and ice (cue tragic sounding violins and pity the little ones etc). The woeful cries of “Wouldn’t it be better to sell the pub as a going concern instead of flogging it off as a

boarded up fire trap be a more sensible option?” go unheard as the big wheels of the well tuned financial world thunder along the A605. Pub Landlord pleads with Mr. Bank but to no avail and tries desperately to gather enough money together to save his home (think of the little ones and so on). At the 11th hour, just as Mr. Bank is about to send in the evil men with metal shuttering there appears upon the stage a mysterious stranger (slaps thighs and flicks his hat jauntily to the audience). “Hold you evil knaves; desist from your boarding up of this poor poor unfortunate man’s abode. Be gone with you for I have a large cheque with which to buy the pub” (hoorah for the mysterious stranger). And so they all live happily ever after (or a three year lease in this case). Cheers for now and Merry Christmas Steve Williams - Pubs Officer

Hand & Heart

12 Highbury Street, Peterborough PE1 3BE

01733 564653

A REAL ALE PUB WITH FIVE REAL ALES WEEKLY Cambridgeshire Pub of the Year 2010 Gold Award Winner 2010 LocAle Accredited Member of the Oakademy of Excellence Large Beer garden

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14 | Please support our advertisers

Letter to the Editor It was Bank Holiday Monday, early teatime. That time when you sigh and think, well hey-ho, back to work, then.

and are always well kept – which is probably why it has just won Cambridgeshire Pub of the Year. There are three beer festivals in the neat rear garden, occasional bands including live Irish music, which provides a cheery atmosphere on the first Thursday of every month. Then there are darts, dominoes, cribbage and even a cheese club!

So, a good time to nip into the Hand and Heart for solace and, on this occasion, Oakham Ales’ Inferno. I was sitting quietly reading BAE June/July when a thought occurred. “Hey, Bram”, I shouted towards the bar. “Why don’t you advertise the Hand in this, since you are the editor, doing all this writing at the same time as running an excellent quafferie? Don’t you get a discount for adverts?” “No,” he replied. Integrity was his reason: he won't talk-up his own establishment for fear of compromising his position as editor of this esteemed publication. And while that is admirable, it surely can’t be fair.

People from all walks of life enjoy each other’s company here – a traditional alehouse which hasn’t changed since the 1930’s. At the risk of a distant chorus of Land of Hope and Glory suddenly starting up, I reckon back-street pubs like the Hand are the (sadly disappearing) backbone of this country. They are about characters and companionship and conversation and bonhomie and downtime and neighbourhood.

So in lieu of advertising…here’ s the viewpoint of a bird in the Hand! We all enjoy the Hand not least because the beers are constantly changing

And for all of the above, read Hand. I am so pleased I live nearby. Sally Hooton.



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Ditty | 15

Time Gentlemen Please Ting-a-ling-ring from each pub in the land, The landlord is speaking, the ‘phone in his hand, “He’s on his last drink dear; he’s just on his way,” For landlords are practised at what they should say. And know the excuses that need to be made, In order to keep a fair volume of trade. And if the poor wife should then grumble and moan Her absentee husband is dragged to the ‘phone. “Oh hello, good evening, how are you my dear? Yes, how very odd you should find me in here. I’ve only just come and I’m on my first half, And guess who I’ve met dear, my word he’s a laugh. That man from the Co-op, you know, Sidney Dove, He’s at the bar now, oh I’m sorry my love. He’s signalled he’s got me another one in, Hey, thanks a lot Sidney, yes mine was the gin.” Then “ping“and the ‘phone is slapped down on its hook, And the poor wife returns to her library book. While the husband has one for the road then one more, ‘Till he’s over the top and he can’t find the door, “Good heavens” they cry, “You can’t possibly drive, Have one more and wait for your wife to arrive, Don’t worry at all; we can give her a ring, You just stay here love and have a nice sing”. Ting-a-ling-ring from each pub in the town, The landlord is asking the wife to come down, “I don’t understand it; he seems to be ill, I’d take him to bed dear and give him a pill.” But the wife quickly answers, her voice hard and bright, “If you’ve had him this long you can keep him the night, Goodnight to you landlord, goodnight my dear Fred.” Then she rings off and goes to her comfy warm bed. Origin unknown, adapted by DM.

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Public House Real ales and a wide selection of wines and spirits complimented with traditional pub food served 7 days a week SEASONAL EVENTS COMING UP:

