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Beer Around ’Ere


bae ea






Issue 160 | August - September 2011

50 3 R E OV L ALES




T S U G U A - 27th 23rd



Peterborough & District Branch of CAMRA |

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Chairman’s Corner | 3


Chairman’s Corner

ello to all our readers. As usual in this edition of BAE we are highlighting all the information and details about the 34th Peterborough Beer Festival. Once again it’s being held on the Embankment in giant marquees. Within this edition we have made a plea for more of our members to come and help us set up and run the event, instead of just moaning about the changes that have been introduced! Many of those are not within our control entirely. Once again our admission prices include a fully refundable £3 token for a festival glass. If you don’t require a glass you can either cash the token in or use it to buy beer up to that value. When you leave you can hand your glass in for a full refund! I bet some still don’t get it.

With our ‘summer’ now well and truly upon us many pubs are taking the initiative and holding beer festivals and Bar-B-Qs in their gardens. I have been contacted by a few licensees in the past about holding a beer festival for the first time. I stick to my old theory that limited publicity, too many beers that are ‘samey’ and not gauging your normal output of real ales to your regular customers, can be disappointing on the day. So hats off to the pubs that have tried putting on a beer festival for the first time and been satisfied with the result. They all need our support. Time for the serious bit now: The Business, Innovation and Skills Committee (BISC) have stated it is to look again at the need for a statutory code of practice to govern the relationship between pub tenants and their owners. We went down this road last year and the findings were in favour of the pub owners. A debate ahead of the BISC meeting organised by All Party Parliamentary Save the Pub Group heard yet again evidence of the failing relationship between tenants and pubcos. The Independent Pubs Confederation (IPC) – comprising CAMRA, Fair Pint, the Federation of Small Businesses and the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers

argued that the codes had failed to deliver and the only way forward is a statutory code with an independent ombudsman. IPC members said the pubcos had demonstrated a lack of progress and intransigence. So this could well be the ‘last chance saloon for pub companies’ unless they can wriggle out of making improved changes. Less than a month before writing this piece we were getting doom and gloom messages from our farming friends that due to lack of rainfall in the spring and early summer, the worst barley crop for many years would be the result. Since then I’ve been soaked to the skin twice in the driest region of the country (East Anglia). Yes I’m sure a poor harvest this year will no doubt have an effect on our beer prices next year but, if the following year is a bumper harvest, will the beer price drop! Think oil – petrol. Nah. My annual camping holiday down to Southwold in Suffolk did not unearth any great surprises this year. An increase in beer and food prices was inevitable, although the Adnams beer was as usual spot on. This year the range of brews appeared to be greater with recently introduced Ghost Ship quite popular. Look out for them at this years PBF- they’re back! That’s all for now folks. See you at the PBF in August. David Murray - Branch Chairman.

ARE YOU MISSING OUT? Only the beer-stained copy left?

Get Beer Around Ere delivered to your door! For a year (6 issues) send a £2.46 or £3.06 for 1st Class cheque/PO payable to “Peterborough CAMRA” and your address to:-

Daryl Ling, 19 Lidgate Close, Orton Longueville Peterborough PE2 7ZA Peterborough Branch Website |

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4 | Please support our advertisers

Lincolnshire CAMRA Pub of the Year 2009 Peterborough & District CAMRA Pub of the Year 2009

• 5 real ales • plus Ciders and Perries. Over 30 Malt Whiskies

• Food served daily • 12-3pm Monday - Sunday 6-9pm Friday & Saturday • Sky HD and 3D showing Football and Rugby •

t. 01780 755141 w.

Foundry Road, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 2PP

Public House Real ales and a wide selection of wines and spirits complimented with traditional pub food served 7 days a week

EVENTS COMING UP: Sat 30th July Charity Day with live music in the garden throughout the day. August 26th T REX act, back by very popular demand Friday 2nd September Karaoke with Trevor The Green, Sawtry, Cambs PE28 5ST

Ample Car Parking 4 Large screen TV’s showing the full range of Sky Sports and ESPN Pool table & Darts team 2010 Ramsey & District league winners Quiz night every Wednesday • Free Wi-Fi • Function Room available Food Served Monday - Saturday 12 - 2pm & 6 - 8.30pm Sunday 12 - 2pm

Tel: 01487 831999

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Volunteers Needed| 5



’m sure that so many of you have read this annual load of tosh every year so many times you can almost recite it word for word. Nevertheless I am not daunted by repeating it yet again! It may have come to your notice that we organise, set up and then run a very large event on Peterborough River Embankment each year in August. Who does all this? A dedicated band of unpaid volunteers who give their time free. They comprise local and out of town CAMRA members from all parts of the country. In fact we have on average around 80 volunteers from other areas that make the journey and stay for the week to assist. Our local members seem very reluctant to come forward in large numbers to do the same. This is in spite of us banging the drum every year to try and coax them to spend a few hours with us. Again I’ll give some idea of what we offer to our staff. If you can manage a whole day working we provide you with a cooked proper lunch from a variable menu. We make a tiny charge for this – and I mean a tiny – 50p! In the evening you have the choice of a hot or cold meal during opening

hours. You’re allowed free beer from our staff bar whilst we are open and at the end of each night session. Whilst working we allow you to have some free beer from the bars with free beer tokens issued to you. Then if that’s not enough we supply a free bus home within the city limits and to some outlying villages. If you are a CAMRA member and have a friend or partner that would like to help, but not a member, we are happy to accept them if you can assure us of their integrity. We have loads of tasks that need staffing as everyone is not keen on working behind a bar. Let us know of any special skills you have that may be of use to us. The usual ‘begging letters’ will be dropping through the doors of our members soon. So when is this all happening? First date is on Sunday 14th August when we start erecting the perimeter fencing. Then back on Thursday 18th to start the building of the festival. This continues throughout the weekend till we are ready for opening on Tuesday 23rd. We run thro’ till Saturday 27th when the festival closes. Then comes the hard bit! We are always in need of many hands to help take down the festival stuff and pack it away for another year. Volunteers who come on this day (Sunday 28th) and stay all day will be provided with a three course meal after the bulk of the work has been completed, and of course any beer that needs supping. Finally let me assure anyone not convinced that the PBF is a lot of fun both for staff and customers. We can only continue to make it still being so with the help provided by our volunteers. The more we have of them the easier it can become. Even a few hours in the evenings can make a difference. It was suggested by one of our members that we start this plea off with “Dear miserable b-----ds” Hopefully we never have to! David Murray and Richard Smith Staffing Officers PBF

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Local Brewery Update Blue Bell The brewery is currently selling to around 20 outlets. The bottled Old Honesty is the best-selling bottle-conditioned beer in the Red Lion Quarter food centre, Spalding. Finally, Frightened Pheasant is the next beer to be bottle-conditioned. Oakham Ales Oakham Ales has almost 200 pubs signed up to its ‘Oakademy of Excellence’. Pubs who want to be members of the academy have to pass a beer quality test, normally under the control of our esteemed chairman, Dave Murray. If an outlet receives an accreditation it entitles the licensee to membership benefits that include access to ‘limited edition’ ales.

