Bees for Development Journal Edition 77 - December 2005

Page 11


Bees/or Development Journal 77




Pollen substitutes and supplements

SUCCESS WITH IFS International Foundation for Science (IFS) announces 117 grants approved in the first half of 2005. 65% were allocated to

We received the following message from refer to your article on Better M D Musa: in top-bar hives. things that can beekeeping

brewers’ yeast. The person most closely associated with this work is Haydak, who in

researchers based in low income countries

1967 recommended the following pollen

with vulnerable scientific infrastructures.

go wrong (BfD Journal 72). The discussion is very useful. Would you please ask Pam Gregory to describe the mixing ratio of the


Out of 600 applications received, nearly

artificial pollen patty, as the information is not



The mixture can be fed dry, as long as it can be kept clean and dry.


Pam responds A pollen substitute is defined as any material that can be used to replace natural pollen as the source of protein for brood rearing. Pollen

supplements contain 10-25% of natural pollen in the mixture in order to maximise available protein. They have slightly different functions and the terms should not be used interchangeably. Some authorities suggest that the term ‘pollen extenders’ rather than ‘pollen supplements’ would be less confusing.

The most commonly used protein sources are soyabean meal, skimmed milk powder and

swienty -

3 parts soyabean flour 1 part dried brewers' yeast 1 part dried skimmed milk.

Everything for the

Beekee per IT

It may also be provided outside the hive. This formulation might be most suitable for people using top-bar hives, who are not able to place

a moist pollen patty close enough to the

brood area. For a moist patty the dry ingredients are incorporated into a sugar

syrup to make a paste. The sugar syrup and dry ingredients must be mixed together

thoroughly and left to stand overnight before use. This ensures that the liquid is fully absorbed into the powders to form a stiff dough. The consistency should be such that it will stay on top of the frames without running

pollen is used in the mixture it must be first made moist enough for the pellets to break down, by adding a little water and mixing it If

thoroughly. A typical recipe is: :


part brewers’ yeast

Further reading

BfD Information Centre at DIETZ, A (1986) Nutrition of the adult honeybee. In: 7he Hive and the Honeybee chapter 5: pp 120-147. Dadant & Sons, Hamilton, IL, USA. R A (ed) (1989) The ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture 40th ed. Al Root Co, Medina,







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NEW in NAME Though our name has changed our values and our vision of a world free of poverty and injustice in which technology is used for the benefit of all remain the same. For



foulbrood (EFB) and so should only be used if it has been collected from a known source.

advise on best beekeeping practices and offer training. Also, we are sourcing funding for the initial structures and

more information visit :

is important fo note that natural pollen can carry the causal agents of chalk brood, American foulbrood (AFB) and European

an RE

POSITIVE POSITIVE We are looking for someone with good knowledge and experience who will be stationed here in Edu State, Nigeria, to

Practical Action is the new name of ITDG.





equipment. Contact Adamu Omokhogie

syrup solution made of 2 parts sugar to 1 part hot water (measured by volume). Each 500 g of dry ingredients are mixed with two litres of

3 parts soyaflour 2 parts pollen.

one in five proposals were approved for grants. Next deadline 30 December 2005

MORSE, R; HOOPER, T (1985) Pollen supplements and substitutes. In: The /Hustrated Encyclopaedia of Beekeeping: pp 299-300. Blandford Press, Poole, UK.


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