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Tel: 01487 831999

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Beer Festival Review | 17

Black Horse at Elton


r. Ponsford is an old drinking mate of mine - indeed we were at school together in the 1970s - but for many years he has been resident in the United States, working as a sommelier for a large hotel chain. Despite the microbrewery boom over the pond, real ale remains his first love and his biennial visits to his parents’ home in Stamford are invariably shaky times for a) my bank balance and b) my liver! Mr. Ponsford was keen to attend a beer festival (when he could be prised from the clutches of The Green Man, that is), but there was only one reasonably local to us that particular weekend, it being by now mid-September and the beer festival season starting to wind down. The Black Horse at Elton, where we both recalled visiting as sixth-formers back in the dim and distant, was charged with slaking our thirsts - but how were we to get there? Buses from Stamford to Elton direct run something like twice a month, and then only on market days, and the train /bus combination via Queensgate was ruled out, as we would have been too late for the last train home. Appeals to friends for lifts fell on deaf ears so we elected to travel by taxi at what turned out to be a fair price of £18 each way. The sight of a large marquee heightened the anticipation that always precedes a beer festival, and I hadn’t realised what a huge garden the pub has. A number of drinkers with kids and dogs in tow were taking full advantage and we chuckled to see that several tents had been erected by presumably hardcore drinkers who weren’t going to let an irrelevance like going home affect the main business of the evening.. As always I find it works to order halves so as to sample a wider range of ales and whilst getting the first ones in we had a chat to the landlord who must be commended on his enthusiasm, knowledge and all-round commitment to the

cause. Unfortunately I didn't get his name - but you know who you are! Interestingly there were no ales on offer any stronger than 4.8%, although the ciders and perry more than made up for that. Local and local-ish breweries were heavily represented, with Digfield, Castor, Potbelly, Great Oakley, Nobby’s and Elgood's represented, plus White Horse, Dowbridge and Farmer’s as well as Cock mild from Tydd Steam. Oh, and Ruddles, but..Anyway, trying to mark these ales out of five became a bit of a lottery after a while, but I do recall that the two highest scorers were Oakham Amarillo and Humpty Dumpty Swallowtail, with Elgood’s Cambridge the sole disappointment. Sooner rather than later the bitter cold drove us inside where Mr. Ponsford and I agreed that this was the first time we’d ever seen calves' liver on a pub menu and where we suffered - oh, how we suffered! - the attentions of two attractive ladies from nearby Barnwell who, had we both not been mindful of our marriage vows, might seriously have tested the effects of copious amounts of strong ale on our combined libido... Eventually our taxi arrived to take us home, via The Tobie Norris (don’t ask me what we drank in there) and some excellent fish and chips (something else you can’t get stateside, it would seem, so it ain’t all doom and gloom over here). Mr. Ponsford is now back home in Naples, Florida, but his next visit gets closer by the day and if it coincides with another Elton extravaganza then I for one will be raising a glass in that direction!

Alun Thomas

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18 | Please support our advertisers

The Cherry Tree 9 - 11 Oundle Road, Peterborough PE2 9PB Tel: 01733 703495

FIVE Real Ales available including Landlord, Pedigree, White Dwarf plus 2 changing guests.


Seasons Greetings from all at the Cherry Tree

Blue Boar ~ Eye ~

Selection of Real Ales including Oakham Ales

Regular live music plus Karaoke Christmas Menu available throughout December, please book in advance

Bar snacks Thursday to Saturday lunchtimes Home cooked Sunday Lunches Small conference room available Mon - Fri (Weddings,Christenings and more) 46 High Street, Eye, Peterborough PE6 7UY


Christmas Parties Welcome!

Tel: 01733 222234

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20 | POTY 2011 - The Nominees

Peterborough & District Branch of The Golden P This highly prestigious award was won by Mama Liz’s of Stamford for 2010, and they were presented with their award in February. Their reign will end early in the New Year when the 2011 winners will be announced. There are four pubs qualified for the final voting by virtue of having received a Gold Award sometime during the year. The winners will be chosen by you, the branch membership, by responding to our Chairman’s seasonal letter that will be dropping through your letterboxes very shortly. The four pubs that won Gold Awards during 2010 are:

The Hand & Heart, Highbury Street The Hand & Heart, Highbury Street, Peterborough, for “Significantly improving the range and quality of the real ales on offer”. The pub was nominated by Steve Williams and the award was presented on Thursday 1st July. The Hand & Heart was also presented with the Cambridgeshire Pub of the Year 2011 on the same night.

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| 21

h of CAMRA - Pub of the Year 2011 n Pheasant, Etton “For an improved real ale range sold in excellent condition and revamped surroundings”. The pub was nominated by Kev & Jackie Fordham and the award was presented on Thursday 5th August.

The Cherry Tree, Oundle Road

Ploughman, Werrington

The Cherry Tree, Oundle Road, Peterborough, for “Introducing a new range of real ales offered in top condition”. The pub was nominated by Dave Murray and the award presented on Thursday 29th April.

For introducing a range of real ales into a previously keg only pub. The pub was nominated by John Rice and the award was presented on Wednesday 15th September. The winner will be announced in the next edition of Beer Around ‘Ere.

