1 minute read

A chance to help

As mentioned in Beekeeping Development 27, The Organisation for the Conservation and Protection of Bees in Sri Lanka (TOCOPBS) is a low-input beekeeping organisation in Monaragala District. About 400 villagers in remote areas practise beekeeping with help from our project.

Due to the high price of equipment, beekeeping was being neglected in those areas. But now they have received help to overcome the problem.

Our quarterly magazine is distributed free of charge throughout Monaragala District and local donors help us with its publication. TOCOPBS is non-profit organisation and instructors, field officers and other workers are all volunteers.

Recently we obtained four acres of land from the Government to build our low-input beekeeping centre beside the Kirindy River. But we lack funds to start the Centre. We kindly request well-wishers and Non- Government Organisations to help us,’

S R Sunil, TOCOPBS Eco-Far

Do you have advice for Mr Sunil and the TOCOPBS Organisation? If so, share it with everyone by means of these pages. Send your comments to The Editor of Beekeeping Development.

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