Bees for Development Journal Edition 84 - September 2007

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Bees/or Development Journal 84


NEWS AROUND THE WORLD CAMEROON Apicuiture in Mount Cameroon Region Bonakanda-Bova Beefarmers’ Group {BOBEEFAG) is Common Initiative Group located in the Mount Cameroon Region a

(MCR), an ecotourism area rich

in biodiversity, South West Province. The Region hosts 77 villages and covers 3,200 km2, stretching from in

the Atlantic Ocean to Mount Cameroon, at 4,095 m the highest peak in West and Central

Africa with an active volcano. The rich volcanic soil is very good for agricultural activities and supports wide biodiversity. The Mount Cameroon Project and German Agency for Technical Cooperation MCP/GTZ identified BOBEEFAG as a resource group that could provide services to other groups and individual honey hunters around Mount

Cameroon. After MCP closed their doors some years ago, GTZ took over sponsorship of BOBEEFAG during national and international events. Participation in these events helps us interact with business partners, create

acquaintances, and increase awareness of the

importance of bees and beekeeping. At the Limbé Atlantic Trade Fair in 2006, BOBEEFAG

to construct one. It is not a hive that produces

had a stall exhibiting honey, other bee products, local style and frame hives, tools

the honey but the bees found inside it. Swarming periods and the bee population vary according to climatic conditions. Studies have

used in beekeeping and bee friendly plants. Posters provided by Bees for Development

proved that in MCR, a top-bar hive measuring 80 x 45cm, with an active colony produces

were used in our display.

10-12 litres of honey per crop season. By

During the Fair, the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV), PECTEN, Bees Abroad and

comparison in North West Province 18-20 litres of honey may be harvested from the same size top-bar hive.

Tropical Forest Products organised a Honey Marketing Forum. The 3-day Forum was for all

stakeholders in the honey chain to exchange ideas. The national honey market is perceived as vague and disorganised: the various actors in the chain are not known to each other and

All our attempts to acquire beekeeping equipment from national and international organisations have failed. However the potential for honey production and success in

information is not flowing efficiently between them. For example while producers in the

beekeeping development projects are high. BOBEEFAG is calling on interested organisations to support us.

North West struggle to sell enough honey, retailers and wholesalers in the South West are

Lyonga Mbake Samuel, BOBEEFAG, Bota-Limbé

struggling to meet loca! demand. The regional export market remains largely unexploited, mainly because the requirements of quantity


and quality are not met. It

is easier and cheaper to colonise a hive than

World Challenge Finalists The Paradis des Indiens Project has been chosen as one of the 12 finalists in the World

Challenge 2007. The Project was begun in a one roam school in the small village of Les Abricots by Canadian Michaelle de Verteuil. She set up the school especially for children


whose families could not afford uniforms and —

shoes without which they were unable to attend Haiti's ordinary schools. Thirty years later, Paradis de Indiens has expanded into a multi-faceted development programme. Poverty reduction activities include beekeeping, embroidery, woodworking and fruit drying. Environmental efforts are focussed on reforestation

a key priority for tree-stripped


World Challenge 2007 seeks out projects and businesses that not only make a profit, but also put something back into the community. From 6 October to 16 November 2007 all finalists will be on their website for you to vote.


NEPAL Another type of beekeepin These bees are very small

Gandaki Bee Concern

in size and rarely sting. The bees sit in the branches of small trees. We can cut the branch and hang it near our house using strong thread. We harvest honey twice a year. The bees store the honey only on the top portion of the comb. One colony of bees will

The idea of starting a beekeeping business came to Dev Bahadur Gurung, Executive Director of Gandaki Bee Concern when he was in the Indian army and deployed in Punjab in

1977. “Frame hive technology had just been introduced and was fascinated by the way it |


produce 1-1.5 kg of honey.

Ravi Shankar, Karnataka, India

The ‘little honey bee’ Apis florea can be found from Oman, spreading south-east through Asia as far as some of the islands of Indonesia. Apis florea has been introduced by humans to Iraq and Sudan. A colony comprises about 20,000 bees that build a small, single comb nest, usually

10-25 cm wide.

generated self-employment opportunities. Immediately after retired and returned to Nepal |

1991, jumped into the business. At that time only four firms were in existence and the conceot of frame hive beekeeping was still new. in


Despite my intentions to start with 150 hives, could manage only 17 hives in the beginning”. |


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