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22 | Please support our advertisers

THE GREEN MAN 29 Scotgate, Stamford 01780 753598

Established in 1796 as one of the ORIGINAL Stamford Ale Houses - Providing Accommodation, Lunch Time Meals,

Seven Real Ales and Seven Real Ciders

Real Ales from mainly small microbrewers and independents, a range of European beers and twenty Belgian bottled beers. Lunchtime food 12.00 - 2.30pm Monday, Friday, Saturday sandwiches available Tuesday to Thursday



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Music Listings| 23

Rhythm and Booze Shakedown Blues - Village Hall, Castor

Saturday 11th December 2010 Cheryl Renee "Christmas Party" Raucous high energy Cincinnati R&B singer/pianist Cheryl was raised in Cincinnati and immersed in the cities R&B circuit. She began singing in church and had learnt to play piano by the time she had taken her first professional gig in 1974. Her first CD 'I Believe You Know The Blues' is on Chickenbutt Records and the follow up 'Live' shows us the depth of her repertoire which moves easily between jazz, blues and R&B. Saturday 22nd January 2011 'Crazy' Marvin Braxton 67 year old harmonica player; spent some time in Chicago and New York, lost out on one of the famed Harlem Apollo Theatres amateur nights to none other than Ray Charles, as consolation toured with Sly and the Family Stone and recorded a record with Jimi Hendrix in LA. Saturday 12th February 2011 Louis Arzo 'Gearshifter' Youngblood Born in 1953 in Picayune, Expect the unexpected from this human juke box that famously sang and played five hours at his last Shakedown gig and only repeating himself twice. Truly amazing!

Prince of Wales - Castor

Dec 17th Live music with Children of the Revolution 9pm

The Ploughman - Werrington

Nov 26th Electric Warriors Nov 27th TBC Charity Fundraiser Dec 3rd The One Eyed Cats Dec 10th Under Covered Dec 18th Iridium Dec 24th (Xmas Eve) Electric Warriors Dec 27th (Bank Holiday) The Nuggets 60s Band Dec 31st (New Years Eve) Clutching At Straws (Tickets Only) £10 Each Jan 22 Moonlight Shadows Tribute Band Jan 29 The Returns

Railway Inn - Ramsey

Dec 4th Glass Heart Dec 10th Soul Weaver Dec 18th The Rain Men Dec 24th Karaoke Jan 8th Lloyd Watson Jan 22nd The Bill Fen New Aces Jan 29th Sweet Revenge

Mama Liz - Stamford

Dec 2nd - Boomerang Returns Presents Acoustic + World Music - with Th’ Parish, Andy Robinson + The Re Entrants Doors 8pm - £5 Dec 3rd - The Beth Marwick Remembrance Tour with - The More I See, We Are Fiction, Exit State, Black Marias - Doors 8.30 - £5 Dec 4th - Roosters Rock + Roll presents - The HicksVille Bombers + DJ’s Poor Boy Paul + Mama Guitar - Doors 8pm - £7 Dec 5th - Pennyless - Acoustic Trio playing Irish + Scottish Folk, Eastern European + Nova Scotia - 4pm - Free Friday 10th - Oxjam presents - Father Hen, Lexie Green + Scott McEwan (Candle Thieves) in aid of Oxfam - Doors 8pm - £4 (£3) Saturday 11th - Magic Pudding Avenue present Eat Lights Become Lights, Double Handsome Dragons + The No Tomorrows - 9pm - £4 (£3) Wednesday 15th - Voodoo lounge Live presents Lost On Campus, Glock (Candle Thieves), Frank Hamilton + Andrew Cream - 7.30 - £5 Thursday 16th - Voodoo Stands Up - Christmas Special with Milton Jones of BBC, QI + Mock The Week - Doors 8pm - £15 (£12) Friday 17th - Voodoo Lounge Live presents - Jez Hellard + The Roving Blades + Support - Doors 8.30 - £5 Friday 31st - Voodoo Lounge : The Dead Rabbits - Pogues Tribute - With Pimp Soul DJ party set in Mama Liz’s Bar - 9pm - £5. Please send any details for February / March events to before 10th January.

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24 | Please support our advertisers

Pub Merit Awards & Gold Awards The committee feel that pubs outside of Peterborough are missing out on Gold Awards and so they have introduced a new Merit Award for pubs that are continuously outstanding. If you know of a pub in our area that deserves a Merit Award or Gold Award then please complete the following form and send it to our Secretary. Pub name:

Pub address/town/village:

Reason for award:

Your name:

Your phone number or e-mail address:

Your membership number:

Winner of the Good Pub Guide 2009 ‘Own Brew Pub of the Year’ Award

Ideal Christmas Gifts 4, 17 or 34 pint polypins of Oakham Ales available for sale by pre-order

This festive season enjoy a pint of JHB for only


80 Westgate, Peterborough PE1 2AA

Tel: 01733 358500 Email: m Web:

Celebrate the arrival of the New Year with friends and family at Peterborough’s finest venue. Our DJ’s will be playing all the best party tunes from 10pm until the early hours, We’ll be in fancy dress please feel free to join us!

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Please support our advertisers | 25

BAE Gones 25 Years Ago

George Bateman was still trying to keep the brewery in the family. Bass Charrington opened the Sessions House as a Toby Carvery with plastic plants on the bar that we described as “a mass of green resembling a weed patch”. The Botolph Arms was our October Pub of the Month in its last month before being bought by Sam Smiths. We had a story about the history of the Still including a price list from 1850 when best bitter was only £1.50 – for a 144 pint cask. Little did we know that the Still would close two and a half years later. Some chap called Dave Allett complained about not being allowed into the Bertie Arms at Uffington in a Levi jacket. We are always against dress restrictions by pubs.

20 Years Ago

The Still was still in the news as we fought to stop Norwich Union’s plans to close the Arcade at 9pm every evening as that would prevent the Still ever being a ‘proper’ pub again.

