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Beer Around ’Ere


bae ea






Issue 164 | April - May 2012

LETTER B AWARD PRESENTATION Also inside Spring Beer Festival Guide: Your guide to local pub beer festivals

Peterborough & District Branch of CAMRA |

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Chairman’s Corner

ello again folks. This is the time of year that I dread, especially due to one major factor, which seems to be beyond our control. By the time this edition of BAE is in the pubs, us discerning drinkers will have been told of the latest price hike on our pints, due to yet another increase in tax on alcohol. With an increase of at least 10p a pint expected, unless the chancellor reverses the long term policy of increasing beer tax by two per cent above the rate of inflation, more pub closures and job losses are going to be the result. CAMRA have submitted a range of changes to help our declining pub stock and support for our small brewers. Another report from the Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR) highlights the value of a pub as a social value to its community. This is often ignored by MPs and local councillors who fail to oppose closures. The only statistics they seem to take heed of are the financial benefits. Community pubs are places where people meet neighbours and support many vital services that otherwise would not be there. This lets me bring to your attention the fact that April is designated Community Pubs Month. You can support your local community pub in many ways. CAMRA members can send for promotional packs to give to their local community pub. The monthly newspaper What’s Brewing has the details on how to get the packs. You can also go to and find out if your pub is signed up. The main thing is to get your pub to organise some events during the month to encourage customers through the door. April also heralds the local pubs beer festival season with at least one held every weekend. A lot of work goes into the organising of these and they deserve as much support as we can give them. Within our Peterborough branch of

CAMRA we also organise events and social meetings throughout the year. We have decided that non-members of CAMRA would be most welcome on these outings providing there are enough seats left. (CAMRA members would get first choice). See our diary dates or our website for details. We already have three pubs nominated for a Gold Award. In the last issue I made an appeal for volunteers to commit their time in helping us at this years PBF. That appeal continues. Due to some major changes to the staffing of the beer festival this year, I should mention that we will only accept volunteers who have pre-registered to work on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Volunteers may sign up on Friday and Saturday by turning up at the festival but, preferably will have pre-registered. Full details will be in our mail-out to members later this year. The website to sign on will be activated by the end of March. Finally I would like to wish one of our long standing licensees good wishes for their future retirement. Ann and Jess Caprio have been the hosts of The Cherry Tree on Oundle Road, Woodston for 16 years and will be calling time on the 31st of March. During their time there they have helped to raise thousands of pounds for various charities, held numerous events to promote live music and even pantomimes. They are going to be living locally out in Crowland, so Jess will still be able to watch his beloved Posh football team. We wish them well in their retirement and hope they keep in good health for many years to come. Cheers that’s all folks. David Murray - Branch Chairman.

Peterborough Branch Website |

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CAMRA Parliamentary Reception 4 | Campaigning Update

There is a significant risk that the Government will continue to impose the beer duty escalator which means that beer duty is automatically increased by 2% above inflation. This would be an increase of 7% which will result in a price hike of about 10p on a pub pint.

Colin Valentine CAMRA Chairman, left, Emma Reynolds MP, centre, Bob Jones, CAMRA, at the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) Parliamentary Reception at the Houses of Parliament, London


n the 6th March up to 100 MP’s and Peers attended this years annual CAMRA Parliamentary Reception. The event which is held in conjunction with CAMRA was hosted by Greg Mulholland MP, chair of the influential All Party Parliamentary Save the Pub Group. This year’s event saw a rise in the number of Parliamentarians attending - up from 85 on the previous year. CAMRA representatives from the National Executive, Campaign Strategy teams and branches from across the UK were also present. As Public Affairs Officer for Peterborough I was also invited to provide a lobbying voice on the proceedings. Campaign Themes Each years reception briefing covers a small number of key objectives. This is to ensure that every CAMRA member attending can lobby individual MP’s on the main issues that are more likely to be acted upon by Parliament. It also helps to keep the agenda relevant and focused so that everyone in the room, in theory, is talking about the same things. Below is a summary of the campaigns brief for this year: Beer Tax: A Fair Deal for Pubs The Budget will be announced on March 21st.

The Chancellor already takes over £1 in tax for every pub pint. As a result, pubs are under enormous pressure and 16 are closing every single week. Pubs are battling through the economic downturn and struggling to compete with rockbottom supermarket alcohol prices and this new tax rise will widen the price gap further. We want MPs to show their support for Britain’s beer and pub sector by asking the Government to suspend the beer duty escalator to help reduce pub closures, create 5,000 additional jobs and ensure pub going remains an affordable leisure activity. (See CAMRA’s Briefing on Beer Tax 2012 for more information)


The Chancellor already takes over £1 in tax for every pub pint. As a result, pubs are under enormous pressure and 16 are closing every single week


What can MPs do? Sign Andrew Griffiths’ EDM (Early Day Motion), or write to the Chancellor if they do not sign EDMs

Pubco reform Last year the Business select committee published a hard-hitting report which identified serious failings in the business practices of big pubcos, which have been accused of deliberately misleading pub lessees, charging unjustifiably high rents and preventing their lessees buying beer and other products on the open market at competitive prices.


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The Government’s response to the report recognised there are “unfair practices” in the relationship between big pubcos and their lessees, but neglected to address these problems. Instead they’ve introduced a voluntary deal with the British Beer & Pub Association which will not be enough to avert the disaster facing thousands of tied pubs. On 12th January MPs held a debate in the House of Commons and unanimously passed a motion criticising the Government’s lack of action on pub companies as falling short of their own commitments, and requiring the Government to commission an independent review of self regulation in the pub sector.

damaging the viability of pubs and brewers in the economy. Of course, in most cases, once those pubs and jobs are lost they are usually gone from the industry forever. Sadly, the official line from the government, in the form of a recent statement from the Deputy PM, was that “… it was a matter for the Chancellor to reveal his plans in the Budget …” despite agreeing earlier that “…we should support community pubs which are so much part of the fabric across our communities across the country.” So we will have to wait and see on that one.

What can MPs do? Write to the new Business Minister Norman Lamb MP and ask him to commit to follow the clear will of Parliament and review self-regulation in Autumn this year. Government Pub Support Package The Prime Minister has committed to deliver a “pub friendly Government”. The Government now needs to translate this into action and follow the example set by the previous Labour Government by introducing a package of measures to support and promote well-run community pubs. This package should include: * Business rate relief for well-run community pubs * A genuine ban on below-cost supermarket alcohol sales that goes further than just Duty and VAT * Improved planning protection for pubs What can MPs do? Write to the Prime Minister and Community Pubs Minister Bob Neill MP and ask them to deliver a package of measures to support pubs. As I write the Budget is now only a few days away so the first real test of any positive news on the Beer Duty Escalator remains to be seen. Recently Greg Mulholland called for a suspension of the Escalator arguing that it is counter-productive to generating tax revenue as it is actually

Greg Mulholland MP

On the other two key issues and on the basis of progress so far it is evident it is not going to be a straightforward task to achieve the campaign objectives. However, with some effort channeled at lobbying the powers-that-be at both a national and grassroots level we can at least prove that we still have voice that can be heard. And, unless we wish to see ourselves priced out of our beloved local, or worse – our local priced out of our communities, we should all try at least to make the effort to exercise it. Karl Simpson Press & Public Affairs Officer photographs © Hazel Dunlop

