24 minute read
i. other emerging crop practices; j. inventory and kinds of livestock and poultry raised/tended and cultured insects/worms; k. livestock/poultry contract growers and integrators; l. inventory and types of machineries, equipment, facilities, and tools used in farm operation; m.number of farm workers/laborers; n. technical and financial support and assistance received from the government; o. association, cooperative, and organization membership; p. other economic/entrepreneurial activities related to the agricultural operation; q. challenges encountered in the agricultural farm; and r. use of Philippine ID
CAF Form 4(CAFF4)
Questionnaire for Aquaculture
This will be used to record the following characteristics of the aquafarm of the identified aquacultureoperator: a. legal status of the aquaculture operator; b. main purpose of operation; c. number, type, location, and volume of aquafarm; d. number of units/compartments of aquafarm; e. water environment used; f. phases of aquaculture operation; g. types of species cultured; h. types of feeds; i. inventory and types of machineries, equipment, facilities, and tools used in aquacultureoperation; j. number of aquafarm workers/laborers; k. technical and financial support and assistance received from the government; l. association, cooperative, and organization membership; m.other economic/entrepreneurial activities related to the aquaculture operation; n. challenges encountered in the aquafarm; and o. use of Philippine ID
CAF Form 5(CAFF5)
Questionnaire for Fishing
This will be used to record the following characteristics of the fishing operation of the identified fishing operator: a. legal status of the fishing operator; b. main purpose of the operation; c. type of waters where fishing activity is performed; d. number,type,ownership,registration,measurement, and main use of fishing boat/vessel used; e. fishing ground, usual species caught/gathered, and fish landing center; f. inventory and types of fishing gears, machineries, equipment, facilities, and tools used in fishing operation; g. number of fishing workers/laborers;
h. technical and financial support and assistance received from the government; i. association, cooperative, and organization membership; j. other economic/entrepreneurial activities related to the fishing operation; k. challenges encountered in the fishing operation; and l. use of Philippine ID
This is prepared primarily to serve as visual aid and reference of enumerators and respondents to facilitate interview and standard responding and recording of specificanswerstoselectedcensusquestions.Itcontains pictures and local terms of kinds of crops, livestock, poultry, aquatic species, machineries, equipment, facilities, and fishing gears, including description and illustrations of farm parcels, planting pattern, boat dimension and measurement among others. The Flashcards should be used during enumeration to address differences in local terminologies to ensure that these type of data are reported and recorded accurately and to reduce data processing activities.
CAF Form 11 (CAFF11)
Notice of Listing/Enumeration (Sticker)
Thisformisastickertobepostedinaconspicuousplace, preferably in front of the house or on the gate of the building after listing/enumerating the household. The sticker indicates the presence of operators in the household, the method of data collection, and thedate of listing and completion of enumeration. This form also indicates households for callback.
CAF Form 12 (CAFF12)
Appointment Slip to the Household/Barangay Official
CAF Form 13 (CAFF13)
Daily Accomplishment Report of Enumerator
This form is used to set an appointment with the household member/operator, in case the EN is unable to personally interview the respondent during the time of visit. The date and time of the next visit shall be properly indicated in this form.
Thisformwillbeusedtorecordthedailyaccomplishment of the EN which will include reports on the number of buildings and housing units listed, the number of householdssuccessfullyenumeratedandforcallback,the number of householdsengagedincropfarming, livestock and poultry raising, aquaculture, and fishing, and the numberofcrop,livestock/poultry,aquaculture,andfishing operator. This form will also be used to monitor the progress of enumeration.
CAF Form 18 (CAFF18)
Transmittal/Receipt Form
This form is used when transmitting or receiving census forms, supplies/materials, and equipment. Information in thisformincludesthetypeandquantityofforms,supplies, materials, and equipment received and transmitted by area, date of transmission and receipt, and names of the transmitting and receiving personnel. It also serves as proof for both the transmitting and receiving personnel
CAF Form 26 (CAFF26)
Household Referral Form
CAF Form 27 (CAFF27)
Non-Household Referral Form
CAF Form 28 (CAFF28)
Mapping Folio Cover
CAF Form 29 (CAFF29)
List of Households for Telephone Interview and Self-Administered Questionnaire (SAQ)
Barangay/Enumeration Area (EA) Map
thatthetransferofthetypeandnumberofitemsspecified in the form had occurred.
This form is used by the EN to record the name and contact information of the identified hired manager in the household and his/her employer (another household’s/ individual’s agricultural/aquaculture/fishing operation).