15 Years Ago

The Still was in the news yet again as work started on its refurbishment with Greene King likely to be running it. Some of our lady members decided to start scoring the quality of the loos (ladies only) in pubs that they visited. Paul Hook was confirmed as the new owner of Oakham Ales with John Bryan brewing the beers and Jake Douglas selling them. We also reported on the 21st celebrations of the start of the branch and noted that when the branch was formed only the Blue Bell, Dogsthorpe, the Blue Bell, Werrington, the Elephant & Castle, the Peter Pan, the Royal Arms and the Still sold real ale in Peterborough. Only the three Elgoods pubs are still open.

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26 | Campaigning

Oh we do like to be beside the seaside... The prospect of a day or two lounging around on a beach is uppermost in most people’ s minds at least sometime during the year. I must admit that the idea of candy-floss and a stroll along the prom is a welcome one during the warmer months, so why did I choose to visit Blackpool in October? I must lay the blame squarely on my daughter's shoulders for convincing me to escort her to visit a mate, who for some mystifying reason had migrated north. Blackpool has seen party political conferences, rallies and a bewildering assortment of other functions over the years, and even a CAMRA AGM if my slowing memory is to be believed. If it's good enough for John Major then it's good enough for me.

On the surface, signs are not good. Most of the pubs (and I use the term loosely) I found along the sea front and beyond were not my cup of tea at all. Here the music is louder, skirts shorter, stilettos higher and the tattoos bigger than anywhere else. This is where the north parties until the early hours and the bars are rammed with stags and hens on the lash. A massive array of bad taste where failing weight watchers believe that bejewelled thongs are the

So if I scraped away this rather thick, tattooed, shell suited, lager swilling, kebab laden veneer there should be pubs somewhere that can be enjoyed with ales worth sampling.


While Daughter Dear was busy doing whatever teenagers do in Lancashire’s premier party spot, and I try not to ask too many questions nowadays, I would book into my disturbingly low budget B&B and seek solace in a pub or two. As CAMRA had visited the town on at least one occasion I reasoned that there should be a boozer or two worthy of my hard earned leisure pound. The area also has a thriving CAMRA branch so the chances of finding a decent pint were reasonably high. Was I right? We shall see.

must have undergarments. After an hour of this onslaught upon the senses it was time to make an exit. You can only take so many views of low cut jeans bending down to pick up a handbag before your mind plays tricks on you and all you can see is a walrus flossing.


“You can only take so many views of low cut jeans bending down to pick up a handbag before your mind plays tricks on you and all you can see is a walrus flossing.”

The best way to get around in Blackpool is by bus. You can use the tram if you like but it only goes up and down the prom which means you'll miss out on the interior of the town. There are bus routes to all the right places, a map and out of date timetable can be found at the local Tourist Info Centre. I bought an A-Z as well just to add to the bewildered tourist look. The first pub that should be visited when you get off the train is the Ramsden Arms Hotel. This magnificent mock Tudor pile overlooks the North station and has a selection of ales. A good choice was the Copper Dragon that was excellent. The ales are not the only reason you should visit the Ramsden. Built in the 1930’ s it retains an air of gentility and charm. If you've ever wondered what the drawing room of a high-


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Campaigning | 27

land laird may have looked like at the beginning of the 20th century then this is it. An abundance of wood panelling, photos, tankards and pictures of her majesty, gawd bless’ er should give you the right idea. Add to this a few examples of the taxidermist art and you have a very distinctive boozer. I first came here about 20 years ago and I don't think it’ s changed since. A must when in town even if you don’ t like stuffed animal heads. A pub I liked straight away was the Saddle Inn. Situated away from the gaudy lights and hot dogs I found the place to be ‘buzzing’ with chat and banter. A local’ s pub from the looks of it with bar staff that were friendly, efficient and knew what they were doing. Trade was brisk to say the least and the beer I had was from Thwaites. All good stuff as they say. Definitely worth a visit. A good stroll from here is the No.4 and Freemasons, a recent Pub of the Season. Thwaite’ s beers again and plenty of them. The ales I tried were excellent. The pub looks like it does a fair amount of food trade as did the Saddle but this didn’ t detract from the beer drinking. A bit of a bus ride to the south (using the number 17 if I remember) I found the much sought after Shovels. A modern estate looking pub, with its annual beer festival in full flow. So this is why I came to Blackpool I mused. I lost count of the number of beers on that evening but the hand-pumps along the temporary bar were many. As I’m not a beer ticker and I’m not particularly bothered what I sup as long as it’ s in good condition and tastes nice, I decided on a couple of local brews, both of which were superb. I even went for a stout, which was pretty bloody spectacular. Don’ t bother asking me what they were as I’ ve lost my festival programme. The main thing to remember, for

