Bees for Development Journal Edition 28 - September 1993

Page 11


BEESWAX We have pure, refined beeswax for export.

Kanjanga, Albatross Import and Export, Box 340, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. Fax: 010 263 39 64484.

Persons interested please contact: \



lama single, 28 year old agricultural engineer, graduated from Tabriz University in Iran. have since worked for three years in bee breeding. am interested in further employment in this area. |



professional beekeepers, students, and trainers from NGOs have already attended a training course. Disease diagnosis, advice on crop pollination and other aspects of management are also planned. urce.


Esmaeil Emadipour, Nol/10 Mohamadi, Saffarzadeh, Deilami Str, Sabalan Avenue, 16376, Tehran, Iran. Fax 010 98 21 672275.

CONGRATULATIONS To Brother Adam who, joined by bee experts from many countries celebrated his 95th birthday in August Brother Adam is a Benedictine monk who has been beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey for 80 years. Brother Adam has spent his life working on bee genetics: the race of honeybees found in Crete, Apis mellifera adami, is named after him.

Dr Cleo Cervancia

ZIMBABWE See the picture below. Renganaden Soobrayen, a UNV field worker from Mauritius, works with a project entitled “Strengthening of NGOs and Governmental Organisations for Community Level Activities” in Zimbabwe. Here he is showing trainees a simple top-bar hive.

Brother Adam


United Nations Volunteers (UNV) was established in 1970 as a volunteer arm of the UN. Today there are 2500 UNV specialists and fieldworkers working in 119 countries world wide. Around 78% come from developing

The Inades Foundation offers correspondence courses in agriculture, development and management. Working at home allows you to work at your own pace. Workshops are used to follow up the training given in the courses. The courses are aimed at small-scale farmers and rural extension workers. Contact: Inades-Foundation Kenya, PO Box 14022, Nairobi, Kenya.

countries. UNVs span 115 professions. Most have graduate/postgraduate qualifications and about 10 years’ work experience. The majority rve two-year assignments.

SOMETHING TO ADVERTISE Why not do it here?. Use Notice Booard to let everyone know about your journal, items for sale, job vacancies or special announcements. Very reasonable rates.

Write to Bees for Development, Troy Monmouth, NP5 4AB, UK.

BUSINESS ADVICE FOR MALAWI BEEKEEPERS Adrienne Hughes has just started a two-year spell with the GTZ-funded beekeeping project in Malawi Adrienne will be assisting the Beekeepers’ Association of


Malawi in developing training programmes in financial and Adrienite Huattes administrative management for field staff and beekeeping clubs. New training materials will be developed and tested. Adrienne will give advice in marketing and financial management, assisting field staff to make yearly forecasts of honey production, and in the marketing of honey between villages, collection points and processing centres.





Adrienne is well qualified for the job, having many years of experience training others in management and administrative skills. Adrienne, who comes from the UK, is sponsored by VSO. She will be based in Mzuzu.

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