Bees for Development Journal Edition 18 - March 1991

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INSIDE INFORMATION The focus of Beekeeping and Development is on beekeeping as a worthwhile and sustainable form of agriculture which does not cause harm to the environment. Beekeeping and Development provides a forum for exchange of information and contact between all of us involved with this type of beekeeping. It also gives details of recently developed techniques, other skills recorded for the first time, news, resources and events. if you have a good idea then why not share it with your beekeeping colleagues around the world? If you have a — beekeeping problem you are welcome to share that too someone somewhere may have solved it already! All facets — from tips on relating to bees and beekeeping are of interest raising trees for bees. through making hives and the management of bees, to the harvesting, sale and applied use of their products.


Friends are welcome! Contact us at the address below.

Beekeeping and Development is produced on a not-for-profit basis as part of the International Bee Research Association's information service to developing countries. At the time of going to press we have received generous support from the following sponsors: Oxfam, Traidcraft Exchange, The Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers and a number of individual donors. This support is acknowledged most gratefully. send Subscriptions, contributions, pictures, letters, enquiries them to the address below.

Production Beekeeping and Development is edited by Nicola Bradbear with assistance from Helen Jackson. Four editions are published each year. 4000 copies of each edition are printed and distributed to beekeepers, associations and projects in 174 countries worldwide. Beekeeping and Development was previously published under the title Newsletter for beekeepers in tropical and subtropical countries.

Full-page, half-page and quarter page ads are available in colour or black and white. Please write for rates. Small ads cost 65p per word, minimum 10 words, pre-paid.


The current subscription is 10 or US$20 per year including postage. New subscriptions commence on the date they are received by IBRA. See page 10 for methods of payment, and page 14 for details of BEESWAX BARTER. Back issues are available at 2 or US$4 per copy. Groups or individuals who are unable to pay may request a sponsored subscription: please write to Nicola Bradbear.




The International Bee Research Association is a scientific, charitable trust providing the world’s most comprehensive information service on all aspects of bees and beekeeping.

If you are involved with any aspect of beekeeping development then we are interested to hear of your work. Send us news of your activities and local events. We also invite you to send pictures either for our cover or to illustrate beekeeping techniques. Black and white prints reproduce most successfully. Items appearing in Beekeeping and Development may be reproduced providing that appropriate full acknowledgement is given and copies of any articles are forwarded to the Editor. We also appreciate receiving any translations of Beekeeping and Development, information leaflets and charts that you have prepared. We are regularly requested to supply information in languages other than English, and rely on the kind support of our readers around the world to help with this.

Contact Please note these changes in the ways you can contact IBRA: We now have only ONE telephone number which is 0222 372409. Our telex number has changed to 262433 quoting reference B8390 And IBRA has a Fax! Contact us on 0222 665522. Our address remains the same: INTERNATIONAL BEE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, 18 NORTH ROAD, CARDIFF CF1 3DY, UK.


Andrew’ Matheson



IBRA Director


From January 1991 the new Director of IBRA is Andrew Matheson, previously an Apicultural Consultant with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in New Zealand. He brings to IBRA experience and skills in areas directly related to the Association's work, especially in business management, staff development, all aspects of beekeeping, providing consultancy services in both tropical and temperate countries and technical writing and editing. Andrew Matheson started beekeeping while a student at the University of Waikato, where he completed BSc and MSc degrees in biological sciences. In 1978 he began a career with the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) as an apicultural adviser or consultant, and has worked at Hamilton, Nelson and Tauranga, in a wide range of activities. Andrew Matheson was responsible for managing all MAF's beekeeping services, consultancy and statutory, in a district containing 60,000 hives. His work included a role in management of MAF’s beekeeping unit, providing commercial consultancy services to the beekeeping and horticultural industries, helping to formulate government policy relating to the industry, training MAF staff, and

strategic planning with beekeeping industry organisations. World beekeeping has been a particular interest for Andrew. Overseas consultancies have taken him to Asia, the Pacific and the Caribbean, and he has studied beekeeping and attended conferences in Africa, Europe, Australia and North America. He has long been a regular contributor to beekeeping journals with over 140 publications to date. He is known for his comprehensive manual Practical beekeeping in New Zealand, and his joint authorship of the Bibliography of New Zealand apiculture 1842-1986. Andrew Matheson has been a member of IBRA since 1984, and a regional representative for all of that time. During his tenure as Director he plans to strengthen the Association's financial base in order to improve its functions, including journals, library, publications and advisory services. He also intends to develop further IBRA’s activities in beekeeping development, consultancies, organising conferences and symposia, and in many ways position IBRA as the world’s premier beekeeping information centre.

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