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What's on
Apimondia Meeting on Bee Biology
Further details will be given in this journal as they are announced.
10th Brazilian Congress on Apiculture
14-18 August 1994, Goias.
Resources and Environmental Monitoring
3-7 October 1994, Rio de Janeiro.
Further details from: Roberto Pereira da Cunha, INPE. Brazil .
Apimondia Meetingon Pollination
Further details will be given in this journal as they are announced.
XH International Congress on Social Insects
21-27 August 1994, Paris.
Further details from. Professor Pierre jaisson, Laboratoire d’Ethologie, Universite Paris-Nord, France.
Systems-Orientated Research in Agriculture and Rural Development
21-25 November 1994, Montpellier.
Further details from: Secretariat du symposium sur les recherches-systeme, France.
Second Asian Apicultural Association Conference
25-30 July 1994, Yogyakarta.
Further details from: Organising Committee of the Second AAA Conference, Directorate of Afforestation and Social Forestry, Ministry of Forestry, Jakarta.
Tropical Bees and the Environment
13-16 March 1995, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia.
The Conference will explore the utilisation of indigenous tropical bees and indigenous knowledge for beekeeping, and the contributions which can be made by beekeepers to the conservation of the environment.
Further details from- Secretariat, BEENET ASIA, Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia.
The XXXIV International Apicultural Congress APIMONDIA
8-14 August 1995, Lausanne.
Further details will be given in this journal as they are announced.
Global Forum '94
25 June July 1994, Manchester.
Further details from: Global Forum, Mancheste.r
IX International Congress of Acarology
17-22 July 1994, Ramada Unversity Hotel and Conference Center, Ohio.
Further details from. IX International Congress of Acarology, Acarology Laboratory, Museum of Biological Diversity, The Ohio State University.
Rural Project Planning
18 April- 27 May 1994, Canberra.
Further details from: ANUTECH Pty Ltd.
International Short Course on Land Use Management for Tropical Agriculture
2-1O June 1994.
Further details from: Director General, Attn Searle, International Consultancies, Department of Primary Industries, Queensland.
International Workshop on Beekeeping and Extension
20 April 11 May 1994, Ruppin Institute of Agriculture.
Further details from: The Director, Center for International Agricultural Development Co-operation, Ministry of Agriculture, Israel.
Agroforestry Research for Development
9-27 May 1994, Nairobi.
Further details from: Training Co-ordinator, CRAF, Nairobi.
13th International Course for Development-orientated Research in Agriculture.
10 January 28 July 1994 (in English), 28 February (5 September 1994 in French) Wageningen.
Further details from International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen, Netherlands.
Sri Lanka/UK
Rural Poverty Alleviation Management ad Design
18 April - 8 July 1994, Sri Lanka and Manchester, UK.
Further details from Institute of Development and Policy Management, University of Manchester.
Marketing of Non-Timber Tree and Forest Products
21 March - 8 aril 1994.
Bangkok. Further details: RECOFTC, Kasetsart University.
Certificate Course in Community Forestry
13 June- 14 October, 1994, Bangkok.
Bangkok. Further details: RECOFTC, Kasetsart University.
Diploma in Agriculture
1 October 1994 - 30 September 1995, University of Wales College of Cardiff.
Further details: University of Wales College of Cardiff.
Women and Agricultural Development
21 April - 30 June 1994, University pf Reading.
Further details from: Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Department, University of Reading.