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This chapter describes the census forms, materials, and enumeration procedures specifically, the basic census questionnaires/forms, guidelines in conducting interviews, general steps and instructions in enumeration, and how to handle enumeration problems. Some of these topics are discussed in detailin the succeeding chapters.



Listedbelowarethebasic census questionnairesandformsthatyou,asanenumerator(EN), will use during the field listing/enumeration. Samples of these questionnaires and forms are shown in the appendices. Copies of the actual questionnaires and forms are included in your training kit.


CAF Form 1(CAFF1)

Listing Booklet

This is the form to be used to list the buildings, housing units, and householdsinthe barangay/enumeration area. This will also be used to recordthe following: a. name and address of the household head; b. number of male and female household members; c. number of agricultural lands owned by households; d. presence of household members engaged in agricultural, aquaculture, and fishing activities; and e. name of identified operators and hired managers of such activities.

CAF Form 2(CAFF2)

Household Questionnaire

Thisistheformtobeusedtorecordthecharacteristicsof all members of the household including the agricultural, aquaculture, and/or fishing operators, as follows, a. demographic characteristics of householdmembers; b. Philippine ID registration; c. activities of members pertaining to crop farming, livestock/poultry raising, aquaculture andfishing; d. ownership/rights to agricultural land used in crop farming and livestock/poultry raising; and e. social assistance and support received by the household from the government;

CAF Form 3(CAFF3)

Questionnaire for Agriculture

This will be used to record the following characteristics of the farm of the identified crop/livestock/poultry operator: a. type of agricultural activity; b. main purpose of operation; c. legal status of the farm; d. parcels used by multipleagricultural operator; e. number, location, and physical area of parcels used; f. main use and tenurestatus of the parcels; g. whether the parcel is irrigated or not; h. types of temporary and permanent crops planted;

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