Ebook Magic Kitchen

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Recipes. Magic Kitchen April 2016

Pericana is a snack of dried peppers and cod quite strong flavor that is usually served on bread or consume directly.

Let´s go with the recipe !! INGREDIENTS -6 Dried red peppers. -75gr dried salted cod. -2 Cloves garlic. -Olive oil Extra Virgin.

ELABORATION 1. We roast the dried peppers without taking too much color. Traditionally this is to firewalking but we can do it in a pan directly without oil. Once you chop cold. 2. We roast cod also slightly, let cool and crumble. 3. Mix in a bowl with pepper, cod and oil in abundance. Also add the very finely chopped garlic 4. We let marinate a couple of hours and we have pericana accompanied ready to serve, with a good loaf of bread.

 It is best to leave the pericana from one day to another to take all flavor.

Main ingredients: 250g flour 75g butter 75g margarine 75g sugar 3 eggs. Preparation:Take all the ingredients in the Termomix,programmed to 20seconts to speed 6. Leave 15 minutes the dough. Preeheat oven to 180ยบ de grees 15 minutes earlier. Pemove from oven when golden brown.

Two apples

Peel, remove the centre

Cut the apple in slices Baking paper put in the mold spread with butter and sprinkle brown sugar over

Place the apples in the mold

2 eggs 3 tablespoons oil 4 tablespoons sugar 55 grams of flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 tablespoons milk

Mix well

Put de mixture over apples

Put in the oven preheated Bake 30 minutes at 180ยบ

Ingredients for four people: - 4 eggs - Olive oil - 2 o 3 potatoes - 1 onion - Salt Instructions: - Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices - Peel the onion and chop it - Fry the potatoes and the onion with hot oil - Break the eggs and put them in the frying pan - Put some salt - Turn the omelette

Ingredients:     

Medium banana Fourstrawberries Half cup of blueberries Threeorangejuice The tip of a spoon of tea matcha

First squeeze oranges for juice, put it in the blender; then we peel the banana and cut it intoslices, we introduce it into the blender. Wash strawberries and blueberries, strawberries cut in half and introduce all the mixer.Finally we introduce you.We cover the mixer and beat at full power. When everything is well tied, we serve it in glasses. So a packed breakfast of vitamins is obtained.

INGREDIENTS: -1 Yogurt -1 glass of oil -2 glasses of flour -1 glass of sugar -Cinnamon -1 lemon -1 packet of yeast -3 eggs

MAKING OFF: I mix all ingredients and I put them into a mold. I put in the oven, thirty minutes. When the coke is finish, I miss him sugar. Later, the coke put eyes, nose and mouth. Now, we can eat it.

Ingredients: - 3 potatoes. - 4 eggs. - salt. - olive oil.

Preparation: 1. Beat the eggs. 2. Peel the potatoes and cut them in small pieces. 3. Put the olive oil into the frying pan and then put the potatoes. 4. When the potatoes are cooked mix them with the eggs. 5. Salt the mixture. 6. Put it into the frying pan. 7. When the mixture has browned on the bottom, you are ready to turn it over to cook the other side with a plate.

INGREDIENTS Ice cream of diferents flavours. Salats popcorns. 1OOg of butter. 1OOg of sweet milk.

PREPARATION Put 1OOg of butter and sweet milk in a casserole with slow fire. Put the popcorns three minuts into microwave. Serve the ice cream in a nice cup, put the hot popcorns and finish our dessert with the butter and sweet milk.

ADVICES Eat at teh same time the very hot popcorns with the cold ice cream Use chocolate to decorate.

INGREDIENTS: - 2 Fileted breast - 6 cheese slice - 6 ham slice - 6 pineapple slice - Grated cheese - Butter - Salt and pepper

RECIPE PREPARATION: 1. First of all, you have to grease the bol with butter, then you have to put the filleted breast on it. After that, you have to put salt and pepper on the breasts.

2. Put the six cheese slices and the six ham slices.

3. After that, you have to put the pineapple over the ham slices.

4. Finally, you have to put the grated cheese on the pineapple.

5. When you have all the ingredients on the bol, you have to put the recipe on the oven 20 minuts at 180ยบ.

INGREDIENTS • • • • • •

125 grams of sugar 125 grams of flour 1/2 teaspoon of yeast 3 bigs eggs 100 grams of butterwithout salt 125 grams of chocolate

PREPARATION Heat the oven to 180 degrees. First, melt butter and chocolate in a saucepan to simmered, stirring to form a homogeneous mass. Beat the eggs with the sugar to form a yellow cream. Mix the two creams while sifting the flour and yeast, stirring to avoid lumps. Pour batter into a mold (better if silicone). Bakes the mold with the dough at 180 degrees about 35-40 minutes. Let it cool outside the oven a few minutes on a rack. Let cool and eat it.

Ingredients      

1 Blood sausage 200 gr chickpeas, 200 gr rice 400 ml broth 1 tomato 1potato slices

    

100 g pork ribs 1 clove Garlic 1 pinch of salt 1 pinch of saffron 30 ml olive oi

Preparation In this recipe we take the broth chickpeas stew the day before can also be used any broth and cooked chickpeas 1-in a big pan check oil and is FRY garlic, chopped peppers ,potato slices and pork ribs 2-splits the tomato in half, we reserve the half. 3-tomato half stripe and leans to the pan 4-when already this good golden brown pour rice we give back and pour the broth the chickpeas and the Blood sausage 5- let it boil, we tested from salt. 6- so take everything to a strong suitable for baked 7-finally put half of the tomato on top of the rice and of put the 200 g at baked 8-baked for the 45mins

PROCESS First, make pasta pasties. The second, tomato fry with vegetables and cool. Then, once cooled the sofrito paste dumplings filled. After, It is introduced into the oven and painted egg above. Finally, we put in the oven for 20 minutes. INGREDIENTS -

Wafers pasties (5, 6, 7) as you want. Fried tomato. Vegetable. One egg. Tuna.








First, sliced the bread.

Dip the bread slices in milk,drain in the paper of kitchen.

Bater with beaten egg and fry.

Once fried bater with cinnamon and sugar.

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