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Pub News Around ‘Ere

eing an intrepid sort of chap I occasionally like to venture onto the less well trodden path. As money was a bit short this month my perambulations took me not to some far flung outpost of the Empire (is that still around?) but to the Cambridgeshire Fens in general and the village of Benwick in particular. As we drove into the village we could have been forgiven for thinking we were in the middle of nowhere and I’m convinced my Sat Nav briefly flashed up ‘Here be Dragons’ but I could’ve been mistaken. According to the nice gentlemen at the Ministry of Statistics, Graphs and Sums the population of the village is 860 which is a slight increase on the 857 it was in 1871. This would imply that over the last 140 years for every new sprog arriving in the village, someone else fell off the twig. But I digress. The Five Alls is the only pub in the village and has seen a variety of landlords come and go over the years and to be honest it’s been more or less ignored by us local CAMRA types as well. The pub is now run by Becky and Gareth who come from Essex and have been officially in charge since late last year. On our visit during a quiet evening in January, Becky and Gareth welcomed us in and offered us a choice of three ales one of which was an Oakham, another a Titanic and the third being Bombardier. The pub is free of tie and can sell whatever it likes which may make their Diamond Jubilee Weekend Beer Festival more than a run of the mill affair. The pub caters for the locals superbly with a range of activities to rival any pub. If you want to try your hand at petanque then Tuesday is the day to do it. If you like bingo it’s on a Wednesday and pool players are looked after on a Thursday, which takes care of most of the week. Friday is reserved for darts and you’ll find entertainment on the last Saturday of the month. Their kitchen is fully operational and provides food Wednesday to Friday from 5pm and at lunchtime and evening on Saturday. If you want a Sunday lunch it’s from 1pm until 4pm but you’ll probably have to book ahead. The ales tend to sell well which is also very encouraging. One of their very first priorities is to do a bit of decorating and to get the pub up to scratch. Animated discussions are

taking place as I write as to what colour the toilets should be. Anything is preferably to the bright pink they have at the moment! So, if you’re in the Fens and you think you deserve a warm welcome, a game of petanque or an evening of bingo I can certainly recommend the 5 Alls. I do however apologise in advance for the brightness of the bogs!

Whittlesey and all that It was our great pleasure to present the Pub of the Year Award to Bruce & Denise of the Letter B in Whittlesey last month, and what a good night it was too (see the proper write up somewhere else in this issue). The pub was filled with drinkers and well wishers who had travelled from far and wide to congratulate mine hosts on a job well done. Apart from the regular beers behind the bar there was a mini beer festival hosted by the Gruftons, a sociable fraternity that have made their home at the ‘B’. Add to this the hog roast and a fine spread of nibbles and it turned out to be one of the most enjoyable evenings in a while. After we’d filled up on food and drink and wished Bruce and Denise the very best it was a cycle back to Peterborough in the dead of night through the spooky backwaters of King’s Dyke brickyards and the wind swept North Bank. Good food, excellent ales and the added adventure of cycling by Braille. Great fun. Some of you may remember the Oatsheaf on the Peterborough Road in Whittlesey which has now lain derelict for some years. There were rumours that a local businessman had bought it several years ago but it came to nothing in the end. Not wishing to get anybody’s hopes up but there are now a couple of ‘Sold’ signs adorning the building. Watch this space. South of the river Stanground still has a few pubs and I’m sure we’re all familiar with the Woolpack on North St in the old village with its many fine ales and riverside

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beer garden and bijou boat marina. The more modern part of the village is catered for in varying degrees and I’d just like to give the Whittle Way a mention. The pub has changed hands a few times over the last few years but now seems to have settled down nicely. Like any good pub real ale is obviously on offer and on my recent visit a pint of Golden Hen slipped down effortlessly. Not being a great fan of Greene King I was surprised at how non 'Greene Kingy' it tasted. Will I have to reassess my views? Who knows but the Whittle Way has regularly changing ales so give it a visit when passing. You can find the pub on Central Square on the Whittlesey Rd behind Tesco Express (sort of). There is a fairly new pub to the area called the Applecart located in Cardea which is the new development south of Stanground. This is one of several Marston’s pubs being built around the country, the other nearby one being in March called the Cobblestones. The pub is primarily a food pub but it does offer the chance to try some decent Marston’s ales. The brewery are currently producing monthly beers using single varieties of hops which gives us a chance to put a tick on our score sheet should we be inclined. The beer at the moment is called Wai-Iti using New Zealand hops and next in line is Galaxy from Australia. A future brew using a French hop called Strisselspalt will soon be on offer which has got to be worth a go just so you can cover the bar man in spit!

next few months. The pub has declined in recent years and the local residents deserve a pub worthy of their custom. The new ‘concept’ will be ‘Meet and Eat’ which apparently is a new idea by Greene King although it does sound remarkably like an old idea with a new poster. We wish them luck. A local beer fest or two Peterborough Town Sports Club shows up on the horizon occasionally and not necessarily for sporty reasons. The club will be holding a beer festival on 15th and 16th June and will have a respectable range of about 15 beers on offer. Entry to the fest is free of charge but there will be a charitable donation for the use of a glass, which is only fair and reasonable. Our friends at Digfield Brewery will be assisting the club with the cooling of the beers amongst other things. Entertainment will be provided by the Electric Warriors and a band called The Guards, and of course being a sports club there’ll also be a Hockey tournament laid on with a bit Cricket thrown in for good measure. What more could you ask for? If anyone would like to sponsor one of the beers then Mick Daykin at the club would love to hear from you. Call him on 01733 262202. The club is located off Bretton Gate in Westwood. St George’s Weekend beer Festivals

South Bretton It’s good to hear that Cooper’s pub in South Bretton will be getting a huge refurbishment in the

The Coalheaver’s Arms in Park St will be holding their beer fest from Thursday 19th April to Sunday 22nd. About 50 beers on with music Saturday evening by High Rollers and Steel Union on Sunday afternoon. Don’t forget the Jamaican BBQ on Sunday either. Continued Overleaf

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Closely followed by one at the Hand & Heart from Monday 23rd to Sunday 29th April. Entitled the ‘St Georges’s Beer & Music Fest’, money raised during the festival will go towards the Help for Heroes fund. 60 ales on offer during the week and a dozen live bands. The Ruddy Duck in Peakirk will be holding a festival on Saturday 21st from 2pm. Music by the One eyed cats and the Nuggetts. Don’t forget our St George’s Sunday pub crawl. We’re off to Stilton, Ramsey, March, Whittlesey and finishing off in a pub in Werrington to compliment the ‘George & Dragon’ theme. Cost will be £8 for the day and leaves from behind the Brewery Tap at 12.00. Book your place now by calling me on 0775 6066 503 or emailing me at Remember Sunday April 22nd at 12 o’clock. Book early to avoid disappointment. All welcome, not just CAMRA members!

Packhorse in Northborough! Mr Sharp and his daughter Nichole Falconer, who is half German were enjoying a drink in the pub and were chatting, occasionally in German. It is alleged that the landlady pointed out that this was unacceptable and they should continue their conversation in English. Complaints ensued and we now have new people in charge of the pub, but not before the story made it around the world! The Star in Star Rd now has new people behind the bar. Malcolm and Jenny Stevenson have been at the pub since the beginning of February and there is a real ale on offer. Nip in and say hello.