me at any rate is that beer is to be drunk, enjoyed and not necessarily poured into small bottles and swapped on the train back home with like minded individuals. If you partake in this fun activity then please continue but the only ale that accompanies me home is the stuff dribbled down my shirt and possible in my shoes. The Shovels is an excellent pub and thrives on providing a choice of ales even when they don’ t have a festival on. The landlord, Steve Norris is a man who knows about his beer with a knowledge of breweries that appears unsurpassed. Eavesdropping is an ungentlemanly activity but you have to gather intelligence somehow, why do you think Pub News is full of half-truths and rumours! Beer quality is paramount in here and I’ ve heard since that this is the local Pub of the Year. Very well deserved it is too. A couple of pubs I didn’ t manage to get to were Gillespie’ s Bar in Topping Street and The Pump & Truncheon both of which seem to win awards for doing the right thing. There are also nice sounding pubs in Lytham St Anne’s just to the south and the small town of Fleetwood is in the opposite direction and has a few notable pubs. The Thomas Drummond, and the Steamer have both been recommended to me, which will have to wait for a return visit. So I obviously found some pubs and beers that took my fancy, which didn’ t take too much finding. Despite my initial fears the couple of days in Blackpool were worth it and I will definitely be making a return visit next year, possibly to co-incide with the beer festival in Fleetwood which is around the 11th February. Any regrets? Just two. The guest-house I used and not being able to forget about sea mammal dental hygiene. Steve Williams Pubs Officer on tour

...and stay in a student’s squat.

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28 | Campaigning

CAMRA Visit to Westminster


t’s not everyday that one gets the chance to have a pint in the House of Commons bar, but when local MP Steven Barclay invited a group from Peterborough CAMRA to sample the newly installed Elgood’s Golden Newt at the famous Strangers Bar, the opportunity was too good to miss.

The visit started, conspicuously, on the platform of Peterborough rail station with us eagerly awaiting the arrival of the 13.47 to Kings Cross. Also eagerly awaited, although perhaps more in hope, was the potential arrival of a photographer from the local press. We had anticipated that a meeting (albeit brief) with one or more local MP’s may be a draw for a newshound but sadly or inevitably we left without any turning up. Arriving at the capital just under an hour later we proceeded straight to the tube station and headed for Westminster. Thanks at this stage go to Mr. John Hunt for his encyclopedic knowledge of the London Underground system enabling us to swiftly navigate around the line closures with consummate ease. Having well over an hour to spare before we were due to meet up with representatives from CAMRA HQ we decided to stop off at the St. Stephens Tavern on Bridge Street for a spot of refreshment. The ales on offer were a nice change from those on the home turf with a decent selection of Badger Ales available. A pint of First Gold seemed a good bet so after jostling for position at the bar amongst the city gents we finally ordered and took in the surroundings. Being directly opposite Big Ben we had no excuses to be late, so next up was a swift walk

around the corner to the Red Lion on Whitehall to meet up with Jonathan Mail and Emily Ryans from CAMRA HQ. As a Fuller’s owned pub the Red Lion had a number of own brands on display and conscious of the fact that we still had the Parliament buildings to attend, I opted for just a cheeky half of Chiswick. I later came to regret this, as it was distinctly moreish. Introductions with Jonathan and Emily then followed and we gave them a bit of background about our previous meeting with Mr. Barclay at the Letter B in Whittlesey back in June. The next walk was to Portcullis House to meet up with our host and the representatives from Elgood’s. On the way Jonathan mentioned this was actually his and Emily’s second visit to Parliament that day, as they had earlier been in the company of a certain David Lammy MP. I wondered whether we‘d see him later? The security at the entrance to the Parliament buildings was everything you imagine it to be: airport style checks, body scanners, photo ids and armed guards. This was probably the real reason that our Chairman in his wisdom declared that everyone must turn up sober! Shortly after our arrival, Belinda Sutton, Paul Marshall and Claire Simpson of Elgoods Brewery, familiar faces to some of our group and the chance to make new acquaintances for others, greeted us. Moments later Mr Barclay came down to meet us all personally and he took us into the main atrium of Portcullis House. In contrast to the historic buildings of Parliament this was a new block opened in 2001 with offices for over 200 MPs and their staff. We were treated to a fairly comprehensive talk on the day-to-day operations of Parliament and Mr. Barclay even shared with us a fairly hefty document on the day’s activities of the House.


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Campaigning | 29

Next up was a short tour of some of the highlights of the Old Palace, finishing up in the Central Lobby and the magnificent Westminster Hall. Looking around with all of the plaques commemorating historical figures and events of times gone by it was difficult not to be in awe of the grandeur of the place. The main event of course was the Elgood’s launch of Golden Newt and so it was onto the Strangers Bar. Then came the revelation. “Golden Newt proved so popular on the first night that they actually sold out at the bar,” remarked Mr. Barclay with a slightly mischievous grin. Okay, so we’re used to MP’s being economical with the truth but this was a bit unexpected. Clearly he knew all along and he was waiting for the right moment – just as we entered the Strangers Bar – to drop the bombshell. Sensing this wasn’t necessarily bad for business MD Belinda Sutton turned to her operations team and joked “how soon can we get some more here?” Paul Marshall hurriedly searched for his mobile….


he did invite CAMRA to stay in touch and to keep him informed with campaign matters. We shall certainly endeavour to do so and we thanked him for his participation and interest. After the event we had one last round(s) of drinks at the Westminster Arms at Storeys Gate. I counted six different Shepherd Neame cask ales on offer in house, but opted for the Canterbury Jack and the Kent’s Best, having never encountered either of these before. Catching up with Jonathan Mail, he was clearly impressed with the day’s visit: “It’s fantastic that the Branch have managed to build a relationship with one of their local MP’s, and it adds further weight to the positive campaigning that we’re involved in”. He added “This could well be the first time we have had any large group down to meet in Parliament, and it shows the level of support that we get from the Peterborough Branch.”


