APIMONDIA CONGRESS 1995 The APIMONDIA Congress is the premier event in the international beekeeping calendar. APIMONDIA is the International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations Every two years APLMONDIA organises a major Congress. It is the largest international event in the beekeeping calendar. It is attended by beekeepers from every part of the warid The next APIMONDIA Congress will take place in the Palais de Beaulieu, Lausanne, Switzerland between the 15 and 19 August 1995. During the Congress week, Switzerland will become the world cenre of beekeeping
journal, the mast relevant sector is the Apimondia Commission for Beekeeping in Developing Countries Indeed, the President of the Commission is Dr Nicola Bradbear, the Editor of Beekeeping & Development
At the Lausanne Congress, there will be fresh emphasis on this aspect of beekeeping, with discussions, paper presentations, poster displays and
exhibits informed and vigorous debate help to advance beekeeping in developing countries. Start planning your presentation for the Congress now. You could present a paper, or provide a display about your
beekeeping work
The theme for APIMONDIA ‘95 will be “Beekeeper meets Beekeeper” and the Swiss organisers are expecting several
For further details of the Congress and how to participate, write to
thousand Congress participants. The APIMONDIA Congress covers all aspects of apiculture. but for readers of this
\ NY
APIMONDIA, XXXIV Congress 1995, Corso Vittorio Emanuele li, 101, 1-00186 Rome, Italy.
Fax: 39 6 6852286.
A CHANCE TO HELP As mentioned in Beekeeping & Development 27, The Organisation for the Conservation and Protection of Bees in Sri Lanka {TOCOPBS) is a low-input beekeeping organisation in Monaragala District. About 400 villagers in remote areas practise beekeeping with help from our project.
Do you have advice for Mr Sunil and the TOCOPBS Organisation? If so, share it with everyone by means of these pages. Send your comments to The Editor of Beekeeping & Development.
This is our low-input beekeeping organisation's flag. The emblem on our flag is a honeycomb surrounding
a plan of Monaraaala District in
which our activities are promoted.
bee colony is shown in a
flowering garden. The grain beside the emblem stands for prosperity.
Due to the high price of equipment, beekeeping was being neglected in those areas. But now they have received help to overcome the problem.
Our quarterly magazine is distributed free of charge throughout Monaragala District and local donors help us with its publication. TOCOPBS is a non-profit organisation and instructors, field officers and other workers are all volunteers.
Recently we obtained four acres of land from the Government to build our low-input beekeeping centre beside the Kirindy River. But we lack funds to start the Centre. We kindly request well-wishers and NonGovernment Organisations to help us,’
Sunil, TOCOPBS Eco-Farm
Bees for Development publication