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Hiking Tips
Hiking of the week
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Latest Activites
世界卫生组织艾滋病和结核病防治亲 善大使、国家卫生计生委预防艾滋病 宣传员彭丽媛,以及前篮球运动员, 国内著名影星蒋雯丽来到活动现场亲 切看望并慰问受艾滋病影响儿童。
China’s First Lady Peng Liyuan, China’s former basketball player Yao Ming, and famous actress Jiang Wenli arrived in the BYCI. 在红丝带健康大使、中央电视台少儿节目 主持人鞠萍和儿童代表的讲解下,彭丽媛 和国家卫生计生委副主任崔丽等观看了儿 童歌唱表演、新闻播报、绘画课堂、活字 印刷、联合国知识课堂、品格剧表演、急 救训练等活动,并与孩子们交流、互动。
an opportunity to recognoize flags of different countries. Jiang also taught kids singing. 孩子还在红丝带健康大使沈娜的指导下进行声 乐练习,并演唱了歌曲《让我们荡起双桨》。 活动还邀请到联合国艾滋病规划署中国防治艾 滋病宣传大使、前篮球运动员姚明,和孩子们 一起进行趣味篮球赛。
As one of China’s most famous basketball player, Yao Ming also played basketball with the kids. Many kids said after playing with Yao that they did not expect Yao to be such a nice and easy going person.
Children at the BYCI were offered many different kinds of performances inlcuding drama, priting, and many lectures on the establishment of United Nations.
在本次夏令营活动中,孩子们接受了品 格教育培训,进行了营地拓展活动,并 游览了天安门、长城等景点,通过寓 教于乐,劳逸结合的形式,感受了社 会关怀,促进了身心全面健康发展。
在联合国知识课堂,国家卫生计生委 预防艾滋病宣传员濮存昕教孩子们了 解联合国相关知识,辨认各国国旗。 在宣传员蒋雯丽指导下,孩子们通过品 格剧表演的形式对培训内容进行梳理 和巩固练习,从小培养良好的品格。
During the activities, children were given the opportunity to get physical trainning and at the same time the physical trainning has improved their mind power; taught them to be more persisitent, strong and how to maintain positivie and optimistic in hard times.
Children at there were alsov given the
Education is not a tool for development - individual, community and the nation. It is the foundation for our future. It is empowerment to make choices and emboldens the youth to chase their dreams. By holding on to such beliefs, the BYCI is designed to help young Chinese to acheieve better mentality and have a better life by building up their body and their mind. On top of trainning, the BYCI also provides Chinese students a great opportunity to be mingle with international peers. By interacting with people from different parts of teh world, the BYCI could help children from different background to understand each other and have better relationship with people in their future life. Needless to say, understanding and tolerance are porobably the most important things to learn in our age, espeically for poeple to understand different culture and different belief systems. At last, BYCI send condolence to pople who lost their lives or who lost their loved ones in recent conflicts in France, Lebanon and those passengers on the Russian flight.
News BYCI Greets the Friends from French International School
Internaitonl students are very much welcomed in the BYCI. The camp offer students across the world an opportunity to enjoy the ir stay in China. 北京国际青年营欢迎所有 国 际 学 生 , 并 为 国 际 学 生提供丰富多彩的活动。
A group of teachers and students from French International School visited Beijing Youth Camp International (BYCI) in early September. Since the foundation of French International School, the school has been focuses on improving students’ physical development and encourages them to join in various outdoor activities to strengthen their physical conditions.
In order to provide students with more and better outdoor activities places and facilities, the school staff along with their students, led by Beijing Today, came to BYCI for a field visit and better communication with BYCI.
both sides of the mountain road. They also conducted overall assessment about the camp from different aspects including surrounding environment, sanitation, security, loading capacity and the ability of dealing with an emergency, etc,.
After arriving at the foot of mountain where BYCI is located, the delegation walked up to the hill all the way. Teachers and students experienced various outdoor sports facilities and infrastructure that are built on
Phillipe Larouze, the Director of the Education Department of French Embassy, praised that BYCI has beautiful environment and well-equipped facilities. “It is very suitable for youth people carrying out outdoor activities and physical fitness training in such a place,” he said.
