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3 ways to improve yourself today
1. Sleep more
A study shows that just slight sleep deprivation impairs our productivity. Going for 17 hours or more without sleep can leave us operating at about the same level as someone legally drunk.
2. Warm up right
If you warm up by doing static stretches (holding a stretch) before you workout you may not be doing yourself any favors. Research from Stephen F. Austin State University found that exercisers who did dynamic warm-ups (muscle-warming movements like walking lunges and high skips) were able to perform better and had less injuries.
3. Wear sunglasses
Our skin isn’t the only thing we need to protect from the sun. Donning a pair of shades every day will guard against sunburn, cataracts, and even skin cancer. Choose sunglasses with 99-100% UV absorption or UV 400. Remember, the bigger the glasses, the better the protection you’ll get.