for beekeepers in tropical & subtropical countries FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APICULTURE IN TROPICAL CLIMATES The Government of Egypt has agreed to host this Conference, which is now scheduled for 5-10 November 1988 and will be held in the International Conference Centre, Cairo.
IBRA’s International Conferences
have a considerable impact on tropical
apiculture because they: * bring together practising beekeepers and bee scientists from throughout the developing world to share their knowledge. * provide a unique opportunity for discussion between researchers, beekeepers, extension workers and representatives from aid agencies. * alert governmental and international organisations to the importance of beekeeping in providing extra food, pollination of crops, employment and cash income. * produce Resolutions which highlight areas requiring immediate attention from Governments and aid agencies. The First Circular is now available from IBRA, and further information about the Conference will be given in the next edition of Newsletter.
NEW DIRECTOR Following Dr Margaret Adey’s resignation, IBRA will have a new Director from September. The new Director 1s Vincent Cook, currently UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food National Beekeeping
Vince Cook has experience of beekeepand ing in the tropics, particularly Asia, New has worked for many years in Zealand, where he was a
Government Apicultural Advisory Officer with 35, 000 colonies in his district, and responsibilities ranging from controlling bee diseases to conducting field experiments on beekeeping and allied subjects.
In 1980 Vince Cook returned to Britain to take up his present position as the
Government National Beekeeping Specialist, and is widely known as a most knowledgeable lecturer and demonstrator of beekeeping: he prepares UK Ministry literature and has supervised legislation regarding honeybee importation and bee disease diagnosis. Vince Cook’s most recent publication, Queen Rearing Simplified, has been widely acclaimed in beekeeping circles. IBRA looks forward to welcoming the new Director and wishes him every suc-
Antonio Vaca Patino works with his bees without wearing protective clothing—find out how on page 2
Fin this Issue Practical Beekeeping Using the smoker Ideas for better beekeeping management A low-cost frame hive from Peru News Around the World
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Hive Aid
Ailanthus—-A surplus Honey =«source
Beekeeping in the Gambia Candle Making Bookshelf VII Brazil Congress: The latest on Varroa jacobsoni Looking Ahead Have you moved?
ISSN 0256-4424
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International Bee Research Association