77 Main Street, Farcet

Tel: 01733 243596

The Black Swan Traditonal Village Pub

2 permanent Real Ales from £ 2.60 Large Beer garden with heated smoking area Quiz night Mondays Killer pool Wednesdays

Adrian Posnett, managing director of Oakham Ales said: “We don’t have the luxury of a large retail estate to stock our beers on a permanent basis. The success of the ‘Oakademy of Excellence’ means that we are now developing the distribution and profile for our beers to compete with those that do, enabling us to punch far above our weight.” More info on /about.html Tydd Steam Two new beers feature in this report, firstly Stargazer, 1041 OG 4.2 ABV best bitter. This beer is quite mellow for a Tydd beer and has sold very well. It is likely to become one of the regular beers. Next comes Quench, a deep golden bitter flavoured with Chinese root ginger. This beer has just been released to trade and has sold out already. The ginger flavour was restrained on the sample that I tried. Again this may become a regular beer if sales and feedback continue to be positive. Will has reported that this week has been one of his busiest ever. Finally, the new cask washer is working very well and has made a big difference to the everyday labour required to run the brewery. Ufford Ales Due to unforeseen planning delays the new brewery at Stamford is unlikely to be open until early next year. Meanwhile the existing plant will continue to brew their three regular ales, White Hart (3.8%), Rupert’s Wardog (4.2%) and Golden Drop (4.3%), together with seasonals, Nirvana (5.7%) in July, Black Hart Stout (4.8%) in September & October, and Winter Ale (4.9%) between November and March. Work is also underway on a new beer for the Peterborough Beer Festival.

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Please support our advertisers | 7

29 North Street, Stanground PE2 8HR. 01733 753544

Friendly village pub with riverside mooring. Large garden • Dogs welcome • Open all day

Food served:

Tues to Sun 12.00 until 2.30pm, Mon to Sat 6pm to 9pm. Quiz night Sundays - cash prizes.

Live bands coming soon Watch this space!

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8 | Pub News

Pub News Pubs Opening It’s good to see the Queen’s Head in Bulwick open after a brief interlude of closedness. Our local pub spy spotted an Oakham dray outside a while back so we can assume at least one local ale will be on offer, presumably several more. The pub has had a bit of a spruce up and the whole place is apparently a lot brighter than its previous incarnation. Our landlord Rob pointed out that although he does hail from Ashton he has no connection with the Chequered Skipper pub as may have been implied in my previous musings.

Queens Head, Bulwick

Work has at last started on the London Inn in Stamford. It’s taken what seems like a lifetime but the place is being clambered over by an assortment of artisans as we speak. We look forward to the finished article. And while in Stamford....the William Cecil, formally the Lady Anne’s Hotel is nearing completion. Hillbrooke Hotels who will be running it have been busy refurbishing the hotel to what will no doubt be a stupendously magnificent standard, if their sister establishment the Bull & Swan is anything to go by. There is no mention of ale on offer so it’ ll be a wait and see.

Meanwhile the rumour mill grinds ever onwards. Rumours that the old Post Office Sorting Office in Stamford will become the next Wetherspoon’s pub appear to be unfounded. The announcement of it becoming a restaurant in the Cosy Cafe chain has no doubt brought some relief to the landlords of the Golden Fleece, the Millstone and the prospective incumbent of the London Inn, all of which are a hop and skip from the place. Is Stamford the only major town without a Wetherspoons? Jolly Brewing As Stamford is still in the mind I’ ll just give a quick mention to the award winning Jolly Brewer in Foundry Rd. They now stock over 30 different malt whiskies from around the world. Does this beat the Boat in Whittlesey? Not sure but who cares, there’s plenty to go around. The Brewer also has five real ales, half a dozen ciders and a couple of perries just in case you have an aversion to aqua vitae. Down Chatteris way We would like to offer our congratulations to Richard and Cathy Savage of the Honest John for their long service in the popular town pub. This year sees the beginning of their 25th year behind the bar. The pub was converted from a labour exchange in 1977 by Stewart Stacy who named the pub after his dad who had a reputation for honesty in his dealings at local auctions. The pub was the first free house in the town. A bit of a musical interlude I have no intention of writing a gig guide as that little task is handled quite adequately by Dan Speed. What I would like to do however is mention that there are a couple of pubs who provide a venue for sounds of a more unplugged nature. The Palmerston Arms in Oundle Road

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Pub News | 9

As a bit of a day out, myself and a few like minded inebriates let the train take the strain and visited March, home of the Rose & Crown beer festival back in April. A super little fest this turned out to be with about 20 beers on tap all served by ‘bunny girls’ although that may have been a cheese and pickle induced hallucination.

Palmerston Arms, Peterborough

plays host to a little bit of folk music on a Sunday afternoon after about 4pm. A nice venue for a nice Sunday afternoon if ever there was one. The Hand & Heart features something similar on the first Thursday of the month, sometime in the evening. Our landlord at the ‘Hand’ also enjoys the sounds of a little makeshift combo known as Captain Backwash. A more diverse and disparate, or more rightly, desperate collection of individuals it would be difficult to accumulate in one place under normal circumstances. Is it folk, is it rock, is it poetry, is it painting and decorating? Buggered if I know but it’s a superb evening and in my diary permanently. If you get your dates wrong and turn up a Thursday later you’ ll encounter the Cheese Club which is marginally quieter but still attracts those on the fringes of society. Beer festivals all over the place I’ve been told not to mention beer festivals as it isn’t within my remit as Pubs Officer, so in the best tradition of ignoring missives from above I’ ll give a couple a quick mention. The Woolpack in Stanground provided us with a superb choice of ales back in May in their little outside bar. A small intimate little event that gave us time to chat about beer, fast cars, fast women and the implications of the 2010 Localism Bill now in its 4th reading in the House of Lords. Crazy times! Quite why I chose the same day to go as most of the CAMRA Committee I don’t know but it was nice to see a fine display of egos sunning themselves.

The Hand & Heart did what it does best, serve ales. A festival with live music outside, acoustic music inside and landlord Bram being worked to within an inch of his life. Marvellous stuff. The Coalheaver’s festival appeared to go quite well. Live music, acres of beers, a BBQ and lots of people. No, make that lots and lots of people. If you ever want to see how a pub can be drunk dry this is where it happens. Sorry that I can’t mention all of the excellent festivals that happened over the last few months but well done to all who made the effort to stage some of the best events around. Rest in Peace As previously mentioned the Royal Arms in Eye Rd, Newark is up for sale. The For Sale sign now shows that it is ‘Under Offer’. A little investigation in the planning announcements tells us that an application for change of use has been submitted. What to I hear you ask? The new prospective owners intend to change the building into a funeral parlour with chapel of rest. It’s a sad state of affairs when a pub will be more popular catering for the dear departed than those in the here and now. We won’t object to the change of use although it is the only pub in that area. I’m not convinced that the pub is unviable, after all most pubs are viable in one way or another with favourable conditions. But as there are no takers and no company willing to make a go of the place we must reluctantly let it go. A sad loss but not unexpected.

