Bees for Development Journal Edition 7 - September 1985

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for beekeepers in tropical & subtropical countries Beekeeping in China

Liu XIANSHU Institute of Apicultural Research of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xiang Shan, Beijing, China Introduction research in apiculture are also ex- research work was done in China, China is a vast country with favour- panding steadily. The following are but in 1958 the national apicultural able natural conditions; it is rich in the main reasons for the remarkable institute (Institute of Apicultural Rehoney sources and has great development of apiculture in China search of the Chinese Academy of beekeeping potential. Beekeeping since 1949, Agricultural Sciences) was estabwith the native bee (Apis cerana) has lished in Beijing. It now has a staff of Government attention to a long history, going back more than over 120, of which about 70 are 3000 years. Western bees (Apis mel- apiculture The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal university graduates doing research. The Institute is divided into 5 departlifera) were imported early in the and Fisheries has a detwentieth century. Just before the Husbandry ments: Bee Genetics and Breeding; for apiculture revolution (1949), there were less partment responsible in most provinces and counties. Its Beekeeping Technology; Prevention than 500,000 honeybee colonies in and Cure of Bee Diseases; Honey officers guide and organize apicultuChina, and the total yield of honey ral production and they help Plants and Bee Products; Chinese was only 8000 tonnes. Since then Bee (Apis cerana cerana). with their problems. apiculture has developed rapidly, beekeepers The Institute plans short- and longadvise on funding, equipment and there are now about 5 million They term scientific development in apiculand on the planning and distribution colonies in hives; total honey producand coordinates important apiof plant sources of honey, and they ture, tion is over 100,000 tonnes per year, cultural research projects throughout and coordinate programmes and royal jelly production is over 400 design the country. There are regional instifor improving production. tonnes per year. Honeybee colonies tutes in areas with well developed are used increasingly for pollination National organization of apiculture or with a good potential of fruits, vegetables, oilseeds and scientific research for development. These institutes Other crops. Education and scientific Before the revolution, no apicultural carry out local apicultural projectsp

In this


Beekeeping in China New Institute opened in India Practical beekeeping: The need for appropriate beekeeping without fear: News around the world Bookshelf New leaflets available from


Letters to the Editor Forthcoming events

Part of the Institute of Apicultural Research of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing (Peking).

100% recycled paper


International Bee Research Association

ISSN 0256-4424

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