2 minute read
In Issue 145
Issue 145 January 2023
John Phipps and Nicola Bradbear
Nature-based Beekeeping - issues arising BfD
Janet Lowore, Bees for Development
The Scientist and the Beekeeper; The Tale of Varroa-resistance in Norway, Part One
Dr Melissa Oddie, Norway
Stories from Under The Mango Tree Society, India
Debika Chatterjee, Senior Programme Manager, India
Ensuring women benefit from bees BfD
Isaac Mbroh, Apiculture Development Coordinator, Bees for Development Ghana
Beekeeping with Stingless Bees in Vietnam BfD
Nguyen Huu Truc and Nguyen Quang Tan, Jichi Stingless Bee Farm, Vietnam
Diversity in Honey Bees BfD
Jonathan Vincent, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Swarms Are Precious: Why Not Try a Bait Hive and See What Happens?
Ron Brown, MBE
Waiting for the Bees
Simon Ferris, UK
Aspects of Traditional Beekeeping, Yesterday and Today, Lithuania
Simona Vatinaite, Lithuania
Looking Back: The Catenary Hive
Bill Bielby, UK, and John Phipps, Greece
A Scientific Note on the Strategy of Wax Collection as Rare Behaviour of Apis mellifera
Krzysztof Olszewski, Piotr Dziechciarz, Mariusz TryTek, and Grzegorz Borsuk, Poland
Book reviews
Honey Bees
Ingo Arndt and Jurgen Tautz
A Guide to the Safe Removal of Honey Bee Colonies from Buildings
Clive A Stewart and Stuart A Roberts
Beekeeping Simplified with the Drayton Hive
Andrew Bax
Manual de buenas prácticas en alimentación de abejas (Manual of Good Practices In Bee Feeding)
Cecilia B Dini and Noberto Garcia
News, events and courses BfD
Bees for Development
Natural Bee Husbandry magazine
A special issue incorporating Bees for Development Journal No. 145
The Bees for Development Team
Editor: John Phipps - editor@naturalbee.buzz Neochori, Agios Nikolaos, Messinias, 24022
Sub Editor: Val Phipps
Publishers/Advertising: Natural Bee Husbandry is published four times a year by Northern Bee Books, a trading name of Peacock Press Ltd.
Email jerry@northernbeebooks.co.uk
Tel +44 (0) 1422 882751
Magazine Design: www.SiPat.co.uk
Printing: Custom Print Limited, Liverpool, UK,
ISSN: 2632-3583.