Pubs changing hands and ‘doings up’ After a recent article in the local paper about the landlady not allowing one of the customers to speak German whilst enjoying a tipple, there appears to be a change of management at the Beautiful traditional stone built oak-beamed pub just 2 miles from Stamford

FIVE Real Ales including Summer Lightning, Draught Bass, Greene King IPA + guests from Oakham Ales and Abbeydale and a Old Rosie Cider Open Tues-Thurs 12-2.30pm and 6-11pm (Friday from 5pm) Sat/Sun OPEN ALL DAY from 12 noon Extensive menu of good value home cooked food served at lunchtimes 12-1.30pm and evenings 6.45-8.45pm – advance booking advisable! 2 course Sunday lunch – just £7.95 Ample Car parking – popular with walkers – park up, pre-order lunch or dinner and enjoy the countryside! • Covered smoking area • • Real Fires • Beer Garden • nd Rutla RA CAM Year the Pub of r up Runne 2012

Shepherd’s Walk, Belmesthorpe, Stamford, Lincs PE9 4JG Tel 01780 753081

nd Rutla RA CAM eason the S f o b u ter P r - Win Winne 11 20

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The Three Horseshoes in Werrington now has new faces behind the bar and there is a new manager at the Boathouse down Thorpe Rd who is interested in selling ‘non Greene King’ Guest ales. The Chequers in Orton Wistow now has new people Becca and Michael running it. The Golden Fleece in Stamford should now have reopened after a much needed refurbishment. Troubles troubles troubles The Roundhead pub in Bretton has been temporarily closed due to ongoing and consistent problems. The police are reviewing the situation and the pub may be closed permanently depending upon reports.

isolated in that part of town.’, (Thanks to the Evening Telegraph for this). Isolated? Really? The Brewery Tap thrives despite being in the same isolated area. Situated next to a bus station with all of the comings and goings must make it even more isolated? Perhaps if they had leased it short term to a likely landlord it might have complimented the Brewery Tap nicely and added to the pub scene in the city instead of being a derelict site.

A recent visit to March highlighted the fact that the Coachmakers Arms is closed. Hopefully this would have changed by the time you read this. The Spade and Shovel in Eye is still all closed up and is up for sale for about £160,000. Any takers? It's a fairly large pub with ample car parking and could do well in the right hands. The Black Hart at Thorney Toll between Thorney and Guyhirn is now closed and boarded up which is a bit of a shame really. This pub is on the A47 and must have a million vehicles passing it daily so why has it closed? Thorney Toll looks to be a convenient stopping off point as there is now a new look Indian restaurant on site to compliment the Chinese one over the road. The pub should make an excellent third wheel, possibly. We knew it’d happen one day didn’t we? The former 6 Bells, former Rat and Carrot and former boarded up building has now been bulldozed in anticipation of the North Westgate development. In the meantime they have left a part of the outbuilding still standing which will house a much needed ‘hand car wash’. Peter Breach who is chairman of Hawksworth, the owners of the area said the demolition work was part of the long-term North Westgate retail regeneration scheme, which they were ‘keen to move on with’. He said ‘It’s a shame having such dereliction in the centre of Peterborough and we are sorry to see the old Six Bells go but it was really

And speaking of demolition….. It was nice to see the Simmonds brothers of the threatened Ploughman take their protest to the opening ceremony of the Tesco in Paston. Tesco had gone to all the trouble of inviting the media to show how good and caring they are to the fine people of Paston by opening a new shop for them when up pops a banner with Save the Ploughman all over it. The assembled hacks and their photographers spent a great deal of time covering the protest that the opening of the new store took a bit of a back seat. A nice bit of campaigning methinks. And Finally… Thanks to John Rice for letting me know that the Red Lion in Eye is under New Management, Claire and Vickie have taken it over. Plans are for a re-launch night and a Charity Night. Oakham Inferno on tap when visited, St Austell Tribute coming soon and will be a permanent Beer and they are hoping to keep an Oakham on permanently as well. Cheers for now and keep the pub news coming Steve Williams - Pubs Officer 0775 6066 503

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More Pub News 10 | Other News

The Red Lion at West Deeping is now under the ownership of husband and wife team Gino and Vikki Gioia (pronounced ‘Joya’!) , formerly at the Beehive in Peterborough. They have pledged to maintain the good range of real ales, supplemented with a revised menu and a possible beer festival later in the year.

Five Horseshoes, Barholm Now under the control of Matt and Emma, the Five Horseshoes, Barholm (between Tallington and Greatford) is doing brisk business. They have made a number of improvements without affecting the ambience of this rural gem including an earlier opening time on weekdays (4pm) and major expansion of the car parking area. Plans for this year include expanding the beer garden into the next door paddock, a series of outdoor music events and a beer festival/hog roast. Complementing the regular Oakham JHB and Adnams Bitter on our visit were Elland 1872 Porter, Ossett Excelsior, Oakham Bishop’s Farewell and Marstons Pedigree plus Old Rosie Cider

Sundays Restaurant off Cowgate, Peterborough city centre are now stocking Oakham Ales Bishops Farewell, JHB, Citra & Samuel Smiths Organic Lager in bottles to enjoy with your meal.

‘Simmospoons’ celebrate CAMRA Community Pubs Month - Andy, Stuart and Chris Simmonds are celebrating the launch of CAMRA Community Pubs Month with a great offer for real ale drinkers. The Ploughman, Werrington will be offering its whole range of real ales at £2.00 a pint for the 2 - 6th April while its sister pub, The Dragon, will be offing its whole range of ales for £2.20 a pint from Moday 26th Friday 30th April. A great opportunity to try a new brew or two in a couple of friendly community pubs.

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CAMRA welcomes minimum alcohol pricing - In 10 years, the price of a pub pint of beer has increased by 43% - During the same period, the price of a pint of beer bought in the off trade has increased by a lowly 1% CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale, has today supported the Government’s calls to introduce a minimum price per alcohol unit in England and Wales. The consumer group has stated such measures will help close the gap between on and off trade alcohol pricing, and give pubs a chance to compete in the current climate at a time when 16 pubs close their doors forever across Britain every week. CAMRA has found that in 10 years the price of a pint of beer in the off trade has increased by only 1%, whereas in the on-trade, a pub pint has soared by 43%.

CAMRA News | 13

Mike Benner, CAMRA Chief Executive, said: ‘CAMRA is pleased that the Prime Minister is seeking to support community pubs with plans to introduce a minimum unit price for alcohol to end pubs being undercut by below cost supermarket alcohol price promotions. In the last 10 years, the cost of a pint has increased by an incredible 43% in pubs but just 1% in the off trade – contributing to a culture where people are more likely to drink at home or on the streets. ‘CAMRA would support a minimum price of between 40 and 45 pence a unit as this would prevent alcohol being sold at below cost and so help redress the growing price gap between alcohol sold in pubs and alcohol sold by the off trade. This move to end irresponsible alcohol loss leaders by the large supermarkets will encourage a cultural shift towards drinking beer sociably and responsibly in well-run community pubs.’

The Bluebell Inn 10 Woodgate, Helpston Peterborough, PE6 7ED 01733252394 Helpston. Offering a warm welcome and a typical English pub A atmosphere.

Pictures by Michael Slaughter

traditional country Inn set in the beautiful village of

We serve up to six real ales from national breweries and local microbreweries including Tydd Steam, Elgoods, Adnams, Fullers, Wells and The Grainstore Brewery. All changing weekly. Permanently available, exclusive to us John Clare Bitter 4.3% from the Grainstore. Good home

cooked food served Tuesday to Sunday. Traditional

Sunday roast served from noon and daily 2 course lunchtime specials. Small parties can be catered for Funerals, christenings, birthdays etc...

Ample customer parking. Also conveniently close to the hourly Peterborough - Stamford bus route (mon - sat)

Beer Festival at a later date

We are in it!