The main event of course was the Elgood’s launch of Golden Newt and so it was onto the Strangers Bar. Then came the revelation.

So with no real ale on hand in the Strangers Bar, all that was left to do there was a quick photo-op next to the hand pump. Would we get that elusive pint? Apparently the Palace of Westminster contains over 1100 rooms so, no worry, there was a good chance of finding another bar. Sure enough after descending an old stairwell that would have pre-dated all health and safety laws we were led into another guest friendly bar. This time Sharps Doom Bar was on offer and after a fairly lengthy serving process we all got to enjoy a beer and time for a chat. Sadly Mr. Barclay could only stay for one round (and not only because all drinks were on members expenses as is the House rule) as he had further business with Elgood’s to catch up on. However

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30 | Please support our advertisers

The Jolly Brewer Peterborough & District CAMRA Pub of the year 2009 Lincolnshire CAMRA Pub Of The Year 2009

• 5 real ales • Food served daily 12-3pm Monday - Sunday 6-9pm Friday & Saturday Foundry Road, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 2PP t. 01780 755141 w.

All new Brew Plant November 2010 Now taking on new orders Contact : 07932 726552

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Breweries Update | 31

Local Breweries Update Oakham Ales

During September, Oakham Ales aquired a 1.2 acre site behind the brewery in Maxwell Road with 10,000 square feet of storage space, which will be used as the brewery distribution depot. With the company getting more into the beer swap & beer wholesaling business, the extra space is an important addition. Big changes are also happening to the brewing programme. A 5th beer Citra, 4.2% abv will be added to the permanent range for sale at the end of 2010. It has proved very popular with customers during its outings so far. The Five are now J.H.B. 3.8%, Inferno 4%, Citra 4.2%, White Dwarf 4.3% & Bishop’s Farewell 4.6%. There will be other wholesale changes to the brewing programme for 2011. Only 4 seasonals: Chaos Engine 4,1%, Asylum 4.5%, Endless Summer 3.4% & Mompesson’s Gold 5% will be brewed, each for 3 months at a time. These will be supplemented by the Oakademy of Excellence programme with 6 single hop beers brewed 2 at a time for a 2 month period & on a monthly basis 12 other beers which will include a few new additions. The vintage programme will continue with various beers available through the year that have been stored for several months before release. These will include Atilla, Black Hole Porter & Oblivion. A total of 50 beers are already on the calendar for 2011. For information on the full brewing programme for 2011 visit the brewery website at A bigger range of Oakham Ales bottled beers will be on some supermarket shelves in the coming weeks. J.H.B. Extra will be joined by Inferno, Citra & Bishop’s Farewell.

Dave Allett.

Grainstore Brewery

The brewery has started producing a new beer called “Rutland Bitter”. It is based on the old Ruddles Best Bitter, but is only ABV 3.4%. It is a golden colour and makes a good session beer. They have also brewed “Three Kings” and Phipps “Ratcliffe Stout”, which should be available shortly.

Melbourn Brewery

The pub has reopened and tours of the brewery recommenced in October. The brewer came down for the first one and I did have a word with him. His feelings are that as the brewery only produces 3 fruit beers that are not real ale, he can't understand why CAMRA should be interested in it. The policy of Sam Smiths is unlikely to change on that as the brewery would have to have too much spent on it to increase production. At least he spoke to me which is a change!

Lewis Clayton.

Blue Bell Brewery

Sales are slightly down on this time last year but the brewery is still trading normally. The only piece of news is the fact that they have started to bottlecondition beer. Currently only Old Honesty is being bottled and sales are to private customers only at this point in time. There are plans to bottle Frightened Pheasant and possibly Old Resurgence in the future. There are no current plans to introduce any new draught beers for the remainder of this year.

Tydd Steam Brewery

The new brewery is now up and running and the first brew has been put through. The capacity is approx 18 barrels and Will is very pleased with the kit. Installation has involved quite substantial alterations to the brewhouse, and has also involved creating a much larger cold store and malt room. New casks have been received and more have now been ordered. A new cask washing plant will also be shortly installed. On the beer front, Golden Kiwi 4.1% ABV has been very well received and will become part of the portfolio in some format, either regular or occasional. The beer is very pale and made with purely New Zealand hops. It is very refreshing with a good zesty hoppiness that still manages to be more restrained than some beers of this category and is well worth seeking out.

John Hunt

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32 | Please support our advertisers

The Bluebell Inn 10 Woodgate, Helpston, Peterborough, PE6 7ED 01733252394

Helpston. Offering a warm welcome and a typical English A pub atmosphere. The antidote to uncluttered “cool�. traditional country Inn set in the beautiful village of

Pictures by Michael Slaughter

We serve up to six real ales from national breweries and local microbreweries including Tydd Steam, Elgoods, Adnams, Fullers, Wells and The Grainstore Brewery. All changing weekly. Permanently available, exclusive to us John Clare Bitter 4.3% from the Grainstore. Also sold in bottles.