This form is used by the EN to record the name and contact information of the identified hired manager in the household and employer (establishment’s/organization’s agricultural/aquaculture/fishing operation)
Thisformisusedtocoverafolioofmaps.Onefoliocover is used for each barangay/EA.
This form is used to record the contact information of the households/respondents who opted for a telephone interview and self-administered questionnaire.
The barangay/EA map contains an image of the barangay/EA to be enumerated, its boundaries, street names, and other important physical features, and landmarks. It may or may not contain building points and building serial numbers (BSNs), which will be used in the listing of buildings. The block map, which is a zoomed-in portion of the barangay/EA map, will be used as a guide in covering EN’s area/s of assignment.
For the 2022 CAF, the updated printed maps and/or processed digital maps from the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) operations will be used.
NOTE: All census questionnaires and forms provided to you will be accounted for until the end of the enumeration. Do not lose any questionnaires since all accomplished and unused questionnaires will be returned to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) through your Team Supervisor (TS) at the end of the enumeration period.
1. Tablet, including tablet case, power bank, microSD card, and SIM card; The tablet contains the CAPI application that will be used during the enumeration.
2. Barangay/EA/block map;
3. Questionnaires, SAQ, EN Manual, Flashcards, stickers, and other forms;
4. Identification (ID) Card;
5. CSC Form No. 48 - Daily Time Record; and
6. EN’s bag containing notebook, ballpen, pencil, sharpener, eraser, clipboard, tape measure, permanent marker, and clothfacemask.
You will be providedwithatablet along withits accessoriesas well as thebarangay/EA/block map and the paper questionnaires which will serve as alternative data collection materials if technicaldifficultieswillbeencounteredinusingthetabletatthetimeoftheinterview.Youwill also be provided with SAQ to be administeredto households who refusedto be assisted with an enumerator or who preferred to accomplishthe questionnaires by themselves.
You must return the census materials and equipment (especially the tablet and its accessories, power bank, barangay/EA/block maps, ID card, ENs Manual, and/or all unused questionnaires/forms) tothe PSA upon the completion of the work assigned to you.
Prior to the actual enumeration, there are field enumeration activities you are required to perform for the 2022 CAF. Each of these activities is discussed in detail in the succeeding chapters of this manual:
1. Ocular inspection of assigned barangay/EA
You will conduct an ocular inspection to verify the barangay/EA boundaries together with your TS/ACAS/CAS and with a barangay official using digital/printed maps. This is important to ensure that the barangay/EA that you will be covering is correct. Familiarize yourself with its physical features and boundaries. This will be discussed in detail in Chapter 4 (Mapping and Canvassing).
2. Canvassing
You will carry out a door-to-door visit in the entire barangay/EA to look for buildings thatshouldbelisted.Canvassingwillhelpensurecompletecoverageinthearea. This will be discussed in detail in Chapter 4 (Mappingand Canvassing).
3. Geotagging
Youwillupdatethedigital/printedmapsensuringthatallbuildingsthatshouldbelisted have corresponding building points and BSN on the map. This will be discussed in detail in Chapter 4 (Mapping and Canvassing).
4. Listing
You will do the listing of buildings, housing units, and households using CAF Form 1. This will be discussed in detail in Chapter 5 (Specific Instructions in Accomplishing CAF Form 1 –Listing Booklet)
5. Interviewing
You will conduct an interview using the basic census household questionnaires, specifically CAF Forms 2 to 5. This will be discussed in detail in Chapters 6 to 9 (Specific Instructions in Accomplishing CAF Form 2 – Household Questionnaire, CAF Form 3 – Questionnaire for Agriculture, CAF Form 4 – Questionnaire for Aquaculture, and CAF Form 5 –Questionnaire for Fishing).
6. Posting of Notice ofListing/Enumeration
You will post the sticker or CAF Form 11 (Notice of Listing/Enumeration) on a conspicuous part of the building or housing unit after an interview. This will be discussed in detailin Chapter 10 (Accomplishing Other Forms).
You must perform the activities (steps 2 to 6) sequentially before you proceed to the next household.
The sequence of steps that you should follow in covering your area of assignment during the census field operation is described below:
1. Prior to the start of listing/enumeration, pay a courtesy call, together with your TS/ACAS/CAS, to the Punong Barangay or any other incumbent barangay official in his/her absence. These officials can give you the best information that you need in planning for the best route and strategy in conducting the enumeration in the barangay/EA.Makesuretoregisteryournameonthevisitor’slogbookofthebarangay hall.
You may also ask them for assistance in conducting an ocular inspection of the barangay boundaries and identifying prominent features and landmarks, congested areas, hard-to-reach households, areas with peace and order problems, and relocation/evacuation areas, if any.