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THE VINE Market Deeping

29 North Street, Stanground PE2 8HR. 01733 753544 Up to 4 Real Ales available • Friendly village pub with riverside mooring • Large garden • Dogs welcome

Food served: Tues to Sun 12 - 2.30pm, Mon to Sat 6pm - 9pm

Free House with 5 Real Ales


2 Regular Ales Vine Ale, Sharps Doom Bar 3 Guest Ales Stockist of Hopshackle Beers

on selected main meals

Thurs 12 April 8.30pm - Crib Knockout Sun 15 April - 4pm - Live Music With Alex Chapman Sun 6 May - Steve Bean plays Classical Guitar Sat 12 May - Live Music With Ramshackle Serenade - 9pm Sat 19 May - Live Music With Kat Moore & Ian Graham - 9pm

Beer Garden • Large Patio Telephone: 07501 465 646 19 Church Street, Market Deeping

Matt and Emma welcome you to the

Tel: 01778 560238 Barholm, Stamford Lincs PE9 4RA A Traditional Ale House with an open fire

Six Real Ales with four on rotation 3 Ciders • 2 Lagers • Fine Wine & Spirits • large beer garden • Pool room Opening Times

open from 4pm week days

1pm saturday and 12pm sundays

Hogroast Easter Monday, April 9th

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Letter B takes the Pub of the Year Title

Campaigning | 15

impossible to support the brewers without having the pubs to retail their products. Vice-chair John Hunt then gave some of the reasons for the nomination: “The thing that makes this pub more than just bricks and mortar is Bruce and Denise,” adding “…whenever you come into this pub the atmosphere’s fantastic, the beer’s fantastic and that’s what it’s all about...they run a traditional British pub supported by great local brewers.”


he award for the recently crowned Peterborough & District Branch of CAMRA Pub of the Year took place at the Letter B Pub in Whittlesey on Saturday 18th February. The Letter B, also recently celebrating a HOP award for providing an excellent range of real ciders, was one of four finalists to make it through to the judging for the top spot. However, when all the votes were cast, the pub came out the clear winner and became the first branch Pub of the Year in five years requiring no recount. The award ceremony was presented in front of a full house of regulars and CAMRA members who were keen to congratulate landlord couple Bruce and Denise Roan and all the staff. The Letter B also received a personal note of congratulations on winning the award from local MP Steve Barclay. Speaking at the event branch chairman Dave Murray said it was pubs like the Letter B that helped to carry the tradition of real ale in the UK: “If we don’t support our pubs …. then real ale will start to decline yet again.” Describing real ale as: “…the only thriving product that is increasing sales within the drinks industry, even within the major brewers in the country,” he said it was

Former Pub of the Year 2011 winners, Andy and Stuart Simmonds from the Ploughman, were also in attendance to show their support, acknowledging the Letter B as worthy winners, The celebrations were complimented by a fine selection of beers from both the house bar and the Gruftons bar – staffed by the Letter B’s (in)famous real-ale appreciation society. And no Letter B event would be truly complete without the fantastic buffet served up for the benefit of all the appreciative drinkers. All in all a great night and a hat-tip to all at the pub for continuing to ensure a successful and thriving community local.

ARE YOU MISSING OUT? Only the beer-stained copy left?

Get Beer Around Ere delivered to your door! For a year (6 issues) send a £2.46 or £3.06 for 1st Class cheque/PO payable to “Peterborough CAMRA” and your address to:Daryl Ling, 19 Lidgate Close, Orton Longueville Peterborough PE2 7ZA

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CAMRA on the Costa 16 | Costa del Sol

David with his Cask Marque certificate


he Costa del Sol has been a favourite holiday spot for many years with guaranteed sun and cheap wine. But for real ale lovers it has always meant two weeks with no sign of anything even remotely representing good beer (apart from the occasional bottle of Belgian beer). However, at long last, that may be changing, albeit rather slowly. We called into the Lounge in Avenida Bonanza, Benalmádena recently. It has been run by David and Shirley since last September. This is a sports bar with six large TV screens – not normally my sort of place – but it is definitely a community pub with a PC with free internet access, free phone calls to UK landlines and is the home of the Malaga FC British Supporters club. There is

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also free use of Wii, Wii Fit and Wii Sports and there is even a set of golf clubs behind the bar should you fancy a round while on your hols. “What is he on about?”, I hear you shout, “Why do I want to know about a community pub in Benalmádena?”. Because on the bar, there is a handpump serving genuine proper tasty real ale. The beer is Saxon Bitter at 4.6% abv and not only does it taste good but it costs only two euros a pint – that’s about £1.80. The beer is brewed by the Saxon Brewery, a micro based in Velez Rubio, Almeria. They use malt and hops mainly sourced from the UK and Nottingham ale yeast and can produce a little over 4,000 pints a week. They also produce Saxon Temptress at 4.6% flavoured with Andalucian honey and Saxon Porter at 5.4%. Normally bars in Spain do not have cellars, so David spent around £1,000 for a temperature controlled cool-room in the back yard that can keep ten firkins of real ale at cellar temperature. The beer is then fed via a python system to a water-jacketed handpump. The beer comes out a little cool but soon warms up in the ambient temperatures. The Lounge is also the first and, so far, only pub in Spain to be Cask Marque certified. The inspections were carried out by Steve Denny, an ex-Bass brewer who has moved to Spain. Ian and Iwona at the brewery tell me that they have other bars on the Costa del Sol selling their real ale and that they intend to get more of them Cask Marque certified. If you are heading down this way then check out their website,, or email the brewers at Harry Morten

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St George’s Sunday Pub Tour

St George’s Pub Tour | 19

Sunday 22nd April from 11.45am on to the town of Ramsey where there is a choice of pubs including the excellent Jolly Sailor and the Railway which is the recipient of one of our HOP awards. Moving on to the Fenland town of March we will visit George's (formally the George Inn). This is the first part of our George and the Dragon theme! George's is becoming very popular with visitors and locals alike and a choice of ales will be on offer. Just a few minutes walk away is the equally superb Ship on Nene Parade. Here you'll find a wide choice of beers, many of them local to the area. The Rose & Crown is not too far away either which also has a wide choice of beers. The town of March also has the Hippodrome, the newest Wetherspoons pub. Our final stop will be the Dragon in Werrington which finishes off our theme nicely. The bus will be available to return you to the Brewery Tap after about an hour. You can of course stay longer and get the usual bus back to town (Citi 1 route).


o celebrate our patron saint we thought we'd find some excellent local pubs, visit them and drink some ale! A simple idea but a good one we think! Our first stop will be the ancient village of Stilton and its four pubs (don't worry, you don't have to visit them all!). After a leisurely stay of about an hour we'll carry

We meet behind the Brewery Tap in Westgate at 11.45am for a 12 o'clock departure and aim to be in Stilton for 12.20. We aim to be in the Dragon for about 5.30pm. The bus will leave at 6.30pm to take those wishing to be dropped off back at the Brewery Tap. Cost will be £8 for the day. Please book in advance to avoid disappointment and to secure your seat. You can reserve your seat by... Calling 0775 6066 503 and speaking to Steve Williams, Texting to the above number or Email Join the Peterborough CAMRA Facebook Group at /groups/293908467305854

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The Cambridge Blue (Real Ale Paradise) 85-87 Gwydir St Cambridge CB1 2LG 01223 471680

Different Re al Ales sold from 17.10. 07


We look fo rwar to this amou d to adding nt very soon !

CAMBRIDGESHIRE COUNTY PUB OF THE YEAR 2011! Cambridge and District CAMRA Pub of the Year 2011!

