Bees for Development Journal Edition 32 - September 1994

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Agrovoc APIMONDIA by arrangement with FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

published by

Apimondia, Rome, Italy (1992 Second Edition) 798 pages. Paperback.


All language versions except Arabic are available from: APIMONDIA, Corso Vittorio Emanuele Il,


101, 1-00186 Rome, Italy. The Arabic version is available directly from FAO, Viale delle Terme di

Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. Price USS120 for USS10 mailing

each monolingual volume plus

charges. USS580 for the complete AGROVOC thesaurus (5 version volumes) plus USS30 mailing



This is a multilingual agricultural thesaurus to assist with indexing and retrieval of agricultural information. It covers all agricultural sectors including plant and animal protection, primary agricultural products, forestry, fisheries. human nutrition, rural development and the effects of agriculture on the environment. This new edition is available in six language versions: Arabic, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Cette publication est accessible en francaise. Esta publication es disponible en espafiola.

The hot-blooded insects: strategies and mechanisms of thermoregulation by Bernd


Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (1993) 601 pages. Hardback.

Bees for Development Buy) price 90.00.

Available from


WHY BUY BOOKS FROM BEES FOR All profit Bees for Development earns from book sales is used to provide information to beekeepers in developing countries. We are a small organisation and our overheads are kept very low.

Your book orders will now be processed by Mrs Nina Gibson who is working for Bees for Development while Helen jackson takes maternity leave.



This book explodes the myth that bees (and all other insects) are cold-blooded animals which cannot regulate their body temperature. The author states “I've come to believe that certain insects are among the most highly evolved organisms on earth with respect to mastering temperature as a variable of the physical environment”.






For example, a large animal such as a human weighing 65 kg would register no measurable temperature increase on stepping from shade to sunshine for several minutes. However, when a 10 mg insect lands in the sun, it can heat up by 10°C in only 10 seconds! Therefore the thermal environment faced by insects is potentially much more severe than it is for us or any other vertebrate animal, and insects have had to evolve sophisticated ways of dealing with this.

Bernd Heinrich discusses the thermoregulation of many other insects in addition to bees It is a highly academic work (and also very expensive}, written in an articulate and readable style.

One of Bernd Heinrich's drawings which add considerably to the text of Hot-blooded insects. This one shows a carpenter bee in flight. The thorax is naked or thinly insulated, and the very large, naked head facing the airstream during forward flight

provides a large area for rapid, convective heat loss.

COMING SHORTLY... Ethiopian honeybee flora: some 500 common herbs, shrubs and trees by Reinhard Fichtl and Admasu Addi

Margraf Verlag, Weikersheim, Germany (1994) 550 pages and 600 colour photographs. Paperback. Available in October from

(see Books


Bees for Development

Buy) price 60.00


this book about 400 common herbs and shrubs and 100 common trees are described, with full colour, showing part of the rich honeybee flora of Ethiopia. Besides the descriptions of plants and their value to the bees, much emphasis is given to the cultural, traditional and medicinal value of these In

honey plants.

The book is intended for farmers and it will also provide beekeeping and extension personnel with a vital source of pictorial and factual data on nectar- and pollen-producing

plants. This is the first book describing honey plants of Africa.


Bees for Development publication

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