2. Using your digitized/paper barangay/EA/block map, acquaint yourself with the area assignedtoyoubygoingarounditandthroughit.Verifytheboundariesandlandmarks (natural and manmade) to avoid undercoverage or overcoverage.
3. Plan the most efficient route for the complete listing/enumeration of households/ operators in the entirebarangay/EA.Indicatethis route on the barangay/EA map.
1. Locateaplacewithalandmarkwhereyoucanstartthelisting. Detailedinstructionwill be discussed in Chapter 4 (Mapping and Canvassing).
2. Ascertain that all buildings with households in the barangay/EA are listed. The BSN assigned to each geotagged building is indicated on the EA/block map on your tablet. Select the BSN of each building that qualifies for listing and assign a unique four-digit HUSNandHSNconsecutivelytoeachhousingunitandhouseholdtobelisted.Include vacant buildings (VBLDG), vacant housing units (VHU) as well as housing units not used as usual residence (for NUR households), and housing units used as vacation/rest house (VRH) in the listing.
3. Determine if there are household members who were operating or making major dayto-day decisions for the crop farm, livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm, aquaculture, and/or fishing activity during the reference period and list down their names. Assign unique five-digit Operator Serial Numbers (OSN) for every operator identified according to type of activity, i.e., COSN, LPOSN, AOSN, and FOSN. These serial numbers should be unique within the EA. See step 4 of using PAPI for the detailed discussion of assigning OSNs.
4. If there are household members who were hired to manage another household’s crop farm, livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm, aquaculture, and/or fishing operation duringthereferenceperiod,recordtheirnamesandtheiremployer’snameandcontact information in CAF Forms 26. On the other hand, record the information of the hired manager of an establishment/organization in CAF Form 27 as applicable. (See Appendix __ for Cases in Determining theOperator)
5. Ifthehouseholdlistedhasatleastonehouseholdmemberwhoisidentifiedasoperator in CAF Form 1, continue the interview using the CAF Form 2 and the appropriate CAF Forms depending on the activity of the operator (agriculture/aquaculture/fishing).
Note that agriculture/aquaculture/fishing operations of households/individuals that started operation only in2023 will not be recorded for the purpose of 2022 CAF.
Strictly observethefollowing procedures in accomplishing the questionnaires:
CAF Form 2 a. Determine the total number of household members and total number of males and females. b. List down the names of household members. Remind the respondent to include small children, toddlers, infants, and overseas workers as household members. c. For every member listed in 2B03a (Names of Household Members), and 2B04 (Relationship to Household Head), ask first their 2B05 (Sex) and 2B06 (Age as of last birthday). d. Ask the following questions based on reported age in 2B06; o For all persons 5years old and over
- 2B07 (Highest Educational Attainment)
- 2B09 to 2B12 (Philippine IDregistration) o For all persons 10 years old and over
- 2B08 (Marital Status) e. Determine the members aged 10 years old and over who are engaged in growing of crops, livestock/poultry raising and/or culturing of insects/worms, aquaculture, and/or fishing activities and the specific activities they were involved during the reference period. f. Determine the members aged 15 years old and over who have at least one agricultural land regardless of ownership during the reference period. g. Determine the members aged 15 years old and over who are identified as an operator of growing of crops, livestock/poultry raising and/or culturing of insects/worms, aquaculture, and/or fishing operation. h. Determine the social assistance and support the household received from the government.
CAF Form 3 a. AdministerCAFForm3foreveryhouseholdmemberwhoisacrop farm,livestock/poultry,and/orinsect/wormoperatorasidentifiedin CAF Form 2. b. The operator is the most eligible respondent of this form. In the absence of the operator, determine any other respondent that is knowledgeable about the farm operation or obtain the contact number of the operator and schedule an appointment for the interview during the enumeration period. c. Ask questions about the characteristics of the farm and parcels in Section B. d. Section C is to be administered to the operator operating a crop farm. Ask questions about the types of crops planted/grown/ harvested including the emerging crop practices. o A crop operator must satisfy any of the following criteria:
- at least five square meters (0.0005 hectares) of lands used in vegetable gardening, root crop planting, etc.;
- at least 100 square meters (0.0010 hectares) of lands used in palay farming;
- at least 100 square meters (0.0010 hectares) of lands used in corn farming;
- atleast10potsofshrubsortemporarycropsregardless of type;
- at least 100 seedlings of ornamental plants/permanent crops for nurseries regardless of type; or e. Section D is to be administered to the operator operating a livestock/poultryand/orinsect/wormfarm.Askquestionsaboutthe characteristics of their livestock/poultry raised and insects/worm cultured, including type of operation, housing, and inventory or number of heads/birds of the animals they are raising/tending. o An operator must satisfy the following criteria:
- at least 10 bearing fruit trees, industrial trees, wood trees, and other permanent crops with economic value planted in a scatteredmanner regardless of type.