Grand Re-opening Beer Festival Wed 28th Mar – 1st April Come and see our newly refurbished front bar. 14 Real Ales (7 served by gravity), 12 everchanging world beers on draught including DeMoelen, Rogue, Liefmanns and many others. There is a huge range of bottled Belgian/USA and other world beers and Real cider straight from the cask Opening hours Monday - Saturday 12noon - 11pm Sunday 12noon - 10.30pm Food service Monday - Saturday 12 noon - 10pm Sunday 12noon - 9pm

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ith such events as St George’s Day, the Queens Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics there has never been a better excuse to get down your local and join in one of the hundreds of events planned over the coming months. With there never being so many micro-breweries in the UK, not only will you get the chance to sample a variety of real ales you may never have tried before - including those brewed specially for the coming occasions - you’ll be able to try your hand at traditional pub games, take part in an ‘ale-trail’ and history walks and learn how this great tasting drink is brewed. Of course there’s more to pubs than beer and skittles, with 84% of people believing that a pub is as essential to village life as a shop or post office; and the closure of a pub – especially in

als stiv2012 r FeSummer BeeSpring /

Greater Peterborough Pub Beer Festivals Listings

areas that lack other social amenities - can be devastating for the local community. A well-run pub can cater for all ages, offering a place where friendships can be formed and provides a convenient stopping point for a family enjoying a bike ride on a sunny day. To help you plan your travel to and from these events we have also included a brief guide to bus and train travel and where to find further information and timetables. If you’re watching the pennies, but still want to enjoy the finer things in life then the pub offers the ideal solution. From old favourites like steak and kidney pie to the exotic tastes of Thai cuisine, many pubs offer high quality meals – often cooked by award winning chefs . From acts including Madness and Vic Reeves, pubs have even been responsible for kick-starting the careers of some of the biggest names in music and comedy. You never know; one of the acts playing in a pub near you could be a star of the future. So whether you want a quick pint after work or a night out with your friends; look in at the local, you won’t regret it. In this section you will find listings of Pub beer festivals across the Greater Peterborough Area along with some transport information so you can leave the car at home. Enjoy!

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Diary Dates

April Tuesday 3 April – Simmondspoons Night. This is to celebrate CAMRA Community Pubs Month. Meet at the Dragon, Werrington at 7.30pm. We will also be visiting the under threat former CAMRA Pub of the Year the Ploughman. Andy and Stuart are kindly providing transport between the two pubs. Refreshments are also being provided at the Ploughman. There is no cost for this event but could you please book places through John Hunt so that we know numbers etc.

June Saturday 2 June – Norwich City of Ale Festival. There will be a rail trip to Norwich to celebrate the festival. The cost using Groupsave will be £10. 00. If you wish to book a lunchtime meal can you please contact Mick Slaughter or phone 01733 390598 or text 07766 213240. Meet at Peterborough rail Station between 09.00 and 09.10am to enable time to purchase groupsave tickets. Return to Peterborough on the 6.57pm arriving at Peterborough at 8.25pm.

Wednesday 11 April – Gold Award Presentation at The Ship in March. A bus will leave the Brewery Tap at 7pm and return at 11pm. The cost is £7. 00. Please contact John Hunt to book a place.

Saturday 16 June – Oakham Brewery Trip. As promised there will be a visit to Oakham Ales grand plant in Maxwell Road, Woodston, Peterborough. This is a 10.45 meet at the Brewery for an 11 o’ clock start. So it is a chance to view how its brewed, sample some fine ales & have chinwag with the folks from the brewery. This is free but please contact John Hunt to book a place.

Monday 16 April – Branch Committee Meeting. 8.30pm at The Burghley Club. Sunday 22 April - St.Georges Day outing. Calling in at the Stilton Cheese, the Admiral Wells, the Jolly Sailor, Ramsey, the Ship and also Georges in March. We’ll try to fit in the 5 Alls at Benwick if there’s time. To end up at the Dragon, Werrington. Cost will be about £8 for transport.

Beer Festivals

April 4 - 11 April – Pig n Falcon, St Neots - Easter Beer Festival 5 - 9 April – Charters, Peterborough - Easter Beer and Music Festival

May Saturday 5 May – Kettering and Oundle. Meet at the Bus Station at 10.00am. The last bus is back by 8.27pm. We will be using Day Rider Gold one day cards which cost £7. 20 Concession £5. 50. Group fares are also available. Please contact John Hunt to book a place.

6 - 9 April - Green Man, Stamford 17th Beer Festival

Saturday 12 May – Train Trip to Chester. Cost approx £33. 00 return on the train. Please contact Mick Slaughter for details.

19 - 22 April – Coalheavers, Woodston - Beer Festival.

Tuesday 15th May Committee meeting at Cherry Tree - 8.30pm

6 - 9 April – Rose and Crown, March - 4th Easter Beer Festival

21 April – Ruddy Duck, Peakirk - St George’s Beer Festival 9 - 23 April – Crown Inn, Uppingham - St George’s Beer Festival

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23 to 29 April – Hand & Heart St George’s Beer & Music Festival. May 2 - 9 May – Pig n Falcon, St Neots - May Beer Festival 5 - 6 May – Angel, Yarwell - Knobworth Ale, Cider and Music Festival. (see advert page 12) 4 - 7 May – Dog in a Doublet, Whittlesey - May Beer Fest and Carrotfest 2012 4 - 6 May – Rugby Club, Peterborough Beer Festival 4 May - 6 May – South Notts Real Ale Festival at Nottingham Moderns Rugby Club.

1 - 4 June – Dragon, Werrington Jubilee Beer Festival • 18 plus Real Ales 2 - 4 June – Blue Bell, Easton on the Hill Diamond Jubilee beer festival 2 - 5 June – Cock Inn, Werrington - Diamond Jubilee Beer Festival 2 - 3 June – Lord Burghley, Stamford Jubilee Music Festival • Bands and DJ’s 15 - 17 June – Welland Valley Beer Festival, run jointly between 15 pubs (see advert page 25)

4 - 7 May – Letter B, Whittlesey. Beer Festival.

1 - 4 June – 10th Bourne Beer Festival

10 May – Prince of Wales, Castor. Beer Festival.

July 29 June - 1 July– Goat, Frognall 9th Annual Beer Festival

21 - 26 May 39th Cambridge Beer Festival at Jesus Green. 24 - 26 May Lincoln Beer Festival June 1 - 5 June – Millstone Inn, Barnack - Diamond Jubilee Beer Festival

6 to 8 July - Blue Boar, Eye Summer Beer Festival

Pub Merit Awards & Gold Awards The committee feel that pubs outside of Peterborough are missing out on Gold Awards and so they have introduced a new Merit Award for pubs that are continuously outstanding. If you know of a pub in our area that deserves a Merit Award or Gold Award then please complete the following form and send it to our Secretary. Pub name:

Pub address/town/village:

Reason for award:

Your name:

Your phone number or e-mail address:

Your membership number:

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Beer Festivals section

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Beer Festivals section

Travelling around the ‘boro Greater Peterborough is well served by train and bus services between all the major villages. There are also many cycle and walking routes available for the more adventerous beer hunter or those with families looking for a full day out with some excercise thrown in. By Train Crosscountry and Greater Anglia Trains run services everyday from Peterborough to Oakham, Stamford, March and Whittlesey. The service runs regularly from Peterborough station but check thier web sites and for accurate timetables. Heritage Train services The Nene Valley Railway is a standard gauge railway which runs for seven and a half miles between Yarwell Junction and Peterborough. It’s headquarters are based at Wansford beside the A1, the old Great North Road. The NVR operates steam and diesel services between Ferry Meadows, Orton Mere, Peterborough City Centre (Nene), Wansford and Yarwell Junction. There are many lovely walking oportunities from all the stations and you are not far from a Real Ale venue from any of them! For further information and timetables please go to / Bus Services Peterborough and surrounding area is well served by a fast and efficient bus service. The Citi Buses by Stagecoach cover all of central Peterborough and suburbs. The majority of these services are every ten minutes and go until 11pm or later. Further afield the following villages are served by these bus numbers:

Wansford and Oundle - service 23 and 24 Whittlesey - service 31 and 33 March - service 33 Eye - service 36, 37 and 38 Yaxley - service 46 Bourne - service 101 / 102 Market Deeping 101 / 102 A full timetable is available online at /traffic,_travel_and_park ing /buses/timetables/ You can purchase a Dayrider ticket on the Stagecoach services which allow you to get around Peterborough as often as you like all day. You can buy them from drivers and you can share them with your family and friends when you're not using it. A standard Dayrider costs £3.50 and lets you travel between Wansford, Elton, Whittlesey, Thorney and Werrington - a bargain day out! for further info go to Cycling The Sustrans National Cycle Network passes through Peterborough and is designed to make cycling fun, safe and simple as you cover huge stretches of the UK. One third of the Network is completely free from motor traffic, using old railway paths, forest tracks, country parks and bridleways, and the rest uses quiet minor roads and traffic-calmed streets in towns and cities. so if your having a drink - get out of the car and on yer bike! Route are available through Whittlesey, March, Crowland, Eye, Northborough, Peakirk, Etton and Helpston. More information is availabe at

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Beer Festivals section

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Beer Festivals section

The Rose & Crown in March 20+ Real Ales and Real Ciders

4th Easter Beerfest Friday 6th – Monday 9th April 2012


(Sat & Sun Evenings)

Childrens bouncy castle • Charity raffle PUB OPENING HOURS

Friday, Saturday & Sunday: 12noon-midnight Monday: 12noon-11pm Pub food served 12noon-8pm 41 St Peters Road, March, PE15 9NA

Tel: 01354 652077

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Beer Festivals section

THE BLUE eBELL th Hill Easton on

Diamond Jubilee Beer Festival & Gala June 2nd-4th, 2012 Royal Beer, Cider and Perry Festival, All Weekend! Plus… Saturday 2nd June:

Monday 4th June:

“A day at the races” + “Easton’s Got Talent- A Royal Variety Performance”+ Colin Adamson Hypnosis Experience

Royal Beer, Cider & Perry Festival, and BBQ all day. “Red, White & Blues” FREE Music Event: music from local Bands (lineup to be announced)

Sunday 3rd June: Village Fete “4th Annual Village Pet Show”, THE BIG LUNCH Round the Village (and Pubs) Wheelbarrow Race! Barn Dance with The Elusive Black Dog Ceilidh Band tickets £10.00 including Hot Supper

Lighting of The Millenium Beacon and Fire work Display

For further information, please see:

The Blue Bell, 9 High Street, Easton on the Hill, PE9 3LR. Tel 01780 763003 Email:

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Beer Festivals section

The Prince of Wales Feathers

© Mick Slaughter 2009

Castor, Peterborough Tel: 01733 380222

Award winning village local in historic Castor. Close to the Nene Valley Railway & Ferry Meadows.

Serves 5 guest ales & real cider. Walker & dog friendly.

Home cooked food lunchtime & midweek evenings

6th Castor & Ailsworth Titanic Beer Festival 9th-14th May 30 plus ales (many ‘new’ beers)

Live music from Dead Rabbits (Fri) & The Nuggets (Sat) Come and sink a few pints!

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Beer Festivals section

fro m

Spring at The



Easter Beer Festival


Ju s Pe On t off ter ly t bo six he A rou m 15 gh iles Cit yc en tre

6th and 7th April

16 Real Ales plus ciders and fruit beers

in the marquee Starting Good Friday lunchtime

Music Fri night - Paul Lake, Country Knights, Sat afternoon - Pennyless Sat night - One Eyed Cats Food available throughout.

May Day Family Fun Day Jubilee Weekend Open Daily: Mon – Thurs 12-3pm and 6-11pm Fri/Sat 12-11pm Sun 12-11pm

Bank Holiday May 7th BBQ, live music, bouncy castle

Help for Heroes Monday 4th June Lots of live music, rides, bbq and bars

1 Main Road, Etton, Peterborough PE6 7DA Tel 01733 252387 Email Web

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Lincolnshire CAMRA Pub of the Year 2009 Peterborough & District CAMRA Pub of the Year 2009

NOW SERVING SIX REAL ALES plus Ciders and Perries. Over 30 Malt Whiskies

• Food served daily • 12-3pm Monday - Sunday 6-9pm Friday & Saturday • Sky HD and 3D showing Football and Rugby •

t. 01780 755141 w.

Foundry Road, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 2PP

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Rhythm and Booze

Gig Guide | 33


7 April - Glass Heart - Blue Boar, Eye 7 April - James Edmonds - Ruddy Duck, Peakirk 7 April Pennyless - Angel Inn, Yarwell 13 April Shane Poole - Blue Boar, Eye 13 April Crayfish Rocket - Charters, Peterborough 14 April From the Sticks - Charters, Peterborough 14 April Mickey Flynn - Angel Inn, Yarwell 14 April Jimmy & Pep (The High Rollers Duo) - Ruddy Duck, Peakirk

14 April Porky Pig - Prince of Wales Feathers, Castor 15 April Alex Chapman - 4pm - Woolpack, Stanground 20 April Kickback - Blue Boar, Eye 20 April The Kurmujun - Charters, Peterborough 20 April Swamptruck - Charters, Peterborough 21 April East Coast - Angel Inn, Yarwell 21 April The One Eyed Cats, The Nuggets & Haylie-Mai - Ruddy Duck, Peakirk 22 April Adrian Duffy - Charters, Peterborough 27 April Amy Woods - Blue Boar, Eye 28 April Adhock - Ruddy Duck, Peakirk 28 April Glass Heart - Prince of Wales Feathers, Castor 28 April Amplified - Woolpack, Stanground 4 May Hooker - Blue Boar, Eye 6 May Steve Bean - 3pm - Woolpack, Stanground

5 - 6 May KnobworthŠ - Angel Inn, Yarwell 9 - 14 May The Dead Rabbits, The Nuggets & From The Sticks - Prince of Wales Feathers, Castor 12 May Ramshackle Serenade - 9pm - Woolpack, Stanground 12 May The Ghost Repeaters - Angel Inn, Yarwell 12 May Disco/ Karaoke - Blue Boar, Eye 18 May RockIt - Blue Boar, Eye 19th May James Edmonds - Ruddy Duck, Peakirk 19 May Kat Moore & Ian Graham - Woolpack, Stanground 19 May Glass Heart - Angel Inn, Yarwell 26 May On The Ceiling - Blue Boar, Eye 26 May Les Woods - Prince of Wales Feathers, Castor 1 June Children of the Revolution - Ploughman, Werrington

2 June 101 Proof, - Prince of Wales Feathers, Castor 3 June Nuggets - Ploughman, Werrington 4 June Filthy Lucre - Ploughman, Werrington 9 June Overdubs - Prince of Wales Feathers, Castor 9 June The Helix - Angel Inn, Yarwell 16 June Conspiracy Club - Prince of Wales Feathers, Castor 23 June 101 PROOF - Angel Inn, Yarwell 30 June Emerald - Prince of Wales Feathers, Castor Please send any details for June / July gigs to before 15th May.

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Comedy Eveninhg 4t Friday May ians

3 Comed re and Compa 8.30 Start

cket ÂŁ10 per Ti

3 Cask Ale pumps with at least 1 LocAle and others from far and wide Food served every day • Sunday Carvery Function rooms available to hire for all occasions

Karaoke every Friday 8.00pm Quiz Night every Wednesday 8.30pm start

London Street, Whittlesey PE7 1BH Tel: 01733 351001

The Directors and Staff at Elgoods Brewery would like to thank Nick and Mandy for over 12 years of loyal and dedicated service at the Waggon and Horses at Milton where together they have built an excellent reputation for good food and high quality real ales. Nick and Mandy have now decided to call time and we all wish them a long and happy retirement.