Jayne Garfitt, a teacher from French International School, said, “BYCI is the best place for children to touch nature.” She thinks children who live in big city lack the fun of playing in the nature, but BYCI offers students a good place to get close to the nature and do outdoor activities. 法国国际学校老师,Jayne Garfitt 说, 北京国际青年营依山而建,视野开 阔,是学生接触大自然的绝佳去处。 她认为生活在城市里的孩子少了跟 大自然互动和亲密接触的乐趣,不 过北京国际青年营的建立为北京众 多中小学生们提供了一个宽敞的 环境,和接触自然的自然课堂。
NATURE IS HEALING It’s prime vacation season, and with that comes the joys and challenges of deciding how exactly to spend all that leisure time. Some people want their vacations to be all about infinity pools, umbrella-topped drinks, and large costumed characters. Others prefer to scale a mountain or master a new activity like standup paddleboarding or camel trekking ; why not do both? 每 个 人 都 有 权 择 , 心 中 都 有 一 是 止 步 不 前 还 场 说 走 就 走 的
利 个 是 野
做 远 来 营
选 方 一 。
背 上 行 囊 , 小 别 钢 筋 丛 林 乡野处,古道旁,高山顶,水云间 星 月 相 伴 , 山 水 为 邻 。 跟北京国际青年营一起,我们一起感 受生活的真谛,体验自由的力量。 BYCI offers opportunity for campers to enjoy the nature, it also provides courses to help its campesrs gain outdoor knowledge and experience inlcuding how to survive the extreme weather and how to help your teammates when emergency occured. During the hike, campers will be given equipment and opportunity to set up their own tents. 通过学习搭建帐篷的比赛,让大家感 受团队合作中的乐趣。了解帐篷的构 造及性能,从而增强户外生存知识。 BYCI offers campers variety optiosn of hiking sites. Mountains and natural resorts surrounding Beijing will all be taken into consideration. Gelaoyu Village is the most popular choice among campers. 密云县阁老峪村位于密云县水库 南。密云县素有“八山一水一分 田”之称,水资源丰富,有5条大河 流。依山傍水,景色宜人,是登 山,开展户外活动的最佳选择。 Camper with BYCI will be given the best platform for hiking in Beijing. It will caters the best and the most fun way to stay and the most authentic local food.
“nature will nature your mind, body and soul.”
Hiking Tips 越野锦囊 You know hiking is good for your health. But do you know just how good it is? Let BYCI tells you: 参与登山活动凸显了一个人的社会性 和自然性相互平衡和谐的一面。现 代人往往忽略了自然性,而当人们 进入环境优美的山岭中从事登山活 动时,就可以暂时弱化社会属性。 For adults, exercise such as
regular hiking
aerobic leads to:
1. Cardio-respiratory fitness (heart, lungs, blood vessels). 2. Improved muscular fitness. 3. Lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. 4. Lower risk of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. 5. Lower risk of high cholesterol and triglycerides. 6. Lower risk of colon and breast cancer, and possibly lung and endometrial cancer. 7. Increased bone density or a slower loss of density. 8. Reduced depression and better quality sleep. 9. Lower risk of early death (If you are active for 7 hours a week, your risk of dying early is 40% lower than someone active for less than 30 minutes a week.) 10. Weight control; hiking burns up 370 calories an hour (154-lb person.)
What’s more, hiking exercises almost every part of your body: legs, knees, ankles, arms, hips and butt, abdominals, shoulders and neck. “Hiking exercises your body and your mind, and nourishes your imagination,” says Ignacio Malpica, a certified fitness instructor and personal trainer in Boulder, Colorado. “It creates awareness in your eyes and ears and the rest of your senses.
Rock Climbing
hese are some of the most important hints and tips BYCI can offer to help you have a better time hiking. Some are discussed on other pages of the magazine, while others are miscellaneous items just listed here. Have a great hike!
• Drink often to stay hydrated.
• Wear enough clothing for warm.
• Carry enough water for the day and your pack will get lighter as the day wears on.
• Embrace Leave No Trace ethics - using the open spaces is not a right but rather a privilege.
• Small snacks often will keep your energy level up rather than waiting for a big lunch meal right after you’ve emptied your body’s reserves.