Good home cooked food served Tuesday to Sunday. Traditional Sunday roast served from noon and daily 2 course lunchtime specials. Christmas Menu available from 2nd December Small parties can be catered for Funerals, christenings, birthdays etc...

Ample customer parking. Also conveniently close to the hourly Peterborough - Stamford bus route (mon - sat)

LIVE MUSIC Saturday 27th November Aphenrye Irish/Country Music

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Pub News | 33

Exeter Arms Re-opens

The Exeter Arms, Easton on the Hill has reopend in September after being purchased by local pub entrepeuneur Mick Thurlby two years ago from Enterprise. After spending several moths refurbishing this traditional 18th century pub it now boasts flagstoned floors, a woodburner, newly built

orangerie, large patio area and paddock licenced for weddings and parties and hopefully regular beer this space! Four Handpumps are on the bar serving Ufford Ales plus guests and a restaurant serving a range of pizzas (similar to Tobie Norris and Jubilee) plus classic pub menu and chefs specials. Accommodation is also avaliable.

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34 | Cider article

Jollydale Open Day The Jolly Sailor, 43 Great Whyte, Ramsey PE26 1HH Tel 01487 813388

Traditional Town Centre Pub with a Warm Welcome!

5 REAL ALES + CIDER It was about 6 years ago that local businessman Simon Dale decided to experiment with the surplus apples found in his garden at home. He bought a small press and the first ever batch of Jollydale was produced. There were 20 gallons of fruity cider and that first summer it was the Dale children and their friends who enjoyed the majority of the batch as they celebrated the first ever Jollydale Cyder Party. In 2009 Simon went into commercial production, last year 50 tons of apples were shipped over from Shropshire and 30,000 litres of cider were produced. Since the humble beginnings of Jollydale the same motley bunch of helpers has always been on hand. Jollydale’s work force includes a tree surgeon, an accountant, a lawyer and anyone else that is willing to help out. All the apples are sourced from Shropshire with Dabinett and Michelin being the main varieties used. The apples are pressed in Stamford and the resulting juice left to ferment without any additives being included.

Including Wherry, Bombardier, Abbot, London Pride and an ever-changing guest beer Pub games including Crib, Dominoes and Darts Good sized Car Park Heated smoking shelter

9A North St, Stamford Lincs PE9 1EL 01780 765888

New Years Eve 2010 The Dead Rabbits (Pogues Tribute + Irish Music ) in Voodoo Lounge

Jollydale held an open day on November 15th to mark the final day of their 2010 pressing, a couple of pictures from that event are shown here.

• Pimp Soul DJ’s special NYE Party Set in Mama Liz's Bar • Buffet + Champagne Ticket Option in our Soul Food Restaurant

• Free Fizz for all at Midnight • Free shot of Mama's Moonshine for all on arrival. For all further enquiries on pricing, bookings + advance ticketing please call 01780 765888 or mail:

Peterborough CAMRA PUB OF THE YEAR 2010

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36 | Diary Dates

Diary Dates NOVEMBER Sat 27th, Noon East Midlands Regional Meeting. Redgate, 189 Westfield Road, NG19 6EH DECEMBER Sat 4th, late morning. Branch visit to Oakham Ales brewery. Time to be confirmed. Tue 7th, 8.30pm Branch AGM at the Brewery Tap, PE1 2AA.

Sat 18th, 7.00pm Christmas Party at the Rugby Club, Second Drove Industrial Estate, PE1 5XA. JANUARY Wed 19th, 8.30pm Committee Meeting, Blue Bell, Dogsthorpe, PE1 3SA FEBRUARY Tue 22nd, 8.30pm Committee Meeting, Coalheavers Arms, PE2 9BH

Selected Beer Festivals (CAMRA events are shown in bold) NOVEMBER Tue 30th – Sat 4th Dec Pig’s Ear Beer & Cider Festival, Round Chapel, Powerscroft Road, Hackney, E5 0PU. Over 100 beers & ciders; easy access by public transport. for details.

JANUARY 26th - 30th Pigs Winter Beer Festival, Pig ‘n’ Falcon, St Neots 20+ seasonal and strong ales FEBRUARY Wed 19th – Sat 22nd National Winter Ales Festival, Sheridan Suite, Oldham Road, Manchester, M40 8EA. /winterales

CAMRA Branch Christmas Party The CAMRA Branch Christmas Party tickets are £6 each which includes a free pint of real ale, a finger buffet and music by “Proto Inferno” and “Taking Care of Business”. It will be held at the Rugby Club on Saturday 18th December with the bar closing at 1am. Ticket application forms have already been sent to CAMRA members who volunteered and helped at the Peterborough Beer Festival and to those members who help to deliver this newsletter. As the venue can only hold 300 people, most of the tickets will already have been sold but other local CAMRA members can request tickets using the following form. Please act quickly as tickets will be sold on a first come first served basis. Maximum of TWO tickets per member.


