EC Declaration of Conformity We, the undersigned, Beglec NV, located ‘t Hofveld 2C, B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium, certify and declare under our sole responsibility that the following apparatus : Brand : Product Group : Model n° :
Briteq® Stages BT-STAGE-PLF-2X1M ~ BT-STAGE-PLF-1X1M
The above mentioned stages are tested and approved in accordance with test principles for stages “EK5 AK1 11-01-2012”. Testlab : TÜV NORD CERT GmbH Test report Number : 12326098222, dated 11-SEPT-2012 Valid until: 11-SEPT-2017
Technical Ratings Max. height with cross beams: Max. height without cross beams: Load capacity: Type of examination:
1800 mm 1500 mm 500 kg/m² GS-license test
Full test reports and other relevant information remain at the disposal of the Control Agencies at our head office: ’t Hofveld 2c - B1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium. Groot-Bijgaarden, 11 February 2014