• Leave your plan with someone back home. And when you arrive at your destination. Call your family and friends first. Just incase any emergencies.
• Keep a small amount of surplus .
• Bring sun protection facilities.
Mountain climbing has always been multi-dimentional and it covers hikes in lower ground to higher mountains.
"Mountain climbing is one of the most interesting and smart games invented by human being."
Success come to those who hang on the longest. Remember there are never any traffic jams on the extra miles.
climbing is an activity in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a usually pre-defined route without falling. Due to the length and extended endurance required and because accidents are more likely to happen on descent than ascent. Rock Climbers do not usually climb back down the route. It is very rare for a climber to downclimb, especially on the larger multiple pitches. Professional Rock climbing competitions have the objectives of either completing the route in the quickest possible time or attaining the farthest point on an increasingly difficult route. Scrambling, another activity involving the scaling of hills and similar formations, is similar to what is like for rock climbing. However, most rock climbing is generally differentiated by its sustained use of hands to support the climber’s weight as well as to provide good balance. Rock climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport, one that often tests a climber’s strength, endurance, agility and balance along with mental control. It can be a very dangerous activity and that is why knowledge of proper climbing techniques and the usage of specialised climbing equipment is crucial. Because of the wide range and variety of rock formations around the world, rock climbing has been separated into several different styles and various sub-disciplines.
climbing used to be considered the preserve of adrenaline junkies, but in recent years it has broken into the mainstream sports filed. A growing number of people in search of new experiences and outdoor adventure have been getting a taste for the crag in climbing centres around the country. According to estimates from the British Mountaineering Council (BMC) there are about 5 million visits to climbing walls each year in the UK. As a result it is a trend to find out about rock climbing’s unique physical and mental challenge, how to get started and the life skills it provides.
ALWAYS CONTINUE THE CLIMB It is possibile to do whatever you choose.
只要开始下降,就无法退缩,必须克服恐惧 与障碍,坚持到底。从自我激励,自我控制到超越 自我,最终走向成功。天空很高,丛林很密,人很 小,坠落很容易,对生命很依恋。在危险中挑战与 生俱来的恐惧感。 If you’re a rock climbing enthusiast, you can reap some significant health benefits by regularly participating in this type of exercise. Rock climbing can provide you with both emotional and physical health perks. However, if you do participate in rock climbing, make sure you have proper training and follow safety precautions. BYCI guarentee you the best climbing exeriences.
Health Benefits: Calorie Expenditure Perks Rock climbing is an excellent calorieburning exercise, which can help you achieve or maintain a healthy body weight. Harvard Health Publications reports that a 155-pound person burns about 818 calories hourly during a rock-climbing ascent and 596 calories per hour while rappelling. If you’re overweight or obese, burning just 500 calories more than you eat daily can help you shed 1 pound per week. Chronic Disease Prevention Rock climbing on a regular basis is an excellent way to reduce your risk for chronic diseases, such as heart disease, high blood.
BYCI ROCK CLIMBING 青年营攀岩 岱宗夫如何,齐鲁青未了。 造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓。 荡胸生层云,决眦入归鸟。 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。 文:Shu
BYCI proides perfect facility for mountain climbing enthusiasts and first-time climbers. 安静的立于喧嚣繁忙的 首都一隅 为久困都市的世人提供完善的户外运动综合 体验设施 和多元化场地。 In BYCI, put aside wordly matters; dip into the nature; breathe fresh air. 在北京国际青年营 这一片难得的绿树青山间 抛开繁忙疲惫的生活压力 尽情呼吸天然氧气吧 清新的空气 享受久违的大汗淋漓 加入我们。
摄影: Diao
ock climbing on a regular basis may help improve your mood or decrease bouts of depression. A review published in 2008 in Annals of General Psychiatry found that a variety of different exercises, including rock climbing, help improve the moods of people suffering from depression. Authors of this review report that in addition to rock climbing, other exercises that have been effective for improving depressed moods include aerobic dancing, jogging, swimming, walking, yoga and tai chi.
