Bees for Development Journal Edition 84 - September 2007

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Bees/or Development Journal 84

BOOK SHELF BEEKEEPING WITH APIS CERANA INDICA Mogens Jensen English edition 2007 84 pages A4 soft cover 15 (€22.50) Code J200 Tamil edition 2007 135 pages A5 soft cover 15 (€22.50) Code J200T

Apis cerana is also known as the Asian hive bee, one of the Asian honey bee species that nests with multiple combs, and inside a cavity, and therefore can be kept inside a hive. During the past 30 years, many beekeeping enterprises in Asia have imported European races of Apis mellifera, with all its associated technology and management methods (see for example, Nepal, pages 10 and 11). Meanwhile there has been relatively little effort to develop Asian beekeeping based on indigenous bees such as Apis cerana. Consequently there are few published texts that explain how to manage Apis cerana, and this is welcome new book. a

Mogens Jensen is a Danish beekeeping expert who has worked with DANIDA-funded beekeeping projects in Asia. He has drawn on these experiences to create this book that very clearly describes how to address the common

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problems that beekeepers face. Chapters discuss hives: how to design and make them, where to place them, how to obtain and inspect colonies; and how to extract honey, feed bees and do queen rearing. The focus is on smallscale Apis cerana beekeeping using equipment that is available to rural people with few financial resources. This


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large format book is illustrated with an abundance of colour pictures, combined with clear and simple text.

STARTING A COOPERATIVE Reitse Koopmans 2006 86 pages A5 soft cover 11.70

(€16.80) Code K600

A co-operative is a farmer-controlled economic initiative: by joining forces and initiating co-operation, farmers strengthen their position in the market. The first part of this book explains more about co-operatives and why



English or French

CTA has been producing Rural Radio Packs since 1991 because radio remains one of the most important communication tools in rural communities. This new pack produced with input from Bees for Development introduces important topics including management and harvesting techniques, constructing top-bar hives, bee products, and pollination.

The publication is free of charge through the CTA Publications Distribution Service (PDS). For details on becoming a PDS subscriber - or on obtaining publications if you are not eligible to be a subscriber see www.

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This is another title (number 38) from the ‘Agrodok series’ now available from our store. See also Beekeeping in the tropics (L155) and Bee products (M705).



farmers are interested to create them. Also what is needed to form a co-operative - management, statutes, byelaws and finance and the pitfalls to avoid. The second part breaks down the process of establishing a co-operative into steps starting from developing ihe initiative, through committees and feasibility studies, to member commitment and involving stakeholders and starting the enterprise.


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