Bees for Development Journal Edition 26 - March 1993

Page 15




BOOKSHELF Zambian beekeeping handbook by B and R Clauss Reviewed in Beekeeping & Development 23, this book is now available to purchase from IBRA price 14.00.

Honey Bee Ahmedabad, \ndia; Indian Institute of Management. For further information and subscription details write Honey Bee, c/o Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vastrapura, 380 015, India. to:

Despite the title Honey Bee this is not a journal specifically for beekeepers. Rather it is an informal, quarterly newsletter documenting innovations by farmers and field workers. It intends to lobby to protect the intellectual property rights of grassroot innovators.

Lapiculture simplifié by J Choquet. Paris, France; La Maion Rustique pp. '



1992 eprint)


In French.

Available from IBRA price 10.50.

First published in 1978 this useful pocket guide is a basic beekeeping text relating to framehive beekeeping in France.

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Jack Choquet


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