Continued Overleaf

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Real traditional ale house in the heart of the city

5 Regularly Rotating Ales Opening Times :- 11am -11pm Monday to Thursday, 11am -1am Friday to Saturday, 12 - 11pm Sunday,

Live Music Fridays and Saturdays ring or check facebook for details! North Street, behind Westgate House, Peterborough Tel: 01733 746370

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Pub News continued | 11

Recently reopened and selling ales I may have mentioned the Vine in Market Deeping sometime ago but a bit more information is now forthcoming. We have a delightful little pub with four handpumps in use. One of which sells a competitively priced ale at £1.95. Bourne identity Our rugby playing pub spy in Bourne now informs me that the real ale at the Red Lion has been well received and they have now added another handpump to the bar. Sharp’s Doom Bar and a guest ale will feature but as with all things, it’s subject to change. Meanwhile in other parts of the town the Nag’s Head has two handpumps, the Mason’s Arms has Deuchars and Directors on all the time and the Anchor is selling Wherry in encouraging quantities. Sam Smiths can be had at the Golden Lion and of course we have one of Mr Thurlby's flagship establishments in the middle of town called Smith’s. On the downside the former Royal Oak in North St is in the process of being converted to flats and the Marquis of Granby in Abbey Rd is up for sale. A new pub for Oakham Mr Thurlby has been on the pub buying trail again, this time in Oakham. The building is currently Nick’s Restaurant and will be thoroughly refurbished in the style of the Tobie Norris in Stamford. The idea is to offer 5 or 6 ales from Ufford or nearby. Mr Thurlby said recently ‘I’ve been looking for a new site in the area and I’m treating this as a personal project. The kind of pub that I would seek out!’.

Clarification In the last issue I mentioned that David Rayner, who owns and runs the Duck & Drake in Yaxley and the newly opened Black Swan in Farcet also owns the Stilton Country Club. I am indebted to Roy Baines who runs the club for a little bit of clarification. Although Mr Rayner owns the club the business is entirely independent of him. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the club it has a full size snooker table, Sky TV, darts, dominoes, pool, a quiz on a Sunday evening and off course quite a few real ales. New members are always welcome. Club NOT closing There was a brief mention in the local press about the possibility of the Royal British Legion Club in Yaxley closing. This is not the case and it is merely the local branch of the Legion that is having some minor difficulty, an entirely different entity to the club which is run independently of the branch. Well, that’s about it for this issue. I’d just like to thank my various pub spies who report to me regularly negating the need for me to visit all the pubs in the area. Gits! For those of you who would like to have a chat with me about any local pub related subject, issue writs, threats or fatwas, I will be fully engaged in schmoozing, chatting and ingratiating myself to pub landlords at the Trade Session of Peterborough Beer Festival on Tuesday 23rd August. I will however be spending some considerable time listening to the Malingerer’s who are booked for the evening. Feel free to text me during the festival and I’ll do my best to drink beer with you and chat. Pub Landlords..... do you want a free write up about your pub? It’s free. Just come and chat with me and we’ll see what we can do. Cheers for now

Stilton Country Club

Steve Williams 0775 6066 503

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12 | Brewery Visit

Oakham Ales Visit that most of the CAMRA group had opted for the bar only tour I can only imagine they were in agreement! John’s further commitment to the cause was highlighted when he recalled the early days of brewing Citra and experimenting with the aromatic lychee. On one occasion he managed to inhale the contents of one of the giant tuns with almost disastrous consequences. Fortunately when he finally came round he discovered he’d fallen backwards and not forwards into the thing. He lives to fight another day.


n 11th June your local CAMRA enjoyed a visit to the Oakham Ales brewery in Woodston and as always the hosts went out of their way to welcome both seasoned and new visitors (myself included) alike. Always a popular visit in the local ale calendar, this trip was attended by around 30 members. For the uninitiated, head brewer John Bryan kicked off the tour of the brewery giving an overview of the operations. Yes I admit to being a newbie to the process but it never ceases to amaze me how innovative some of these enterprises are when it comes to sourcing the kit that is needed to produce the brews that we all know and love. Who would have thought, for example, that a major part of the brew plant shared some heritage with that most English of delicacies….Marmite! As a sign of just how far Oakham have come since the early days, John demonstrated the hightech set up where the correct calibration of equipment plays one of the most important parts of the brewing process. However, as with all computers, garbage in usually equals garbage out, and without John’s expert knowledge, care and understanding of what makes a fine ale those systems would be rendered pretty useless. Given

The highlight of course was the tasting. Oakham had kindly laid on White Dwarf, Citra and Inferno, drawn directly from the cask in the cold store. Probably the shortest travelled pint you will ever drink. At the event Oakham BLO, Dave Allett, gave a few words of thanks to Adrian Posnett and the team and, I’m sure, promised that we would be back very soon! And of course at Beer Around ‘Ere we certainly echo the sentiment, so many thanks from us too chaps. Now then, I wonder what surprises are in store at their brewery bar for this year’s PBF.....? Karl Simpson

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14 |

Coalheavers record bee


uring the months of April and May the people of Peterborough were rather spoilt for choice with the number of local beer festivals going on. They were spread over the Royal wedding weekend and Easter and, I believe, were all quite successful with one in particular doing fantastically well.

The 8th annual Coalheavers Arms Spring beer festival was a monster. I am going to be slightly biased here as I work at the Coalheavers, but even so, it was a tremendous success. This festival had the advantage of being after the wedding / Easter weekends and so had a bit of a monopoly and the Saturday was also Posh's last home game of the season as it always is for the Spring festival. The Autumn event will also coincide with a home game. It all kicked off on Thursday and was fairly steady right from opening time and ended being a record Thursday, with Buntingford Citra taking a big hit closely followed by St. Austell Proper

Job. Friday was again steady all day and became pretty manic in the evening with the Citra and Proper Job long gone along with a couple of others. The darker beers such as Cloven Hoof and Pressed Rat & Warthog were flying out of the firkins. Not surprisingly Friday was also a record day. We had to drag a few more casks out of the cellar to fill the gaps in the marquee. So far so good and we knew Saturday was going to be busy but were not quite prepared for the madness that was to come that day. People were queuing at the door long before opening time and once they were let in the door just did not stop opening and the garden was soon full

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Beer festival review | 15

beer festival of blue shirts and, once again, the beer was taking a battering. The Mallinsons Butterfly came on and finished about 90 minutes later and Mersey Mist, Tring Fletton Ale and Goldblade vanished very early on. A great result for Posh ensured the army of blue shirts returned after the game along with all the pub’s regulars and others that had travelled from all over. With music being provided by top Peterborough band the Malingerers, the garden and bar just kept on filling up. At one point you could not get from one end of the garden to the other and it was three deep at the bar, but the excellence of the bar staff ensured no one had to wait more than a minute or so. The day had been so busy that we ran out of beer in the marquee at 8.45 and over the whole day sold the equivalent of 21 firkins of real ale. Needless to say, inside then became very busy.

