Bees for Development Journal Edition88 - September 2008

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Bees/or Development Journal 88



3. Drop liquid into water and observe. If it sinks without mixing with the water it is honey, otherwise it is adulterated. 4. Dip a matchstick into the liquid and then strike the match. the substance is honey, otherwise it is adulterated or fake.


AND THERAPIES Emmanuel Olagbaju, Nigeria

If it


Honey adulteration Sugar Syrups, corn syrups, and syrups of natural origin such as maple, cane sugar, beet sugar and molasses are used to adulterate honey. Informed consumers are able to taste the difference between these and real honeys, Dut laboratory tests are needed to prove the difference. This

is why honey marketing is so dependent upon building consumer trust that the product being bought is real honey. Some people think that

Adulterated honey Awareness of the importance of honey is increasing and nowadays it can be difficult to find sufficient honey to meet the growing demand. However, there is slow advance in the apiculture sector, and even little involvement in it, resulting in low supplies of local honey. Instead of researching ways by which these low supplies can be improved, many honey vendors have developed methods for adulterating honey.

Consumers want authentic honey and users are concerned how to distinguish real from adulterated honey. Interviews revealed the

wing ideas:

haney which has crystals in it may be adulterated with sugar but this is not the case - crystallisation of honey is a normal process.

Testing for adulteration with sugar A laboratory test would have to be performed on the sugars present in the honey and the results compared with the national or internationa!

honey standard. Evidence of a large proportion of glucose compared to fructose would suggest sugar had been added.

Checking for adulteration with water

1. Dip your finger into the liquid. As you lift your finger out, observe whether the substance drops immediately - if it does drop

straigntaway, then


is not honey. (Honey is very viscous).

2. Drop some liquid to the ground and observe. Honey does not flatten, but forms small balls: if the liquid does otherwise it is not honey.

Honey with a high water content may be unripe (harvested too soon), or may be a mixture of honey and water. tn either circumstance the honey

quality is poor and fermentation may result. Water content is tested with a refractometer. Unadulterated, ripe honey has a water content of 23% or lower.

In addition to sweetening, honey is used in Nigeria for the treatment and prevention of various ailments. Here we illustrate some of our local applications of honey and its use in herbal treatments and remedies, where we believe that honey plays a vital role. The information was obtained from several honey users - see table below.




Management of asthma

1. Pound equal proportions of bitter kola and garlic together. Add honey

One glass

2. Grind common cress seeds to a powder

2 lablespoons every 4 hours daily

3 times daily

Mix with honey



Grind one unit of garlic, one unit of ginger, a few African peppers, a few bitter kola nuts and mix. Add pure honey

2 lablespoons every 4 hours daily

Grind the garlic. Mix with limes and grapes.

2 tablespoons every 3 hours

Add at least


glass of pure honey

Unripe palm kernel nut, aloe vera juice and honey

Prevention of fibroid

Mix equal quantities of sorrel (Isapa pupa in Yoruba language


Chew at least 25-30 unripe palm kernel nuts, take one glass of aloe vera and honey 7

glass daily

or Soborodo in Hausa language) and pure honey

Nappy (diaper) rash in babies


Red ackarnival (a flower), locally-produced soap (palm oil and | Bathe the baby using the soap. ashes mixed), limes, shea butter and honey Apply the cream after bathing For soap: pound the flower with the soap, add 5 limes.

For cream: mix shea butter and honey

Stomach ulcer

1. Pound guava leaves and add water. Add one bottle of honey

2. Mix % cup of pure honey with fresh, warm cows’ milk. Add a spoonful of dried banana skin powder. Stir all together

Coughs and colds

Grind onion, ginger, garlic, and bitter kola. Mix in palm kernel oil. Add honey


glass 3 times daily




spoonful 3 times daily

2 times daily, for



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