Elgoods and Sons Ltd are looking for new tenants to take up the mantle at the Waggon and Horses and interested parties are invited to contact Robin Hotson at the brewery on 01945 583160 or email

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First ever Welsh Pub to win CAMRA’s National Pub of the Year! National Pub of the Year 2012 | 35

The Bridge End Inn, Ruabon, Wrexham, has won the coveted title, less than three years after it was re-opened by the McGivern Family. The success is all the more remarkable since the family were told that there was little demand for real ale in the area. Now home to a microbrewery, McGivern Ales, seven real ales and a selection of local ciders are available at any one time. Real Ales from over 100 Breweries have featured since opening, with the emphasis on local produce.

put the product first and offered a wide range of beer styles, he added. The other finalists were: The Engineers Arms, Henlow, Bedfordshire; Front, Custom House Quay,Falmouth, Cornwall and The Swan with Two Necks, Pendleton, Lancashire.

Licensee Peter McGivern said that the pub was a family business and a labour of love. They had strived to create a pub that was not focused on food and that they would enjoy visiting. They had

Blue B~ oEyear~ Selection of Real Ales including Oakham Ales Sky Sports • Pool Table • Darts Regular live music and Karaoke Bar snacks available Tuesday to Saturday lunchtimes Home cooked Sunday Lunches Small conference room available

(Weddings,Christenings and business facilities) FREE

46 High Street, Eye, Peterborough PE6 7UY Tel: 01733 222234

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Local Brewery Update 36 | Brewery News

Nene Valley Brewery The brewery website has been updated to show the site and address of the new brewery: Nene Valley Brewery, Oundle Wharf, Station Road, Oundle, Peterborough, PE8 4DB. The premises are empty at the moment but it is likely that the existing plant will be relocated in early spring. The specification of the new vessels has had to be changed to more realistically fit the accommodation. Delivery is not likely before July. Demand is currently outstripping supply with BSA proving the more popular of the offerings. Rupert is still looking for more pubs to supply in and around Peterborough and when I spoke to him he advised that he was delivering to the Hand and Heart shortly. Melbourn Brewery There has been no change to the brewery. At the moment tours of the brewery are restricted as there is no permanent tenant in the pub, who usually conducts tours when there is no brewing in progress. A relief has been in since early December and although the post has been open since then they have not been able to fill it. Tours will only run if there are enough people to justify the cost for someone to come down from York. Blue Bell Draught beer sales are now mainly confined to private parties with a few sales to pubs. Five accounts have been lost recently due to closures. Bottled beer sales however are doing well, especially to the Lincoln Co-Operative. The experimental bottling of Frightened Pheasant was inconclusive. Emma hopes to brew the beer in April / May and then plans to bottle it with a view to further sales with Lincoln Co-Operative. The brewery is doing OK but has experienced a slow down in recent weeks. Emma is still very enthusiastic about the brewery and is quite happy with the way things are going. There are no new beers on the horizon at the moment.

Elgoods The main item of news is the launch of the Elgoods Dog Decathlon. A range of 10 beers available on a monthly basis and starting with Kick Boxer in March. The names are all puns on dog names matched with various sporting events. Posters are up in the tied estate showing the beers. There is an incentive scheme for Landlords who sell the beers throughout the year with big discounts on the December beer. Over 50 free trade accounts have already signed up for the series. Black Eagle Imperial Russian Stout makes a return being brewed at the end of March with the slightly altered name of Double Eagle Imperial Russian Stout at 7% They are also hoping to bottle this beer. The brewery is commemorating the Diamond Jubilee by re-naming Pageant during May and June as Royal Pageant with a special pumpclip. Tydd Steam Beartown at 4.5% was brewed for the Straw Bear festival. Swedish Blonde is making a return with an amended recipe and a new pump clip. The beer will be 4.1% January’s sales were up on last year but the last couple of weeks have seen a slowdown, partly due to the weather. The only other news of note is the website is being up-dated. Hopshackle Brewery - Market Deeping A new beer available now is Hopshackle American Pale Ale 4.3% which uses Citra and Cascade hops. A well balanced amber ale with fruity flavours and aroma, a malty background with a clean bitter hoppy finish. Due to Amarillo Hops not being available Marillo 3.8% is not currently being brewed. Nigel has made a new beer called Hopshackle Simmarillo 3.8% the same recipe as Marillo but using Simcoe hops instead, very similar citrus fruity flavours to Amarillo with hint of pine. Black Mule 7% will also be available in April. It is a cross between a porter and an imperial IPA currently undergoing 6 weeks conditioning.

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9A North St, Stamford Lincs PE9 1EL 01780 765888

Food & Drink Awards, East Midlands Winners 2011 Peterborough CAMRA PUB OF THE YEAR 2010 Three ales served from the likes of Oakham, Digfield, Tydd Steam and Black Sheep Continental Lagers • American bottled beer Opening Times 12 midday to 11.30pm, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, 12 midday to 2am Friday and Saturday, closed Tuesday.

Please see website for our wide range of music entertainments for all ages and tastes

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The Jolly Sailor, 43 Great Whyte, Ramsey PE26 1HH Tel 01487 813388

Broad Street, Stamford - 01780 763426

A FREE HOUSE Open all day - every day Six Real Ales available • Large Beer Garden Food Served Monday - Friday 12 - 2pm Saturday 12 - 2.30pm

Burghley Festival of Music Jubilee weekend

Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd June Bands and DJs • Hog Roast or BBQ available on the Saturday.

Traditional Town Centre Pub with real fire

Five Real Ales and Stowford Press Cider Including Abbot, Wherry, Bombardier and two changing guest ales

Good Sized Car Park • Heated Smoking Shelter Now Serving Freshly prepared food Monday 12 to 2.30pm Tuesday to Friday 12 to 2.30pm and 6 to 9pm Saturday 12am to 9pm Sunday 12 to 4 Booking is advisable

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CAMRA launch national pubs campaign

CAMRA is to launch a new national pubs campaign, Community Pubs Month, to champion local pubs which are at the heart of countless communities across Britain. The aims are to increase footfall in pubs, to encourage more publicans to promote new or existing events to attract further trade, and to spread awareness of community pubs throughout the media. The dedicated website – – is geared up

to give pubs free publicity through listing any events licensees have planned throughout the month. Pubs signing up will be given free promotional material to help promote their events, whether it be the regular weekly pub quiz or a big one-off charity bash to get the community together. Kicking off proceedings on Monday April 2nd with Community Pubs Day, CAMRA branches across Britain will be organising a wide range of events to promote their local pubs during the Month. Tony Jerome, CAMRA Head of Marketing, said: ‘We realise it’s a tough time out there for pubs at the moment – as CAMRA’s new pub closure figures highlighted last week – and this is why CAMRA has put a large amount of campaigning funds into this initiative to help pubs market themselves during April.’

Real traditional ale house in the heart of the city

5 Regularly Rotating Ales Opening Times :- 11am -11pm Monday to Thursday, 11am -1am Friday to Saturday, 12 - 11pm Sunday,

Live Music Fridays and Saturdays ring or check facebook for details! North Street, behind Westgate House, Peterborough Tel: 01733 746370


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Competition | 41

Bruce Roan, landlord of the Letter B in Whittlesey has set the readers of Beer Around ‘Ere an hisotrical pub question with a prize of a gallon of real ale for the winner.

Bruce also has this message - ‘When this photo was first shown in the Letter B their were two CAMRA books from the seventies and eighties here.. Could the person who borrowed them, please return them!’

The prize will go to the person who can name the most landlords and their respective pubs in the below picture.

Please send your answers on a postcard / letter to: Bruce Roan, Letter B, 53 - 57 Church Street, Whittlesey, Peterborough PE7 1DE by the 10th May 2012.

The original photograph below was supplied by Lisa Whitwell whose father, Dick Franklin is in the picture.

The winner will be announced in the next issue of Beer Around ‘Ere. Good Luck!