- at least one head of livestock regardless of kind;
- at least one pair of adultmale and female rabbit;
- atleast 10 birds of day-oldchicks andlayer/ready-to-lay pullets regardless of poultry type;
- at least one pairof adult male and female ostrich;
- at least one pairof adult male and female turkey; or f. If the household member did not satisfy the criteria for an agricultural operator, stop the interview. Otherwise, ask questions about farm machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools used in Section E, farm workers/laborers in Section F, technical and financial support and assistance received/availed and association/cooperative/organization membership in Section G, other economic activities in Section H, practice of organic farming in Section I, challenges/problems encountered in the farm operations in Section J,and use of PhilID in section K.
- at least 10 birds of poultry with at least one pairof adult male and female regardless of kind.
CAF Form 4 a. Administer CAF Form 4 for every household member who is an aquaculture operator as identified in CAF Form 2. b. Theoperatoristhemosteligiblerespondent.Intheabsenceofthe operator, determine any other respondent that is knowledgeable on the aquaculture operation or obtain the contact number of the operator andschedule an appointmentfor the interview duringthe enumeration period. c. Ask questions about the characteristics of the aquafarm in Section B and its operation in Section C. d. Ask questions about aquafarm machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools used in Section D, aquafarm workers/laborers in Section E, technical and financial support and assistance received/availed and the association/cooperative/organization membership in Section F, other economic activities in Section G, challenges/problemsencounteredintheaquaculture operations in Section H, and use of PhilID in section I. b. Theoperatoristhemosteligiblerespondent.Intheabsenceofthe operator, determine any other respondent that is knowledgeable on the fishing operation or obtain the contact number of the operator andschedule an appointmentfor the interview duringthe enumeration period. c. Ask questions about the general information of the fishing operation in Section B. d. Ask questions about fishing ground, species caught, and landing center in Section C. e. Ask questions about fishing gears in Section D, fishing machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools used in Section E, fishing workers/laborers in Section F, technical and financial support and assistance received/availed and association/cooperative/organization membership in Section G, other economic activities in Section H, challenges/problems encounteredinthefishing operation inSectionI, and useof PhilID in Section J.
CAF Form 5 a. Administer CAF Form 5 for every household member who is a fishing operator as identified in CAF Form 2.
6. Before saving the completed interview, review the accomplished forms (CAF Forms 1 and 2 against CAF Forms 3, 4, and/or 5) for consistency by generating the data consistency module/application of the CAPI. Do not leave the household unless all entries are reviewed.
7. Accomplishthesticker(CAFForm11)andpostitinaconspicuouspartofthebuilding.
8. Go to the next building and do steps 1to 7.
9. Upon the completion of your listing/enumeration work, submit your tablet and all other accomplished forms. Submit also all unused/damaged forms and census materials to your TS.
1. Locateaplacewhereyoucanstartthelistingandmarkthispoint“S”(forStart)onyour paper map.
2. Be sure to fill out the geographic items (Province/HUC, City/Municipality, Barangay, and EA) of CAF Forms 1 to 5, as well as your EN code before you conduct the interview.
3. Ascertain that all buildings with households in the barangay/EA are listed. The BSN assigned to each geotagged building is indicated on the EA/block map that will be provided to you. Select the BSN of each building that qualifies for listing and assign a uniquefour-digitHUSNandHSNconsecutivelytoeachhousingunitandhouseholdto be listed. Include vacant buildings (VBLDG), vacant housing units (VHU) as well as housing units not used as usual residence (for NUR households), and housing units used as vacation/rest house (VRH) in the listing.
4. Follow steps 3 to 5 of using CAPI, in determining if the households have a crop farm, livestock/poultry and/or insect/worm farm, aquaculture, and/or fishing operators. Assignauniquefive-digitOSNforeveryoperatoridentifiedaccordingtotypeofactivity.
To avoid duplicate assignment of serial numbers in a hybrid set-up, the following assignment of serial numbers shouldbe followed strictly.
NOTE: For barangays/EAs that are determined to be fully enumerated using PAPI due to instances such as peace and order problems, kindly follow the regularassignmentofHUSNandHSN,meaning,assignmentofserialnumber will begin on “0001” to the first housing unit/household, “0002” to the second housing unit/household, and so on, until you have listed all the housing unit/household in the barangay/EA.