We thought word may have spread about there being no beer left for Sunday, but we needn’t have worried. With local duo Pennyless performing in the afternoon, the hordes returned. Luckily the beers we hauled out of the cellar earlier were just about ready and along with an emergency delivery of bright beer from Milton we were sure we had enough and we did, but only just. Once again the weather was perfect and the Jamaican barbecue totally sold out, not to mention the 300 to 400 burgers that were sold over the weekend along with several pounds of jacket potatoes and a cauldron of curry. The festival finished early Sunday evening with the pub virtually beerless. All in all, a record festival with the Saturday being the busiest day in the pub’s history. We look forward to seeing everyone again at the next festival that runs from 8th to 11th September. Dave Botton

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16 | Please support our advertisers

Summer at The GOLDEN PHEASANT Great main food menu to choose from Daily (Mon-Fri 12-2pm and 6-9pm, Saturday 12-9pm, Sunday 12-6pm)

ly: Open Dai urs h T – n Mo d 6-11pm 12-3pm an -11pm 12 Fri/Sat 1pm Sun 12-1

in able avail only now

t Brigh

Hand made in Castor Mob: 07828 048 664


August Bank Holiday Monday family fun day with live music and bbq


FOUR real ales! (Batemans XB + 3 Guests) 1 Main Road, Etton, Peterborough PE6 7DA Tel 01733 252387 Web

Pub Merit Awards & Gold Awards The committee feel that pubs outside of Peterborough are missing out on Gold Awards and so they have introduced a new Merit Award for pubs that are continuously outstanding. If you know of a pub in our area that deserves a Merit Award or Gold Award then please complete the following form and send it to our Secretary. Pub name:

Pub address/town/village:

Reason for award:

Your name:

Your phone number or e-mail address:

Your membership number:

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Brewery Update | 17

Castor Ales: The Naming of the Brew


t all started on the day of the league one play-off final at Old Trafford between Peterborough United and Huddersfield Town. A splendid pint or two preceding the match at the Crescent in Salford and the wonderful hospitality provided by landlord, Steve, (who let us take in our own Chinese takeaways) inspired the idea to name a beer in celebration of the occasion. Following the 3-0 victory, ‘Craig Mack Ale’ seemed the perfect choice for a name, given Craig Mackail-Smith’s great season, and also as a tribute to his impending departure from Posh. Word soon got out that this was happening, and it went ‘viral’ on Facebook and Twitter, and then the more conventional media picked it up; namely Radio Cambridgeshire and the Evening Telegraph. Initially Roman Gold was dry-hopped with a dollop of Chinook hops. But since then the Roman Gold recipe has been varied to create Craig Mack Ale, a golden, 3.7% ABV, hoppy and refreshing tipple. The beer can be found in the Prince of Wales Feathers in Castor, the Ostrich in North Street, the Hand and Heart in Highbury Street, the Crown on Lincoln Road and the Ploughman in Werrington. Castor Ales has created beer names with a focus on local themes: Old Scarlett, the Peterborough gravedigger, Roman Gold, Castor was a Roman settlement, Edmund Tyrell Artis, the Victorian archaeologist who discovered the extent of Roman Castor, and Serene Nene. As we go to press, a new brew is being developed to

follow on from Craig Mack Ale to celebrate Posh’s new season in the Championship. Each of these beers has a pump clip designed and drawn by local artist John Elson who once again rose to the occasion to produce a great caricature for the Craig Mack Ale. Craig Mackail-Smith has supported the publicity surrounding the beer and we hope to be auctioning signed posters of the pump clips, the proceeds of which will be going to Craig’s preferred charity, the Peterborough branch of the NSPCC. At Castor Ales we will be celebrating our 3rd anniversary at the Peterborough Beer Festival and the festival beer is likely to be called ‘Calling Spain’ continuing a theme started last year with the festival special: ‘Coming of Age of the Hobbit’. Castor Ales is a 3 barrel plant delivering 12 firkins each brew. As well as the pubs mentioned above, the brewery supplies the Beehive in Albert Place with ‘house beers’: Nectar and Sting in the Tail. The Plough at Farcet Fen will be featuring Castor Ales throughout the summer at their outdoor events. Shakedown Blues the unique blues club in Castor also serves Castor Ales and the collaboration makes for the perfect combination of ‘rhythm and booze’. Finally, I would like to pay tribute to the local CAMRA branch members whose hard working bunch of volunteers create probably the best beer festival in the country. Duncan Vessey - Castor Ales

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18 | Please support our advertisers

Saturday 20th August

Charity Fun Day Midday - Late

Thurs 15th - Sun 18th September

20th Anniversary Beer Festival 30 Real Ales, Ciders and Perries • Live Music Sat & Sun • FREE Entry Visit for more details Town Bridge, Peterborough PE1 1FP

Tel: 01733 315700 Web:

Exotic Thai Food & Handcrafted Beers

Oakademy of Excellence

Beer of the Month August


Europe’s Largest Brew Pub 80 Westgate, Peterborough PE1 2AA

Tel: 01733 358500 Web:

) RQ WD[ Q

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of Two Halves

A Campaign



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The Direct Debit Guarantee This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay by Direct Debits. If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit The Campaign for Real Ale Ltd will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request The Campaign for Real Ale Ltd to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit by The Campaign for Real Ale Ltd or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society - If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when The Campaign For Real Ale Ltd asks you to You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society.Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.

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CAMRA Cricket | 21

Peterborough CAMRA Cricket Team:


he cricket team had a mixed Sunday friendly season so far winning three, losing four, drawing one and one being cancelled. Notable batting performances include opener Neil Holmes scoring 87 not out against the Norfolk team Welney, whilst Rushden opener S Fowler scored 209 not out in a game drawn due to rain. Captain Nick Bradbury dominates the wickets taken this year with 17 including five for 26 against Wansford. In the mid-week league things are looking up with only one loss in the league out of four played. Opener L Davis has been the star accumulating 98 runs in three games with two not outs.

Cricket Fixtures


22 24 31

Motley Crew A Meerkat Harborough South A Ashton Wold A

AUGUST 7 14 21 28

Burghley Park Boughton Witham on the Hill Orton Park


If there are any people wanting to join the team please contact Matt Mace on 07809 629241 or register on the play-cricket website.

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24 |

Peterborough Beer Festival 201 BEERS We will be serving more than 350 draught real ales including favourites, beers from very small micros, many from new breweries, some produced specially for the festival and beers from our LocAle breweries. Almost all of the beers will be served by gravity – straight from the cask. Our aim is always to have every beer ready and available from the opening session – we do not hold any beers back. As always we will be serving beers of many styles including milds, bitters, porters, stouts, speciality flavoured beers and a few real lagers. GLASSES Commemorative half-pint and pint sleeve glasses and half pint tankards bearing the festival logo will be available and all will be oversized so that we can guarantee that you get a full measure when the glasses are filled to the line. Festival wine and bottle glasses will also be available at the same price. CIDER & PERRY The cider bar is with us, as always, serving one of the best selections of traditional cider and perry to be found anywhere. WINE BAR The wine bar will be selling traditional country wines and still and sparkling grape wines from English vineyards. BOTTLED BEERS The popular bottled beer bar will be selling an extended range of traditionally made bottled beers from around the world. SOFT DRINKS Our soft drinks bar, the Escape Bar, will be selling a range of soft drinks, non-alcoholic beer, crisps, ice cream, sweets and cigarettes. We will also be selling children’s drinks at a mere 50p. FOOD

There will be a wide selection of foods available including German sausages, French crepes, hog roast, doughnuts, toasties, oriental, biltong, olives, burgers, bacon rolls, pasta, hot dogs, Cornish pasties, pittas, pork pies, waffles, fruit smoothies, tea & coffee. THE WORKERS The Festival is organised and run by members of CAMRA who are all unpaid volunteers. We always need more help so why not give us a few hours of your time if you are a member. ENTERTAINMENT

Tuesday 23rd

The Malingerers Expected on stage 8:50 – 9:35 and 9:55 – 10:45 The Malingerers are a five piece old time band playing original songs clearly influenced from a melting pot of traditional country, blues and rock’n’roll (Hank Williams, Merle Travis, Leadbelly, Woodie Guthrie etc.) but as you’d expect, combined with a warped sense of humour and history!

