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The Publicity and IEC Program for 2022 CAF is aimed at rallying the overall support of particular stakeholders and the general public to this undertaking.
Specific strategies to be employed by the RSSOs/PSOs may include, but not limited to the following:
Information campaign through dissemination of print media and digital announcements
1. Hanging of 2022 CAF streamers in PSA buildings, strategic locations and conspicuous places;
2. Hanging of posters, tarpaulins and streamers in City/Municipal Halls, barangay halls, buildings of other government agencies, partner establishments, nongovernment organizations, and religious and academic institutions, markets plazas and busy intersections, and other public places with messages written in local dialect;
3. Information campaign during mobile civil registration activities and/or in PhilSys Registration Centers;
4. Dissemination of 2022 CAF press releases through print media, radio and social media;
5. Distribution of briefing materials such as primers/information kits/ comics/stickers, preferably translated to major local dialects;
Announcements, Press Launch, Interviews
1. Organizing a press launch for 2022 CAF at the municipal level;
2. Announcement of 2022 CAF during flag ceremony major conferences, conventions, and meetings and flag ceremony;
3. Coordination with radio and television (TV) stations and cable TV providers for the free airing of radio and TV plugs, and public service announcements in local dialects;
4. Plugging interviews of PSOs in local radio and TV stations;
5. Interviews of the Provincial Governor/Mayor/Barangay Captain during the first few days of the enumeration, thus, making these interviews media events (concerned FOs should take charge of the interviews);
6. Interviews of key personalities or known leaders in the agriculture and fisheries sectors in the municipality/city/province;
Soliciting support from stakeholders
1. Inclusion of 2022 CAF messages in circulars of the local government units (LGUs);
2. Soliciting assistance of the Officials of the DA, DAR, BFAR, and other partner agencies with regard to the dissemination of 2022 CAF Census information (distribution of IEC materials/supplies, etc.);
3. Briefing/request for support of agriculture and fishery associations, cooperatives, tribal groups, religious leaders, etc. on census operations;
2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries Philippine Statistics Authority
4. Requesting columnist’s writers and contributors of newspapers, tabloids and other publications to write articles about the 2022 CAF;
5. Tapping network of friends, professionals, local civil registrars, private corporations, organizations, and associations and asking for any assistance in support of 2022 CAF;
6. Making representations in various organizations, such as Association of Barangay Captains (ABC) and other LGU associations, for their active endorsement of 2022 CAF during their meetings, forums and gatherings; and
7. Tapping of civic, business, social, religious, and non-government organizations to rally their support for 2022 CAF and encourage their constituents to cooperate with the ENs.
The target audience for 2022 CAF was divided into four major groups as shown in Figure 2.4. Communication efforts and strategies should cater to the objectives of involving each target audience for the purpose of conducting 2022 CAF.
Below are the proposed key messages and target activities by target group:
First Target Group:
Mainly rural population, heads of households, agricultural/fisheries operators
Objective: To raise awareness about CAF and highlight the role of the rural population’s participation in the overall CAF activity.
Key Messages: CAF data is a basis for development and planning of agricultural and fisheries programs and training of workers in the sector. Your participation in this nationwide census activity is important in ensuring the quality of the information collected. At the same time, CAF is instrumental in identifying the needs, policies, and interventions appropriate for agricultural/fisheries operators/farmers/fisherfolks and bridging the gap between producers and consumers. PSA adheres to confidentiality of information and the Data Privacy Act.
Coordination and Publicity
Proposed Activities
By RSSOs and PSOs
1 Coordination with residents in the hard-to-reach areas
2 Coordination with urban respondents and homeowners’ associations
3 Regional, local radio and TV guesting of spokespersons/officials and airing of radio plugs or announcements
IEC Materials
CAF briefer, tokens
CAF briefer, tokens
Talking points, radio plugs, social media cards (if televised)
4 Distribution of promotional materials FAQs, factsheets, and comics printed in posters, flyers, and tarpaulins
5 Posting/sharing in the regional/provincial social media accounts
2022 CAF related contents
1 Production and distribution of promotional materials FAQs, factsheets, and comics printed in posters, flyers, and tarpaulins
2 Introduction of CAF logo, tagline and posting press releases on start of operations
3 Posting of CAF contents in social media at PSA and other government agencies’ social media accounts
CAF Logo AVP, CAF Tagline AVP, and press release
Social media plan, social media cards
4 SMS Blast/Announcements in partnership with NTC Coordination letter with NTC, proposed SMS messages
5 TV and radio advertisements, guesting of spokespersons/officials
TVC storyboard, scripts
6 Online/social media advertisements and boosting TVC storyboard
Second Target Group:
Local government units, rural community leaders, agriculture-related cooperatives, and associations
Objective: To strengthen the collaboration/ partnership with LGUs and local leaders of associations, cooperatives, and other influential groups/institurions for the promotion of CAF activities to constituents.
Key Messages: As a major, decennial survey undertaking of the PSA, CAF requires the strong partnership and collaboration of LGUs and agri-fisheries associations for the program to be successful. LGUs and associations are instrumental in encouraging the participation of their constituents and members in the survey activity. CAF promotes development through the provision of sound data for evidence-based policymaking for the agriculture and fisheries sector.
Proposed Activities
IEC Materials
By RSSOs and PSOs
1 Inclusion of updates on CAF in regular agenda of RDC, RSC, PSC, PCCB, C/MCCB
2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries
PPT on Updates, Talking Points, FAQs, AVPs
Philippine Statistics Authority
Proposed Activities
2 Coordination and courtesy call with local government units (LGUs)
3 Meetings with members of agriculture/fisheries cooperatives and associations
4 Partnership with tricycle/transport associations and rural cooperatives for distribution of tarpaulins in tricycles, terminals, sari-sari stores, etc.