5. Accomplish the sticker (CAF Form 11) and post it in a conspicuous part in front of the building/housing unit.
6. Plot on the map the building symbol with the corresponding HSN/s. For households withagricultural,aquaculture,and/orfishingoperators,putacheckmark(✓) insidethe building symbol.
7. Review the accomplished forms (CAF Forms 1 and 2 against CAF Forms 3, 4, and/or 5) for consistency. Do not leave the household unless all forms arereviewed.
8. Proceed to the next building and do steps 1to 7.
9. For every page of a filled-out CAF Form 1, fill out the column totals at the bottom of CAF Form 1. These totals will be used in accomplishing CAF Form 13 (Daily Accomplishment Report of Enumerator).
10. Submit regularly (i.e., lunch break or afternoon during enumeration) the accomplished CAF forms 2 to 5 to your TS for his/her immediate review. Show the accomplished CAF Form 1 for his/her reference. Submit accomplished CAF Form 1 only by the end of the census enumeration in your assigned area together with the remaining accomplished forms.
11. Ifthebuildingisthelastvacantoroccupiedbuildinginthebarangay/EA,markthepoint “E” (for End) on yourmap.
12. Upon the completion of your listing/enumeration work, submit the updated barangay/EA map and block maps, and the remaining accomplished forms. Submit also all unused/damaged forms and census materials to your TS.
Do not forget to give a copy of CAF Form 18 (Transmittal/Receipt Form) to your TS every time you submit the accomplished questionnaires and in returning the unused questionnaires.
Illustration 3.1 shows the general flow of field enumeration and administering questionnaires for the 2022 CAF.
Filloutgeographicitems (Province,City/Municipality, BarangayandEA)andyour ENcodeonCAFForms1to5
Payacourtesycalltothe PunongBarangay
Acquaintyourselfwiththearea usingyourbarangay/EAmap andplanthemostefficient routeforthecompletelisting/ enumerationintheentire barangay/EA
Locateastartingpointandmark this“S”(forStart)onyourmap
Gotothefirst/nextbuilding/housing unit.Listthebuilding/housing unit/householdanddeterminethe presenceofoperatorusingCAFF1. MakesureColumns1to41of CAFForm1arefilledout.
Interviewhouseholdusing CAFF2andaccomplishthe appropriateCoreQuestionnaire Crop
HHwithhired manager?
Listthehiredmanagerofanother HHusingCAFF27andhiredmanager ofnon-householdusingCAFF28
Accomplishthesticker(CAFF11)andpostina conspicuouspartofthebuilding/housingunit
Plotonthemapthebuildingsymbolwith correspondingBSNandreviewthe accomplishedformsforconsistency.Donot leavetheHHunlessallformsarereviewed
Lastbldg intheEA?
ReferCAFF27and CAFF28toyourTS
Submittheupdated barangay/EA/blockmapsandthe accomplishedCAFF1toCAFF5to yourTSforhis/herimmediatereview
3.5.1 Eligible Respondent to be Interviewed
Remember to determine the most qualified respondent for the interview. The eligible respondent for household questionnaire is the household head or spouse. In case of absence of the two as of time of visit, a responsible adult who can provide sufficient answers to the questions can be interviewed.
For the CAF Forms 3, 4, and 5, the eligible respondent should be someone sufficiently knowledgeable to answer the census questions accurately, who is usually the agricultural, aquaculture, and/or fishing operator.
If there is no eligible respondent during your visit, you may leave CAF Form 12 (Appointment Slip to theHousehold) indicating the date and timewhen you will come back to interview. However, if during your visit, respondent refused to be interviewed or opted not to be interviewed personally, youmay suggest the following data collection methods:
● Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)
Offer this alternative method if the area has stable network/signal. Obtain the respondent’s contact number and ask for their preferred time and date. Ensure that the phone number provided by the respondent is working and owned by the household or at least by someone accessible to the respondent.
● Self-Administered Questionnaire (SAQ)
Offer this alternative method if the respondent is not available for personal interview within the enumeration period, usually not at home, do not have own mobile numbers, or donot havestablenetwork/signal athome. Provide enoughnumber of SAQs forpick up at a later time or dateagreed with the respondent.
If the respondent agrees to participate using CATI or SAQ, ask for the contact information (i.e., cellphone number or email address) of the person tobe interviewed using CAF Form 29 (List of Households for CATI and SAQ).
3.5.2 Interview Techniques
Getting accurate and complete information is the prime objective of every data gathering activity. As an EN, you can attain this by being polite yet authoritative to win the trust and confidence of the respondent. The good impression that you will project upon therespondent will contributetothe success of your interview.
