Bees for Development Journal Edition 18 - March 1991

Page 10





Merketing Yn

Honey Marketing

by H R C Riches

Bee Books New and Old, Burrowbridge, UK (1990) 80 pp, paperback. Available from IBRA price 7.35 excluding postage

and packing.*

Det A


A concise and clear guide, carefully leading the beekeeper through the removal of honey from the hive, extracting, packing and storing honey, dealing with cappings and extracted combs, and care of colonies following honey harvest. Honey marketing is clearly intended for a beekeeper with a few frame hives and the type of extracting equipment generally available in the UK and similar countries. A useful aspect of the book is the attention given to UK and EC regulations applying to the packaging and labelling of honey for sale, and the EC directive of 1974 is reproduced in Appendix 1. This could be a useful guide for those who are lobbying their own governments to introduce legislation relating to honey.

Biology, detectio and control of Vrroa acobsoni: a parasitic mite


on honeybees by


Dietz and


R Hermann

University of Georgia, Georgia, USA (1988) 80 pp, paperback. NOW available from IBRA price 7.75 excluding postage and packing.*

A straightforward introduction to Varroa: its

The first five chapters of Professor Verma’s book provide a comprehensive guide to the region's current status of bees, particularly emphasising the importance and economic significance of pollination for mountain crop productivity. Chapter 6 describes existing apicultural practices, Chapter 7 details the various hive products, Chapter 8 summarises management practices for Apis cerana and Apis mellifera and also provides information on the biology of all Apis species occurring. Chapter 9 provides useful information on the melliferous vegetation. Professor Verma has produced a highly factual reference book in which knowledge of the region's bees and beekeeping is for the first time gathered together.

Pollinator protection by C A Johansen and D F Mayer

Beekeeping in integrated mountain development

Wicwas Press, Cheshire, USA (1990) 212 pp, paperback. Available from IBRA price 11.00 excluding postage and packing.*




Aspect Publication Ltd., Edinburgh (1991) 367 pp, hardback. (Also published by Oxford and IBH Publishing Co Pvt Ltd in India). Available from IBRA, price 25.00 excluding postage and packing.*


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People living in mountain communities in this region are facing considerable stress as their surrounding environments deteriorate and available resources diminish. Under these conditions beekeeping can provide an additional source of income which also offers ecological benefits for these mountain areas. Man already exploits honeybees in various ways throughout the region — from traditional honey hunting of Apis dorsata and Apis laboriosa to commercially organised management of introduced Apis mellifera.

biology, detection and impact on beekeeping.

A clear and easy-to-read text.

This book discusses beekeeping in the Hindu Kush — Himalayan region stretching from Pakistan east to China.

Subtitled ‘A bee and pesticide handbook’, this is a handbook in the true sense of the word, concisely providing the information quickly needed by a beekeeper or someone intending to use pesticides. It identifies pollinating insects of North America, and gives a brief introduction to their biology. The book describes how to recognise bee poisoning and differentiate it from other effects, explains the different types of pesticides and how they work, discusses the factors which contribute to bee poisoning and what to do if bees are poisoned, and gives ideas on long-term ways to prevent it. Six appendices list the data which are needed in such a handbook — for example data on the activities of specific insecticides and miticides. Careful attention to layout, and the plentiful use of relevant illustrations make this book user-friendly — an important and welcome feature for any book on this topic.

Post cards on bees The Institute of Honeybee Science, Tamagawa University has published four sets of postcards (eight postcards per set): |. Life of Apis mellifera 2. Japanese honeybees 3. Bees on postage stamps 4. Fine drawings of honeybees.

Each set is available for purchase from IBRA price 1.50 per set excluding postage and packing.*

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