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Notice board
Professor John Free was honoured in the Queen's Honours List with the award of CMG. Congratulations from Bees for Development on this achievement.
26 undergraduate students will be selected to participate in an intensive 10-week training course at the Smithsonian Institution.
For those interested in career in systematic biology and natural history research. Write to: Smithsonian Institution, Washington, USA
AGRECOL want information on agricultural methods and techniques which maintain, restore or even increase soil fertility, which have proved practical and suitable for small-scale enterprise.
Send your contributions to: AGRECOL, Switzerland
The International Science Foundation provides support to scientists in the former Soviet Union and Baltic States.
Further information from: Tamara Shakarjian, Program Associate, ISF, Washington, USA
We are sorry to pass on news of the deaths of two people who did much for tropical beekeeping.
Mr Jack Tredwell was the man behind the hive invention that is well-known in Africa and across the world the Kenya top-bar hive.
Dr Roger Darchen was involved with Volontaires du Progrés, an organisation concerned with projects in developing countries. He established the School of Tropical Apiculture in Eyzies, France.