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Exotic Thai Food & Handcrafted Beers

17/34 Pint Polypins of ale available for all your personal or business events

Europe’s Largest Brew Pub 80 Westgate, Peterborough PE1 2AA

Tel: 01733 358500 Web:

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Peterborough CAMRA Cricket


he team have 41 fixtures for the 2012 season, including ten midweek games in the newly formed Vitas Premier League T20 along with Bourne, Ketton, Castor & Ailsworth, Burghley Park and Barnack. New weekend opposition for the season include Pytchley in Northamptonshire and Leverington in Norfolk. Thanks to Orton Park Cricket Club, we will be playing more “home” fixtures with six mid-week and four weekend games at their Orton ground. We are always looking for new players, so if you want a game please contact me on 07809629241 or email

Upcoming fixtures: Date Team April Sun 15 Orton Park Sun 22 Old Eastonians Thur 26 Wansford Sun 29 Pytchley May Sun Sun Thur Sun Thur Sun Thur

6 13 17 20 24 27 31

Islip Clipston Ketton CC* Ashton Wold Barnack* Leverington Burghley Park

June Sun Tue Thur Sun Thur Sun Thur Sun Thur

3 5 7 10 14 17 21 24 28

Upwood Castor & Alisworth Bourne CC* Welney Croft Barnack Rushden Wanderers Burghley Park* Wakerley & Barrowden Castor & Alisworth

* Denotes home fixture

Tour: Due to pitch and date availability the planned tour to Prague has been cancelled and a new one arranged for Oxford in July. Many thanks go to our Skipper Nick Bradbury and Oxford “Match Fixer” Helen Dugdale who, in a couple of days, managed to arrange three games: University Press at Jesus College Oxford Bodleian Library at Brookes University Harwell International Cricket Club at Harwell The fifteen tourists have been picked and are looking forward to a long weekend of sampling beer and playing cricket. Matt Mace Club Secretary

Falmouth Beer Fest Best Bitter Category 2011


Melton Mowbray Beer of the festival 2011



ble vaila nly a ow o

in Br

n ighto

Hand made in Castor Mob: 07828 048 664

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C o













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of Two Halves

A Campaign



Join CAMRA Today Complete the Direct Debit form below and you will receive 15 months membership for the price of 12 and a fantastic discount on your membership subscription. Alternatively you can send a cheque payable to CAMRA Ltd with your completed form, visit or call 01727 867201. All forms should be addressed to Membership Department, CAMRA, 230 Hatfield Road, St Albans, AL1 4LW. Your Details Title

Single Membership


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(UK & EU)

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

Joint Membership


(Partner at the same address) For Young Member and concessionary rates please visit or call 01727 867201. Postcode

Email address

I wish to join the Campaign for Real Ale, and agree to abide by the Memorandum and Articles of Association

Tel No(s)

I enclose a cheque for Signed

Partner’s Details (if Joint Membership)


Applications will be processed within 21 days



Forename(s) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)


Campaigning for Pub Goers & Beer Drinkers

Enjoying Real Ale & Pubs

Join CAMRA today – Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay by Direct Debit Please fill in the whole form using a ball point pen and send to: Campaign for Real Ale Ltd. 230 Hatfield Road, St.Albans, Herts AL1 4LW Name and full postal address of your Bank or Building Society Service User Number To the Manager

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The Direct Debit Guarantee This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay by Direct Debits. If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit The Campaign for Real Ale Ltd will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request The Campaign for Real Ale Ltd to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit by The Campaign for Real Ale Ltd or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society - If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when The Campaign For Real Ale Ltd asks you to You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society.Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.

BAE 164 Prog_Layout 1 26/03/2012 09:51 Page 46 46 | Contact Details

Branch Committee

Beer Around ’Ere

Secretary: Dickie Bird 4 Cissbury Ring,Werrington Peterborough, PE4 6QH 01733 574226 (tel & fax) 07731 993896

Editor: Jane Flew Distribution: David Murray (See Chairman on the left) Advertising: Jane Michelson

Chairman: David Murray 01733 560453

01778 420888 Mobile: 07732 393621

Treasurer: Paul Beecham 01733 311981 07710 008693 0870 7620848 (fax)

Magazine & Advertising Production: Dan Speed 0845 838 7581

Vice Chair: John Hunt 07923 489917 Social Sec: John Hunt 07923 489917 Pubs Officer: Steve Williams 07756 066503 Press Officer: Karl Simpson 07737 297072 Young Members: Katie Barrett 07581 270590 Membership: Steve Saldana 07988 067260 Festival Org: Mike Lane 07850 334203 LocAle Officer: John Rice 07759 342702 Webmaster: Harry Morten

Postal Distr: Daryl Ling 01733 235881 Brewery Liaison Officers Blue Bell: John Hunt 07923 489917 Castor Ales: Mike Lane 07850 334203 Digfield: Dave Waller 01733 348760 Elgoods: John Hunt 07923 489917 Hopshackle: Noel Ryland 07944 869656 Melbourn: Lew Clayton 01780 765063 Nene Valley: Bob Melville 07941 246693 Oakham Ales: Dave Allett 07966 344417 Tydd Steam: John Hunt 07923 489917 Ufford Ales: Matt Mace 07809 629241 Trading Standards 08545 040506 Check out our websites at:

The next issue of BAE will be available on: 1st June We must have your stories, news and advertisements by: 4th May Late copy cannot be guaranteed entry. Please contact Chris Shilling 01778 421550 Mobile: 07736 635 916 or Jane Michelson 01778 420888 Mobile: 07732 393621 for all of your advertising needs. Steve Williams steve.williams@beeraroundere. or 0775 6066 503 is always looking for pub news. Please send stories and other copy to Beer Around ‘Ere is published by Peterborough & District Branch of CAMRA Copyright © 2012, The Campaign for Real Ale Ltd. Views or comments expressed in this publication may not necessarily be those of the Editor or of CAMRA.

Gre pe reg

BAE 164 Prog_Layout 1 26/03/2012 09:51 Page 47

Your Award Winning local with SEVEN Real Ales available from £2.00 a pint! Sky Sports Happy Hour Mon - Fri, 5-7pm

JUBILEE WEEKEND 1-4 June • BBQ & Live Music (See Rythm and Booze section)

Live Entertainment Karaoke every Sunday with Mighty Mouth Trev Join our Facebook group The Ploughman


Staniland Way, Werrington centre PE4 6NA Tel: 01733 327696

Diamond Jubilee Beer Fest

1-4 June • 18+ Beers & Ciders s from £2.20 Great real ale lity wines, per pint, qua and always regular events ome! a warm welc

BBQ AND LIVE MUSIC Friday 1st June - Karaoke Saturday 2nd June - Hooker Monday 4th June - Citizen Smith

Hodgson Centre, Hodgson Ave PE4 5EG Tel: 01733 578088

BAE 164 Prog_Layout 1 26/03/2012 09:51 Page 48

Big kfasot 11am rB eSaat 8 t ! 95 ry

ree At Least Th

, ry ve r r ca o e at f h e t m can o r f u elf yo s e ur as ev lp yo uch e H as m

Real Ales!

. 5 £ y onl

More than just a Carvery! A

great welcome awaits you at The Farmers, Yaxley. We are famous for our fresh vegetables and great carvery meats, succulent and served with all the trimmings, then finished off with a tantalising hot or cold dessert! Check out our lunch time grill menu’s and our ever changing specials boards. Put it all together with three fine cask ales and you have the perfect place to enjoy dinner with friends or a family celebration. We have a self contained function suite which is ideal for parties, weddings and all of life’s celebrations.

Open Every Day 10am - 5.30pm All Day Menu & Coffee

So if you’ve not been before give us a try and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Midday - 2:30pm Carvery & Specials Menu 5:30pm - LATE Carvery & Grill Menu Sunday Open From 12 Noon - 9pm All Day Carvery

200 Broadway, Yaxley Tel: 01733 244885 Email:

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