Wednesday 24th

Lime Shark Expected on stage 8:15 – 9:15 Lime Shark are a four piece rock outfit with a progressive edge, based in South Lincolnshire and consist of ex Canis Major

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Peterborough Beer Festival preview | 25

2011 information guitarist and founder member Tony Bodimead on vocals and guitar, Paul ‘Wizbat’ Watson on bass, Tim Myers on rhythm guitar and vocals and Matt Cope on drums. The band has been in existence for seven years and has supported the likes of Wishbone Ash, Waysted (Pete Way ex-UFO) and Tokyo Dragons to name but a few.

ishingly powerful union that continues to this day. The band have picked up hundreds of rave fanzine reviews and glowing local press on a regular basis, various support slots (with Midget, China Drum, My Vitriol, and bizarrely enough, ex Jimi Hendrix bassist Noel Redding). The decision in early 2007 to return to playing live and recording for the Vow has so far yielded a brand new Seven Track EP, “Cage Breaking”, released in January 2010 and a plethora of other new songs.

Touchstone Expected on stage 9:15 – 10:45

The Fleeting Minds Expected on stage 9:45 – 10:45 The Fleeting Minds are an alternative/rock / indie/post-Britpop band formed in November 2009. Based in Peterborough, they are singer/songwriter John Quinn (vocals and guitar), Paul Blant (drums and backing vocals), John Dalton (guitar) and Lou Speed (Bass). The band's biggest influences include the likes of the Beatles, the Who, Paul Weller, Oasis and Proud Mary, amongst others.

Thursday 25th

The Vow Expected on stage 7:30 – 9:00 The Vow are a three piece Alt-Rock / Powerpop band first formed in Peterborough, England in the late 90’s by vocalist and guitarist Paul Cummins and bassist Rich Mackman. The pair were introduced to Steve Farmer, who lived in the nearby town of Oundle, a phenomenal drummer whose rambunctious enthusiasm completed the line-up and cemented an aston-

Rob Cottingham and Adam J Hodgson formed this five-piece prog /rock /alternative influenced band in 2003. Paul Moorghen joined on bass in 2006, Kim Seviour joined on vocals in April 2007 and Henry Rogers joined on drums in June 2010 to complete the line-up. With two successful albums already behind them, their latest album, Wintercoast, was recorded and mixed at Outhouse during February-March 2009. Oscarwinning actor, Jeremy Irons, also features as a very special guest performing the prelude narration. The album was launched at the Rights of Spring festival in Philadelphia in May 2009 and was featured in Classic Rock magazine June 2009.

Continued Overleaf

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26 | Campaigning

Friday 26th

somewhere. All good things come to an end and this is the final tour from our friendly rodents who will disband in April 2012. Do not miss this last opportunity to see these guys perform their 100mph show in your backyard. Hamster la vista. Baby!!!

Filthy Lucre Expected on stage 7:30 – 9:00 Filthy Lucre is the most authentic sounding tribute to the music of the Sex Pistols you will ever hear (Never mind the dressing up). Formed in December 2008, the band features the talents of four experienced Peterborough musicians united in their love of seventies Punk and the Pistols, and well versed in the art of creating a blistering sounding and visually exciting live performance that has already garnered them a sizable following and mailing list. Every vocal inflection, drum fill and guitar dynamic is there, blending together the rawness of a Pistols live performance along with the sound of the original studio recordings, making Filthy Lucre a tight and ferocious live band.

Retrolux Expected on stage 8:00 – 9:00 Retrolux are a classic rock trio based in Peterborough. Their material ranges from 70’s bands such as Cream, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and the Who, through to ZZ Top and the Foo Fighters, and is played with passion, keeping the band very busy at pubs and festivals over the last seven years.

The Hamsters Expected on stage 9:15 – 10:45 From the hinterlands of the Thames River Delta come the Hamsters.

Letz Zep Expected on stage 9:15 – 10:45 Letz Zep embark on their biggest and most ambitious tour to date, their '2011 World Tour' takes in twelve countries, starting in Spain, before travelling to new territories including Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Romania and Slovenia.

Now in their twenty-fourth and final year, having performed 4,500 concerts and with a national mailing list exceeding 20,000, the Hamsters are established as the UK’s premier blues-rock attraction. The Hamsters have been voted one of the UK‘s best unsigned bands by Kerrang magazine. (They already have a record deal, but it’s a nice compliment). Even BBC’s Top Gear magazine recognises the band as the UK’s hardest working, and featured them in an article on in-car entertainment; the Hamsters being the ideal people to ask as they’re always traveling

Saturday 27th

The tour also takes in Belgium, Holland, Greece, Italy, and the UK. With dates in Australia, Poland and Scandinavia expected to be announced soon. Letz Zep are rated as the most popular and top rated, Led Zeppelin tribute act in the UK today, by the authoritative Ticketmaster organi-

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Peterborough Beer Festival preview | 27

sation and are critically acclaimed as the leading tribute to the music of Led Zeppelin and baby they ain’t foolin' . Even legendary Zep front man Robert Plant commented it was like watching himself onstage after he came to a Letz Zep concert. His comment in Q Magazine in an interview was, “I walked in, I saw me”.

Saturday Afternoon PBF Supporting Local Bands Fallen Breaks Expected on stage 15:00 – 15:45 Having spent the whole of last winter buried in Revenant Studio with producer James Pepper recording their debut album, Fallen Breaks make a welcome return to this year’s line-up. Comprised of David Smith (lead vocals/guitar), Rob Bull (bass) and John Wright (drums) this three-piece has been compared to Biffy Clyro / Foo Fighters with ELO arrangements - powerful dynamic and accomplished.

Smokescreen Expected on stage 16:05 – 16:50 Formed in the fall of 2001, Smokescreen have played more than 200 gigs all over the UK, alongside the likes of Prong, Raging Speedhorn, Stuck Mojo and Breed 77. With a full length live DVD, 3 EP's and a brand new full length album under their belt, the band are working on their 10th anniversary DVD and are set to launch a monster set at the beer festival this year as part of their summer 'Human Condition Tour' along with a whole new line of merchandise. Think Pantera mixed with Black Sabbath!

Awake Expected on stage 17:10 – 18:10 The band, then called Humanity, was formed in Cambridge in 2000. 11 years later Awake have played a series of very high profile gigs with the likes of Evergrey, Breed 77, DragonForce, Blaze Bayley, Magnum, Jeff Scott Sotto and Children of Bodom. The band has a very professional live

stage act with a huge wall of sound and energetic stage show. Midlands Rocks said, “This is an impressive master class in all things ‘melodic’, ‘symphonic’ and hard rock. A song that soars to the skies and takes us all on the ride of our lives.”

