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In Newsletter No 9 (1986) a list of beekeeping programmes undertaken by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations) was published. Since 1986 a number of additional programmes have been initiated and details of these are given below. All of these projects were implemented during 1986/87. Projects listed in Newsletter No 9 are not shown again here although many are still in progress.
IBRA welcomes details of all beekeeping developments, however large or small. It is hoped that this information will stimulate cooperation between those involved in the planning and implementation of beekeeping programmes.
Region: AFRICA
COUNTRY: Burkina Faso
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Apiculture Development at the Farm Level TCP/BKF/5760
DURATION: 4.5 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To improve honey production at farm level.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. Local training.
COUNTRY: Burkina Faso
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Intensification of Apiculture at the Farm Level BKF/87/016
DURATION: 30 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To increase the income of 200 farmers each year from the 2nd year of life of the project, particularly the women, and to improve their level of occupation.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Advisory services. Consultancy services. External and local training. Equipment and material.
COUNTRY: Ethiopia
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Land Potential of Coffee and Oil Crops (Apiculture Component) TCP/ETH/4521
DURATION: 12 months (2 months)
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To make a preliminary assessment of the suitability of the western forest of Kaffa for the production of crops other than coffee.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. Local training. Equipment and material.
COUNTRY: Ethiopia
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Assistance in Apiculture Development TCP/ETH/6763
DURATION: 18 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To increase the production of honey in the country through the introduction of new beekeeping techniques.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. External and local training. Equipment and material.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: : Apiculture Development TCP/GAB/6752
DURATION: 1 month
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To evaluate the feasibility of an apiculture programme.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Integrated Rural Development in Fouta Djallon (Apiculture Component) GUI/86/004
DURATION: 36 months (1 month)
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To evaluate potential for apiculture development in the project area.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services.
COUNTRY: Guinea Bissau
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Apiculture Development
DURATION: 1 month
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To evaluate potential for beekeeping development in the country.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services.
COUNTRY: Madagascar
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: : Apiculture Development in Ambositra Province MAG-/608/MUL
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To increase apiculture development in the area by providing modern beekeeping equipment
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Equipment and material.
COUNTRY: Mozambique
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Apiculture Development in Manica Province TCP/MOZ/6756
DURATION: 18 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To increase production and marketing of honey and beeswax in Manica Province through modern techniques and improved beehives, using the existing resources and popularising the activity at all levels so that it can contribute to the improvement of the population's diet and raising of rural incomes and employment.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. Local training. Equipment and material.
COUNTRY: Afghanistan
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: : Apiculture Development AFG/85/028-
DURATION: 27 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To provide advisory services and technical assistance to the existing Apiculture Centre in Kabul for up- grading its staff and facilities to undertake research, training and extension.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Advisory services. External and local training. Equipment and material.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Centre of Advanced Studies for Post-Graduate Phase Ill: Agricultural Education (Apiculture Component) IND/78/020
DURATION: 7.5 years (1 month)
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To increase and strengthen facilities for post-graduate studies and research in apiculture.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. Local training. Equipment and material.
COUNTRY: Maldives
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Advisory Services and Fellowship in Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock and Forestry (Apiculture Component) RAS/79/123
DURATION: 24 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To evaluate potential for bee pollination development.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services.
COUNTRY: Vietnam
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Assistance to Apiculture Development TCPMIE/4405
DURATION: 24 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To increase honey production in the country by providing assistance to the Beekeeping Company to control parasitic mites, provide and select strains of bees, modernise laboratory and beekeeping equipment, train technicians and beekeepers.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. External and local training. Equipment and material.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Apiculture Development in the State of Bahia TCP/BRA/6653
DURATION: 12 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To stimulate the expansion of beekeeping in regions with a good potential for apiculture development, but where until today hunting has been the only method used to collect honey. To preserve stingless bees useful for pollination and to introduce new techniques of handling them. To improve the africanized bees, through the selection of queen bees, to increase productivity and reduce aggressively.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. External and local training. Equipment and material.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Development of the Bee Industry TCP- /GUY/6651
DURATION: 12 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: The objective of the project is to improve the economy of rural families through a wider. use of beekeeping as a source of family income, as well as to reach local self- sufficiency and export of honey. The specific purpose is to assist the Ministry of Agriculture to establish a pilot scale commercial honey production unit and to prepare a feasibility study for the large scale production of honey.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. Local training. Equipment and material.
COUNTRY: Algeria
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Information Services (Apiculture Component) ALG/83/002
DURATION: 12 months (2 months)
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To contribute to the establishment and consolidation of the national extension programme.
COUNTRY: Djiboutl
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Apiculture Development TCP/DJI/6651
DURATION: 1 month
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To evaluate potential for apiculture development in the country.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Apiculture Development TCP/ARQ/6651
DURATION: 24 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To contribute to the development of a modern beekeeping industry and to increase the income of farmers through the part-time activity.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. Local training. Equipment and material.
COUNTRY: Lebanon
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Programme against Varroa mite TCP/LEB/6653
DURATION: 8 months
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To assist government and beekeepers in the control of Varroa mites.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: External training. Equipment and material.
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Erzurum Rural Development Project (Apiculture Component) UTF/TUR/028
DURATION: 45 months (4 months)
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To increase the production of honey in Erzurum Province. To train local beekeepers in management and Varroa control.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. Local training. Equipment and material.
COUNTRY: Regional
PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Improvement of Technical Capabilities in Apiculture Production RAB/84/003
DURATION: 3 years
OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE: To improve apiculture production and the standard of living of the rural population by introducing modern methods of production and to establish a framework to train local technicians.
INPUTS PROVIDED BY FAO: Consultancy services. Local training.