1 minute read
Free information from Bees For Development
Bees for Development is committed to providing information to beekeepers in developing countries. Our own resources are limited, but we especially want to help those who have no other sources of assistance.
If you represent beekeeping project or group in developing country which has no access to external funding or assistance then you are welcome to request those items which would be of help to you. Write to Bees for Development.
We have small] number of information charts which we will send free of charge to beekeeping projects and groups in developing countries. The value of each chart is £5.
Information Chart 1 Beeswax
Information Chart 2 Honey
Information Chart 3 Top-bar hives
Information Chart 4 Pollination
We have small number of copies of the Proceedings of this Seminar which we will donate to projects and groups interested in the management of African bees.
The value of each copy is £20.00 (further details about this publication are given in Bookshelf page 14)