CHILDREN AT THE FESTIVAL Lunchtime or early evening is the ideal time to bring the family, as there is always an easy going, friendly atmosphere. You can bring the dog (on a lead), the picnic table, food and soft drinks but you must not bring your own alcohol. There will be a fairground at the back of the festival again this year. OTHER STALLS Our membership and information area is the place to join CAMRA and get reduced entry to the festival or just to find out about us and what we do or to ask about beer, pubs, brewing, etc. On site you will also find tombola, pub games, our lunchtime pub quiz, the CAMRA shop, a Tshirt stand, beer and brewing books, glass engraving and the RNLI will be at the front gate asking for your small change. DISABLED ACCESS The site is on one level on grass and disabled toilets are provided at the front and back of the site. Wheelchairs can be sourced but we do need advance warning. Taxis and cars carrying disabled passengers are permitted to cross theEmbankment and drop off at the festival entrance. VENUE The 34th Peterborough CAMRA Beer Festival will be held in massive marquees on the River Embankment, Bishops Road, Peterborough PE1 1EF. The site is unique in being only a few minutes walk from the city centre, bus, rail and coach stations. A taxi rank will be provided to enable you to get home without driving. Beer festivals and cars don’t mix. FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel: 01733 896555 email:

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28 | Please support our advertisers

Blue r a~ B~oEye Selection of Real Ales including Oakham Ales Sky HD Regular live music and Karaoke Bar snacks Thurs to Sat lunchtimes Home cooked Sunday Lunches Small conference room available

(Weddings,Christenings and more) FREE 46 High Street, Eye, Peterborough PE6 7UY Tel: 01733 222234

Interested in Ales and Sales? A rare opportunity has arisen to work with Beer Around ‘ere and a range of other CAMRA publications. Shilling Media Services is responsible for advertising sales within this magazine plus a growing successful portfolio of local CAMRA newsletters magazines and beer festival programmes. We are looking for a TELEPHONE SALES EXECUTIVE working from our office in Bourne,

selling the benefits of advertising to pubs, breweries and other related businesses. The fact that you’re reading this publication may indicate the required level of interest in real ale. More importantly the successful applicant will have an excellent telephone manner, a good head for figures and an ability to work to strict deadlines. Hours and salary are negotiable.

For an initial discussion please Telephone Chris Shilling on 01778 421550 no later than 31/08/11.

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Vacancy| 29

Vacancy coming up at the end of the year At the end of this year we will have a vacancy for a new Branch Secretary due to our present Secretary stepping down from that position. Harry Morten has given notice of his intention to step down as the Branch Secretary at the end of this year due to spending more time in Spain. He will officially step down at our AGM in December. We are therefore on the lookout for a new person to take on the role of Branch Secretary. It would be ideal for anyone interested in the role to become available as soon as possible to ‘shadow’ Harry for a few months and get familiar with the duties expected of them. Any budding scribes contact the Branch Chairman. A word of note: Harry will still be involved in his role as part of the organising team to the PBF. DMM

Apology to Brewers Ok, so we can’t be perfect all the time and do sometimes make the odd mistake. In the last issue of BAE we published some photos of our Mighty Micros day out. The picture with the caption under it stating Will Neaverson – Tydd Steam Brewery was in fact Nigel Wright of the Hopshackle Brewery. The picture on the opposite page did in fact show Will Neaverson with some of our party. Apologies to both brewers for the error. Editor

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30 | Please support our advertisers

The Dolphin Inn 60 East Street, Stamford, Lincs, PE9 1QD. Tel 01780 755494

4 Cask Marque accredited real ales that includes 2 regularly changing guests Food served - Monday to Saturday 12pm to 9pm. Sunday Carvery served 12pm to 5pm Early Bird menu - Monday to Thursday 5pm to 7pm. Main courses from ÂŁ4.00 Friday night Steak Night - Get a free drink with steaks or mixed grill from 5pm

Free wireless internet

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Campaigning | 31

Pedal Power on Cycle Rally


round 30 people gathered on Cathedral Square Peterborough for the annual CAMRA Cycle Rally on Saturday 2nd July. Set this year by last years winners Pamela Baines, Phil Woodhouse and Dave Leaves. The participants gradually dispersed at 5pm. Pubs on route included The Drapers Arms, Great Northern Hotel, Hand and Heart, The Crown, The Blue Bell (Werrington), The Rose and finally Charters. Most of the teams did manage to get round the whole course and finish by around 9-45pm. The scores from a total of 86 points were remarkably high with the eventual winners achieving a grand total of 78 points. Team Absinth came away with the trophy, presented by Branch Chairman David Murray. The winning team of Chez Hansel, Ross Parton and Paul Beresford also have the honour of setting the course for next years rally!

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Beer Abroad | 33

Prague Beer Festival


t was the wife’s birthday in May and so for a bit of a treat we took ourselves off to Prague for a few days, something we had wanted to do for some time. About a week before we went I had a quick look online to see what was on in Prague while we were there and lo and behold it was only the 4th annual Prague beer festival. What good fortune. Strangely though no one seemed to believe me when I said I had no idea about it before I booked the holiday. The festival ran from 12th to 28th May and was a 10 minute metro ride from the centre of Prague. Entry is free and the event is held in three large marquees (sound familiar?) and two smaller ones. Each marquee had a dozen or so beers on and its own catering to produce great Czech food that seems to go really well with beer. They use a token system and each token (Tolar) costs about £1.40 and each beer is one tolar for half a litre - that’s approx. £1.50 per pint.

accordion and a small bugle to an eight piece rock band. We got there a bit early and it was fairly quiet but after a couple of hours it was getting busy. There is actually seating for about 8,000 people. The idea is that everyone sits and the waiters and waitresses, all dressed in national costume, come to you to take your order. There are only about 70 beers available but all the ones we tried were very good. I actually finished on a half litre of Kwak, but that was two tolars. The event is on again next year, same time, same place, so if you are thinking about going to Prague next year, go between the 13th and 28th May. You won’t be disappointed. Dave Botton

Each marquee also had its own entertainment ranging from a couple of old blokes with an

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34 | Beer Abroad

Ranger Creek by Steve Saldana


am a beer hunter. Every place that I go to visit, I search for beer that I have never had before. Sometimes I find a beer or two, other times I find nothing. Little did I know that that on my last trip (back home no less) I would hit the jackpot! When people think of destinations to find (craft) beer in the USA, East and West coast breweries often come to mind. Dogfish Head, Stone, and Brooklyn breweries are well known, even over here. A place that would not come to mind would be Texas, especially not San Antonio. San Antonio would be what most people would call, Bud Light country. Now the reason for my trip was for the inaugural San Antonio beer week. There were 5 breweries listed on the program with only two of them being established (neither of which I am too keen), and 3 of which I had either never

heard of or were just recently opened. I think it would be safe to say that I did not have high hopes. And I was not wrong; at least I thought that I was not wrong. The beginning of the week was an epic failure! Events did not happen, the beer was mediocre at best, and the brewers were about as inviting as cactus toilet paper. Then it all changed. I attended a beer and food (from food trucks no less) pairing session run by a new brewery call Ranger Creek, and it was immense! I got there early and sat down at an empty table. As time passed, the other tables began to fill up, but I still sat alone. Finally, after about 20 minutes, two brothers came and sat down next to me and we started chatting. As luck would have it, they happen to be Rob and Pete Landerman, the head brewer and the assistant brewer at Ranger Creek, I was sitting at the brewers table (which may explain why nobody else would sit with me)! The conversations that we had ranged from beer, to beer, and then a little more about beer. It was amazing! For everything that I knew about beer, they knew more. I even tried to play the real ale card, but it turned out that Rob had done his internship with Brewdog and knew his fair share about real ale as well. They were great guys and made the evening memorable. Now what made the evening even better was the beer that they produced. We sampled all 5 of their (amazing) beers that they were producing at the time and it was here where I found my heaven. They make a beer called Mesquite Smoked Porter (6.4% ABV) and it is the beer of the year for me. It is dark and smoky, but not overbearing. It had just the right mouth feel to it and its finish was superb (they have just started bottling it as well…bottle conditioned!!).

