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What's on

Please note if you are planning a beekeeping event and you want details to appear in this column it is important that you send information to the Editor of the Newsletter well in advance of the planned date.

Beekeeping Courses


Curso Latinoamericano de Control de Calidad de la Miel y Cera (Course on Control of the Quality of Honey and Wax) 13-17 June 1988.

Centro de Investigaciones Apicolas (CEDIA), de la Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero.

Dr Eduardo Mario Bianchi, Argentina.


University diploma in tropical beekeeping. A six month course, in the french language.

Directrice de la Station Biolo- Gique des Eyzies, Université Paris VI, France.


International Beekeeping Course.

11-17 September 1988.

University of Science and Technology, Kumasi.

Technology Consultancy Centre, University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.


International course on beekeeping and extension.

April — June 1988.

This two month course involves lectures, laboratory work and field trips. The course is designed to enable participants to make improvements in beekeeping in their home countries and to be skilled in extending knowledge to beekeepers.

The Director, Centre for International Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Israel.


Diploma in apiculture. An international diploma course taught within the Bee Research Unit at the Department of Zoology, University College, Cardiff. This annual course runs from October until July and is intended for those who already have science degrees or appropriate posts in government research or the agricultural industry.

Bee Research Unit, Department of Zoology, University College, Cardiff, Wales.



I curso de Potinizacion (Pollination Course No 1).

29 September-9 October 1988.

The course is aimed at agriculturalists and extension workers and will provide special emphasis on apicultural products from Uruguay and Latin-American countries.

Sociedad Apicola Uruguaya, Uruguay, Montevideo.


International Beekeeping Seminar VIII

18-29 July 1988.

The Ohio State University and the United States Department of Agriculture.

Week 1 - Basic Beekeeping, Week 2 - International Beekeeping Topics. Simultaneous translation in Spanish or French is available if requested in advance: a surcharge is required.

International Programs, Agricultural Technical Institute, Ohio.

Beekeeping Meetings


2nd Australian and International Bee Congress.

21-24 July 1988, Gold Coast, Queensland.

The Second Australian and International Bee Congress, Brisbane, Australia.

Burkina Faso

Agricultural Alternatives and Nutritional Self-Sufficiency.

2-5 January 1989, Ouagadougou.

Conference will deal with specific problems of agricultural developmental work related to theoretical and practical approaches of agro-forestry.

IFOAM Conference, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Burkina Faso.


XXXII International Beekeeping Congress, Apimondia.

22-26 October 1989, Rio de Janeiro.

Further details to be announced.


18th International Congress of Entomology.

3-9July 1988, Vancouver.

The 18th Congress Secretariat, Venue West Ltd, Vancouver.


4th International Conference on Apiculture in Tropical Climates.

6-10 November 1988, Cairo.

Further details on the back page of this Newsletter.

Pre-conference beekeeping tour of Egypt. Börje Svensson of Sweden is organising a beekeeping study tour of Egypt in the week before the 4th International Conference on Apiculture in Tropical Climates (see back page). There are spaces for English speaking participants on this tour which will commence in Cairo on 30 October.


1st National Beekeeping Meeting.

12-14 October 1988.

The meeting will discuss strategies of beekeeping development in Mozambique.

Chairman of the Steering Committee, 1st National Beekeeping Meeting, Maputo, Mozambique.


5th International Symposium on Apiculture.

22-25 September 1988.

This Symposium is intended for researchers and experts involved with apitherapy, which is the therapeutic use of bee products. The Symposium will be conducted English.

Kompas Jugoslavija, Congress Department, Yugoslavia.

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