1 minute read
In Issue 101
ISSUE No 101 December 2011
In this issue page
A simple method for feeding bees ........3
Poverty reduction and biodiversity conservation..........................................4
Researcher nets green prize...................7
Apimondia in Argentina.........................8
Letters ...................................................9
News around the World.......................10
Trees Bees Use....................................11
Look and Learn Ahead .........................12
Notice Board .......................................12
Bookshelf ............................................14
Notice Board .......................................15
Bees for Development Trust acknowledge: Panta Rhea Foundation and the many beekeeping groups and individuals who support our work. Please encourage your friends and colleagues to help.
BfD Journal
The quarterly publication from Bees for Development and distributed to readers in over 130 countries
Editor Nicola Bradbear PhD Co-ordinator Helen Jackson BSc
Subscriptions cost £26 per year - see page 15 for ways to pay
Readers in developing countries: can apply for a sponsored subscription using the form on page 16 or through our website
Bf D Trust works to assist beekeepers in developing countries. Please become a Supporter
UK Registered Charity1078803
You are welcome to translate and/or reproduce items appearing in BfDJ as part of our Information Service. Permission is given on the understanding that BfDJ and author(s) are acknowledged, Bf D contact details are provided in full, and you send us a copy of the item or the website address where it is used.

Apis dorsata find water at the Sera May temple
Bees for Development
Post PO Box 105 Monmouth NP25 9AA, UK
Phone +44 (0)16007 13648