The following are some interview techniques thatyou should apply:
1. Be presentable and polite. Different people will react to you in different manners. Make a good impression by dressing appropriately and neatly. Some people judge others by how they look or what they wear. They may not open the door for someone who appearsmessyor untidy.Moreover, youmust alwayssmile,maintaincomposure, remain cordial, and polite when dealing with your respondents.
2. Introduce yourself and the 2022 CAF. Your introduction is very important. As an example of an introduction, you may courteously say the following:
“Good morning/afternoon/evening. I am (state your name), an enumerator of the Philippine Statistics Authority (show your identification card). We are currently conducting the 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries in your barangay. I would greatly appreciate your cooperation in answering the census questions.”
3. Assure the respondent that the information that he/she will give will be treated with utmost confidentiality. You may cite the confidentiality clause of Commonwealth Act No.591.
“Please be assured that all the answers that you will give will be treated with utmost confidentiality.” x Example of a leading question:
4. Explain the importance and objectives of the 2022 CAF. It is necessary to explain the objectives of the census taking to gain the cooperation of the respondent. Explain to him/her the objectives of the 2022 CAF as discussed in Chapter 1 of this manual. Be prepared to give honest answers to all typesof questions.
5. Use available translation according to the respondent’s preference. The questionsareconstructedinEnglishandtranslatedinto11majorlocallanguagessuch as Tagalog, Cebuano, Hiligaynon, Waray, Ilocano, Bicolano, Pangasinan, Kapampangan, Tausug, Maguindanaon, Surigaonon, and Maranao. Assess if the respondentisnotcomfortablewithorcannotunderstandtheEnglishlanguage.Ifthere is no exact local language translation available, you can translate the questions into the dialect which both of you can understand but ensure that their meanings are not changed.
6. Askquestionsintheordershowninthequestionnaireorasstatedinthespecific instructionsin themanual. Follow strictly the“skipping” instructions toavoid asking questions which are unnecessary or not applicable for a household member or operator.
7. Ask all questions exactly as they are worded in the questionnaire. Changing the wording of a question may change its meaning and, thereby, elicit a different answer.
8. Never ask a leading question. A LEADING QUESTION is a question that suggests the answer desired by the interviewer. Byaskingaleadingquestion,therespondent’s mind is set into believing that the answer suggested by the ENis the right one.
“Is the physical area of the parcel about one hectare?”
The right question should be:
“What is the physical area of the parcel?”
9. Do not settle for an unsatisfactory answer. Occasionally, a person’s answer may be confusing orunclear. Inthiscase,donot settle forhis/her answer. Probe formore information by asking follow-up questions or clarifications.
APROBINGQUESTION is a follow-up question to obtain the desired information.The probing questions must be neutral and do not lead the respondent to answer in a predictable manner. Forexample, if the respondent is not so surein his/her answerto the question “What was the physical area of this parcel?”, you can ask the neutral probing question “Can you estimate the length and width of this parcel?”.
The most common types of probing are:
⮚ Repeatingthequestion Askingthequestionseveraltimessometimeshelpsthe respondent in providing the accurate information, which he/she needs to recall from memory.
⮚ Asking for more information In case of doubtful answers, ask the respondent to explainmore clearly his/her answers.
⮚ Asking for an estimate, if appropriate If the respondent cannot recall, for example the physical area of the parcel, try to ask for an estimate. Help him/her calculate.
10. Give the respondent enough time to think. Do not hurry the respondent. Give him/her time to think of the answers and do not interrupt while he/she is answering a question.
11. Thank the respondent for his/her cooperation. Always try to leave the respondent with a good feeling towards the census. Thus, after an interview, express your appreciation for the respondent’s cooperation.
The efficiency of the conduct of your interview relies on the manner by which you employ the aforementioned techniques.
3.5.3 General Instructions in Recording Answers
Familiarize yourself with the types of questions/items found in the CAF questionnaires/forms. Some questions requirespecific entries.
1. Coded Entries
Most of the items are provided with possible answers and their corresponding codes. Some items are answerable by “1” for yes or “2” for no. Some items are categoricalcodes,suchasrelationshiptohouseholdhead,sex,highesteducational attainment, marital status, main use of parcel, tenure status of parcel, type of aquafarm, type of fishing boat/vessel, etc. Recordthe codethat corresponds tothe answer given by the respondent.
Thereareitemsrequiringsingleanswersandsomewithmultipleanswers.Notethat allcategories should always have an entry.
2. Numeric Entries
Some items require numeric response. This is usually used when asking total number of household members and operators, number and area of parcels, inventory of livestock and poultry, measurement of the aquafarm, measurement of the boat and number of farm/aquafarm/fishing machineries, equipment, facilities, andothertools,etc.Makesuretorecordtheexactnumbergivenbytherespondent in the boxes/spaces provided. Prefix “0” when necessary.