CAMRA Membership Number(s):

Please supply me with ONE / TWO tickets for the Christmas Party. I enclose a cheque for £6 / £12 made payable to PETERBOROUGH CAMRA

I also enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope. Send the form to: Christmas Party, 49 St Margarets Road, Peterborough, PE2 9EA

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Please support our advertisers | 37

The Prince of Wales Feathers

Castor, Peterborough Tel: 01733 380222

132 Great Whyte Ramsey PE26 1HS

© Mick Slaughter 2009

Keith and Jenny offer a warm welcome to all old and new customers.

Award winning village local in historic Castor. Close to the Nene Valley Railway & Ferry Meadows. Serves 5 guest ales & real cider. Walker & dog friendly.

Home cooked food every lunchtime and NOW available midweek evenings too!! CHRISTMAS MENU NOW AVAILABLE.

Serving a selection of Real Ales: Abbot Ale, Wells Bombardier, Woodfordes Wherry and one ever-changing guest ale. Live Music Free WiFi Large Beer Garden

Find us in the Good Beer Guide 2010

01487 812597


Winter at The GOLDEN PHEASANT Great main food menu to choose from Daily (Mon-Fri 12-2pm and 6-9pm,

A superior charming Country Inn

Saturday 12-9pm, Sunday 12-6pm)

Lunchtime specials

5 rotating cask ales and 2 regular Full Chef’s Menu 7 Days a week served between 12-2pm & 5.30pm - 9pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday 12-9pm Sunday Roast 12-2.30pm from £7.95 for 2 courses

ly: Open Dai hurs Mon – T d 6-11pm 12-3pm an -11pm 12 Fri/Sat 1pm Sun 12-1

(Mon–Fri 12-2pm)

‘Early Bird’ menu (Mon-Fri 6-7pm)

Pub and Marquee bookings now being taken for Christmas and 2011 !

Beer Garden with Smoking Area Childrens Play Area

Now with FOUR real ales!

12 rooms with en-suite accommodation available Full English Breakfast included

(Batemans XB + 3 Guests)

Main Street, Dyke, Nr Bourne PE10 0AF

Tel: 01778 422970

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38 | Campaigning

Branch Committee Secretary: Harry Morten 49 St Margarets Road, Peterborough PE2 9EA 01733 764296 07900 056940 08707 620848 (fax) Chairman: David Murray 01733 560453 Treasurer: Paul Beecham 01733 311981 07710 008693 Vice Chair: Paul Brammer 07922 604988

Beer Around ’Ere Editor: Paul (Bram) Brammer 07922 604988 Distribution: David Murray (see Chairman on the left) Advertising: Chris Shilling and Steve Whadcock 01778 421550 / 420888 Magazine & Advertising Production: Daniel Speed 0845 838 7581 Postal Distr: Daryl Ling 01733 235881

Brewery Liaison Officers Blue Bell: John Hunt 01406 330453 Social Sec: Situation Vacant Castor Ales: Mike Lane 07850 334203 Pubs Officer: Steve Williams Digfield: Paul Brammer 07802 896641 07922 604988 Elgoods: John Rice Press Officer: Karl Simpson 07759 342702 Hopshackle: Noel Ryland 07737 297072 07944 869656 Melbourn: Lew Clayton Young Members: Alix Botton 01780 765063 07806 625574 Oakham Ales: Dave Allett young-members@real07966 344417 Tydd Steam: John Hunt 01406 330453 Membership: Daryl Ling Ufford Ales: Matt Mace 01733 235881 07809 629241 Festival Org: Mike Lane 07850 334203 LocAle Officer: John Rice 07759 342702

Trading Standards 08545 040506 Check out our new website at: or

The next issue of BAE will be available on: 28th January We must have your stories, news and advertisements by: 1st January Late copy cannot be guaranteed entry. Please contact Chris Shilling 01778 421550/07736 635 916/ for all of your advertising needs. Steve Williams or 07802 896641 is always looking for pub news. Please send stories and other copy to Bram (Paul Brammer) 07922 604988 Beer Around ‘Ere is published by Peterborough & District Branch of CAMRA Copyright © 2010, The Campaign for Real Ale Ltd. Views or comments expressed in this publication may not necessarily be those of the Editor or of CAMRA.

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Your CAMRA Gold Award Winning local with FIVE Real Ales available! Sky Sports Free Pool on Mondays Happy Hour Mon - Fri, 5-7pm Live Entertainment (See Rythm and Booze section)

Karaoke every Sunday with Mighty Mouth Trev Function room for hire at reasonable prices Join our Facebook group The Ploughman

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THE PLOUGHMAN Staniland Way, Werrington centre PE4 6NA Tel: 01733 327696

BAE 156 Prog:Layout 1 22/11/2010 09:04 Page 40

ree At Least Th

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More than just a Carvery! A

great welcome awaits you at The Farmers, Yaxley. We are famous for our fresh vegetables and great carvery meats, succulent and served with all the trimmings, then finished off with a tantalising hot or cold dessert! Check out our new lunch time grill menu’s and our ever changing specials boards. Put it all together with three fine cask ales and you have the perfect place to enjoy dinner with friends or a family celebration. We have a self contained function suite which is ideal for parties, weddings and all of life’s celebrations.

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So if you’ve not been before give us a try and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

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