Never stop challenge yourself 攀岩是对青年的挑战 BYCI鼓励青年们永远保持接受挑战的 积极心态
Students waiting for rock climbing
Skill is equally important to courage
国际 青年营
how to rock climb
Skill is the unified force of experience, intellect and passion in their operation. 技巧是经验,思考和 热情的完美结合 ---John Ruskin(约翰.骆斯丁)
Now imagine a 1,000-foot tall vertical rock wall filled with cracks and outcrops that are so obvious and so easy to find that you can climb it like you climb a ladder. Rock climbing has always been landing in somewhere between these two extremes . In the easy case there isn’t really any skill involved at all. As long as a person is in decent physical shape, it’s possible for just about anyone to climb a rock like this. As the rock gets smoother and the handholds get farther apart and smaller, the climber begins to enter the realm of nuance and finesse. The climber usually must be able to find adequate handholds and footholds, balance on them in often very precarious positions.
Skill and confidence are an unconquered army.
Probably the easiest and safest way to get started in rock climbing today is to go to an indoor climbing facility and take lessons. There you will learn the basic techniques in a safe environment, build your strength and skills, and meet other climbers. Any major city will have two or three climbing gyms in the area. Once you understand the basics, you can find a partner and head out to start on easy sport routes. As you gain experience, you can move up to more advanced routes. 现代最简单和最常见的攀岩方式可能就是室内攀岩了。室内攀岩有完全, 先进和安全的设施还有教练进行安全和训练指导。初学者建议从室内开始。 Many climbers never move beyond sport climbing because they like the safety and speed of using pre-placed bolts. If you want to try advanced routes, or routes in remote areas, then you can learn how to place protection and try out traditional climbing. In making the jump to traditional climbing, it is essential to find a partner or hire a guide/instructor with traditional climbing experience so that you can learn how to safely place protection yourself. Now you have an idea of how to get started. And, you’ve learned that there are several forms of rock climbing, and that each requires different levels of skill. Strength, stamina and control are integral to mastering the sport. Some other important aspects are the equipment and climbing technique. In the next section we’ll take a look at the equipment and technique involved in sport climbing.
Lead Climbing and Belaying The first climber to climb the route is known as the lead climber. While he/she is climbing, the lead climber is protected by the rope attached to his/her harness. The other end of the rope is held by the second climber, who is known as the belayer. The belayer runs the rope through a belay device attached to his/her harness and feeds rope out as the lead climber rises. The two requires good cooperation. 第一个攀岩的人通常叫做“领导攀岩者。”当他开始的攀岩的时候,他都 会绑上安全绳索来保证人身安全。而绳索的另一端会绑在另一个队员身上。
BYCI Presents
PAINTBALL 真人CS The full, complete, true guide to be a paintball warrior.
我认为BYCI的理念非常好, 北京是一个国际化城市,越 来越多的人将会从世界各地 来到这座城市。BYCI是了 解北京活力的最好的渠道。 ---Nikii Shishido
联合国教科文组织继续 教育学院
The paintball part was great fun! I really enjoyed it. I met so many great friends there and I really love BYCI. Its whole atmosphere was great. ---Jack Johnson, Camper
BYCI is a great place to know about China and Chinese people. And I had great fun here. I think it increases my knowledge on Chinese people. --Jonathan Benjamin, Camper
我是女生,但是我也很喜欢真人CS, 我觉得女生穿上军装, 拿起武器也是很漂亮的。谁说我们女生不能很帅气,真的很 开心能跟BYCI 的其他营员们一起活动,整个过程都很有趣, 也认识了很多很好的外国朋友,真的觉得好有意义。 --马臻 中学生营员
“青少年时 期是一个人思想, 人格态度,行为, 形成的重要阶段。
aintball is a sport in which players compete, in teams or individually, to eliminate opponents by tagging them with capsules containing water-soluble dye and featuring a gelatin outer shell propelled from a device called a paintball marker (commonly referred to as a paintball gun). Paintballs are composed of a non-toxic, biodegradable, water-soluble polymer. The game is regularly played at a sporting level with organized competition involving major tournaments, professional teams, and players. Paintball technology is also used by military forces, law enforcement, para-military and security organizations to supplement military training, as well as playing a role in riot response, and non-lethal suppression of dangerous suspects. Games can be played on indoor or outdoor fields of varying sizes. A game field is scattered with natural or artificial terrain, which players use for tactical cover. Game types in paintball vary, but can include capture the flag, elimination, ammunition limits, defending or attacking a particular point or area, or capturing objects of interest hidden in the playing area.
