BELGIUM APIMONDIA International Apicultural Congress 1-6 September 1997, Antwerp
Further details from: APIMONDIA, General Secretariat, Corso Vittorio Emanuele I] 101, [-00186 Rome, Italy Fax: 39 6685 2286
CANADA APIMONDIA International Apicultural Congress
We regret to announce the death of Brother Adam on September at the age of 98. Known world-wide for his work in bee breeding Brother Adam lived for many years at Buckfast Abbey in Devon, United Kingdom, where he carried out his famous work. |
13-21 September 1999, Vancouver
Further details from: APIMONDIA, General Secretariat, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 101, 1-00186 Rome, Italy
Colloquium on Apidology 18-20 March 1997, Jena Further details from: Prof Dr Erwin J Hentschel, Friedrich Schiller Universitat, Am Steiger 3, D07743 Jena/Thiiringen, Germany
an Egyptian beekeeper and Diploma holder with 23 years
Fax: 36 41 635 382
Please contact:
Abdel Mannam Abd Aziz Osman, PO Box 475, Salalah 211, Sultanate of Oman
IN TANZANIA The Tanzania Tree Planting Foundation has a major objective in promoting and developing tree planting and environmental conservation.
R Bahreini, Chairman, Meda Company Ltd, PO Box 31535-791, Karadj, fran
WORKSHOP TO RUN? If you are organising a beekeepers’ meeting then write to
Bees for Development. We may be able to support your event with past editions of B&D and other material. Let us have the likely number of participants and details of the meeting at Jeast three months ahead of the date.
Short courses in November 1996, February and May 1997, Njiro Wildlife Research Centre Further details from: Njiro Wildlife Research Centre, PO Box 661, Arusha, Tanzania Fax: +255 57 8242 or
First Meeting of the indian Honeybee Research Association
9-11 January 1997, Bangalore Further details from: Dr M S Reddy, National Seminar on Apiculture & Honey Festival,
Two year training courses commencing in July Further details from: The Principal, Forestry Training Institute, Olmotonyi, PO Box 943, Arusha, Tanzania Fax: +255 57 2271 Attn FTI
Bees for Development Training in Beekeeping
00100 Rome, Italy Fax: 396 5225 5249
Magister Scientiarum en Recursos Naturales Renovables - Produccién Animal Integral (MSc in Renewable Natural Resources Integral Animal Production) Further details from: Programa de Produccién Animal UNELLEZ, Mesa de Cavacas 3323, Guanare, Edo Portuguesa, Venezuela Fax: 57 68157
For your Event or Notice to appear here, send advance details to Bees for Development, Troy, Monmouth NP5 4AB, United Kingdom Fax: +(44) 0 16007 16167
Ways to Pay BY FAX: (+44) 0 16007 16167 BY PHONE: (+44) 0 16007 13648 BY POST: Nina Gibson, Publication Sales, Bees for Development, Troy, Monmouth, NP5 4AB, United Kingdom BY E-MAIL: Credit cards Access, JCB, Mastercard or Visa accepted. We need to know your card number, expiry date on card, name on card
Cheque, Eurocheque or Bank draft in UK Bank transfer Account number: 10167967 Sort code: 20-00-85 Barclays Bank pic, PO Box 29, Monmouth, NP5 3YG, United Kingdom Post Office Giro transfer Account number: 4222067 Payments to Bees for Development please Current titles are shown in our list, Books te Buy. Your order is processed as soon as we receive it.
Bees for Development stocks all the best books on beekeeping and development, especially LU
Training in Tropical Beekeeping
on Tropical Bees and the Environment, Century Foundation, No 8, If Block KHB Building, 13th Cross, Indiranagar 2nd Stage, Bangalore 560 038, India
BEE PRODUCTS FOR EXPORT Meda Company Ltd have many bee products for export: - honey, propolis, royal jelly, pollen and venom (from honeybees and wasps)
19-21 December 1996, Bangalore
World Food Summit 13-17 November 1996, Italy Further details from: World Food Summit Secretariat, FAO Headquarters, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla,
More information from:
Further details from: APIMONDIA, General Secretariat, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 101, 1-00186 Rome, Italy
Further details from: Secretary, National Conference
Department of Industries & Commerce, No 14/3A Nrupathunga Road, Bangalore 560 002, India
Tanzania Tree Planting Foundation, Ndelekwa N Nyitti, Regional Co-ordinator, PO Box 295, Usa River, Arusha, Tanzania
SOUTH AFRICA APIMONDIA International Apicultural Congress 13-18 September 2001, Sun City
Assistant Director (Bee Research),
To date 2,000,000 trees have been planted by the Foundation.
26-30 November 1996, Rabat
Tropical Bees and the Environment
MOROCCO Forum International de Il'Apiculture (International Forum of Beekeeping)
Fax: 39 6685 2286
beekeeping experience in Egypt, Oman and Saudi Arabia. would like to find beekeeping work which will allow me to learn English for six months.
Pest Management Institute, NARC, Park Road, Islamabad 45500, Pakistan Fax: 92 051 240 909
Further details from: FORAPI,
18-20 March 1997, Islamabad Further details from: Dr Ali Asghar Hashmi, Integrated
3 rue Al Madina, Hassan, Rabat, Morocco Fax: 217 773 2125
Fax: 39 6685 2286
PAKISTAN Third International Congress of Entomological Sciences
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Authors and publishers - send your publication to us for possible review in a future edition. We want to expand our range of books and videos on sustainable beekeeping.
those published by people working in developing countries.
A Bees for Development publication