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Although I had accomplished what I had wanted, I was not completely finished. As a thank you for their wonderful hospitality, I invited myself over to their brewery to have a small tasting session with some of bottles from over here. On the list was the Brewdog IPA is Dead range, Kipling by Thornbridge, Beijing Black by Potbelly Brewery, Citra by Oakham, and York Brewery’s Centurion’s Ghost. They thoroughly enjoyed the selection but picked Centurion’s Ghost, followed closely by the Beijing Black, as the best beer. For me as a beer hunter, this was mission accomplished. Not only did I attend the San Antonio Beer Week festivities, but I also found my new favorite beer and met a great brewing team! So if you find yourself within the confines of the Lone Star State and you are looking for a good drink, keep your eyes open for Ranger Creek, you surely will not be disappointed.


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36 | Pleaase support our advertisers

The Prince of Wales Feathers

THE VINE Market Deeping

Š Mick Slaughter 2009

Castor, Peterborough Tel: 01733 380222

Award winning village local in historic Castor. Close to the Nene Valley Railway & Ferry Meadows.

Under New Management

Serves 5 guest ales & real cider. Walker & dog friendly.

Free House with 4 Real Ales

Home cooked food every lunchtime and NOW available midweek evenings too!!

Enjoy the Summer in our spacious Beer Garden


Telephone: 07501 465 646 19 Church Street, Market Deeping

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Pleaase support our advertisers | 37

Established in 1796 as one of the ORIGINAL Stamford Ale Houses - Providing Accommodation.

Eight Real Ales and Seven Real Ciders Fourteen Years in the Good Beer Guide

Beer Festival 9th - 11th September Up to 25 Real Ales • 6 Real Ciders • Wide selection of Belgian Beers 29 Scotgate, Stamford

Tel: 01780 753598

The Ruddy Duck 12 St Pegas Road, Peakirk, Peterborough, PE6 7NF Tel: 01733 252426

BEER FESTIVAL Saturday 13th August • 1pm til late 10 Real Ales, Ciders & BBQ

LiveeatuMriunsgic F

& Rex, Lloyd Murray i Haylie-Ma ggets & The Nu

From P ek to Peak ing Ruddy irk, hel DUCK F l it’s a E ST !!!

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38 | Southwold visit

Annual Peterborough Solstic


contingent of Peterborough CAMRA members made their way to Southwold, the home of Adnams for their annual pilgrimage over the summer solstice. Dave Murray organised a trip around the newly refurbished brewery taking in Adnams brand new distillery. Some of the party having never been before, others amazed at the changes made to the old site. We where privileged to have Fergus Fitzgerald the head brewer as our tour guide. He gave a very interesting, succinct overview of how the brewery has evolved over the years; finally we were taken to the tasting room where we sampled various ales at different stages of use. The only complaint was that the tasting glasses where rather small!! Overall, our thanks go to Fergus and the staff for an excellent tour.

During the week, we all managed to sample a few of Adnams beers, including a new brew called ‘Ghost Ship’. This was originally brewed for Halloween, and was so successful that that the brew has continued and is definitely one to recommend. Within the area the pilgrimage was also made to a number of other small local breweries including St Peters, Green Jack and Green Dragon.

Distillery tower at Adnams

St Peters was slightly disappointing with the only ale on tap the ‘organic ale’, and although in excellent condition a bit more choice would have been nice. Advancing to the Green Jack brewery in Lowestoft prompted us with slightly more glee as the choice was overwhelming. A choice of around 9 ales including guest ales where on offer although the first beer sampled was an easy choice, it had to be ‘Lurcher’ a beer to be especially recommended to those who love dark

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stice Camping in Southwold beer. And to give the palette a zing, the next choice was the ‘Orange Wheat’ which gave a great comparison. Our final destination was the Green Dragon brewery in Bungay, a small independent brewery run from outbuildings behind the pub. The choice of beer was the Bridge Street Bitter, Chaucer Ale or Gold; we tried both the Gold and the bitter both where in great condition. Then back to Southwold for a well earned pint of Broadside and a powernap! Jackie & Kevin Fordham Also accompanying us were Charles & Hilary Wright, Dave, Maria, Ryan, Petra & Josie, Alun Williams, Phil Woodhouse & Pamela Baines And our new recruit Sharon.

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0845 838 7581

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40 | Twenty Years of Charters

Charters Reaches Twenty Year Milestone


ast your minds back twenty years ago this September. Who can recall the arrival of Leendert-R (Charters) 176ft barge arriving in Peterborough. Well it was certainly a milestone for local businessman and Oakham Ales Partner Paul Hook.

been an entry in the CAMRA Good Beer Guide every year since it opened. Charters is a much loved establishment whose reputation for serving good quality cask ales stems far and wide with visitors from near and far enjoying its uniqueness. Today the venue continues to serve at least 12 real ales at any time a number of which are award winning brews from Oakham Ales. There have been many culinary styles on the upper deck with previous offerings through the years being Tex-Mex, French cuisine and traditional English fayre, I’m sure many of you will remember the bowls of steak ‘n’ ale over chunky

Tight Squeeze: The barge going under Peterborough town bridge without an inch to spare!

Paul Hook was a mere 36 years of age when he travelled to Holland in search of his ideal vessel. The barge was sailed across the North Sea before docking in the market town of Wisbech where it was stripped out. The shell of the boat was then brought to Peterborough where it underwent extensive refurbishment and Charters was born. Some of you may recall the slight hitch that occurred when the boat attempted to reach its final resting place. Paul Hook says “getting the boat stuck under Town Bridge is a memory that will remain with me for many years”. Charters was one of the first of the ‘new wave’ real ale outlets in Peterborough and its pioneering work in supporting microbreweries helped it gain the Peterborough CAMRA Pub of the Year award back in 2002. The barge has also

Floorboards being laid for the top deck

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| 41

chips, washed down with a pint of JHB - all for the princely sum of £3.00!! Those were the days! I would say the current restaurant East with its Oriental cuisine is the best incarnation yet, with a team of Thai chefs producing some seriously authentic flavours which pair fantastically with Oakham Ales range of hoppy beers or a good glass of wine. Live music has been a big part of Charters history with live blues acts playing on Friday and Saturday nights from the late nineties. Some of those first acts to play were Kent Duchaine, Danny Bryant’s Red Eye Band, Derrin Nuendorf, Angryman and many, many more. Some of you may remember the charity raft race that was held on the River Nene every summer which always ended at Charters. It was a great sight to see the bodged and crazy rafts lashed together with string that would barely stay floating. The Charters raft was usually last across the finish line as it was made with several empty ale casks (yes - made of metal) and powered by several unfit, heavy drinking chain smokers (me amongst them).I distinctly remember one year the manager at the time jumping off and hitching a ride to the finish with the safety boat (you know who you are Alan Edwards!) To celebrate this milestone of 20 years of real ale loveliness Charters are holding two events this summer and autumn. On Saturday 20th August Charters will

Charity raft race from the 1990’s

hold a day and night of music and entertainment all in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust, there will be entertainment for the kids so bring the family along with live bands, poetry and comedy. Autumn will see an “Oktober fest” commencing 5pm on Thursday 15th September with 30+ Ales, Cider, Perry and live music on Saturday and Sunday. The staff would like to invite you all to join them in toasting this their 20th year! Daniel Speed

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Live Music Listings | 43

Rhythm and Booze Cherry Tree , Woodston - Peterborough

Sat 30th July Les Woods Band

Prince of Wales - Castor

Friday 12th - Sunday 14th August

17 Real Ales & Real Ciders Many served from the ‘Duck Beer Shed’ Open Noon to Midnight Fri and Sat Noon -10.30pm Sun Live Music on Saturday and Sunday from 3pm BBQ tent • Ice cream • Kids Bouncy Castle

For more Info call: 01733 240476 The Cherry Tree 9 - 11 Oundle Road, Peterborough PE2 9PB Tel: 01733 703495 FIVE Real Ales available including Landlord, White Dwarf plus various LocAles.