在这一时期引导他 们正确面对压力和 挑战,正确地认知 社会环境和同龄伙 伴,对他们未来的 成长至关重要。 近年来,由北京团 市委协调,各种主 题的具有青少年营 地特征的活动如雨 后春笋,渐次出现。 这些活动如星 星之火,为首都的 青少年特色教育不 断增添亮色。” ---常宇 共青团北京市委书记
穿上护具 Wear your protection Get rugged in the wild Cultivate your spirit.
训练不是为了伤害别人 Physical trainning is not to harm others but to protect oneself.
There are many tips that can improve your game of piantball that don’t require massive amounts of money or new equipment. Each of these ten tips can be used to improve your game without costing any more than you already spend. 1. Move The key to paintball is movement and there’s no better paintball tip than to to learn how to move. You should learn when to move, learn how to move and move all the time.
Whether its woodsball or speedball, the key to victory in almost any paintball situation is to out maneuver your opponent. The best equipment in the world won’t win you a game if you’re out played with better timed movement and superior strategies. 在打真人CS的时候最好的 建议就是要学会跑动。你要 学会动去哪里,怎么动并且 最重要的是一直要动。动起 来之后你就会慢慢操纵你的 敌人队伍,最终战胜他们。
To many paintball victories. If you know where your opponent is, try to make it so he doesn’t know where you are. If you don’t know where your opponent is, find him as fast as you can.
vancing up the field or nev- of paintballs are different sizer stand up to fight the battle. es. If your paintballs are smaller than your barrel, it doesn’t matRather than hiding, a good ter how consistently you depaintball player trains him- liver air, each time a different self to evade oncoming fire amount will escape around the and then move to a better paintball and you won’t be able A natural reaction that ev- location as soon as he can. to reliably shoot your paintballs. eryone has when paint is fly任何一样需要器械的运动都对器械 ing at them is to squat down 2. Get a Good Paint To Barrel and duck their head . This is a You have to buy paintballs to 有很高的要求,真人CS也是一样。 好的器械能让你增加获胜的几率。 very good thing and habbit. play the game, so you might as well get some paint that fits. If The bad habit many players your paint is round and fits snugget into is that once their head ly in your barrel your accuracy is down they are only willing will definitely improve . And a to slowly peek and fire from lot of times many players don’t their hiding place, never ad- realize is that different brands
3. Walk the Field One trip around the field can pay off huge dividends as you learn the angles and know the locations of the best cover. 第 三 , 事 先 逛 一 下 场 地 能 让 你 熟 悉 战 场 和 作 战 环 境 。
4. Get in Shape A day of paintball is much more fun and you can actually focus on your game if you aren’t constantly gasping for air due to lack of fitness trainnig. 经 常 锻 炼 能 让 你 在 跑 动 过 程 中 比 你 的 敌 人 更 快 。
5. Know What You and Your Equipment are Capable of Doing If you know you can’t shoot worth anything when you run don’t try it in a game. If you know you can’t win a high speed shootout, don’t try. If you know your gun isn’t accurate beyond sixty feet, save your paint. 如 果 你 知 道 你 在 跑 动 过 程 中 没 有 办 法 射 击 , 那 么 在 实 地 战 斗 中 也 不 要 尝 试 。
6. Don’t Be The Hero Paintball players have a tendency to want to be the star of the show and that often gets them into trouble. If you want occasional individual glory.
很 队 尽 的
多 参 加 真 人 C 的明星。如果 可能的享受游 逞能,这项游
S 的 营 员 都 想 当 只是一两次那么 戏。但是不要过 戏还是团队游戏
团 请 多 。
7. Plan, Plan, Plan A good team strategy will almost always win against the very superior fire power and superior numbers. 在任何一场“战斗”前都要做好详尽 的计划,这样才能保证战斗的胜利。
8. Practice on Your Own Improve your game on your own time so you can step out. 尽可能的增加练习时间,因为只有多 练习才能在战场上保护自己和队友。
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