6-10 October 1996, Ho Chi Minh Museum, Ngoc ha, Hanoi, Vietnam
The Conference is being organised jointly by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of Vietnam, and the Asian Apicultural Association
Conference Subjects These will include: HB
Beekeeping development programmes Apis mellifera beekeeping
Beekeeping management and economics Bee product marketing: the Asian perspective
Bees and Beekeeping with Sustainable Agro-Forestry
Dr Alamgir Mati, Bangladesh Apicultural Association, 30/1 Shantinagar, Dhaka 1217
Bangladesh Institute of Apiculture, 23/12 Khilji Road, Shyamoli, Mohammadpur, Dhaka 1207 BRUNEI DARRUSSALAM: Dr Kassim Hajidaud, Dept of Biology, Universiti Brunei Darrussalam, Gadong 3186 CHINA: Professor G H Yang, Institute of Apicultural Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, Xiangshan, Beijing Dr Wei-Yi Wang, Hangzhou Pollen Co Ltd, 5 Baoling Road, Shan, Hangzhou INDIA: Central Bee Research Institute, Khadi & Village Industries Commission, 1153 Ganeshkhind Road, Pune 411 016 Dr V K Mattu, Dept of Bio-Sciences, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla 171 005 Dr C C Reddy, Dept of Zoology, Bangalore University, Jnaha Bharati, Bangalore 560 056
Ms Soesilawati Hadisoesilo, Kompleks Beji Permai, Jl Raya Taman Sari Bloke 13, Taram Barym
Depok 16246 Mr Agus Sulistianto, Ministry of Forestry, Manggala Wanabakti Bldg, F13, Jl Gatot Subroto-Senayan, Jakarta, 10270
Dr Kun-Suk Woo, Institute of Korea Beekeeping Science, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Seoul National University, Suwon 440 744 Mr Ki-Tae Cho, Korean Beekeeping Association, 301 Sambo Bldg, Chonglo 6-Ga, Chonglo-Ku, Seoul, 110 126 Mr Woo-Suk Ahn, Cheju Branch, Korean Beekeeping Association, Sambo, 2-dong 1024, Cheju, 690 032 Dr M Hj Muid, Plant Protection Dept, Agricultural University of Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Mr Krishna K Shrestha, Beekeeping Training & Extension Support Project, Godawari, Kathmandu Dr Nasreen Muzaffar, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, NARC, PO NIH, Islamabad Dr Cleofas R Cervancia, Dept of Entomology, College of Agriculture, UP Los Banos, College, Laguna Mr Jassim M AI Mughrabi, PO Box 42332, Riyadh 11541, Ministry of Agriculture & Water, Training Dept, Riyadh
Dr R W K Punchihewa, Agriculture Research Station, Makandura, Gonawila (NWP)
TAIWAN (China):
Dr F K Hsieh, Taiwan Apicultural & Sericultural Experiment Station, 261 Kuan-nan, Kung-Kuan, Miaoli
Mr S Buranapawang, Bee Research Section, Thailand Dept of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangkhen, Bangkok
Dr Osman Kaftanoglu, Dept of Animal Science, Cukurova
Mr Din Quyet Tam, Director, VINAPI, Phuong mai, Dongda,
University, Adana 01330
Beekeeping & Development is the official journal of the Asian Apicultural Association
The biology of Asian bees
Melliferous flora and bee pollination
Language The Conference language will be English
Submission of Abstracts Authors of papers or posters are requested to submit abstracts by 30 June 1996 to: Asian Apicultural Association, c/o Honeybee Science Research Center, Tamagawa University, Machida-Shi, Tokyo 194, Japan. Fax: 81 427 39 8854
Contact Address Committee of the Third AAA Conference, Ms Nguyen Thu Hang, Bee Research and
Development Center, Lang ha, Dong da, Hanoi, Vietnam. Fax: 84 435 2725 or 84 844 0687
WATCH THIS SPACE for further information about this important Conference ASIAN APICULTURAL ASSOCIATION The Asian Apicultural Association (AAA) assists communication and the exchange of information between bee scientists and beekeepers in Asia. The administrative headquarters of AAA are in Japan, but communication between countries is also assisted by AAA Representatives (Chapters) throughout Asia. The AAA Membership fee is $20 per year. This includes four issues of Beekeeping & Development posted to you from Japan and AAA Newsletter supplements. If you live in one of the countries listed on the left you can join AAA by contacting your local representative. People in other countries send $20 directly to the AAA Office,
c/o Honeybee Science Research Center, Tamagawa University, Machida-Shi, Tokyo 194, Japan. Fax: 81 427 39 8854
A Bees for Development publication