3. Write-in Text Entries
Somequestionsrequireanswerstobespecified.Alineisprovidedforthispurpose. Make sure that the answers are all legibly written, in capital letters, on the space provided.
This is usually used when asking names of household members, crops, species caught/cultured, fishing ground, fish landing centers and farm/aquafarm/fishing machineries, equipment, facilities, and other tools, etc. It is also used when asking for addresses and specifying other categories not mentioned inthe questionnaire.
In recording names of household head, operators, household members, and respondent, write the last name followed by the first name onthe spaces provided.
4. Certification Entries
In certifying that you have accomplished/reviewed a questionnaire, clearly write your name in capital letters following the format: first name, middle initial and last name, then affix your signature over your printed name. Your signature attests to the completeness and accuracy of the questionnairethat you have accomplished.
In certifying CAF Form 1, fill out the certification portion only after you have listed the last building, housing unit, and household. Meanwhile, in certifying CAF Forms 2 to 5, fill out the certification portion only after you have finished the interview.
Your TSwillalsowriteincapitalletterstheirfirstname,middleinitial, andlastname with signature and the date when they had reviewed the booklet for completeness and correctness of entries. Your CAS/ACAS will also sign the certification portion if they have reviewed your accomplished questionnaires. Consequently, the CO/RSSO/PSO Supervisor will sign the certification after he/she has reviewed the booklet.
5. Date
WritethedateusingtheformatMM/DDorMM/YYYY.Notetoalwaysprefixzerofor a single digit.
MM/DDisusedfor indicatingthedatethequestionnairewasadministered by the enumerator to the household and the date it was reviewed. This date format is also used in writing appointment date of callback and SAQ collection.
MM/YYYY is used for determining the monthandyear when the crop was planted and harvested or when the species was cultured and harvested.
How to RecordAnswers
As discussed in Chapter 1, there are four suggested interview methods in conducting householdinterviews–CAPI,PAPI,CATI,andSAQ.Refertothe2022CAF-ISUser’sManual inrecordinganswersusingCAPI.Otherwise,observethefollowingrulesinrecordinganswers on the questionnaires:
The CAF questionnaires/forms are designed in such a way that you, as an EN, will be able to ask the questions with ease. The questions to be asked are italicized while the instructions for you are in CAPITAL LETTERS. In asking the questions, you should observe the following rules:
1. Fillout the questionnaireduring the actual interview. Donot writethe answers on a separate sheet of paper with the intention of transcribing the answers to the questionnaire at some other time.
2. Complete all required information tomaintain data accuracy and consistency.
3. Useapencilwhenfillingoutthequestionnaires. Never usepen,ballpen, ormarker. Use an eraser in case you need to correct an entry. Make sure that the entry to be corrected is properly erased.
4. Write neatly and legibly in print. Usethe prescribed alphanumeric characters. Use capital letters for write-in entries. a.
5. Boxes are found all throughout the questionnaire. Write only one character or numeric response in each box provided in the questionnaire. Make sure that numeric response or code is written in the box.
For numeric responses, note that all boxes should have an entry. Hence, prefix zero if the number is less than 10.
Also note that some items such as area require the decimal value. Thus, if the reported area is a whole number, youmust writezeroes after the decimal point.
For coded responses, write the codethat corresponds tothe answer given by the respondent in the boxesprovided.
Some items require multiple answers. For each category, enter code “1” for “Yes” and code “2” for “No”. Notethat all categories should have an answer or entry.
There are alsoitems whereinan answer requires writingthecorresponding code in the box and at the same time writing an answer on the line provided. The write-in entry must be concise and clear.
6. Text and numericentries should be written in spaces or lines.
There are alsoitems whereinan answer requires writingthecorresponding code in the box and at the same time writing an answer on the line provided. The write-in entry must be concise and clear.
7. Do not make unnecessary marks or comments on the form. If an answer needs furtherexplanationorclarification,writeitdowninthe“Remarks”portionoftheCAF Forms 1 to 5. Do not forget to indicate the section and item number being referred to.
8. If apersononthelist isnot ahouseholdmember,line out therowcorresponding to that person. For the succeeding rows, renumber 2B02 (Line Number) accordingly.
Someoftheproblemsthatyoumayencounter duringtheenumerationarelistedbelow.If you encounterotherdifficultiesnotcoveredinthismanual,donothesitatetoaskfortheassistance of your TS.