Dates for your Diary

31st July Family Fun Day 28th August Charity Music day

Tues 19th July PETERBOROUGH MORRIS DANCERS encourage you to join them in some Great British Eccentricity! Sat 23rd July Altered Ego Sat 6th August Electric Warriors Fri 19th August Children of the Revolution Sat 20th August The Elvis Experience Sat 27th August Intwined Sat 17th September Porky Pig

The Ploughman - Werrington

Sat 23rd July ROUNDHOUSE Fri 5th August ON THE CELING Fri 12th August KICKBACK Karaoke Every Sunday With Mighty Mouth Trev

Mama Liz - Stamford

Saturday 6th August Voodoo Lounge Live Presents Mark Morriss (The Bluetones) - in a special solo acoustic performance with support from: John Quinn (The Fleeting Minds) plus Richard Gombault (Midget) Friday 19th August Generation Graveyard + Verax + Filthy Angels Saturday 20th August Hip Hop vs Metal S.I.R, Half Infinity, D.M.D, Deliverance Stringfinger and Dawn Of Heartbreak Friday 23rd September The Neutronz + Poor Boy Paul + Mama Guitar

Swiss Cottage - Peterborough

Fri 5th August Slide to Open

Please send any details for September/October gigs to before 15th August.

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44 | Please support our advertisers

3 ever changing real ales Traditional home cooked food served Tues to Sat 12 till 2.30pm & 5.30 till 9pm Sunday lunch 12 till 5pm 2 courses ÂŁ11.95

Tuesday quiz night 8pm start Marquee hire now available New Lunchtime menu now available Christmas 2011 bookings now being taken Peterborough Road, Thurlby, Bourne, PE10 0EL Tel: 01778 421576

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Diary Dates | 45

Diary Dates JULY


Mon 25th - 8.30pm Committee Meeting, Letter B, Whittlesey.

Tue 2nd – Sat 6th Great British Beer Festival, Earls Court, London


Wed 10th – Sat 13th Grantham Beer Festival, Railway Club, NG31 7BA

Sun 14th - Fence building on the Embankment ready for the Peterborough CAMRA Beer Festival. Thu 18th - onwards Building the Peterborough CAMRA Beer Festival. Mon 22nd - Visit to the Social Club at the Rushden Historical Transport Society. This club was National CAMRA Club of the Year 2010 and normally has seven real ales available. The trip will also include pubs in Wellingborough where the three Good Beer Guide pubs normally have 20 real ales between them. Contact Mick Slaughter for details. NB This trip is only open to Peterborough Beer Festival volunteers.

Fri 12th – Sun 14th Duck & Drake Beer Festival, 34 Main St, Yaxley Sat 13th Ruddy Duck Beer Festival, 12 St Pegas Road, Peakirk Thu 18th – Sat 21st Ipswich Beer Festival, Ipswich Docks Tue 23rd – Sat 27th Peterborough CAMRA Beer Festival, Embankment, PE1 1EF Fri 26th – Mon 29th Mama Liz’s Beer Festival, 9a North St, Stamford

Tue 23rd to Sat 27th Peterborough CAMRA Beer Festival. Sun 28th to Tue 30th Taking the Peterborough CAMRA Beer Festival apart.

Tue 6th – Sat 10th Chappel Beer Festival, East Anglia Railway Museum, CO6 2DS


Thu 8th – Sat 10th Elgoods Brewery Beer Festival, Wisbech

Sat 3rd - Noon East Midlands Regional Meeting, Green Dragon, Lincoln Sat 17th - Trip by train to Brignorth Beer Festival and Severn Valley pubs Wed 21st - 8.30pm Committee Meeting, Coalheavers Arms, Peterborough

Selected Beer Festivals JULY

Thu 21st– Sun 24th Hand and Heart Summer Beer & Music Festival, Highbury St, PE1 3BE


Fri 16th (eve) – Sun 18th Kings Arms, Polebrook PE8 5LM 4th Annual Beer Festival Thu 22nd – Sat 24th Letchworth Garden Beer Festival, Plinston Hall, Broadway, SG6 3NX Wed 28th – Sat 1st Oct St Albans Beer Festival, Alban Arean, Civic Centre

Fri 22nd – Sat 23rd Deepings Beer Festival, Rugby Club, Deeping St James, PE6 8EP

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46 | Contact Details

Branch Committee

Beer Around ’Ere

Secretary: Harry Morten 49 St Margarets Road, Peterborough PE2 9EA 01733 764296 07900 056940 08707 620848 (fax)

Editor: Situation vacant 07900 056940

Chairman: David Murray 01733 560453 Treasurer: Paul Beecham 01733 311981 07710 008693 Vice Chair: John Hunt 07923 489917 Social Sec: John Hunt 07923 489917

Distribution: David Murray (See Chairman on the left) Advertising: Chris Shilling 01778 421550, 07736 635916 Steve Whadcock 01778 420888, 07985 240365 Magazine & Advertising Production: Dan Speed 0845 838 7581 Postal Distr: Daryl Ling 01733 235881

The next issue of BAE will be available on: 22nd September We must have your stories, news and advertisements by: 1st September Late copy cannot be guaranteed entry. Please contact Chris Shilling 01778 421550/07736 635 916 or Steve Whadcock 01778 420888 / 07985 240365 for all of your advertising needs. Steve Williams steve.williams@beeraroundere. or 0775 6066 503 is always looking for pub news.

Brewery Liaison Officers

Blue Bell: John Hunt Pubs Officer: Steve Williams 07923 489917 07756 066503 Castor Ales: Mike Lane 07850 334203 Digfield: Dave Waller Press Officer: Karl Simpson 01733 348760 07737 297072 Elgoods: John Rice 07759 342702 Young Members: Alix Botton Hopshackle: Noel Ryland 07806 625574 07944 869656 young-members@realMelbourn: Lew Clayton 01780 765063 Membership: Steve Saldana Oakham Ales: Dave Allett 07966 344417 07988 067260 Tydd Steam: John Hunt 07923 489917 Festival Org: Mike Lane Ufford Ales: Matt Mace 07850 334203 07809 629241 Trading Standards LocAle Officer: John Rice 08545 040506 07759 342702 Check out our website at: General Assistant: Jane Flew

Please send stories and other copy to Beer Around ‘Ere is published by Peterborough & District Branch of CAMRA Copyright © 2011, The Campaign for Real Ale Ltd. Views or comments expressed in this publication may not necessarily be those of the Editor or of CAMRA.

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BAE 160 Prog:Layout 1 18/07/2011 08:42 Page 48

Big kfasot 11am rB eSaat 8 t ! 95 ry

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