1 minute read

Third Asian Apicultural Association Conference

6-10 October 1996, Ho Chi Minh Museum, Ngoc ha, Hanoi, Vietnam

The Conference is being organised jointly by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of Vietnam, and the Asian Apicultural Association.


Bees and Beekeeping with Sustainable Agro-Forestry Development

Conference Subjects

These will include:

- The biology of Asian bees

- Beekeeping development programmes

- Apis mellifera beekeeping

- Beekeeping management and economics

- Bee product marketing: the Asian perspective

- Melliferous flora and bee pollination


The Conference language will be English

Submission of Abstracts

Authors of papers or posters are requested to submit abstracts by 30 June 1996 to: Asian Apicultural Association, Japan.

WATCH THIS SPACE for further information about this important Conference


The Asian Apicultural Association (AAA) assists communication and the exchange of information between bee scientists and beekeepers in Asia.

The administrative headquarters of AAA are in Japan, but communication between countries is also assisted by AAA Representatives (Chapters) throughout Asia.

You can join AAA by contacting your local representative.

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