Bees for Development Journal Edition 45 - December 1997

Page 8




STARTING POINTS Who asked for the training?



First Priority - besinners (leaders of self-heln

Trainers must be confident enough to work using only locally-made equipment

groups, students, teachers, youth club members) and beekeepers (among them respected leaders, representatives of beekeeping groups). Second Priority - Beekeeping trainers and

extension staff who have identified the need for more demonstrations, practice and experiments.

How qualified is the trainer?


The requirement of participants influences the planning procedure. Participants should be grouped. Ideally they should have the same level of education, experience, motivation, and

beekeeping experience.


The development of interest in bees through participation and communication throughout the course.


The development of knowledge through understanding.


Information relevant to the actual needs of the target group and to beekeeping practice

Trainers must:

and protective clothing



Bernhard has trained beekeepers in several countries including Botswana, Germany and Zambia. Here are his top tips for making sure that beekeeping

training is excellent. His beekeeping training books are

amongst the best available.

Will the participants be selected with


be used to, and confident enough, to work and assist with using only locally-made equipment and protective clothing.


respect local customs and languages.


be flexible but reliable: advisors who can listen create confidence.

in general.

TRAINING METHODS Teaching behaviour of trainers should include:

Are there proper training facilities?



There must be:


the ability to speak spontaneously.


encouragement of participation.


persuasive power by setting examples.


Zambian Beekeeping Handbook is available from Bees for Development for 16.

be “fearless” beekeepers who handle bees gently and in a respectful way.



enough occupied hives available for demonstrations and practicals (a minimum of six hives).

sufficient and appropriate beekeeping equipment, teaching aids, and rooms or shelter for lectures.

adequate accommodation and catering facilities.


alternation of theoretical and practical lessons: whatever participants achieve in practice needs to be confirmed in theory.


practical involvement of participants with special abilities: trainers should utilise “experts” within a group to work to help others who are less advanced - this will contribute towards development of self-confidence.


various methods for recapitulation: revising by answering questions set by the trainer is dull!


connecting theory with practice as much as possible is the best way of strengthening knowledge.

Is the trainer aware of the need for

careful planning? Targets: the needs of participants and the use Season: the best time for basic courses is the beginning of the cropping season.

Period of training: the trainer should decide


on the form the training will take. The length of the course and whether to include extension visits will depend on the needs identified.

Course participants should learn enough eventually to teach and help others in the field



frequent changes of methods and teaching aids to maintain interest.


No more than eight participants per trainer ensures intensive participation in practical bee handling.

of local resources must be considered.

positive social attitude.

The method by which the trainer teaches will influence the extent of participation and success of the training.


Organisers of beekeeping workshops and courses


Evaluation must determine whether the objectives are achieved.

Bees for Development will support your


The trainer should make notes and consider whether there was a good learning atmosphere - “how did things go?”

Send full details of the likely number of participants and the meeting at least three months ahead of the date.


The knowledge acquired by participants can be checked by participation: presentation, demonstration, silent reading and questions should be followed by discussion.

event with past editions of B&D and other information materials.

A Bees for Development publication



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