Being Better in Siouxland . Spring 2020

Page 18


Laughter Laughter is the

best medicine.

Actual questions asked by lawyers during a trial... “You were there until the time you left. Is that true?”

Body of Knowledge

“The youngest son, the 21-year-old, how old is he?”

[Enjoy a cup of weight loss

“Were you present when your picture was taken?”

[Brew up some immunity According to a University of Florida study, people who drank two cups of green tea daily for three months had 32% fewer colds than non-tea sippers.

[Drink to your heart According to American Dietetic Assoc. spokeswoman Katherine Tallmadge, MA, RD, LD there seems to be no downside to drinking tea. “It’s pretty well established that the compounds in tea – their flavonoids – are good for the heart and may reduce cancer.”

[Make no bones about it According to a article, data from recent animal studies has shown that green tea may prevent bone loss.

“Were you alone or by yourself?” “Was it you or your younger brother who was killed in the war?”

Sleep more

A study shows that just slight sleep deprivation impairs our productivity. Going for 17 hours or more without sleep can leave us operating at about the same level as someone legally drunk.

“Did he kill you?” “How far apart were the vehicles at the time of the collision?”

In the know Only one of these common sayings is really in the Bible. Which one?

A - God helps those who help themselves. B - Money is the root of all evil. C - To thine own self be true. D - To everything there is a season. E - Cleanliness is next to godliness. F - Love the sinner, hate the sin.

Answer: D. While you’ve heard this in famous songs like “Turn, Turn, Turn” by The Byrds, this originates in the Bible: Ecclesiastes 3:1. (A is attributed to Ben Franklin. B is a misquote from the Bible: 1 Timothy 6:10 says, “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” C is from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. E is actually in the Talmud. F is found in one of St. Augustine’s letters.)


Improve yourself

Being Better in Siouxland magazine / Spring 2020

Warm up right

If you warm up by doing static stretches (holding a stretch) before you workout you may not be doing yourself any favors. Research from Stephen F. Austin State University found that exercisers who did dynamic warm-ups (muscle-warming movements like walking lunges and high skips) were able to perform better and had less injuries.

Wear sunglasses

Our skin isn’t the only thing we need to protect from the sun. Donning a pair of shades every day will guard against sunburn, cataracts, and even skin cancer. Choose sunglasses with 99-100% UV absorption or UV 400. Remember, the bigger the glasses, the better the protection you’ll get.

All images Tea lady Raisa Kanareva; Tea pouring Marian Weyo; Bible Anelina; Man sleeping Rido; Sunglasses jakkapan.

Research continues to brew up the benefits of tea─including weight loss. The combination of caffeine and catechins (an antioxidant) speeds up your metabolism. Opt for true teas: green, black, white, oolong, and pu-erh tea.

A recent scientific study showed that out of 2,293,618,367 people, 94% are too lazy to actually read that number.

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