5 Conduct of CAF exhibit in LGUs and agri-fisheries universities and colleges (collaborate with faculty and student organizations)
6 Join/collaborate on community events/occasions like fiesta, festivals, summits (tuna festival, pahiyas, bangus festival, tuna festival, cacao summit, coffee summit, mango fest, etc.)
7 Agriculture and Fisheries Convention (with showcasing of agri-fishing innovations by DA, Philrice, DOST, students, etc and showcasing of products by agri-fishing traders/sellers)
IEC Materials
Coordination letter, briefers and AVP on CAF, tokens
Coordination letter, briefers and AVP on CAF, tokens
Coordination letter, tarpaulins
CAF corner/standee display, AVP, flyers, interactive games for exhibit visitors
CAF float, motorcade, banners, etc.
CAF booth, invitation, AVPs, PPTs, tokens
Third Target Group: NGAs, civil society, media partners, journalists, reporters, non-governmental organizations, bloggers, schools
Objective: To engage and solicit support NGAs, civil society, media, and other groups.
Key Messages: CAF is a basis and guide in policy making and formulation of programs for the agriculture sector. In addition, CAF is the fundamental basis/benchmark for food security in the country.
Proposed Activities
By CO, RSSOs, and PSOs
1 Setting up of physical CAF corner and/or standees in partner schools and government agencies, public transportation stations
IEC Materials
CAF corner/standee display (compact, transportable, and lightweight)
2 Social media partnership with NGAs, schools, and CSOs Letters, MOU
3 Out-of-home placements
1. AVPs in billboards, MRT/LRT stations, public waiting areas, airports and PUV stations, government agency lobbies
2. Streamers in government agencies (CO and FOs)
AVPs, streamers, coordination letters
CAF corner/standee display, AVPs, flyers, merchandise Philippine Statistics Authority 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries
4 Setting up of CAF exhibit/participation in PSA events (i.e., National Statistics Month)
Coordination and Publicity
Proposed Activities
5 Join agri-fisheries related convention/summit/conference/expo/congress (e.g., Livestock Expo, etc.)
6 Conduct of Press Launch
IEC Materials
CAF Booth
Press release, media invites, Twitter posts, social media cards
Fourth Target Group: PSA Employees
Objectives: To raise awareness about the 2022 CAF among PSA employees. To engage and capacitate PSA Field Offices as CAF champions.
Key Message: The appreciation and knowledge of PSA employees on the importance of CAF activities are vital in informing, influencing, and encouraging close circles to increase their appreciation and participate in the census operations.
Proposed Activities
By CO, RSSOs, and PSOs
1 Training/Briefing of RDs, PSOs-CSS, and Focal Persons for the advocacy campaign for CAF
IEC Materials
Brief advocacy guidelines including community awareness campaign, training materials, briefers, flyers, AVPs
2 Distribution of CAF AVPs to be played in PSA meetings, trainings, and workshops; flag ceremonies; and reception areas
3 Setting up of roll-up banner/standee in strategic locations in all PSA offices
4 National/Regional/Provincial CAF Jingle Dance Contest
Roll-up banner, standee
CAF Jingle Dance Music Video, tokens
The use of social media for 2022 CAF publicity and information campaign is highly encouraged due to its reach and free use. Particularly, RSSO and PSOs are recommended to post the following contents through their regional/provincial Facebook pages: a. Sharing of CAF-related articles and contents posted through the PSA Facebook official page (facebook.com/PSAgovph) b. Live events related to 2022 CAF (forum, media conference, press launch, etc.) c. Participation in festival/fiesta/expo/summit/conference d. Sharing of news releases, news outlets, features (TV, radio, digital), guesting of PSA officials e. Testimonial from CAF stakeholders, respondents, and hired census personnel f. Memorandums released by other government agencies and LGUs in relation to the conduct of CAF g. Messages of support from LGU, partner agencies, and stakeholders
2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries
Philippine Statistics Authority h. Talking heads soliciting support or providing interesting facts about CAF (by RDs, and PSO-CSSs) i. Local influencers soliciting support for CAF or reciting CAF Tagline j. Pictures of ongoing enumeration for 2022 CAF from different provinces
IEC plans to be undertaken in the region, province, city/municipality shall be submitted by the Regional Statistical Service Offices (RSSOs) and Provincial Statistical Offices (PSOs) to the NCS (Attention: 2022 CAF-CPS) through email address cps2022caf@psa.gov.ph, copy furnish RD, SOCD-CSS, and PSO-CSS, not later than 12 May 2023. The IEC plans to be submitted shall follow the format in Figure 2.5.
This 2022 CAF logo aims to create a sense of brand personality by highlighting the key elements of CAF and innovation. The universal design of the emblem describing the general idea for the Philippine CAF allows longevity and sustainability of use.
This logo shall appear in all 2022 CAF-related materials including forms, manuals, IEC materials, and merchandise items. Below is the 2022 CAF logo with its corresponding interpretations:
2022 – is the reference year for the actual census undertaking.
Key Elements – The icons of major crop, livestock/poultry, and fisheries –straightforward representation of the sector.
Globe – The icon denotes that CAF adheres to the international standards and guidelines. Further, it symbolizes the global significance of the agriculture and fishing industry.
Satellite - An icon to signify that we have innovated and embraced technology through the adoption of remote sensing for the census data collection.
Green and Blue Palette - Characterizing the sectors of agriculture and fisheries.