Bees for Development Journal Edition 10 - May 1987

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Beekeeping Course between February and April 1987 as part of this dynamic campaign for the generation of selfemployment in Grenada. The six-week course took place in the Mirabeau Agricultural Training School and several apiaries and field locations throughout the Island. Six registered students and five attendants were instructed by Ms Patricia Paul, on aspects of Small Business Management, Record Keeping, Insurance and Credit. The technical instruction was conducted by Agronomical Engineer Jorge Murillo Yepes, Field Officer of the National Development Foundation of

BELIZE The Beekeeping Section of the Ministry of Agriculture, Belmopan has prepared a

most useful 82 page publication for beekeepers in Belize: A Guide to Beekeeping. The introduction to the book describes Belize as a paradise for the honeybee, where the warm, humid climate and the many nectar sources provide an environment ideally suited to the production of large quantities of honey. Indeed, Belize honey is in great demand and about 650,000 pounds were exported in 1986 (80% of the total annual

production of Belize). The book describes all the activities necessary for successful beekeeping in Belize with Apis mellifera ligustica, (introduced to Belize from Mexico in 1957) and should help more Belizeans to take up and practise worthwhile beekeeping. The Africanized bee has not yet arrived in Belize, but this book gives information on the type of management which must be employed when it does inevitably arrive.

(Apiaries Officer, National Beekeeping Centre, Ministry of Agriculture, Belmopan, Belize, Central America.)

Jorge Murillo Yepes talking with beekeepers in Grenada information on beekeeping, answers beekeepers’ problems and promotes beekeeping courses and conferences. (Raul Mosquera, Servicie de Extension, Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros.)


The Minor Species Association of Grena-

Each year the Comité-Departamental-deCafeteros-del-Valle-del-Cauca gives

around 30 courses on beekeeping at centres of Integrated Rural Development. 300 or so potential beekeepers attend these courses and in 1986, 5862 new hives of bees were established. Details of these courses and other activities are advertised in Newspaper “Hechos also but Cafeter’, by means of a radio transmitted by la Cooperatiprogramme va de Cafeteros del Norte del Valle. This to programme is transmitted Monday and 6.30 6 to from am, gives Fridays a


da was formed in 1986 with the main aim of promoting useful animal species not commonly reared in Grenada. The Association has particularly focused attention on honeybees, which have tremendous potential in Grenada but at the moment are reared only by a handful of people in a productive and economically satisfactory manner. The beekeepers of the

Association are planning for marketing and packaging of hive products in a co-operative way. The OAS/USAID Youth Skills Training Project implemented its first Practical

Grenada and IBRA Regional Representative. On completion of the Practical Beekeeping Module the students formalized plans for marketing their hive products and for the acquisition of equipment in bulk through the Association’s Beekeeping Division. The National Development Foundation of Grenada Ltd has approved the loan applications presented by the course participants, providing the financial resources required for the importation of equipment necessary to become commercial beekeepers. (Small is Beautiful, Vol. 1, No 2.)

INDIA From the Apiculture Institute in Mahabaleshwar comes a new idea to help beekeepers. Drawn-out supers are hired to local beekeepers before the honey-

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