XXXV International Apicultural Congress APIMONDIA 1-6 September 1997, Antwerp Further details from: APIMONDIA, General
Secretariat, Corso Vittorio Emanuele 101, 1-00186 Rome, Italy Fax: 39 6685 2286
BENIN Third West African Bee Research Seminar Scheduled for November 1995 Flavien C Soude, Secretary General, Benin Beekeepers’ Association, PO Box 1254, Cotonou, Benin For further details please contact:
CANADA Seventh International Pollination Symposium
3-4 November 1995, Elsburg Further details from: SAFBA, PO Box 41, Modderfontein 1645, South Africa
17-19 June 1996, Southampton University, Further details from: Dr Nazmul Haq, International
Centre for Under-utilised Crops, Department of Biology, University of Southampton, Bassett Crescent East, Southampton SO9 3TU, United Kingdom
USA ECHO’s Second Annual Agricultural Mission Conference 2
November 1995, N Fort Myers
Further details from: Agriculture and Agri-Food
Canada, Lethbridge Research Station, Lethbridge, Alberta, TI] 4B], Canada Fax: 403 382 3156
VIETNAM Third Asian Apicultural Association Conference
CUBA Meeting on pollination to be organised under the auspices of APIMONDIA
6-10 October 1996, Hanoi
6 Further details to be announced
Third Symposium on Apiculture 22-26 August 1996, Jena Further details from: Dr Ursula Horn, Friedrich Schiller Universitat, Am Steiger 3, D07743 Jena/Thiringen, Germany Fax: 36 41 635 382
GHANA Agri Africa 95 27 November -
December 1995, Accra
Further details from: Water Africa Ltd, 37 Upper Duke Street, Liverpool L1 9DY,
United Kingdom
INDIA Resource Inventory Techniques to Support Agroforestry Activities October 1995, Palampur Further details from: Dr Atul, Department of Agroforestry and Environment, HP Agriculture University, Palampur 176062, Kangra {HP), India
Further details from: Committee of the Third AAA Conference, Ms Nguyen Thu Hang, Bee Research and Development Centre, Lang ha, Dong da, Hanoi, Vietnam Fax: 84 435 2725
ZIMBABWE Forestry in a Changing Political Environment: Challenges for the 21st Century 12-17 May 1997, Victoria Falls Further details from: The Secretary General, The 15th
Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Forestry Commission, PO Box HG 139, Highlands, Harare, Zimbabwe
LEARN AHEAD SWAZILAND Management of Rural Development 31 October - 8 December 1995, Mananga Training of Trainers 6 November - 8 December 1995, Mananga Further details from: The Director, Mananga Management Centre, PO Box 20, Mhlume, Swaziland
Fax: 91 1894 2259
Training in Tropical Beekeeping
e Products: Properties, Applications and Apitherapy
Short courses in February, April and June 1996, Njiro Wildlife Research Centre, Tanzania Further details from: Njiro Wildlife Research Centre, PO Box 661, Arusha, Tanzania Fax: 255 57 8240 or
26-30 May 1996, Tel Aviv Further details from: Congress Secretariat, Dan Knassim Ltd, POB 1931, Ramat-Gan 52118 Israel
Fax: 972 3613 3341
ITALY XXth International Congress of Entomology 25-31 August 1996, Florence Further details from: The Organising Secretariat,
Via A la Moarmora 24, 50121, Florence, Italy Fax: 55 500 1912
KENYA Inventory of Non-Timber Forest Products 19-23 February 1996, Nairobi Further details from: Dr August B Temu, ICRAF, PO Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya
Agritech 95 28 November - 2 December 1995, Beirut Further details from: International Fairs and
Promotions, City Exhibition Centre, PO Box 55576, Beirut, Lebanon
A Bees for Development publication
from Bees for Development
UNITED KINGDOM Beekeeping in Rural Development September - October 1996, University of Wales Cardiff, United Kingdom and Niiro Wildlife Research Centre, Tanzania Further details from: Glynis Hudson, Continuing Education Facilitator, University of Wales Cardiff, 51 Park Place, Cardiff CFl 3AT, United Kingdom Fax 44 (0)1222 874953 Women and Agricultural Development |
29 April - 4 July 1996 Further details from: John Best,
AERDD, The University of Reading, Earley Gate, PO Box 238, Reading RG6 6AL, United Kingdom Fax: 44 (0)1734 261244 you want notice of your event to appear here, send details to Bees for Development, Troy, Monmouth NP5 4AB, United Kingdom Fax: 44(0) 16007 16167
PRESTIGIOUS AWARD Professor John Free was honoured in the Queen's
UNITED KINGDOM Under-utilised Crops
30 October -
SOUTH AFRICA National Beekeeping Symposium
Further details from: ECHO, AMC ‘95, 17430 Durrance Road, N Fort Myers, FL 33917, USA
24-28 June 1996, Lethbridge
Honours List with the award of CMG.
Congratulations from Bees for Development on this achievement.
RESEARCH TRAINING PROGRAMME 26 undergraduate students will be selected to participate in an intensive 10-week training course
at the Smithsonian Institution.
For those interested in a career in systematic biology and natural history research.
Write to: Smithsonian Institution, 166 NHB, Washington DC 20277-2015, USA
INFORMATION CALL AGRECOL want information on agricultural methods and techniques which maintain, restore or even increase soil fertility, which have proved practical and suitable for small-scale enterprise. Send your contributions to:
AGRECOL, c/o Oekozentrum, 4438 Langenbruk, Switzerland
TRAVEL GRANTS The International Science Foundation provides support to scientists in the former Soviet Union and Baltic States. Further information from: Tamara
K Shakarjian, Program Associate, ISF, 1054 31st Street NW, Suite 110, Washington DC 20007, USA
OBITUARIES We are sorry to pass on news of the deaths of two people who did much for tropical beekeeping
Mr Jack Tredwell was the man behind the hive invention that is well-known in Africa and across the world - the Kenya top-bar hive.
Dr Roger Darchen was involved with Volontaires du Progrés, an organisation concerned with projects in developing countries. He established the School of
Tropical Apiculture in Eyzies, France.