Bees for Development Journal Edition 30 - March 1994

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Apimondia Meeting on Bee Biology

Second Asian Apicultural Association Conference 25-30 July 1994, Yogyakarta.

1994 Further details will be given in this journal as they are announced.


AAA Conference, Directorate of Afforestation and Social Forestry, Ministry of Forestry, Manggala Wanbakti Building 13 Floor, || Gatot Subroto Senayan, Jakarta 10270, Indonesia. Telephone 62 21 573 0182. Fax: 62 21 573 7092. Further details from: Organising Committee of the Second

10th Brazilian Congress on Apiculture 14-18 August 1994, Goias.

Caixa Postal No 1337, Goidnia-Goids, CEP 74000- 970, Brazil. Fax: 55 62 224 4745. Further details from-

MALAYSIA Tropical Bees and the Environment

Resources and Environmental Monitoring 3-7 October 1994, Rio de Janeiro. Further details from: Roberto Pereira da Cunha, INPE. PO Box 515, 1220] Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil


13-16 March 1995, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. The Conference will explore the utilisation of indigenous tropical bees and indigenous knowledge for beekeeping, and the contributions which can be made by beekeepers to the conservation of the environment.

1996 Further details will be given in this journal as they are announced.

BEENET ASIA, Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia Telephone: 60 3 948 3514 Fax: 60 3 948



XH International Congress on Social Insects 21-27 August 1994, Paris.

The XXXIV International Apicultural Congress - APIMONDIA

Further details from- Secretariat,

Apimondia Meeting on Pollination


Further details from. Professor Pierre jaisson, Laboratoire

d’Ethologie, Universite Paris-Nord, 93430, Villetaneus, France. Telephone: 33 49 403218. |

Fax: 33


49 403975.

Systems-Orientated Research in Agriculture and Rural Development 21-25 November 1994, Montpellier. Further details from: Secretariat du symposium sur les recherches-systeme, Bat, Les Moulins B-10, BP 5035, 34032 Montpellier Cedex 1, France. If you want details of your event included here send details to

Bees for Development,

8-14 August 1995, Lausanne. Further details will

be given in this

journal as they

are announced.

UK Global Forum '94 25 June - 3 July 1994, Manchester. Further details from:

Global Forum ‘94, PO Box 532, Town Hall, Manchester,

M60 2LA, UK.

USA IX International Congress of Acarology 17-22 July 1994, Ramada Unversity Hotel and Conference Center, Ohio. Further details from. IX International Congress of Acarology, Acarology

Troy, Monmouth, NP5 4AB, UK. Fax 44 (0}600 716167.

Laboratory, Museum of Biological Diversity, The Ohio State University, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212, USA Fax: 614 292 7744. |

LEARN AHEA > Further details f om: Jon Daane, international Agricultural Centre, PO Box 88, 6700 AB, Jageningen, Netherlands. Telephone: 3} 837 090 111. Fax: 31 837 018 55 2,


Rural Project Planning

$8 April-27 Mi


1994, Canberra.

Further details fi ‘am: Course Co-ordinator, ANUTECH Pty Ltd, GPO Box 4, ‘Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia. Telephone: 61 62 495671. Fax: 61 62 *

International Short Course on Land Use Management for Tropical Agriculture June 1994.

. 6172 213896.

- ISRAEL Extension International Workshop on Beekeeping and

"20 April - 11 May §994, Ruppin Institute of Agriculture. - Further details from: The Director, Center for International Agricultural Development Co-operation, Ministry of Agriculture, PO Box 7011, Tel Aviv 61070, Israel. Telephone: 972 3 697 1709. Fax: 972 3 697 1677.


‘Agroforestry Research for Development 9-27 May 1994, Nairobi. Further details from: Training Co-ordinator, (CRAF, PO Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya. Fax: 254 2521 001.




13th International Course for Development-orientated Research in Agriculture january - 28 July 1994 (in English}, 28 February [5 September 1994

10 .


French}, Wageningen.



University of Aanchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, MI3 9QS, UK.

TRAILANS Marketing of Non-Timber Tree and Forest Products 21



ipril 1994, Bangkok.

Further details f am: Dr Somsak Sukwong, Director, RECOFTC, Kasetsart University, Ba| ngkok 10900, Thailand. Telephone: 662 579 0108. Fax: 662 561 4880.

Certificate C vurse in Community Forestry

13fune-140 ctober

1994, Bangkok.

Further details fi om: Dr Somsak Sukwong, Director, RECOFTC, Kasetsart University, Ba ngkok 10900, Thailand. Telephone: 662 579 0108. Fax: 662 561 4880. OB



ju y 1994, Sri Lanka and Manchester, UK.


Further details from: Director General, Attn C Searle, International Consultancies, Department of Primary Industries, Queensland, GPO Box . 46, Brisbane, Queensland 4001, Australia, Telephone: 61 72 393302. Fax:


‘Alleviation: Project Management and Design

Further details fr om: Institute of Development Policy and Management,










Diploma in Aydiculture October 199 4 - 30 September 1995, University of Wales College of Cardiff.F th details from: Diploma in Apiculture, University of Wales College of Ca diff, PO Box 915, Cardiff CFI 3TL, UK. Telephone: 44 222 |

874147. Fax:

4 222 874305.

Women and gricultural Development 21 April - 30] ine 1994, University of Reading. Further details f om: Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Department. Iniversity of Reading, 3 Earley Gate, Whiteknights Road, Reading, KUO 2AL, UK.

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