3 minute read
Ready for some victory over anxiety and fear?
by Doug Collins
Anxiety may be the word most used of late to describe our modern condition. If you, or someone you know is suffering from the influences of anxiety or fear in your life, you are not alone, and there is hope.
Anxiety is the result of being caught between your multiple, incomplete perceptions and a failure to grasp the truth.
Here’s what I mean by that. If you perceive that you are overweight (for example), you may be correct. That doesn’t mean you should feel anxious. Instead, a healthy response falls between acceptance of this truth and a desire to do something about it. But anxiety enters the equation when I am concerned about my weight AND I believe others are judging me because of it, OR if I feel powerless to change the situation.
Fear, in this context, would be a level of anxiety that is debilitating. In the example above, it would look like staying home and avoiding social situations because of anxiety over how you are perceived. Fear will freeze you in place.
You can be free from anxiety and fear.
The first thing to know is that it is very rare for growth to happen in a
place of comfort. Whatever end result we hope for, we will have to do things that are not easy in order to get there. This is opposite of an ideology that influences our world today. I see more and more people doing everything they can to avoid discomfort. While no one welcomes or embraces pain, being uncomfortable at times cannot be avoided. I must decide what I want and what I am willing to do to get there.
Knowing the truth, embracing it in a healthy way, and then acting to quiet the noise of wrong perceptions is an effective path toward dealing with anxiety. There are many levels of truth in this world, but the highest form involves a recognition of the presence of God and an understanding of how much He loves us.
I have overcome a few nearly debilitating areas of anxiety in my own life by learning that truth. I am free from concern about how I am perceived as I realize who I am in relation to God. Jesus said, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8.32 NIV) The truth is that God loves each one of us exactly how we are and desires to lead us to being exactly how He designed us to be. Sin created more than separation, it created doubt, fear, and anxiety. When I know that He created me with a purpose and He loves me, it frees me from concern about how I am perceived. I become aware that only the opinion of my Creator and Savior matters. John, a follower of Jesus, said, “Perfect love drives away fear.” (1 John 4.18 NIV)
But I have to do more than just accept it in my mind. God calls me to enter into a relationship with Him through faith in the shed blood of Jesus. He is willing to wash all of my failures and shortcomings away IF I will just ask. That is embracing truth in a healthy way. From there, He leads me into a process of being healed from what I have done, what others have done to me, and my collected hurts and scars. I get the privilege of a daily walk with the ultimate physician, and He heals me from the things that have imprisoned me.
Sometimes anxiety tries to return. I do not allow it. When feelings of inadequacy and failure arise, I speak back to them with truth. Because, with God, I have nothing to fear…and you don’t need to either.
Pastor Doug Collins is a graduate of Morningside College with degrees in psychology and religious studies. He has pastored for the last 14 years serving at Radiant Life for the past 10 years.
“Everyone is welcome to join us for Sunday services or if you need help navigating life and meeting God, just call.”
Radiant Life Community Church 2410 W 1st St, Sioux City, IA 712-899-5562