1 minute read

Letter to Bees for Development

Iraqi beekeepers are trying their best

In spite of all the difficulties facing the Iraqi Beekeepers we are still determined to work hard for our bees and utilise any drop of nectar available to overcome the unjustified sanctions imposed on our country and to help our people who are facing hunger. Honey is well regarded as a medicine used by children and sick people.

We currently face many circumstances that put honeybee populations in real danger:

- Unfortunately Varroa mites have built up resistance against pyrethroids. This is a problem because of the difficulty of getting alternatives treatments.

- The drought which the country has endured in recent years and the lowering of the waiter level in the main rivers of Iraq as a consequence of dam building on these rivers outside our frontiers.

- The increased numbers of natural enemies increases the burden of protecting colonies.

- The UN sanctions have reduced the possibility for people to have money to buy honey at a reasonable price, and this has led a lot of beekeepers to give up their careers and to have no interest in rebuilding their lost apiaries.

The Iraqi Beekeepers’ Association is gathering hundreds of beekeepers towards one goal of improving the hygiene and performance of their colonies. We would welcome any sharing of comprehension from beekeepers around the world on a personal or association level.

Dr Dhafer Behnam

lraqi Beekeepers’ Association, dhbehnam@uruklink.net

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