1. No eligible respondent is at home, or theentire household is away
If you do not find any possible respondent at home during your first visit or if the entire householdistemporarilyaway,youmustmakeacallbackatyourearliestopportunity.Exert all efforts to contact the respondent or obtain from the neighbors’ preliminary information pertaining to the household as a last resort.
ACALLBACK(CB)is a revisit to a household whose respondent had not been interviewed by the EN during the latter's initial/previous visit. Any unsuccessful visit done on the same day as the previous visit should not be treated as a callback. It is important to schedule a callback on a different date and time to reduce the rate of nonresponse. You should plan callbacks efficiently bychecking when the respondents willmost likely bearound/at home.
Inquirefromtheothermembersofthehousehold,householdhelper,or neighbor aboutthe best day and time to schedule a callback. Then, make an appointment with the household for a scheduled interview using CAF Form 12 (Appointment Slip to the Household).
2. Household refuses to be interviewed
Itmayhappenthattherespondentisathomebutdoesnotwanttobeinterviewedbecause he/she is about to leave, busy, or not feeling well at the time of your visit. Moreover, a respondent may deliberately refuse to give the required information or just refuse to be interviewed for no valid reason or explanation at all. In cases like these, exert all efforts to persuade the respondent to grant you an interview or tomake an appointment.
In persuading the respondent you may need to emphasizethat: a. the information that they will provide in the census will be treated with strict confidentiality; b. the census covers all households with agricultural/aquaculture/fishing operator and their householdmembers; and c. the2022CAFisaveryimportantundertaking;theinformationcollectedisneeded by the government and private sectors as guides in the preparation of plans and programs for the development of the country's agriculture and fisheries sector.
You may also encounter an argumentative type of respondent who would ask questions about certain aspects of the census. You will not gain much if you argue with him/her. It is better not to say anything controversial and just let him/her air his/her views. Very often, after voicing out his/her views, he/she will become cooperative.
It is important to note that a refusal should not be taken as a result of final visit. If you stillfailtoobtainan interview after allefforts havebeen exhausted,referthe matter toyour TS. Ifthenumber ofrefusalsinthebarangay/EAindicatesa“plannedrefusal” campaignor coordinate/deliberate resistance toward the census of some sectors/residents in the area, notify promptly your TS so that appropriateactions could be made.
3. Households in high-rise buildings and exclusive villages
Your supervisors have identified areas that have potentially high rate of refusals or callbacks such as exclusive subdivisions/villages, townhouses, and condominiums. In this case,youwillstillneedtointerviewthehouseholdsresidingintheseareas.Ifthehousehold refuses to be interviewed, provide the household or the officials or managers of the homeowner’s association any of the following options: a. Self-Administered Questionnaires (SAQs) b. Telephone Interviewing
If the respondent choseto accomplish the SAQs, it must bemade clear when these SAQs will be picked up. Proper coordination with thePunong Barangay,other barangay officials, president of the homeowner’s association, or building administrator should be made prior to the distribution of thequestionnaires.
On the other hand, if the respondent prefers telephone interview, you can get the respondent’s contact number, email address, and appointment (time and date) using CAF Form 29. This form should be submitted to the PSO to facilitate the interview.
4. Households found in temporary evacuation centers for conflict or disaster/ calamity-affected areas and areas under lockdown or with high restrictions due to COVID-19 pandemic
For disaster and calamity-affected areas, seek the assistance of the concerned local government officials in obtaining the following information on households staying in the temporary evacuation centers: a. Expected duration or length of stay b. Addressintheconflict-,disaster-orcalamity-affectedareaswheretheycamefrom c. Number of households affected
Households staying in temporary evacuation centers at the time of the census should be listed using a separate CAF Form 1. They shouldbe assigned withthe usual HSNs, which are unique and sequential within the barangay/EA. However, a special serial number will be assigned to the buildings and housing units. Moreover, households in temporary evacuation centers will also be interviewed. Inform your TS about this matter.
On the other hand, if during the course of your enumeration you found out that the barangay/EA assignedtoyou is under lockdown or withhigh restrictions duetoCOVID-19 pandemicoranyotherdiseaseoutbreak,askthebarangayofficialsonthescheduleand/or requirements on how to proceed with the census operations in these areas. Inform your TS immediately. Your TS, on the other hand, should report the matter to your ACAS, CAS or PSA supervisor.
5. Peace and Order Problem
Your supervisor will provide you with a list of critical areas in the city/municipality, which havebeenidentifiedpriortotheenumeration.Ifduringthecourseofyourenumerationyou found out that the barangay/EA assigned to you is a critical area, inform your TS immediately and discuss with him/her the best strategies to apply insuch a situation.