Beijing Today (November 17, 2006)

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Widgets for your webspace.

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Auto China 2006 8-page special

Short cuts to film fame.

Fat book claims flat world.

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Auto dramatics for the people

Looking flash

China Fashion Week opened this Wednesday to intense media interest.

Xinhua Photo

New ban on organ transplant tourism By Huang Daohen China will further strengthen the regulation of organ transplants, including how access to hospital services is controlled, and will prohibit non-Chinese citizens coming to China in order to receive organ transplants under the guise of tourism, said deputy health minister Huang Jiefu at a conference held this week in Guangzhou. The Ministry of Health, Huang said at the ‘National Human Organ Transplant Clinical Application

Summit’, will implement a system to control hospital access. Organ transplants will only be performed with express approval from a provincial level hospital or the ministry. Other new regulations will see organ donation limited to immediate family and spouses, and donors will have to be over 18 years of age. Huang also said that the people from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, will be given priority in receiving trans-

plant surgery. “China is the world’s second largest performer of organ transplants, but the overall recovery rates lag behind international levels,” said Huang during a recent meeting with Serbs Park, chair of the British Organ Transplant Association. The minister admitted that poor management of organ sources, sharing, registration and monitoring of transplant patients had seriously affected the country’s international image and reputation,

and had endangered the health of patients, and said that urgent improvements were necessary. Figures show that over 10,000 non-Chinese patients came to China for organ transplants during the past three years. In July, the ministry issued a temporary regulation on human organ transplants, explicitly banning the sale of organs and introducing a set of medical standards for organ transplants, part of efforts to guarantee medical safety.

Thirst for a better life. Page 4

Under the auspices of the Information Office of Beijing Municipal Government Run by Beijing Youth Daily President: Zhang Yanping Editor in Chief: Zhang Yabin Executive Deputy Editor in Chief: He Pingping Director: Jian Rong Price: 2 yuan per issue 26 yuan for 3 months Address: No.23, Building A, Baijiazhuang Dongli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China Zip Code: 100026 Telephone/Fax: (010) 65902525 E-mail: Hotline for subscription: (010) 67756666 (Chinese) , (010) 65902626 (English) Overseas Code Number: D1545 Overseas Distribution Agent: China International Book Trading Corporation

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